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I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
In occasion of the next future release of the final Fremantle version I thought to create the first magazine dedicated to the world of MAEMO and MER, but also about the MIT devices too.
An editorial in pdf format with monthly issues written by normal users and not only professional authors. I would organize the magazine in many different sections, including: - MAEMO 5 - MAEMO 4 - Mer - How to - News - Interviews - Development - Deep Focus - Tips & Tricks - Devices - Announcements and mail of readers - Etc ... But even Encryption, planning or law. A sort of editorial version of MAEMO Talk. To achieve the company would need a team of people who want to collaborate: - A designer to take charge of the layout and graphics - An editor for each section you will decide to enter Authors who wish to contribute their articles can send mail to the various editors of the section. Finally I thought of calling the magazine "Maemo5.org" (only because from immemorial time, I bought the domain maemo5.org :P). What do you think of my project? |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
I think what you're suggesting requires a lot of unneeded work.
I'd personally be happier with a "Wine Weekly News"-style thing (virtually no formatting, styles, images; but just a brief summary of what's going on around irc, the forums, applications, developer mailing lists, etc.), but if you want to go on with your idea then go ahead :D. I'm sure it'll attract a lot of new users to the platform if well done. |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
I'm game. I already run a tech site focused on Linux, so I could easily do a Chief Editor/Writer stuff for a Maemo Magazine if you want me to, so I've already got experience in that area. :D Also, is the magazine going out in traditional "magazine" form, or will this all be setup as a tech/editorial website like Cnet or Linux.com?
As for the domain name, don't call it Maemo5.org. Instead call it Maemo Magazine, since that's what it's going to be. Plus if you call it Maemo5.org, Nokia might get a little grumpy with you, and that's not a good thing. ^_^;; Anyways, that's my 2c. Spend as you like. PM me if you're interested in having me help. :D |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
i like the idea, and i would like to contrinbue in a funny, light and not too instructive way (since i'm a total noob, i could write about how total noobs see the maemo-relate things... things like IT IS NOT A CELLPHONE or, "what is ARM and how it makes easier to use your legs when carrying a PC-like thing")
there are only two problems - crappy english (i'm brazillian) - little time (i can only make short articles) if even with these problems i can be useful to you, count me in ^^ |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
I'd recommend using the name Maemo only in the subtitle e.g. "Foo: the magazine devoted to Maemo, Mer, and Mobile Internet Devices" |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
I think this is a very hip and fresh way to open this ecosystem we have going here to a lot of ppl, I was just thinking of something like this...
while i was browsing the the magazine isle in the bx i was wishing there was a magazine that i could be fully engaged in from cover to cover. Being a gadget hound and having stumbled upon my ( N810 ) by "browsing," I come here to this site for updates of knowledge on things I want to know and to get my NIT fix, but if there were a magazine that hit on all the things you mentioned and kept it simple to understand not only for new users but ppl who pick it up just to read while there in the store, it could be a big selling point for the market of MIDs/NITs. Finally putting them out where ppl can see them and making it more diegestable for ppl to understand rather than combing the web/threads for help in learning about how to's. I really hope this could be the start of something big, to I have a bit of experience, having worked for a news paper company called the Currier Journal when i was in high school, taught me a bit of how things work in many ways so if you need any thing let me know. I would love to help, I'm not an editor or have vast knowledge of the OS's but i think i account for a great number of ppl that really want to learn about this system and the NIT's but have trouble getting the info. also just to add to the name game I think ( IT Magazine, would be cool, which would stand for Internet Tablet Magazine) IT Mag would incorporate all things related to and about the NITs'/MID's world. oh ya and i think taking tips from Cnet's layout or form or what ever ( I love Cnet, I listen to their pod cast faithfully! buzz out loud, gadgettes, ect... ) would be helpful because they have grown a lot over the years and are a reliable source for reviews on tech gadgets...;) |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
I'll suggest a model similar to the online magazine Winding Road, but a download format better suited to read on a tablet.
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Really fun idea and you could even have a buy/sell/trade section in it.
A photography community/site www.pbase.com did something similar (obviously with photography as focus) and they came out with 12 issues that are available here: http://www.pbase.com/magazine Every issue someone in the Maemo community could be featured in a 'spotlight' session. I've got some interviewing experience in my past and wouldn't mind picking up something like that if there would be an interest. If you do decide to start with this initiative maybe your next step is to start thinking about the 'permanent staff' you want on (to ensure some sort of consistency) like a content editor, technical staff (converting files, resizing, etc), etc and post 'job ads' here. Fun stuff indeed. |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
How about: "maemag"
maemag.com is available. :) If it's an online mag, I can help with the site as well as host it. :) |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
allaboutsymbian.com symbian-freak.com symbiangear.com symbian-guru.com nokiaexperts.com nokiapp.com thenokiablog.com You can use the name "maemo" llike maemo5.org or MaemoMagazine.org or MaemoNews.com or anything you like, just find the most appropiate name. If it is dedicated to Maemo, use Maemo, if you want to talk about other phones and MIT call it MITmagazine.com - but I suggest to keep it focused to Maemo world which include its brother Mer - what about calling it MaemoMondo.org and have some articles in Italian/Spanish/Brazilian/Interlingua as well? Count me in if you need some articles and web help, I was playing with some CMSes like php-nuke the most popular CMS, which was made in Italy by the way. :) |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Wow, I did not expect so many answers in such a short time.
Then evaluate each point (hoping not to forget anyone): - The problem of Name I think that Nokia can not get angry for the use of the name MAEMO infact there are many domains with the suffix "nokia", "MAEMO" or "Symbian". But to avoid any problem of this type could open a poll on the name. The important thing is that it is clearly the target of the magazine: MAEMO and MER. We have to think that the issue of Fremantle is imminent and the purpose is to collect a new range of users. The magazine can still talk about alternatives, as the TALK, ie Android, Ubuntu, Debian Easy, Deblet, etc ... But the main arguments remain MAEMO and Mer. Hence the name, up to now have been proposed: Maemo Magazine Maemo5(.org) IT Magazine / IT Mag / Internet Tablet Magazine NITs'/MID's world NIT & MID world MID Magazine / NIT Magazine maemag maEgazine (which have come to mind now) - The problem of "crappy" english I am Italian, and also my English is a simple (I hope there are too many errors), but I think the magazine should be written in simple English and understandable to all: Italian, brazialian, Poles, Chinese, etc ... So it is no problem to use a simple English, the important thing is that there are no syntax errors, misspellings, or grammar. - The problem of concept In Italy we have a magazine coming out in newsstand and is called "Oltrelinux" aimed at a wide audience: both experienced and new users. So the target users of this magazine should be quite large. For example, "Optimized GStreamer plugin for OMAP35x media" but also "Is a 16 \ 32G MicroSD Memory card will work on my N810?". - The problem of a permanent staff Before choosing a permanent staff, I think it is important to choose the main sections so that you can then assign to each area of interest referred to the editor. Retype the categories to which I had thought MAEMO 5 MAEMO 4 Mer How to News Interviews Development Deep Focus Tips & Tricks Devices Announcements (ie Buy/sell) and mail of readers Highlights (the best software of the month ...) These categories are to be grouped in macro-sections. |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Either way, for branding purposes, I'd say give your website/magazine a flashy name - and just reference Maemo in the subtitle: MyMag |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Don't limit yourself with the title. It's like calling the mag "Mer v0.15" :) The title should be as much widespread and as short as possible. Like "Molin" (Mobile Linux) or something. The only thing is that such short domains are often already used. But I have a small backdoor for this - .in (India) domain zone. So it can look like Mol.in :)
P.S.: Yes, I know that it looks and sounds like "Moblin" :) |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Why do we need another format and another magazine ?
Isnt this - http://maemo.org/news/ and The Maemo Wiki not enought o servve up news and interviews and information tidbits on all the fronts ? I think I get a lot of Maemo based info from the home page itself - maemo.org. |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Thank you Jaffa for lighting!
Actually, Maegazine is the solution which I like more... Also Maemagazine I was thinking... :D Mobile Linux (Molin) is and interesting suggestion, but I do not want to enlarge too much the main subject of the magazine to the world of Linux (mobile or not). |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
I also think that having Maemo or Mer in the name may well be limiting as who knows what the name of the popular OS will be in 1-2-3 years. :)
Name ideas: Stylux (combination of Stylus and Linux) Tabletoid (combination of Tablet and Tabloid) Nzine or nZine (combination of Nxxx and Magazine) (N could be for N7xx/N8xx/N9xx or for Nokia) |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
This is quite the turn out for such an idea, I really am excited about the possiblities as well...
I Hope when we finally get the name down we can take the next steps in the process to make it happen, because so many times great ideas never see the light of day. This would really put focus on the market of MIDs, letting it be known that a lot of ppl are interested and use them dispite what resent puchasing (whats selling right now ) shows; To the point of not only Nokia but other manufacters putting more interest into this type of device, and we could possibly see more of them. Also i really didnt think about it until someone mentioned it but ( just thought it woluld be a real mag. in stores) if it were a online mag only that would be even better especially if it were really tablet freindly ( showcasing the NITs ability's lol). I wonder how hard it would be to make this site something like that, I dnt know much about building websites but to just build off whats already here ( as long as the the ppl who built this great site dnt mind ) adding the ideas that monoceros came up with. it might be as simple as slapping a more enticing look to it to catch the eye bringin new ppl in but keeping true to the nature of this site for information on community activities, events, and projects... but adding a certain sections to it for "extras", much like Cnet's download.com, it would just be a place you can go to get eBooks or maps, ect... download directly to your tablet from your tablet, so it would cut down on combing through these long-winded threads to find out where to go to get the things you need after you've downloaded the programs. It would be convenient to have it all in one place ( speaking form experience since it was great to have three different programs to read the many formats I can get ebooks in but I still have yet to find a place to actually get them from :confused:) to directly download from the tablet cutting out the middle man ( computer ) which would make it stay true to its purpose of being a device to act as your computer in many way while on the go :confused.:p monoceros your a genius, perhaps if this were started back when the 770 came out it would be so evolved by now to the point where MIDs/NITs would be the thing that ppl are clammering for instead of smart/feature phones, and the tablets ( the N810 for now ) would be like the iphone in this case. silvermountain, that does sound nice ( N Magazine, its so mesteriously intersting ) great job! and also a true statement... it may need to be something that can out live just an OS and really have longevity to be multifaceted to incorporate any subject pertaining to the market/world/ecosystem of NITs/MIDs... |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Thank you jalladin for the enthusiastic support.
The name is one thing that you can choose calmly, as the project takes shape. I think the top priority that it should be the main category, so that we can create a staff editor of content. The main idea is to create a magazine that, if printed, it may seem as close and faithful as possible to a magazine sold in newsstands, with a real cover (front and back). Possibly it could be one day achieve a small software which makes possible the direct download of articles or of entire magazine in a friendly format tablet (a sort of FEEDS READER). The thing that still must have some relevance is not the Nokia itself, but Mer and Maemo. For example, I also have a SmartQ5 and I'd like to see in the magazine a focus on technical specifications of the device and a guide to install above MER and a list of sites where you can buy it. One of the concept is: "Why should people choose Android instead of Maemo?". It's time to make it clear that Maemo is a solution that can compete and exceed the expectations of on a global scale. |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Your welcome, I agree, it should clearify a lot of the OS questions... with a catchy title ( yours is fine but I'm just brain storming) like OS SOS, to give more indepth information and steps on how to not only install ( on tablets and other devices like it ) but also how to use for ppl doing it for the first time. |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Having some simple non-relative name will give you a special perk so you can write bout something very interesting in mobile linux world and not looking goofy same time
P.S.: Btw, I'm finding name "Maegazine or maemagazinne" uber frustrating, cause peeople don't even know how to spell "maemo" for sure and you think that they will remember that line of letters?) |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
By the way, In the last few months I've started a blog called 'maemofonino' - it's a crasis of maemo and telefonino which means mobile phone in Italian. I never thought before that Nokia or the Maemo division could be hurted by such a fan site, so, since it seems impossible to PM Qgil, please Nokians out there let me know if I have to cease-and-desist :)
Hoping I can go on, a co-operation of my blog with the Mae-gazine would be great :) |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
How about MMagazine if it's not taken?
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
When is the Interview qole is doing with Ari Jaaksi coming up?
Could that be the tentative date for the first issue release? Maybe that could be the 'cover story'? |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
http://wiki.maemo.org/Maemo_Summit_2009/Schedule |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
You guys think it would be ready by october... that would be great if it was...
I come to this site a lot and never really looked at the areas that discuss summits and thing of that nature. After peaking around at the link VDVsx gave it looks so interesting but i still dnt know what it is exactly that happens at these meetings. We do ( as a community, represented by a few there ) throwing some ideas at them in hopes of getting more out of our existing tablets or just for future tablets software. - dnt bite my head of i'm still new |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Ok. Now we must take point of the situation.
- The sections that I thought (which will need an editor): Editorial note (usually a short introduction to each post inserted before summary and written by the Director) News Update (some pages of short articles from the MID world) Post readers / Announcements (ie Buy / Sell) How To Interviews Programming & Development Deep Focus on Fremantle Deep Focus on MER Highlights (the best software of the month ...) Devices (only compatible with Maemo and Mer with TECHNICAL cards and where to buy) - The names currently proposed MMagazine Maegazine or maemagazinne (with the objection raised by wazd) IT Magazine / Mag IT / Internet Tablet Magazine Nits' / MID's world NIT MID & world MID Magazine / Magazine NIT maemag To better understand what I mean to, I thought a real magazine like this http://telefonino.net/new_files/imag...ne_41876_1.jpg in pdf (or other format). The date of October for the first issue is realistic, but depends only on the formation of a team seriously, and users who want to engage in the writing of serious and trained articles for each section. |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Volunteers and areas of interest in the above category?
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
put a "boot camp" section (very basic tutorials, newbie comments and such)
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
i'm thinking in something more "outside in the wild", like "how to explaint that n800 is NOT a cellphone" and something more light and funny
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Mi 5 cents as former journalist and creator of several online magazines, all of them closed now...
Creating a new online magazine is something really cool. Thanks to the publishing tools available nowadays getting started is quite easy, and if the topic is interesting is not that difficult to find contributors willing to give a hand working on the layout and posting stories. But that's not the difficult part. In most cases such initiatives have a very hard time going beyond the first months, and most of them close before accomplishing a first year, with plenty of energies and excitement just burnt out. Two years later they have left no trace. Nowadays there is even a higher degree of complexity since the own concept of periodical news and even "news" is in crisis. If you check your preferred online sources, I bet most of them are a continuous flow. Feeds and microblogging are making this flow even more continuous having different sources of more and more fragmented stories: a link to a webpage or a video, to a mailing list or forum post, to a simple 140 character tweet. So... why not investing these energies improving maemo.org/news instead? It's all about publishing stories, putting the microblog thing in place and feeding the most interesting Maemo sources and updates, isn't it? I know this is much more boring and demanding that starting something new from scratch. It will require more patience from the starters since they will need to agree things with the admins and the current "establishment". However, I firmly believe such energies will be better invested, they will have a direct impact in readers interested in Maemo and all the hard work will be clearly reflected in a better maemo.org in few months, and after several years. |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
I saw my name floated earlier in this thread by sjgadsby (thank you, btw!!!), and now I think I'll pipe in. I liked the idea of a magazine, but there is no way that I could contribute to something like that on a regular basis - and that is due to my own time commitments, not due to a lack of interest or lack of willingness to help out others. I wanted to do some user/community spotlights in my blog, and the best way to share that with maemo.org users was to have the blog aggregated. I think I have accomplished what I wanted to do on that front.
Alot of what is hoped to be accomplished with the subject magazine is in bits and pieces already throughout the maemo.org landscape - it's scattered though. Perhaps we could add in a 'dashboard'-like functionality to the maemo.org front page, fully customizable by the user to give them the 'live' magazine that they wish for. I'll raise a Brainstorm idea on this subject when I get the chance (no time right at the moment). |
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
OK-I drafted a Brainstorm Idea to foster input surrounding improvements to maemo.org/news. Enjoy!
Re: I have a dream - aka Maemo Magazine
Well i love and hate the idea of such a magazine.
The thing i hate about it: all stuff mentioned is dedicated to the developer scene, so why not aiming at a wider target readership by implementing much "easier" content !? The thing i love about it: i would read it! Because i am interested in it. The enduser that NOKIA is targeting at certainly won`t. But count me in as regular reader! Ok and as another reason is, that i allready develop a monthly ezine that you can get here: http://epo.endorphinum.de So my tips for you would be: Stick to the size of 800x480 so that you can distribute it to much more people and devices! Offer it as PDF so that if people do not want to read it on their device, they can print it out and read it in bed. |
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