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solca 2009-01-20 11:39

[Android] NITdroid 0.4.x
NITdroid 0.4.x releases:

0.4.3 (Mar/15/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Updated AndAppStore client (SoftwareDirectory v.1.2.3).
  • Dalvik VM tunables tweaks for better performance.
  • Changes by the upstream Android project.

0.4.2 (Jan/30/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Improved battery metering by replacing kcbatt for a modified retu-adc, special thanks to Matan for retu-adc.c and for providing insights about the RETU registers.
  • Updated WiFi driver.
  • Random fixes upstream by Google.

0.4.1 (Jan/26/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Switched back to phone policy until MID matures.
  • Many changes upstream by Google.

0.4.0 (Jan/20/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Switched to MID policy.
  • Many changes upstream by Google.
  • Thanks to for asking me to include their App installer client which is included in this release.

Kernel releases:

2.6.28-5 (Jan/25/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Based on stable
  • Based on latest omap-2.6.28 branch of the Linux OMAP tree.

2.6.28-4 (Jan/20/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Based on stable
  • Based on latest omap-2.6.28 branch of the Linux OMAP tree.

meizirkki 2009-01-20 12:00

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Since you started a new thread, it would be good to add links.

gowen 2009-01-20 12:43

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Here is the project home page:

EasternPA 2009-01-20 15:10

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Flashed and reformatted partition 3. Booted fine. Soft keyboard app crashed multiple times while entering my WEP key. I was excited to see the Software Directory icon in the app folder, but so far it fails to populate the list of installable apps. Wifi and browser work fine.

The blue and red "IM" app has never launched for me ever. The app folder starts to slide out of the way but immediately returns to its open position.

Don't forget to re-enable the Debug mode when USB is attached to make adb work again (I forgot!) Any chance we can delete Snake and IM and replace them with Meebo or aTweeter?

Chelloveck 2009-01-20 16:03

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 258814)
Since you started a new thread, it would be good to add links.

And maybe even give a hint about what NITdroid actually does. I've never heard of it before. Just sayin'.

meizirkki 2009-01-20 16:06

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
New release and AndAppStore.coms Software Directory worked well on my n810.

Thanks again solca :P

I found only 2 things that aren't working in thi MID-version.
- Power-button
- Screen orientation in browser can no more be flipped.

EasternPA 2009-01-20 16:12

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 258845)
New release and AndAppStore.coms Software Directory worked well on my n810.

Thanks again solca :P

I found only 2 things that aren't working in thi MID-version.
- Power-button
- Screen orientation in browser can no more be flipped.

Same here for the power button. I'm also unable to locate shutdown in adb. Is it still in the rootfs?

How long do you have to wait for the Software Directory to populate, and are you able to install apps via that utility?

EasternPA 2009-01-20 16:25

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by Chelloveck (Post 258844)
And maybe even give a hint about what NITdroid actually does. I've never heard of it before. Just sayin'.

NITdroid is the product of an effort to port Google's Android to Nokia's Nx0 (770, 800, 810, 810W) line of Internet Tablets.

meizirkki 2009-01-20 16:44

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by EasternPA (Post 258846)
Same here for the power button. I'm also unable to locate shutdown in adb. Is it still in the rootfs?

How long do you have to wait for the Software Directory to populate, and are you able to install apps via that utility?

When the notice about download came, i just pressed the back button and started browsing the internet. After a short while (~2min?) i came back to Software direcory and it was done. Did you press the back button when the notice about download came?

EasternPA 2009-01-20 18:26

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 258853)
When the notice about download came, i just pressed the back button and started browsing the internet. After a short while (~2min?) i came back to Software direcory and it was done. Did you press the back button when the notice about download came?

I've had it sit for 5 minutes or more without producing a directory. I have a theory, however. To avoid surfing with 'links' on my Linux host, I tried to download the apk with the android browser, followed by an adb pull and an adb install. The browser refuses to save any files since I don't have a separate SD card. I wonder if the software directory refuses to download and save anything without an SD card.

Do you have a separate SD card?

meizirkki 2009-01-20 18:56

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
i have formatted the first partition of my internal card as FAT. that's working well with android.

There is an option in settings to allow installing non-marketing apps.. do you have that checked?

EasternPA 2009-01-20 19:44

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 258873)
i have formatted the first partition of my internal card as FAT. that's working well with android.

There is an option in settings to allow installing non-marketing apps.. do you have that checked?

I have the same formatting scheme for the internal card, but I don't have an external card. Thanks for the tip about the non-market apps. I checked it, but still, no luck bringing up the app directory.

tomas.rollo 2009-01-20 19:46

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
I've just flashed my N800 with the 0.4, couple findings so far:
- the power button indeed doesn't work, can't shutdown but via removing battery
- once the screen dims, my N800 won't wake up (I think this bug has already been reported in previous releases)
- I can't get the onscreen keyboard to show up - pressing, clicking any other action on a text field doesn't do anything. Could somebody with N800 try that?
- nice new wallpaper ;)

In any case, megakudos to Solca et al for making this happen!!!

EasternPA 2009-01-20 23:12

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
I created a link to push the Jaiku updates to Twitter. Please follow 'nitdroid' on Twitter or add it to your social networking aggregation tools (like FriendFeed).

solca 2009-01-20 23:47

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Lock screen and power button doesn't work in the MID policy, what do you think ppl to return back to phone policy for 0.4.1 release?

cyrus 2009-01-20 23:52

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by solca (Post 258943)
Lock screen and power button doesn't work in the MID policy, what do you think ppl to return back to phone policy for 0.4.1 release?

Why is that? A mobile internet device still needs to power itself off every now and then and even lock the screen. I guess I am not understanding the difference between MID and phone policy.

EasternPA 2009-01-21 00:20

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by solca (Post 258943)
Lock screen and power button doesn't work in the MID policy, what do you think ppl to return back to phone policy for 0.4.1 release?

Also the battery charger doesn't even show me that it's charging (separate from the discussion on what's actually happening behind the scenes). I'm not a fan of yanking the cover off the back of the unit once or twice a day. Its pretty flimsy.

There's no way to add shutdown back into the rootfs? or hack together an app to shut it down? Even a soft shutdown would be better than nothing.

P.S. 1 vote for returning the phone profile while other things get worked on (sound, camera, gps, bluetooth)

EDIT - I'm wondering if we symlink reboot to shutdown, perhaps we can get a soft shutdown app

solca 2009-01-21 00:33

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by cyrus (Post 258944)
Why is that? A mobile internet device still needs to power itself off every now and then and even lock the screen. I guess I am not understanding the difference between MID and phone policy.

In the Android source code it exists two different code paths for phones and MIDs.

I have seen many contributions to the phone policy and fewer to the MID part, too the license could be a factor too as it is not copyleft (so contribution back is not required) I have seen many projects with closed sources... hopefully this year big companies will ship Android MID devices so maybe contributions to the that part will make it feature complete...

BassNFool 2009-01-21 01:18

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
I flashed .4 on my N800... same as others... no soft keyboard. Snake runs! Cannot sign into WIFI :(.

EasternPA 2009-01-21 04:04

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
I can confirm that reboot -p does perform an instant shutdown and poweroff via adb shell. It turns out that reboot is a symlink to 'toolbox' but 'toolbox' is unaware of how to handle the shutdown command. Being an instant poweroff, it does not save the time. Anyone know how to recreate the terminal app icon? Or create an icon that executes 'reboot -p'?

meizirkki 2009-01-21 05:27

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by EasternPA (Post 258888)
I have the same formatting scheme for the internal card, but I don't have an external card. Thanks for the tip about the non-market apps. I checked it, but still, no luck bringing up the app directory.

Missing external card is'n a problem. External card inside while tring to boot is.
So far, i have had to take external card out to get the nitdroid boot up. (Might be my shitty SD, it was cheap and it acts sometimes weird)

stelleg151 2009-01-21 17:20

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Hey Solca, great stuff man, keep up the good work.

As for phone branch vs MID branch, I would vote for sticking with the MID branch and uploading patches to Google. If they are reasonable options (like screen lock and power button) patches then they should be accepted. I'll try and chip in where I can with patches Solca, but I'm a bit slammed with a couple of other projects at the moment.

I just think that this would be the best community to kick start the MID support, rather than hoping that some Android based MID comes out. Also companies will be more likely to build MID devices if they see a working MID android (wifi + wimax + voip > w-cdma). Branching off of Google's phone branch to create our own could fragment the android MID community, and being as small as it is, I think that would be not so great a thing to do.

fredoll 2009-01-21 18:23

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Thanks Solca for your work.

Is this version installable on 770 ?
Any particular thing to do diferently from the N8x0 install ? 2009-01-22 00:22

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by fredoll (Post 259108)
Thanks Solca for your work.

Is this version installable on 770 ?

check this specific thread on nidroid+n770 :

fredoll 2009-01-22 10:51

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Thanks I already checked this thread but I was wondering if anybody tried the 0.4 release on a 770 ?

miind 2009-01-22 12:36

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
anyone planning on making the installation process a bit more userfriendly. :)

EasternPA 2009-01-22 13:59

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by miind (Post 259260)
anyone planning on making the installation process a bit more userfriendly. :)

I think the biggest issue here is figuring out how the internal card is detected by the installation host when the USB is attached. Apparently Ubuntu sees the card as /dev/sdc but for me on CentOS, the card was detected as /dev/sda. And does it register as a different scsi device if the usb cable is connected to a different usb port? With all of the different distros out there and kernel module options, I don't think there's an easy way to tell which scsi device is the tablet. Perhaps do an fdisk -l and look for the only 2GB scsi drive? Is there something in proc that shows the vendor of each attached drive?

I'm waiting for approval to formally host the project at a community development site. Once that gets up and running, perhaps we can get some more visibility and start up an installer sub-project. I know someone who knows dialog. Its just a matter of getting his time. As I've said before, my ultimate goal is to publish a bootable USB key for each release.

fanoush 2009-01-22 14:14

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by EasternPA (Post 259267)
Is there something in proc that shows the vendor of each attached drive?

Yes, here is my random listscsi script I used for something similar before (maybe there is better solution)

for i in /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/device/target*/*:* ; do
echo  -n `for d in $i/block/sd* ; do basename $d ; done`
echo -n "|$((`cat $i/block/size`/2/1000/1000))GB|"
echo `cat $i/vendor $i/model $i/rev`

Sample output:

# ./listscsi
sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4|143GB|SEAGATE ST3146707LW D702
sdb1|390GB|WDC WD40 00AAKB-00UKA0 1N01
sdc1|312GB|ST332062 0A 0000

Andyschism 2009-01-22 15:12

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by miind (Post 259260)
anyone planning on making the installation process a bit more userfriendly. :)

Could not agree more. I love reading these threads and seeing the progress, but I have no clue whats being said about 75% of the time. Lol.

EasternPA 2009-01-22 15:33

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by fanoush (Post 259270)
Yes, here is my random listscsi script I used for something similar before

Excellent. Once the site gets approved I plan to go through all 50-60 pages of the various nitdroid threads and assemble the most useful, and still relevant, information. I'm sure this will prove handy in the early stages of development of the installer.

EasternPA 2009-01-22 15:43

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by Andyschism (Post 259281)
Could not agree more. I love reading these threads and seeing the progress, but I have no clue whats being said about 75% of the time. Lol.

Some of the "easy install" steps were a little quirky, even for a 15 year Linux guy. It was at times unclear where some of the steps were to be executed (on the Linux host or the tablet, and if on the tablet via the tablet's own terminal emulator or via the adb shell), and instructions to power down and/or disconnect the USB cable were also completely missing in places. Believe me, I read the first thread for 3 good weeks before diving in, and even after that I was pleasantly surprised to find out how easy it was to return to Maemo.

After 0.4.1 comes out, and we see how it behaves, how about in the spirit of "everyone contributing something", maybe you and I can sit down and "newbyize" the instructions? I've had to write simple instructions for people for almost 30 years, but I'm sure there's some stuff that I assume everyone knows or can easily figure out, but they just don't or can't.

Have you tried the install yet or is it still too confusing to even try it out?

EasternPA 2009-01-22 15:48

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Don't know what happened, but the Software Directory worked within 90 seconds today. Weird.

Also, wifi is dropping a *LOT* now. I wonder if the MID profile is trying to put the wifi in some kind of sleep state but is killing radio altogether.

Andyschism 2009-01-23 19:09

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by EasternPA (Post 259286)
Some of the "easy install" steps were a little quirky, even for a 15 year Linux guy. It was at times unclear where some of the steps were to be executed (on the Linux host or the tablet, and if on the tablet via the tablet's own terminal emulator or via the adb shell), and instructions to power down and/or disconnect the USB cable were also completely missing in places. Believe me, I read the first thread for 3 good weeks before diving in, and even after that I was pleasantly surprised to find out how easy it was to return to Maemo.

After 0.4.1 comes out, and we see how it behaves, how about in the spirit of "everyone contributing something", maybe you and I can sit down and "newbyize" the instructions? I've had to write simple instructions for people for almost 30 years, but I'm sure there's some stuff that I assume everyone knows or can easily figure out, but they just don't or can't.

Have you tried the install yet or is it still too confusing to even try it out?

Awesome idea! I'll try and help as much as I can but like I said I really dont know whats going on. I just see people saying this isnt working then someone says try this and it works or it dosnt. Its like traveling to a foreign country and not knowing the language at all, but I can make out the body language and facial expressions!

jakemaheu 2009-01-23 19:50

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Have you guys even read my install guide lately?

I wrote a script that does EVERYTHING, assuming you have the packages. All you have to do is select your partition sizes. If you need, get Linux (Ubuntu Live CD would be perfect). Really, it isn't that difficult. There are also steps in it that tell you exactly what to do.

jakemaheu 2009-01-23 20:00

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by EasternPA (Post 259267)
I think the biggest issue here is figuring out how the internal card is detected by the installation host when the USB is attached. Apparently Ubuntu sees the card as /dev/sdc but for me on CentOS, the card was detected as /dev/sda. And does it register as a different scsi device if the usb cable is connected to a different usb port? With all of the different distros out there and kernel module options, I don't think there's an easy way to tell which scsi device is the tablet. Perhaps do an fdisk -l and look for the only 2GB scsi drive? Is there something in proc that shows the vendor of each attached drive?

I'm waiting for approval to formally host the project at a community development site. Once that gets up and running, perhaps we can get some more visibility and start up an installer sub-project. I know someone who knows dialog. Its just a matter of getting his time. As I've said before, my ultimate goal is to publish a bootable USB key for each release.

The /dev/sdc was just an example. The script works like this:


mount|grep -e /dev/sd
It then asks you for the last result, which would be the just-plugged-in tablet. It then asks for it again without the number on the end, then with a 3 on the end. These entries are used as variables that are referred to during the partitioning, mounting, etc.

The problem with looking by size is that different people have different sizes (that's what she said) of SD cards and having used a bunch of them, many have weird sizes when coming from strange places in Shenzhen, China. (931MB instead of 1024MB)

EasternPA 2009-01-23 21:35

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by jakemaheu (Post 259527)
The /dev/sdc was just an example. The script works like this:


mount|grep -e /dev/sd
It then asks you for the last result, which would be the just-plugged-in tablet. It then asks for it again without the number on the end, then with a 3 on the end. These entries are used as variables that are referred to during the partitioning, mounting, etc.

The problem with looking by size is that different people have different sizes (that's what she said) of SD cards and having used a bunch of them, many have weird sizes when coming from strange places in Shenzhen, China. (931MB instead of 1024MB)

Sorry if we set you off a bit :) But seriously, fanoush posted code on the previous page that generates a list of scsi drives and the vendor. If we were going to go for a polished installer, I would use his code to find the drive with "NOKIA" as the vendor.

And to answer your earlier question, the only "easy install guide" I'm aware of is in the "getting nitdroid running" thread. I ran your script, when 0.3.2 first came out but all it did was download the latest versions of everything and untar them on my linux host. It didn't actually try to mount or untar them to the nit. Plus at the time, solca missed out on updating the symliks so I ended up having to download everything by hand before untarring again and reflashing by hand.

If there's a newer guide somewhere else, or if you've gone back there and updated it, then awesome, please post a link! Finally, the Ubuntu CD when booted into live doesn't recognize any of my three Thinkpads' built-in wired or wireless Ethernet adapters, and I can't blow away my Rocks Cluster frontend, so I never got to test out the instructions in an Ubuntu setting.

chyang 2009-01-24 07:55

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
the power button doesn't work and the original worked maps application cannot work any longer. :(

chyang 2009-01-24 18:06

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
found some of the clue to make maps and some other applications run available:
--- 2009-01-25 00:47:53.000000000 +0800
+++ platform.xml 2009-01-25 00:48:00.000000000 +0800
@@ -117,6 +117,10 @@
<!-- This is a list of all the libraries available for application
code to link against. -->

+ <library name=""
+ file="/system/framework/" />
+ <library name=""
+ file="/system/framework/" />
<library name="android.awt"
file="/system/framework/android.awt.jar" />
<library name="android.test.runner"

But now, i am running meeting with the issue like:
I/MapActivity( 1372): Handling network change notification:CONNECTED
E/MapActivity( 1372): Couldn't get connection factory client
E/MapView ( 1372): IllegalStateException on drawMap. Wiping cache.
E/MapView ( 1372): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Null Bitmap!/loading_tile.png=17301864
E/MapView ( 1372): at<i nit>(Unknown Source)
E/MapView ( 1372): at tory.createImage(Unknown Source)
E/MapView ( 1372): at Source)
E/MapView ( 1372): at Source)
E/MapView ( 1372): at Source)
E/MapView ( 1372): at Source)
E/MapView ( 1372): at va:997)
E/MapView ( 1372): at a:443)
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.View.draw(
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild( 47)
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw( :1211)
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild( 45)
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw( :1211)
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild( 45)
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw( :1211)
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.View.draw(
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.widget.FrameLayout.draw( 24)
E/MapView ( 1372): at$DecorVi ew.draw(
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.ViewRoot.draw(
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.ViewRoot.performTraversals(ViewRoot.j ava:989)
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage( 1418)
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( )
E/MapView ( 1372): at android.os.Looper.loop(
E/MapView ( 1372): at a:3779)
E/MapView ( 1372): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/MapView ( 1372): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
E/MapView ( 1372): at$MethodAndArgsCa
E/MapView ( 1372): at .java:503)
E/MapView ( 1372): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

solca 2009-01-26 06:29

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
0.4.1 userspace released.

2.6.28-5 kernel released too.

EasternPA 2009-01-26 15:51

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Went to 0.4.1 and latest kernel. OSK is back but crashes after one use. ADB hasn't worked for me under Linux in 0.4.x at all. Has the device id changed again? Is it time for a new version of adb?

I believe the system clock interface may have been improved, as I didn't have to set the date and time after reformatting for this install. Software directory comes up reliably now but I still can't install software without an SD card.

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