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VulcanRidr 2009-07-16 01:03

Desktop wiki for Maemo?
One of the things that I would like to see on the Nxx0 is a desktop wiki. Is it possible to package something like Zim Wiki, which is a perl-based desktop wiki for Maemo?


Nelson L. Squeeko 2009-07-16 11:26

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?
Check out Conboy

jalladin 2009-07-16 11:36

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?
its for note taking but what other great things can it be used for, and how can it help with accessing a wiki on the desktop :o

Nelson L. Squeeko 2009-07-16 12:17

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?
As far as I can tell. Zim Wiki is exactly the same as Tomboy, which Conboy is a tablet clone of. And soon there is supposed to be syncing available between Tomboy on your desktop and Conboy on your tablet.

rtrudel 2009-07-16 12:27

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?

Originally Posted by VulcanRidr (Post 304828)
One of the things that I would like to see on the Nxx0 is a desktop wiki. Is it possible to package something like Zim Wiki, which is a perl-based desktop wiki for Maemo?


Have you tried tiddlywiki?

tgalati4 2009-07-16 12:51

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?
I like zim.

Since it's based on perl, it may work out of the box. But it will need maemo packaging and testing. I run it remotely through ssh and a bluetooth keyboard.

timsamoff 2009-07-16 14:02

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?
If you install PHP/MySQL on your tablet (which actually can be done), then you can install any variant of wiki solutions out there (they just need a web browser to run after all). Of course, this will take some work -- and syncing with your desktop may be a trick, unless you can somehow get the two databases to speak to each other.


mars 2009-07-16 16:53

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?
MoinMoin, a python-based wiki works well on the tablets via a browser. MoinMoin currently stores your data in files so all that is required is python.

For tiddlywiki, I tried a GTD variant (getting things done) - GTD Monkey - and couldn't figure out a way to get rid of the security warnings when saving to disk, with the built-in browsers and some of the others I tried.

(Note that easydebian or something else that runs Firefox should work, because it lets you choose to have it remember your preference for letting the page save a modified version of itself back to disk).

talmage 2009-07-16 17:14

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?
Does ruby ( run on maemo these days? If so, try instiki (

mars 2009-07-16 19:08

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?

Originally Posted by talmage (Post 304944)
Does ruby ( run on maemo these days? If so, try instiki (

instiki runs fine on maemo. I used the ruby packages from scottishclimbs for chinook. Ruby porting seems to have stalled for maemo, but these files still seem to work fine.

Instiki is a great wiki, and I can recommend it. I like how it makes it easy to set up multiple wikis and then select which wiki you want from the main http://localhost:2500 page. The maruku implementation of markdown should have enough syntax features for most people. Out of the box, instiki also makes it easy to download a zip of linked html pages of your wiki (as well as a zip of the source for individual pages).

However, I've become enamored with the feature completeness and syntax of restructured text, which is why I use moinmoin more -- although lately, I've been experimenting with sphinx ( which builds really nice searchable static web pages (and pdf) from collections of restructured text files. Sphinx is used for the python documentation. I haven't tried Sphinx on the tablet, but building html files looks like it ought to work.

VulcanRidr 2009-07-17 16:30

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?

Originally Posted by rtrudel (Post 304895)
Have you tried tiddlywiki?

I believe I used didiwiki years ago, but when I searched for it, it didn't seem to be active any more. The homepage linked off of freshmeat was a sqatter landing page.

I tried tiddlywiki once, but I couldn't get my brain around it at the time (of course, that was my pre-wiki days). I may take another look at it and conboy.

Another of the items on my list would be markup similar to mediawiki. To explain, I would like to take wiki-like notes, and be able to transfer it to my mediawiki install at home. The problem is that at work, I have no access to anything. The NIT is standalone...But I would like to transfer my notes, etc to my wiki when I get home. So the less time I spend mucking with markup, the better.


mars 2009-07-17 18:55

Re: Desktop wiki for Maemo?

Originally Posted by VulcanRidr (Post 305146)
Another of the items on my list would be markup similar to mediawiki.

For basic syntax, MoinMoin is compatible with wikitext. For a complete comparison, see:

Things that are the same:
  • = Headings =
  • [[Links to other wiki pages]]
  • '''Bold'''
  • ''Italics''

Just don't try things like images, indenting paragraphs, or references where wikitext is different from MoinMoin. Bulleted lists are also somewhat different.

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