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new omweather (0.21) rocks
I couldn't help it...
just updated omweather and wow ! thank you developers. everybody else - update and check for your self! :cool: |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
I just updated omweather... WOW!!!! It is great. Thank you for your work.
--------------------------- kj4ebe |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
I have to agree. The update to OM Weather is nice. I redone settings UI is much better, and the option to few the device temperature is a nice touch.
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
settings look good, but the add part is grayed out...
seems im missing a package, never mind. |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Vlad |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
i cant seem to find it. only search on omweather gives the applet itself and the icon packs...
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
i got to hand it to you, the settings of omweather look AMAZING! thanks for this valuable application! keep up the good work!
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
I forgot to put this packet to diablo repository. Check up now,please. Vlad. |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
works like a charm :D |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Wowzers! Holy ****! This thing just keeps evolving into the most beautiful AND useful application on the tablet. It's beautiful as well as functional and you keep tweaking at it as if it was aspiring to the level of artcrafting.
HUGE thanks for here!! Is there any way we can reciprocate for your excellent work? Donation? Wishlist on Amazon or Think Geek or something? Can't say thank you enough for your attention to detail and keeping up the updates! |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Vlad. |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Any ideas why I get:
http://i36.tinypic.com/iqwwus.png Instead of: http://i38.tinypic.com/125o07n.png Not a serious problem but the gradient looks pretty :) Edit, sorry, pictures should now load. |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
The first picture is only model of our designer Andrew Zhilin. The arrows around city name will be available in version 0.21.1 in September. Gradient will be made later.
Vlad. |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Well, more to say, my mockup will totally suck in compare with september release :)
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Excellent work guys, thank you. I love the new look of omweather 0.21. One minor problem, I noticed that if you select inHg for displaying the barometric pressure, it will read 0.03.
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
It seems to me that the "Show wind" check box has no effect. Wind info is shown regardless. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Hmm installing this from testing extras and the station .db results in nothing showing up. I had to uninstall and revert back to the previous version in extras.
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Wow! Absolutely sets the benchmark for other apps. Well done guys!
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
great update. wind works fine for me (it just displays the wind direction under the temperature on the deskop). However, one issue I have noticed is sunrise/sunset times are not accurate.
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
cant seem to update. still showing 0.20.6. any ideas
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
extra-devel only...
so unless you feel like beta-testing, dont bother... |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
I'd like to ask little help from some one speaking English as a first language. Omweather's English help file has many errors and it would be good if some one can read it through and send the fixes for us. Best way would be to join the team in https://garage.maemo.org/projects/omweather/ but all help is appreciated.
Localizations may have also some translation errors so please fill a bug or contact us some other means. Adding new translations is also fairly easy so if you are interested to translate omweather for your own language please contact us and we can tell you how to get started. Our gratitude is all you get and probably your name in the thanks page in the omweather. I hope it's enough :D |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
any chance of ever having the option of tapping and getting a radar image for the set region?
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
I'd be happy to put my years of English study to use for you. Just registering a maemo account, and will join the team as soon as it allows me to do so.
- Brian |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Excellent job! It works flawlessly for me. Thanks.
I love the new sensor temperature feature. Does anybody know the effect on battery drain by setting this to update every 1 minute vs every 30 minutes? |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
I jest. In all seriousness, thanks for joining the team and helping to add to the already impressive quality assurance they've provided for a wonderful and free tool! Yeah, yeah. I'm overflowing with praise but how can't you? As someone else put it, this application is certainly raising the bar for quality. |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
danramos --
hahaha... I think you misspelled the first (and fifth) word(s) in your reply. It's spelled o-p-t-i-o-n-a-l. ;) |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
For some reason on my install, I can't see the drop down lists in the add station dialog.
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
He's right, actually. :) In my old-school parochial advanced English classes they warned us about overusing commas in sentences and they heavily drilled us on Chicago style rules for the purposes of writing clear-to-read articles and for composition style in print. Despite their drilling an aversion of commas into us, there are plenty of correct places to use them that add timbre and convey expressions much more effectively and accurately than a bland string of subject-verb-object sentences, one after another. For a pretty simple but clear explanation, check out Perdue University's Online Writing Lab: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handou...r/g_comma.html And... Wow! Has this conversation EVER gone so off-topic? Sorry. :) |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
EDIT: Also, your screenshot is not sitting on an ice puddle. You need an ice puddle. Or maybe a circular mirror. EDIT2: Also you need something to prop up the screenshot on the ice puddle. |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Very nice. Having said that, it's very easy to lose changes to your settings by pressing the "(<)" back button, rather than the green OK. There's no confirmation, and since it's a new UI experimentation is many people's primary method of exploration.
There's also a nastiness where if your applet is positioned at the bottom left of your screen, clicking the "(X)" close button on the detail view can often trigger it to come back up again as the click percolates down to the desktop. It's also not clear to me why the default Gtk+ look is coming through, rather than the Hildon theme. I suspect this is because you want to ensure it always looks the same, rather than taking into account the user's theme. If so, applications which consider their own design to be more important than system consistency are generally a Bad Thing[TM], IME. |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
https://garage.maemo.org/tracker/ind...id=93&atid=420 I hope we will make this in the current year. Vlad. |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Oh thanks for this new update it looks nice and more functional, i just happen to have some crashes of my desktop when i try to update tried several times but can't seem to stabilise it so i will have to uninstall it to start afreash probably unless there is some workaround, any help is much welcome.
the db and applet well installed |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
About confirmation: good idea, I think well implement that in stable version. About doubleclick: well :) I think it's a bit tricky "bug", but I'll think over it how it can be avoided. About theming: Right now it's just a test of future OMWeather appearence (see above), we are finishing it rught now. For those who don't like that we have a checkbutton to disable it and enable Hildon theming :) |
Re: new omweather (0.21) rocks
Vlad |
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