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Reggie 2009-05-11 18:11

Help test Talk's Email Integration
An Email Integration Test forum has been created to test posting threads and replies to Talk via email.

Note that this is a beta feature and might still not work perfectly. As with any other betas, usage of the beta feature is at your own risk.

How to use Email Integration
  • To help test the feature, you first need to join the Talk Beta Tester group. Joining this group will let you see the 'Beta Integration Test' forum from the main page. This step was also created to somewhat prevent spammers seeing and posting to the beta forum.
  • To start receiving posts, replying, as well as starting new threads via email, you have to go to your control panel and click on the new 'Edit Forum Subscriptions' option:
  • Look for 'Email Integration Test' and change your subscription to 'Instant notification by email'.
  • To start creating new threads, send an email to: emailintegrationtest (at) It is required that you send the email using the email address you have specified on your member account here at Talk.
  • To reply to a thread, make sure you post your reply on the space provided on the email message:

    (Please type your reply below this line!!)

    (Please type your reply above this line!!)

  • Provide feedback on this thread.

A known limitation of this feature is that it might take up to 10 minutes for you to get notified of new posts/replies via email.

Also, since this is still on beta, you will not see new threads / replies under Active Topics.


penguinbait 2009-05-11 19:10

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
This is awesome, I am setting it up right now. What format is the thread email?

subject = title
body = post

More feed back to follow

Reggie 2009-05-11 19:14

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Originally Posted by penguinbait (Post 286566)
What format is the thread email?

subject = title
body = post

Yup. BBCodes are automatically converted. I think you can attach fiels (e.g. images) too, but I haven't tested that yet.

penguinbait 2009-05-11 19:16

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 286568)
Yup. BBCode are automatically converted. I think you can attach fiels (e.g. images) too, but I haven't tested that yet.

I joined group, set for instant message but its not working. I JUST changed my email in control panel, could this be affecting me?

Reggie 2009-05-11 19:18

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
Maybe. Whenever you change your email in the control panel, vbulletin sends you a confirmation email on the new email address. Check if you got it.

penguinbait 2009-05-11 19:32

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 286572)
Maybe. Whenever you change your email in the control panel, vbulletin sends you a confirmation email on the new email address. Check if you got it.

I got this


We're sorry, but we could not process your emailed reply / new thread.

We do not show an account with the email address of:

Please review your account at:

And verify that the email address matches. The email address on your account must match the email address the reply or new thread is sent from in order for the system to verify your identity.

Thank you, - Talk


I changed it to

no confirmation was sent to that address.

I went back to check my email address, it was the old address. when I change it and save, it does not save, when I go back?

Reggie 2009-05-11 19:40

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
I manually changed your email address. Try it now.

penguinbait 2009-05-11 19:49

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 286581)
I manually changed your email address. Try it now.

Doh, I just moved it all around ;)

OK, just leave it, I will go change my end all around again.


GeraldKo 2009-05-11 20:37

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
OK, I'm dim, but why would someone want to post threads and replies by email instead via the Talk interface?

BrentDC 2009-05-11 20:51

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 286606)
OK, I'm dim, but why would someone want to post threads and replies by email instead via the Talk interface?

I believe this is an effort to merge Talk and the maemo-* mailing lists into one (with each still using their preferred communication median).

Personally, I think it's a great idea.

andrewfblack 2009-05-11 20:54

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
also think of how many cell phones can't load talk but can use email.

qole 2009-05-11 23:12

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
OK, so I have a central GMail account, and I have several e-mail addresses forwarding to this account. I also use this account to send e-mails from these other accounts. However, I get an error e-mail saying that my central gmail account isn't registered, so I can't send the message. But I have set my e-mail address to the accepted address!

If this can't be changed, you'd better warn people about it. You can't use gmail to send e-mails from other e-mails that you own.

TrueJournals 2009-05-12 00:06

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
Yes you can. Go to settings > Accounts. You can add another e-mail address, it'll send an e-mail to that address to make sure it's actually yours, and you can then send e-mail from all of you addresses. I do the same thing. I have three e-mail addresses that all forward to one, and I can send e-mail from any of them, all through gmail.

penguinbait 2009-05-12 00:21

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Originally Posted by qole (Post 286659)
OK, so I have a central GMail account, and I have several e-mail addresses forwarding to this account. I also use this account to send e-mails from these other accounts. However, I get an error e-mail saying that my central gmail account isn't registered, so I can't send the message. But I have set my e-mail address to the accepted address!

If this can't be changed, you'd better warn people about it. You can't use gmail to send e-mails from other e-mails that you own. is hosted by gmail,

Open your account, go to settings on top.

select Accounts

Click "Add another email address you own"

Then add the email address you want to use. Then you will be able to send as that user, you can select that email ID from the dropdown box when composing a new email. I could only get this to work on gmail ((webmail) no clients worked. You can also set which is the default from the settings.

a little slow :)

qole 2009-05-12 01:53

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
truejournals and penguinbait: that's what I do. I've got three addresses registered with GMail too. And I select my e-mail address from the dropdown. This method works everywhere else. But my email posts get rejected by because my gmail address is not registered here.

andrewfblack 2009-05-12 01:54

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Originally Posted by qole (Post 286676)
penguinbait: that's what I do. And I select my e-mail address from the dropdown. This method works everywhere else. But my email posts get rejected by because my gmail address is not registered here.

I didn't know until I tried that I had my old work email address in the system lol

penguinbait 2009-05-12 03:47

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Originally Posted by qole (Post 286676)
truejournals and penguinbait: that's what I do. I've got three addresses registered with GMail too. And I select my e-mail address from the dropdown. This method works everywhere else. But my email posts get rejected by because my gmail address is not registered here.

And you are doing this in gmail (web client) not an actual email client right?

Mine is working fine, You joined the group here too right?

Reggie 2009-05-12 04:10

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Originally Posted by qole (Post 286676)
truejournals and penguinbait: that's what I do. I've got three addresses registered with GMail too. And I select my e-mail address from the dropdown. This method works everywhere else. But my email posts get rejected by because my gmail address is not registered here.

qole, try it now. It was set to a strict setting that it was bypassing the reply-to address and rather using the actual source email address.

TA-t3 2009-05-12 14:42

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Originally Posted by qole (Post 286676)
But my email posts get rejected by because my gmail address is not registered here.

That sounds like talk is looking at the Sender: header instead of the From: header
(the Sender: header will show your gmail address, the From: header will show your configured address, i.e. the one you want.

qole 2009-05-12 17:11

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
It works now, thanks Reggie. Another interesting problem: if I send an e-mail with a subject line that exactly matches an existing thread, it will start a second thread with that title rather than attaching it to the existing thread. Perhaps not a huge deal, but I think it would be better to attach to an existing thread rather than start a new one.

qgil 2010-01-27 06:29

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration

Testers and feedback welcome!

RevdKathy 2010-01-27 08:00

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
I'm in. Have sent an email and now waiting to see what happens!

This is a great solution, IMHO. Massive Kudos to Reggie for making it work.

lbt 2010-03-17 18:26

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
/me checks the date.... and it's still not live?

I'd like to see this on every Forum :)

lbt 2010-04-07 21:55

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
ooh - isn't this just dying to go live?

Jaffa 2012-04-04 20:33

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
Can we enable this on Community, N9, Harmattan, Fremantle, N900, etc?

Reggie 2012-04-04 20:37

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
I'll see what I can do tonight. I need to get the (modified) version being used in since that one has been working well.

lbt 2012-04-04 21:09

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
feel free to ping me if you have any issues with accessing stuff :)

Reggie 2012-04-05 14:32

Re: Help test Talk's Email Integration
This is now live:

I'm closing this thread. Please use the thread above for fututre discussions about the email integration feature.

Thanks for all those who helped test this feature!

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