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joshua.maverick 2009-09-02 04:57

N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Okay, my understanding is that N900 will not be available on the ATT bands which are the same as the ROGERS bands, i think. Is there any Canadian carrier that supports the bands of the N900 3g?

TheRealBubba 2009-09-02 05:08

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I am profoundly ignorant of these things. If here is no 3G carrier, or I buy an N900 and don't sign on with a 3G carrier, could I still use the N900 as a phone (the way I use my current cell phone, a "shiny" samsung from virgin, I don't think it has a sim card in it) and as wifi internet tablet the way I use my N800? Would I just loose the "smartphone" 3Gness of the N900 (the internet while away from wifi)? Or do I misunderstand?

Pointers to information at elementary level explanations appreciated.

Nelson L. Squeeko 2009-09-02 11:36

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by TheRealBubba (Post 319939)
I am profoundly ignorant of these things. If here is no 3G carrier, or I buy an N900 and don't sign on with a 3G carrier, could I still use the N900 as a phone (the way I use my current cell phone, a "shiny" samsung from virgin, I don't think it has a sim card in it) and as wifi internet tablet the way I use my N800? Would I just loose the "smartphone" 3Gness of the N900 (the internet while away from wifi)? Or do I misunderstand?

Pointers to information at elementary level explanations appreciated.

I'm pretty sure you can use it 3G less. Data connectivity would work on EDGE I think, which is much slower.

Capt'n Corrupt 2009-09-02 16:12

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I've heard from a reliable source that Bell is rolling its own 3G network, which should be coming quite soon. I'm not sure as to the bands, they will be using, but I suppose there is hope.


qwerty12 2009-09-02 16:15

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by TheRealBubba (Post 319939)
and as wifi internet tablet the way I use my N800?

I would presume so. If you look closely at , you will see that it has "Activate phone" next to "Offline mode".

froid 2009-09-02 16:23

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Yes one of the problems with our country...we are a wireless backwater because of the CRTC and lack of competition.

qole 2009-09-02 17:19

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I can confirm that the current N900 can do voice on Rogers/Fido, but it only shows "2.5 G" for data and has dismal data rates.

But with Wind (hopeful!) and Telus/Bell launching 3G networks soon, there IS hope...

daperl 2009-09-02 17:32

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 320313)
I can confirm that the current N900 can do voice on Rogers/Fido, but it only shows "2.5 G" for data and has dismal data rates.

But with Wind (hopeful!) and Telus/Bell launching 3G networks soon, there IS hope...

His first cell phone. How cute. Did you take a picture?

Don't mind me, that's just the jealousy talking.

Is that thing yours, or is it just a loner?

zerojay 2009-09-02 17:39

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 320313)
I can confirm that the current N900 can do voice on Rogers/Fido, but it only shows "2.5 G" for data and has dismal data rates.

But with Wind (hopeful!) and Telus/Bell launching 3G networks soon, there IS hope...

Send it over to your fellow Canadian when you're done. ;)

sjgadsby 2009-09-02 17:45

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 320325)
Send it over to your fellow Canadian when you're done.

Hedgecore? He hasn't been around for quite awhile.


EIPI 2009-09-02 17:52

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 320313)
I can confirm that the current N900 can do voice on Rogers/Fido, but it only shows "2.5 G" for data and has dismal data rates.

But with Wind (hopeful!) and Telus/Bell launching 3G networks soon, there IS hope...

Aha! I am a bit behind the 8-ball. Congrats! That is amazing!

joshua.maverick 2009-09-02 19:51

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
I thought Bell and Telus already had 3g networks?

magog 2009-09-02 21:33

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 320313)
I can confirm that the current N900 can do voice on Rogers/Fido, but it only shows "2.5 G" for data and has dismal data rates.

But with Wind (hopeful!) and Telus/Bell launching 3G networks soon, there IS hope...

Well, Wind certainly looks promising!

I know next to nothing about bands/carriers/frequencies etc. But I see that Wind is going be using AWS. Is this supported by the the n900?

karoliinasalmin 2009-09-02 22:32

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by TheRealBubba (Post 319939)
and as wifi internet tablet the way I use my N800?

The device can be used without 3G or 2G connectivity just like you would have used your N800 or N810, i.e. e.g. connect to wifi. I just did that in Northern Canada. There was no cellular network (any kind) available in Kuujjuaq or Iqaluit. But there was wifi about everywhere and the it was useful despite of not having the cellular connection, all sort of things worked via wifi. The experience was obviously a bit suboptimal compared to what I have in Finland, where everything works all the time and I can stay connected always to Internet and make calls and receive calls.

However, despite of the not optimal experience of just having the Wifi-connection, the old model N810 that I was able to demo there (could not do that with N900 as it was still top secret), e.g. in a Bed & Breakfast place where we stayed. I did notice two things: 1) they had never heard of this form factor devices before. Advanced ufo technology or something and 2) the N810 seemed very interesting device already. I could believe these people who tried N810 would have also liked N900 with just the Wifi there as that is the most mobile experience they can possibly get other than a satellite phone. And Googletalk and Skype were having a importance we have not used to in here in Finland because there is a telephone network here. There that is about the only way to contact people in other countries for example and the device with Wifi would be already exceptional mobility for them compared to just sitting on front of the computer to make their calls. I think even the fixed line phones there connect through through satellite. There are no cables there.

qole 2009-09-02 22:46

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by EIPI (Post 320333)
Aha! I am a bit behind the 8-ball. Congrats! That is amazing!

Congrats that the N900 won't work on Canadian 3G?

daperl: I still don't have a cellphone.

corymacrae 2009-09-02 22:57

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Will it work on bell because i am about to spend like 500 bucks for a ipod touch pretty much without the service

EIPI 2009-09-02 23:09

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 320504)
Congrats that the N900 won't work on Canadian 3G?

daperl: I still don't have a cellphone.

No... congrats on having an N900 in your hands.

TheRealBubba 2009-09-02 23:12

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by karoliinasalmin (Post 320501)
And Googletalk and Skype were having a importance we have not used to in here in Finland because there is a telephone network here.

I am, believe you me, envying your phone infrastructure.

I have a google voice invitation, but I gather that will do me no good as I'm not in the US.

I still don't quite grasp whether I can use the dumb-phone part of the N900 phone on existing Canadian phone infrastructure, even hopefully with my current dumbphone service provider.

dansus 2009-09-02 23:26

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
How about using a Mifi like device using whatever hsdpa network works for you and data plan, then buy the N900 unlocked and use the wifi function with the Mifi.

Stick the modem in your back pocket or bag and your good to go.

qole 2009-09-03 02:21

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
A Rogers or Fido SIM card will give you "dumbphone" (cellular voice) service plus a very slow "2.5" (EDGE?) data connection.

philmcneal 2009-09-07 19:28

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
i thought rogers and fido have a 3g network due to the release of the iphone 3gs. Can't you just buy a n900 then insert your fido/rogers sim and access their 3g network?

qole 2009-09-07 23:23

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Rogers in Canada and AT&T in the US use the wrong frequencies for the N900 (at least as released in October). Maybe one of the new carriers will use supported frequencies.

qole 2009-09-08 23:05

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Good news. It looks like the Wind Mobile AWS frequencies will work with the US T-Mobile N900. So Canadians can get 3G on their N900s. Sometime soon, when Wind launches.


....But the spectrum that was auctioned (“AWS”) is at a different frequency from most of the phones currently in the market, including the iPhone. It will take a while before the iPhone works on the AWS frequency (Apple needs to decide to do it). Unless anyone knows Steve and can have him call me.

Same answer for people’s currently unlocked phones. While there are some AWS frequency handsets out there (T-Mobile’s US 3G phones are AWS for example) and handset manufacturers are adding that frequency to their chipsets and handsets, it’s unlikely any currently “unlocked” phones will work on AWS at launch.

brunoqc 2009-09-09 00:47

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 324002)
Good news. It looks like the Wind Mobile AWS frequencies will work with the US T-Mobile N900. So Canadians can get 3G on their N900s. Sometime soon, when Wind launches.

It looks like it won't be offered in Québec :(


Why aren’t we talking about Quebec? We’re not in Quebec because we were beat out in the spectrum auction. Quebecor was successful in buying up nearly all of the available AWS spectrum in Quebec. They actually paid more for the Quebec spectrum than we paid for all the rest of Canada! We wanted to be there (and really still want to be there), but we can’t do that without spectrum. However, we are working on having roaming coverage in Quebec and other areas in Canada.

joshua.maverick 2009-09-09 06:12

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
damn you qole, I was about to post that comment! lol Yea it's good news, I keep checking the Wind mobile site for info on launch details. Qole how did you get your device? I don't think I've ever been this jealous before. If I kill you and steal your Identitfy, will I be able to keep the device too? lol thats a joke.. haha... haha.

sachin007 2009-09-09 06:27

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 324122)
damn you qole, I was about to post that comment! lol Yea it's good news, I keep checking the Wind mobile site for info on launch details. Qole how did you get your device? I don't think I've ever been this jealous before. If I kill you and steal your Identitfy, will I be able to keep the device too? lol thats a joke.. haha... haha.

Just to make you feel better.... qole does not have the device anymore. Qole correct me if am wrong

joshua.maverick 2009-09-09 06:27

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
And by damn you, I simply am envious and angry.

I do have a question for you though, any idea if there is a way I can preorder from Canada?

brunoqc 2009-09-09 06:37

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 324128)
I do have a question for you though, any idea if there is a way I can preorder from Canada?


Originally Posted by qole (Post 324010)
Looks like we might be able to get them via (for $760 :eek:) and we should be able to get true 3G via Wind Mobile when they eventually launch...

More patience is required, it would seem, than I currently have in stock. :(

Capt'n Corrupt 2009-09-09 11:11

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Wind has a poll on their site where the great majority of users are looking for better talk-rates and better data-plans. Hopefully Wind prices their services attractively.

I can't wait!


joshua.maverick 2009-09-10 17:37

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by Capt'n Corrupt (Post 324211)
Wind has a poll on their site where the great majority of users are looking for better talk-rates and better data-plans. Hopefully Wind prices their services attractively.

I can't wait!


Yea, I don't want to get my hopes up though, all their philosophy and ideas and press releases are great. But there is zero word about prices yet, and to compete in Canada they could offer better service and less scams at the same rates and still make some way in the market.

Only time will tell.

Capt'n Corrupt 2009-09-10 17:54

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

So true.

At this point, though, I would appreciate any new competition. Almost out of principal alone, all things being equal, I would choose Wind over Bell/Rogers/Telus.


joshua.maverick 2009-09-10 17:59

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by Capt'n Corrupt (Post 324946)

So true.

At this point, though, I would appreciate any new competition. Almost out of principal alone, all things being equal, I would choose Wind over Bell/Rogers/Telus.


Oh for sure, the fact that imaginary charges will be tied into the base cost is good

Hedgecore 2009-09-22 00:50

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Stephen: I live (if you can call this life; finally made DBA but it's a bad scene).

While I have hope for the N900 as the tablets we've all been enjoying these past few years, I think it's going to fall flat as a cellular offering in Canada due in no small part to the idiocy of the carriers here.

I'm currently in the midst of a 3 year contract with Rogers with an iPhone 3G... Canada-wide MY5 and 6GB of data per month. I also have iPhone visual voicemail (hip hip hooray... or something...)

Now, some of that stuff (noteably the visual voicemail) is iPhone specific... so transferring devices would be odd. (Remember that plan I'm locked into?)

Basically, it seems the carriers are marketing device-specific plans because they're in cahoots with the manufacturers. My only saving grace would be that Rogers would let me tether my iPhone to the N900... which leads me to my next question; why the hell would I buy an N900?

Unless the CRTC discovers fire and leads us out of the luddite depths we're entrenched in, there's not much hope of the device succeeding.

I honestly think the cell radio and hefty pricetag may be it's downfall in the cold white north.

TenSpeed 2009-09-22 02:23

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
For those hoping to use the N900 in Canada, I should probably repeat a few links that I gave here:

A few months ago there was a major auction of new wireless spectra in Canada. The vast majority of this is AWS/1700 band, which suggests that the N900 will be functional on a number of networks in the future (it's already good for voice/EDGE data on Rogers/Fido). Telus should be switching on their GSM network any day now, and Bell won't be far behind (I believe I heard December, but can't confirm). Many of the smaller companies, like my local MTS (Manitoba) have also announced plans to move towards GSM. While I wouldn't suggest you base your buying decision on this, it is indicative of a trend, and suggests that the N900 and later Maemo devices should work here... eventually.

For the raw info about the spectrum auction, see the Industry Canada website for details:

The final results of the AWS spectrum auction are listed here:

Listed by winner and showing every spectrum block:

EDIT: <revised URLs - odd, they worked last night...>

Note that this new spectrum is all about using the 3.5G data connection, as the N900 supports all four GSM/EDGE frequencies (850/900/1800/1900) and should work as a phone with a slow (2.5G) data connection in any country with a GSM system, which is most of them. Even Canada. :D

qole 2009-09-22 06:19

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
TenSpeed: all three of your links return 404s.

Still hoping for a new Wind in Vancouver very soon (because EDGE sucks)...

R-R 2009-09-22 15:01

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 331248)
TenSpeed: all three of your links return 404s.

Still hoping for a new Wind in Vancouver very soon (because EDGE sucks)...

they all work this morning here :)

joshua.maverick 2009-09-22 18:39

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Hopefully the CRTC hearing goes well. Anybody know the actual availability of the N900? I'm planning a trip to NYC in october and I want to be sure I can pick it up.

jandmdickerson 2009-09-23 02:50

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
Just pick one up here...


Address:464,floor way, 10001
Location:Ottawa, Canada

brunoqc 2009-09-23 03:12

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by jandmdickerson (Post 331912)

I'm a bit suspicious about that $ 350.00 price.

joshua.maverick 2009-09-23 03:29

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by jandmdickerson (Post 331912)

lol I prefer getting real devices lol

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