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bunanson 2008-09-14 23:53

Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
If you have a grandcentral acct, pls try it. It is really NOT that difficult and it is pretty fun to use it like a phone.

Answer incoming calls:

I use Gizmo5, in fact the built-in sip (see the next couple lines for SIP setup) will do just fine. You do need a grandcentral number to answer calls from regular phone. Goto step 3) to set up incoming call using grandcentral.

1) Communication>Internet call>Tools>Accounts...>New>Next>Service SIP>Next>
User name: Gizmo
password: Gizmo password
and check Use for PSTN calls:

If it sets up right, you should now have a green icon next to wifi icon on the status bar. You do not need the Advanced setting. If it flicking between green and red, your sip accounts setup is NOT correct. Try proceed with Advanced setup,

2) Advanced> (most people does not need this)
Connection: Transport: choose UDP
Outgoing proxy: blank
Port: - 5060 +
Discover public address: checked
Keep-alive mechanism: Auto
Keep-alive frequency: - 0 +
Authentication leave them blank
STUN uncheck Auto-detect STUN
STUN server:
STUN port: - 3478 +

log into gizmo, when phone rings, tap on the Answering incoming call, then the Gizmo icon will now turns to page 2, go back to gizmo page 1, tap on the phone icon (on top of the page, right below status bar, you see < Home Phonebook Calls > and a phone icon) to get a dial pad and hit 1 you should now able to talk/listen from the tablet, just like a Nokiafone. Dont get frustrated, it takes awhile to get a hole on the dial pad to catch the call... Maybe some guru can make the dialpad comes up by self, that would be tremendous help.

For the built-in sip, during incoming calls, tap to answer incoming call, menu>Internet call>DTMF dialing and hit 1 and you then able to talk/listen, just like a Nokiafone

Dial out:
Gizmo acct, free
Grandcentral acct, free; dont know how one can get it now, apparantly it has closed

Repeat step 1) or maybe 2) as above.
Install DialCentral from, put it all together by brontide. Setup and fill in grand central username/password and that is almost it, you are almost ready to make outgoing call!

3) On the PC, log into your Gizmo5 account, under Account Overview, jog down your 1-747-.... number. and then log into your grandcentral account and under settings, setup your calls to go to this 1-747- number, your Gizmo phone number. And jog down the phone number on your right upper corner of your grandcentral log in. This is the number for people to call you from their cell/land line and your tablet will answer. You now ready to make call from your tablet!

770/2008He one has to use earplugs. Dialcentral 0.8.0-9
Gizmo project

Useful links:

Credits: To all the above hackers/developers made it possible, TIA. I just document here, also for my own use. I recently updated to Diablo and loss this feature, and I tried and tried for 2 days, cannot get thru setting up the SIP account right. Hope this helps someone :)



gemniii42 2008-09-15 12:29

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
Great guide, except for the part:

Grandcentral acct, free; dont know how one can get it now, apparantly it has closed

bunanson 2008-09-15 12:34

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE

Originally Posted by gemniii42 (Post 224023)
Great guide, except for the part:

I want to help, but I do not know how :(. Sorry. I heard one can still apply for a grandcentral number, we just dont know when will they act on it.


Texrat 2008-09-15 12:50

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
Thanks for the how-to bun!

Unfortunately the N810 SIP client cannot login using my Gizmo credentials... maybe I'm misunderstanding something...

EDIT: scratch that-- I can't even log into Gizmo's account page arg...

EDIT 2: Not sure why my Gizmo account was inactivated... but I created a new Gizmo5 account.

Now I've made it much farther except for the following 2 problems:

-If I try to dial out from the tablet, using the DialCentral keypad, the tablet gets an incoming call from itself. After I hang that up, THEN the actual number I called rings. Ack.

-If I try dialing out directly from the SIP client, I get no answer from the other number.

-If I try calling the tablet, it rings just fine, but a voice prompts me to press 1 to answer... and there is no 1 to press...


gemniii42 2008-09-15 14:46

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 224025)
I want to help, but I do not know how :(. Sorry. I heard one can still apply for a grandcentral number, we just dont know when will they act on it.


bun - don't get me wrong, I like the guide, just I haven't been able to get an account.

bunanson 2008-09-15 16:20

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 224026)
...-...-If I try calling the tablet, it rings just fine, but a voice prompts me to press 1 to answer... and there is no 1 to press...


If you using gizmo5, when phone rings, it created a new gizmo page. So you have to go back to the 1st page (the home page when you log in) and looked under the task bar, there is a phone icon. Hit that phone icon you will get a dial pad and press 1 will answer the phone. I know, i know, it is not perfect, but hey, it is fun, right?

The other question has something to do with your configuration on the grandcentral, play with it, then you will not calling yourself :)

I am glad you like it. Correct, this is NOT a replacement for your cell, but it is a hack that I think is pretty fun and also useful at time you need to call somebody and has only wifi and tablet... you got the picture.

Edit: Oh, if you are using DialCentral, it called back you hang up and answer, that is the way it is.


dantrevino 2008-09-15 17:28

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
bah. grandcentral wont accept my free gizmo call in as a valid gizmo #.

bunanson 2008-09-15 17:30

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE

Originally Posted by dantrevino (Post 224096)
bah. grandcentral wont accept my free gizmo call in as a valid gizmo #.

more info please

I just tried it now, it still worked.


lm2 2008-09-15 17:54

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
This guide may help as well. It's how I set mine up.

Texrat 2008-09-15 18:46

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
Eh, I'm not usiing Gizmo5 on the tablet, just the native SIP client. I'm starting to think this won't work without installing Gizmo5...

EDIT: figured out the incoming call part. It's a PITA, but when a call comes in, you have to accept, then VERY QUICKLY click the SIP client menu bar and select Internet Call/DTMF Dialing. In my case I had to click 1 to answer.


I see the need for a dialpad button on the app's home screen...

/me scurries off to submit software request (done)

pomokey 2008-09-15 19:30

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
texrat, if you have an n810, you can press just press 1 on the keyboard (you might need to pres it twice if I remember correctly)

Texrat 2008-09-15 19:32

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
Ahhh... I was wondering about that earlier but forgot to try it, thanks pomokey. I hardly ever slide the thing out. :D

EDIT: eh, didn't work. :( Tried 1 press, 2 presses, with and without Fn key. Nada.

tekplay 2008-09-15 19:50

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
In the Gizmo5 taskbar there is a tab "Dialpad" pressing 1 a couple of times there works.

pomokey 2008-09-15 19:56

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
okay, I just messed around with it, you have to press and HOLD the fn key, then press 1.. twice... (holding down the fn key the entire time)

so it's not all that simple, but faster than navigating the menu

allnameswereout 2008-09-15 22:30

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
My ISP gives me 2 free phone numbers to use for SIP. Gizmo and Fring work for me even without STUN, but the build-in SIP client in Presence just doesn't want to work. After trying to call, immediately disconnected. It doesn't even work with STUN. It only works when I'm on a neighbor's WiFi. Then it works fine although laggy. I wonder what I'm doing wrong...? Gizmo and Fring are too Teletubby & proprietary for my liking.

xxM5xx 2008-09-15 22:59

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 224192)
My ISP gives me 2 free phone numbers to use for SIP. Gizmo and Fring work for me even without STUN, but the build-in SIP client in Presence just doesn't want to work. After trying to call, immediately disconnected. It doesn't even work with STUN. It only works when I'm on a neighbor's WiFi. Then it works fine although laggy. I wonder what I'm doing wrong...? Gizmo and Fring are too Teletubby & proprietary for my liking.

I had huge problems such as you describe. I was using a Linksys WRT54G router. If you are using this router, that could explain it. Your neighbor's router might be a different make and model. This explains why you can use his network with success. The laggy behavior is probably due to distance (signal strength) or his downloading torrents (or streaming video) that you are unaware of.

Consider your router as the source of your problem.

My router works fine once I flashed it with aftermarket (non-linksys) firmware.



xxM5xx 2008-09-15 23:13

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 224103)
This guide may help as well. It's how I set mine up.

In that video, the guy shows his home phone, Sprint Cell phone, GrandCentral, Gizmo5 SIP numbers. I wonder how many crank calls he received before he changed all his numbers.

bunanson 2008-09-15 23:30

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE

Originally Posted by xxM5xx (Post 224204)
...My router works fine once I flashed it with aftermarket (non-linksys) firmware....

I think I read your post in the past mentioning the problem of the router. I am using a similar router, WRT54GS firmware v4.50.6, and it appears working fine.

Regarding his prank calls in the video, didnt he say he does not mind if it is lady's prank call? His video went a little too fast for me, I have to pause and review several times. This guide has it all type out.


xxM5xx 2008-09-15 23:33

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE

bunanson 2008-09-15 23:38

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
Boy, you are quick! I read it and kind of wondering what kind of symptoms would I expect? I called and received calls, so far, appears fine. I know, mine is WRT54GS and wondering whether it is in the same boat as WRT54G. Thanks for digging out that post.


xxM5xx 2008-09-15 23:44

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 224209)
I think I read your post in the past mentioning the problem of the router. I am using a similar router, WRT54GS firmware v4.50.6, and it appears working fine.

Regarding his prank calls in the video, didnt he say he does not mind if it is lady's prank call? His video went a little too fast for me, I have to pause and review several times. This guide has it all type out.


Your WRT54GS 4.50.6 is very different from a WR54G Rev 5 or 6.... these Linksys WRT54 routers have changed so many times and in some incredibly significant ways, it is sad that they didn't see fit to distinguish the different models better.

For those of you reading this that have never heard of DD-WRT, I recommend you look into it. There are other firmwares too. "Issues" using SIP VOIP, regardless of provider, can be attributed to the WRT54G's factory firmware. You can spend days trying to figure out why your SIP stuff doesn't work on your N800 (or ATA). Look at your router early in the debug process. Anyone who's SIP works fine, need not be concerned.


dornanu 2008-09-16 00:20

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE
Since FWD went not free, I switched to Voxalot which, frankly still confuses me by requiring me to get a "Voice Service Provider" (which I didn't). See this thread for FWD details: Set up is identical for Voxalot. Video to PC chat works, etc, etc.

Dial In:
With Voxalot, I can use for free incoming calls. If the caller leaves a message, I can pick up my voice mail through the N800 or through email since a WAV is emailed from Voxalot. Completely free.

Dial Out:
Skype. Not free. Sigh.


allnameswereout 2008-09-16 13:16

Re: Step by step guide:use tablets like a phone...FREE

Originally Posted by xxM5xx (Post 224204)
I had huge problems such as you describe. I was using a Linksys WRT54G router. If you are using this router, that could explain it. Your neighbor's router might be a different make and model. This explains why you can use his network with success. The laggy behavior is probably due to distance (signal strength) or his downloading torrents (or streaming video) that you are unaware of.

Consider your router as the source of your problem.

My router works fine once I flashed it with aftermarket (non-linksys) firmware.



Alcatel/Lucent SpeedTouch 780. The SpeedTouch 780 provides a mini PBX. Yesterday I upgraded it to the latest firmware because of a security vulnerability, but the problem still persists. I have a PCI ADSL modem lying around too, but the problem is that I need one wired VoIP telephone and one wireless (the NIT). The wired is a normal telephone (not a VoIP one) connected to the SpeedTouch 780 which then allows VoIP, but the PCI ADSL modem doesn't have such exit node. So I would probably need to buy some kind of exit node and make a real PBX using Asterisk, or an ethernet VoIP wired phone of some sort. Or just get 2 wireless. I could build an Asterisk node right now, letting that log in to my SIP account, and then let my NIT log in on Asterisk. I could also use my server to provide WLAN as its currently has an unused WLAN card in it. Can't decide, issue persisted last months... :D

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