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mikemorrison 2008-11-25 21:36

gtktide - tide and current predictions
i've just uploaded gtktide to the diablo extras repository. it's a port of XTide, a program for predicting tides and currents. comments and suggestions are welcome.

get it here:

more info on XTide is available from here:


scanman717 2008-11-25 23:54

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions
Awesome!!! As an avid boater, i love this little app... just wish i could find a decent chart plotter for use on the boat as a backup..


neilj 2008-11-26 07:39

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions
Great app, i have tidetool for the palm which has a few other features :

option for different units, m, ft, inches
rise and set for sun - your gray scale ?
moon phases - 1st, full, last, new
currents, not for all locations

I also have RiseSet which gives major astronomical events such as elipses of sun/moon as well as rise/set for sun/moon. Gives the different civil, nautical & astronomical values for rise/set of sun. Gives current altide & azimuth in degrees of sun & moon.

darethehair 2008-11-26 13:50

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions
Cool! Another astronomy-ish app for Maemo! Too bad I live in the center of the continent, distant from any seawater...:)

gteadventure 2010-01-05 14:27

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions
Mike, can you tell me if this will work on the N900?

mikemorrison 2010-02-05 19:25

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions

Originally Posted by gteadventure (Post 453972)
Mike, can you tell me if this will work on the N900?

Yes it will, and I've added some location support to it. Hopefully I can get it uploaded soon!

kingduct 2010-03-14 18:45

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions
Awesome app. Is there a way to get the exact measurement for a high or low tide? Or is there only the visual graph? Also, is there aan option for feet instead of meters?

paulo_oliveira 2010-05-06 20:16

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions
Hello, this is a great app

Can someone explain me how to add more European locations?

Tnx in advance!

lostinmirkwood 2010-06-11 20:23

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions
Wow thanks this is abs(perfect)!

rm53 2010-06-17 12:30

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions
This looks quite useful. But I cannot find any French locations. I found a lot of Germany and Netherlands. Could we get some locations of France, please?
Pointe du Raz
St. Malo

cfh11 2010-06-17 14:02

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions

Originally Posted by mikemorrison (Post 512270)
Yes it will, and I've added some location support to it. Hopefully I can get it uploaded soon!

Any update on this?

bull 2010-06-30 22:27

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions
+1 for some more control over locations. There isn't a single listing for New Zealand to use...

Thanks in advance for any help in this department!

MrYellow 2011-08-02 08:28

Re: gtktide - tide and current predictions
GPS or manual input would be sufficient for those without harmonic data and..... shock horror.... actually work.

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