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Efelon 2008-06-29 11:44

Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Hi there,

since i updated to diablo i'm no longer able to connect to my sip provider. I rechecked allready the entrys and even reflashed back to chinook ( RX-44_2008SE_2.2007.51-3_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM) to try it there:

After flashing i only configured my wlan an entered my sip data in chinook and diablo the same way. Using chinook it connects within one second and on diablo i get the "unable to connect...." even faster than one second.

Is it possible to check which actual login data diablo uses? Some debug mode or log file....?

Maybe there is an answer allready out there? :o

Thanks in advance

maillaxa 2008-06-29 21:25

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Won't help but here I can connect to my SIP provider (free) in Diablo. What is your SIP provider ?

Efelon 2008-06-29 21:40

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
I'm in germany and connect to the provider 1und1. In this case:

hcel 2008-06-29 21:54

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
I'm able to connect to my gizmo/ account without any issues here (on Diablo).

maillaxa 2008-06-29 22:03

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo

Originally Posted by Efelon (Post 197423)
I'm in germany and connect to the provider 1und1. In this case:

Are you using gizmo or the RTcomm SIP client ?

Efelon 2008-06-30 06:50

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
I want to use the internal RTcomm application because it worked fine under chinook. I didn't test gizmo jet.

In the meanwhile i installed the RTcomm-beta update but it is still not able to connect. I also had a look on the sip account setting using the gconf-editor (/apps/telepathy/mc/accounts/sip0) but couldn't find any suspicious entrys.

I installed gizmo yesterday and it worked fine with my provider (1und1). It's definitely only the rtcomm client which doesn't work with this specific provider.

Efelon 2008-07-05 20:11

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Mhm? So no one seams to have a similar problem. Is there at least someone from germany with 1und1 as provider and of course a n810? :confused:

IcelandDreams 2008-07-05 20:34

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
I don't use that provider or have an 810 but a quick look around tells me the settings are standard SIP like most others. Have you tried to delete the account on the N8 and start fresh? Or create a new account and set it up (disabling the other)? Are you using a SIP auth-id under Advanced settings as well as the regular username?

My N800 made the diablo transition and my SIP account against a home brew asterisk box works like it did before, very good and at least as good as a cell phone but much cheaper.

Efelon 2008-07-07 07:02

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Hi IcelandDreams


Originally Posted by IcelandDreams (Post 199675)
I don't use that provider or have an 810 but a quick look around tells me the settings are standard SIP like most others. Have you tried to delete the account on the N8 and start fresh? Or create a new account and set it up (disabling the other)? Are you using a SIP auth-id under Advanced settings as well as the regular username?

I tried everything you mentioned and i think every other possible combination of login data as well. Do you know if there is a log file where i can find the exact reason why the authentication fails?

Like i wrote before the account works fine with gizmo(v97) using diablo and the basic login information. Same goes to the rtcomm client together with chinook.

I already tried to start osso-voip-ui from xterm but didn't get any information at all.

IcelandDreams 2008-07-07 11:42

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
I'm using the builtin SIP client with diablo. I might suggest a new flash without any comm apps added. Are you getting proper internet for everything else? The quick error message suggests that it isn't getting DNS or routing. On rare occasion I'll get that but it will be everything on the net and a quick reattach to WiFI solves it.

I would try it from this end but I don't have an account at that provider.

itschy 2008-07-07 13:46

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Hi Efelon.

I do have the exactly same problem, 1und1 won't connect whatever I do, telling me something was wrong with authorization.
It did work on chinook however, and another SIP-account ( is working fine from diablo.
I have no idea how to fix this :(

greetings, itschy

Efelon 2008-07-07 17:18

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo

Originally Posted by IcelandDreams (Post 200164)
I'm using the builtin SIP client with diablo. I might suggest a new flash without any comm apps added. Are you getting proper internet for everything else?

I already reflashed twice and tried. (see first post) Everything else internet related works as it should. (update app, browser, gizmo...)

Good that there is someone with the same problem, but bad for us. I'm sorry to say but at the moment we're not closer to the solution than at the beginning.

Don't give up ;)

danher 2008-07-12 20:12

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Efelon, let me join the group: I'm also experiencing the same problem with diablo and an 1&1 sip account... and I do not have a solution yet, but will keep an eye on this thread.
A couple of questions for you, though:
When you say "I installed gizmo yesterday and it worked fine with my provider (1und1)" you mean, you actually entered you account in gizmo5 and were able to use gizmo5 as a sip client for the 1&1 account? I don't see a way to add such an account in gizmo (it keeps telling me that my user name should start with a-z).
Next question is: Did the 1&1 sip account under chinook work when you were NOT at home, i.e. at some public hotspot? I tried once and it didn't and read somewhere that the 1&1 "SIP-URI von aussen erreichbar: Nein" (SIP-URI externally reachable: No).
I don't see much of a point in getting 1&1 SIP to work if it only would work at home as I can use my phones there...


IcelandDreams 2008-07-12 20:38

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo

Originally Posted by danher (Post 202267)
I don't see much of a point in getting 1&1 SIP to work if it only would work at home as I can use my phones there...

Do you have a working account at home and trying to setup the same account on the N8? Would this be using the same authentication details? If so is that possible? Most SIP accounts require a unique ID for each registering device. The ATA at home is one device which is then analog to the whole house but the N8 would be another device. I have a number of devices but they each have their own extension and ID.

I doubt this is the case but thought I'd ask to be sure.

Efelon 2008-07-13 13:32

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo

Originally Posted by danher (Post 202267)
When you say "I installed gizmo yesterday and it worked fine with my provider (1und1)" you mean, you actually entered you account in gizmo5 and were able to use gizmo5 as a sip client for the 1&1 account? I don't see a way to add such an account in gizmo (it keeps telling me that my user name should start with a-z).

You need an gizmo account in order to use a second one with the software. In the login window of gizmo you can find a check box at the bottom to enable a second account. There you can enter all the information necessary. (Server:, Kontoname: 49VorwahlDurchwal and Password) With that information i can make and receive calls. Gizmo will prompt for which account to use and you're also able to configure gizmo to always use the second one.


Originally Posted by danher (Post 202267)
Next question is: Did the 1&1 sip account under chinook work when you were NOT at home, i.e. at some public hotspot? I tried once and it didn't and read somewhere that the 1&1 "SIP-URI von aussen erreichbar: Nein" (SIP-URI externally reachable: No).
I don't see much of a point in getting 1&1 SIP to work if it only would work at home as I can use my phones there...

Yes it did work under chinook. I was even able to test it in US somewhere in South Carolina with the hotel wlan and my companys wlan. In both cases it was like plug and play. The only funny thing about was that incoming calls hung up after 36sec. Outgoing calls worked fine. Don't ask me about the exact configuration at that time. I'm pretty sure i provided the additonal authentication information and also the 1und1 STUN server.
In my opinion is the problem you described only related to some sort of DNS or firewall or port blocking issues with that particular wlan.

I'm not sure as well if it is possible to have multiple devices with the same number. I have two numbers from my provider. One for the regular phone and one additional in this case only for the n810.


IcelandDreams 2008-07-13 20:57

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo

Originally Posted by Efelon (Post 202455)
I'm not sure as well if it is possible to have multiple devices with the same number. I have two numbers from my provider. One for the regular phone and one additional in this case only for the n810.


You likely can't run multiple devices off the same account. The call wouldn't know which way to go. But if you have two distinct accounts then no problem. Something to try is to see if you can make the account work from a softphone on a pc. xlite or some other standards based SIP application (not gizmo, skype or other like that). If xlite works without issue then something is goofy with the diablo app but so far mine works the same as it did under chinook.

scg 2008-07-20 09:15

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Same here with (also 1und1/schlund)

One difference in the configuration I noticed is that the following entry is missing in the diablo configuration files.


<entry name="normalized_name" mtime="1215880221" type="string">

BTW, I started with diablo from scratch, so it's very unlikely that some previous configuration messed things up.

Is there any logfile which can be used to track down this bug?

SteelBlade 2008-07-26 03:10

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
i've got exactly the same problem with italian provider Eutelia, chinhook works fine, diablo fails to connect... in the next days i'll try to sniff the packets to see the difference between chinhook and diablo!

scg 2008-07-31 17:20

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Good idea, actually there is a hidden function to trace the packets on my home router.

The authentication fails because of Error 403 "No RFC1918-IPs allowed".

seems that the internal ip-address is passed to 1und1/gmx.


edit:/ could it be that the stun was changed and is not working correctly in diablo?

lilith 2008-08-06 20:01

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo

Originally Posted by SteelBlade (Post 207181)
i've got exactly the same problem with italian provider Eutelia, chinhook works fine, diablo fails to connect... in the next days i'll try to sniff the packets to see the difference between chinhook and diablo!

I also had this problem with eutelia and Diablo. After a good amount of struggling, I found out that disabling the "Discover public address" option things were working again. But I still have troubles with incoming calls... they get dropped after around 20 seconds of conversation :(

jsnorman 2008-08-12 04:20

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Me too.

OS2008 Diablo - network error
OS2008 out of box - connected fine, but I only got one way communication (no incoming sound, outgoing sound worked ok).

Tested with softphone on my pc from same network and everything works fine.

Disabled "Discover Public IP" and I can connect now, BUT something is very wrong. I get ringing when I dial, but no answer therefore call is not going out properly. At least with the previous OS I could make a call even if I couldn't hear anyone talking!

I suspect that callcentric requires codec settings that are not supported; here is what I need to set somehow (but I cannot find settings for these):

Silence Suppression NO or OFF
G.723 Rate 6.3 kbps
Codec Orders Place codec's that are available in the following order (from 1 highest priority, to 12 lowest priority):
1. G.729
2. G.723 6.3k
3. GSM
4. iLBC
5. Speex 8k
6. G.728
7. G.726
8. Speex 16k
9. Speex 32k
10. G.722
11. G.711 mu-law
12. G.711 A-law

Other Settings:

STUN Server NO or OFF
Subscribe for Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) NO or OFF
Send DTMF RTP (RFC 2833)
DTMF Payload Type 101

seiichiro0185 2008-08-15 20:37

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Well, any solution for this jet? I'm too would like to get my 1und1-sip account to work, but only get the authentication error. my second account ( works fine. btw. I'm on latest diablo, 4.2008.30-2

lilith 2008-08-16 08:03

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo

Originally Posted by seiichiro0185 (Post 214167)
Well, any solution for this jet? I'm too would like to get my 1und1-sip account to work, but only get the authentication error. my second account ( works fine. btw. I'm on latest diablo, 4.2008.30-2

Have you tried disabling the "discover public address" option in the advanced configuration of your SIP account?

seiichiro0185 2008-08-16 11:06

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Yes, tried with that enabled and disabled, no difference

cybergypsy 2008-08-21 13:21

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Not sure if I am having the same problem , anyway....

I am having trouble with incoming calls to rtcomm using gizmo5 as my service provider.
When a call comes in the device lights up, the rtcomm voice application automatically opens and the cpu spikes as you would expect , but the answer dialogue doesn't pop-up and the caller is told I am offline.

I have tested it with my voxalot number and that works perfectly.

Outgoing calls work fine.

Incoming and outgoing calls work fine if I use the gizmo5 softphone instead of rtcomm.

anyone else got this problem ?

update - I am now forwarding my gizmo5 number to voxalot and the incoming calls work fine that way ?! what a strange bug

SteelBlade 2008-08-22 18:22

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
this is what i've discovered so far:
-i've got the problem of failed login on diablo only behind a nat (quite obvious), the same settings (discover public address enabled) works fine on a plain connection, no drop after 30 secs
-on chinhook everything works fine, but if i disable the discover public address the call will drop after about 30 secs
-on diablo the login works only with discover public address disabled but this make the incoming calls drop after about 30 secs

i'm waiting to come back from holidays to set up the test environment to sniff the packets

jsmith 2008-08-23 00:19

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Random thought here... not sure if it's relevant or not. Under Chinook, SIP authentication would fail after installing support for .ogg files -- something to do with the codecs. I haven't tried this under Diablo yet, but I'll try to give it a shot this weekend.

lon 2008-08-31 13:52

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Callcentric works for me. The trick seems to be to disable STUN, and set an outgoing proxy. Perhaps STUN is broken in diablo.

In detail, my rtcomm settings are:

Username: <my number> @
Password: <my password>
Use for PSTN calls enabled
With non-default advanced settings:
Transport: UDP
Outgoing proxy:
Discover public address: off
I don't know anything about 1und1, but perhaps something similar would work. I haven't really tried to get Gizmo to work either.

burbie 2008-08-31 15:08

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo

Originally Posted by Efelon (Post 199667)
Mhm? So no one seams to have a similar problem. Is there at least someone from germany with 1und1 as provider and of course a n810?

Hi all,
I'm with 1und1 in Germany and playing with my n800 running newest Diablo (30-2) I'm experiencing exactly the same problem as Efelon but only from behind a NAT. The same SIP account runs fine from a direct GPRS/EDGE connection with a public IP-number assigned.

I tried to trace the packets on my local router and I can confirm that the error msg is 403 Keine RFC1918-IPs erlaubt
I also can see no connection attempt at all to in the course of the registering negotiations, independently on the STUN settings.


lon 2008-08-31 21:24

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Looks like you 1und1 users are out of luck. It appears that the NIT Telepathy client only uses stun for the data connection, not for SIP. I believe that this is the usual approach; there is no need for stun in order to talk to a server (although the keep-alive is important). But the 1und1 server doesn't seem to accept NATed clients.

So your best option is probably to get a Voxalot account, and let it talk to the 1und1 server. This may be worthwhile anyway. I really like Voxalot; it's wonderful for getting around the various limitations of different SIP providers. It's free if you only want out-going calls, $15 (US) per year to handle one SIP registration, and $25 per year to handle up to five SIP registrations.


burbie 2008-09-02 21:06

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Lon, you may well be right. It's not a STUN issue.
Have a look at that thread:
I think we 1und1 users might be in a similar position.


tarek 2008-10-16 19:52

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo

Originally Posted by lon (Post 219446)
Callcentric works for me. The trick seems to be to disable STUN, and set an outgoing proxy. Perhaps STUN is broken in diablo.

In detail, my rtcomm settings are:

Username: <my number> @
Password: <my password>
Use for PSTN calls enabled
With non-default advanced settings:
Transport: UDP
Outgoing proxy:
Discover public address: off
I don't know anything about 1und1, but perhaps something similar would work. I haven't really tried to get Gizmo to work either.

I've tried the settings quoted above for my callcentric account, and yet it still says "Network Error", even when I put the N810 as the DMZ device. Any other advice on how to debug this?

tarek : )

stangri 2008-10-17 00:42

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
I think username is wrong. I also use callcentric and my login/password for SIP are different from the phone number and (I think) web-admin login/password. You might want to double-check with callcentric support as to what to use.

Lori Schlank 2008-10-19 12:54

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
I am 1und1 user too :-(
Is there any solution/workaround out there now?

If it works for chinook - I cannot understand why it is not possible to get it working for diablo. Has anyone contacted the developers of according packages?

Lori Schlank 2008-10-19 13:22

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
Hmm .. I have just discovered that I can login to my 1und1 account from my neighbors internet connection (it is telekom dsl).

That should help to solve the problem - should not? Perhaps it is a matter of correct configuration of the router. Any idea?

How can I tunnel all the network traffic of my n810 to server x (for testing)?

Lori Schlank 2008-10-22 08:41

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
after testing for a while i am nearly sure that it is not a problem with 1und1! the problem is the router 1und1 is shipping with a contract. it has voip capabilities using similar ports needed by maemo phone software.

is there anyone out there who can help me going further?

itschy 2008-10-22 10:54

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
I also think these two are linked (sip-client on n800 and on router), but before diablo, both sip clients worked side by side allowing n800-sip inside an network.
So there must be some change in diablo that prevents this now. Might be a bugfix though...

Lori Schlank 2008-10-27 20:56

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
I am using voxalot now. It is great. Just works :)

puk 2008-11-13 17:25

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
it's a german problem, ...maybe.

I'm using:
a N800, OS2008 (diablo?) Ver. 4.2008.36-5.

"Internetanruf" doesn't connect to Ekiga when i stay behind an Asus WL500GP router.
At work i could connect. But i haven't tried calling yet.

My configuration:
Benutzername: [p******k] @ []
Kennwort: [**************]
PSTN-Anrufe [aktiv]

Transport: [Automatisch]
Ausgehender Proxy: []
Port: [5060]
Öff. Adr. erkennen: [Aktiv]
Keepalive-Mech.: [Automatisch]
Keepalive-Freq.: [0]

Authentifizierung-Benutzername: [p******k]
Kennwort: [**************]

Automatische STUN-Erkennung: [Aktiv]

Ekiga's Software using on a PC does connect from behind my Router.
Tomorrow at work I will check, if connecting will work while using a STUN-Server (maybe - without "Automatische STUN-Erkennung".

puk 2008-11-14 12:39

Re: Sip Authentication failed on Diablo
I changed the values of “Öff. Adr. erkennen” to false and
“Automatische STUN-Erkennung” to false. So I set as stun server and port to 3478. it does connect at work.

edit: i'm able to talk to

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