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harriva 2009-09-08 11:30

Irreco for N900
Irreco is remote control application for controlling IR equipped devices.
N900 has IR transmitter. You know where this is going. :)

Irreco for n900 tutorial
(Bad video quality, we know.)

Fremantle port is at extras-devel.
Just get irreco-for-n900 package and you are ready to shoot IR beams from your n900.
(Sadly, IR beam is invisible to human eye, so no Star Wars battles with N900's)

Controlling any device requires that some good soul has recorded it's remote controller in first place.
No much sense of bothering to install at all if your device isn't supported so check first.
Lirc command database (^that there) isn't that comprehensive (+2000 devices), so good luck with it. Some models made by the same manufacturer work with similar devices, so maybe give it a try. Additionally you can try recording your remote with IR equipped computer or with external IR receiver.
Installing LIRC for recording remote controls on a ThinkPad

Known bugs and stuff to do:
- LircDB browsing is awful. Items are activated on click so finding correct model takes time. Works on emulator though, fixed twice, no clues about solution.
- Button style selection activates on tap, no easy solution. Use that tiny scrollbar. Would require biggish rewrite.
- New button dialog offers last used command for new buttons. Mainly annoying.
- Removing theme containing BG image sometimes results BG dialog chrashing. Couldn't reproduce issue on emulator.
- BIG issue. Lirc daemon running background affects batterylife dramatically. <- Fixed
- General lack of usability and frustrading complexity. Hard times for first time users.

Note for Old irreco users who may remember these.
Old-timer backends are somewhat abandoned.
(browser, commandline, irtrans, mythtv and telnet)
Those may not be that hard to port though. UI reorganizations mostly I'd think.

There are no more developers left for this (GTK/C) project. Last three: Mäki, Parttimaa and Vattulainen are moving on.
Some of us are still here somewhere, but coding is somewhat done now. Lirc daemon issue is still on table, but no promises about that either. Some init.d signaling stuff under investigation.
Some talks still on way, about code sharing and giving project away.

P.S No fooling around with public tellies.
P.P.S Original n8x0 irreco talk here


EDIT @Friday, September 11, 2009
Telnet and Commandline backends are added to Fremantle repository.

EDIT2 @Monday, September 14, 2009
Up to date sources here.

EDIT3 @Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Lirc daemon running all the time fixed some time ago but let's announce it here too. Latest Lirc daemon is running only when Irreco (or QTirreco) is started. This should help extend battery life.

ColdFusion 2009-09-08 12:36

Re: Irreco for N900
So the little black window next to the camera button is actually IR transmitter! I knew it! :D
What is the range?

harriva 2009-09-08 13:12

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by ColdFusion (Post 323670)
So the little black window next to the camera button is actually IR transmitter! I knew it! :D
What is the range?

It is indeed IR thingy.

Don't know about final product so I don't guess it's range.

Kozzi 2009-09-08 14:42

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by harriva (Post 323698)
It is indeed IR thingy.

Don't know about final product so I don't guess it's range.

How far from the device you can use N900 to control ?

harriva 2009-09-09 09:09

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 323744)
How far from the device you can use N900 to control ?

We don't have n900.
We have n900 prototype.
I can't provide any accurate information regarding ir range of final product.

ColdFusion 2009-09-09 09:11

Re: Irreco for N900
Can someone with a final product test it?

Capt'n Corrupt 2009-09-09 10:56

Re: Irreco for N900
This is a great product, and a must download for the N900.

I think this project sorely needs some design work and some UI work to make it more attractive and the UI better (as you know). Functionally, though, it's quite good!

Also, it would be good to have 'Generic' remotes with button layouts already set up. For example, if a person were to download from LIRC DB, the commands would be mapped to the generic remote. This would make it much easier for people to have something to customize based on.

Lastly, a one-handed portrait mode would be nice. As I understand it, it's in the top-right side of the device, so you'd have to hold the device in portrait-upside down (thumb along the bottom edge), but this would make it much more comfortable to control.

I think this project has TONS of potential, and can turn into something quite special with a bit more work. Way to go guys!


harriva 2009-09-09 11:20

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by Capt'n Corrupt (Post 324206)
Also, it would be good to have 'Generic' remotes with button layouts already set up. For example, if a person were to download from LIRC DB, the commands would be mapped to the generic remote. This would make it much easier for people to have something to customize based on.

It's been thinked. No time, no doers.

Lastly, a one-handed portrait mode would be nice. As I understand it, it's in the top-right side of the device, so you'd have to hold the device in portrait-upside down (thumb along the bottom edge), but this would make it much more comfortable to control.
The blinky is right-top side. Same side where +/-, power and camerabuttons are.
Hope I understood this right.

Capt'n Corrupt 2009-09-09 11:30

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by harriva (Post 324216)
The blinky is right-top side. Same side where +/-, power and camerabuttons are.
Hope I understood this right.

Yes, I understand.

I guess it depends how bright the IR is, as when holding it portrait, you might still be able to have the signal reach the receiver even if it's coming out of the side of the device.


Originally Posted by harriva (Post 324216)
It's been thinked. No time, no doers.

Well, perhaps there'll be a fork of this interesting project or another project that fixes some of these usability issues. :o


harriva 2009-09-09 11:45

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by Capt'n Corrupt (Post 324221)
Yes, I understand.

I guess it depends how bright the IR is, as when holding it portrait, you might still be able to have the signal reach the receiver even if it's coming out of the side of the device.

Don't think that would work. But you'll test it out when devices start shipping.


Well, perhaps there'll be a fork of this interesting project or another project that fixes some of these usability issues. :o

Hope so.
I'll talk about taking extra delevopers to QT guys who are making QT version of irreco.

Reggie 2009-09-09 12:22

Re: Irreco for N900
I blogged about Irreco here. Thanks.

Do you know how strong the IR of the N900 is? I remember back during my Sony Clie days, the IR of specific models were so weak that it will only work at about 4 feet -- which made remote control apps unusable.

Also, any chance you can add bluetooth remote support for the PS3? :D

harriva 2009-09-09 13:25

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 324239)
Do you know how strong the IR of the N900 is?

No I don't.


Also, any chance you can add bluetooth remote support for the PS3? :D
Like said. No more features from current developers.
But if there is any commandline app on linux talking bluetooth and someone just ports that to fremantle, then irreco can use that commandline app. Irreco has backend that can send commands to commandline.

Maybe someone else knows a bit more about bluetoothing.

twaelti 2009-09-10 07:40

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by harriva (Post 323647)
(Sadly, IR beam is invisible to human eye, so no Star Wars battles with N900's)

Just point a digital camera at the IR port while sending and the light will be visible in the cameras viewfinder (great way to see if an old remote still works...).

BTW: Thanks for the great work you all did on Irreco - hopefully someone will be able to pick up after you leave.

Thesandlord 2009-09-11 02:08

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by harriva (Post 324264)
No I don't.

Like said. No more features from current developers.
But if there is any commandline app on linux talking bluetooth and someone just ports that to fremantle, then irreco can use that commandline app. Irreco has backend that can send commands to commandline.

Maybe someone else knows a bit more about bluetoothing.

Maybe bluemaemo can be ported to the N900?
(I saw it in that video, so its in the n900 repos...)

And WHY is there a IR port on the N900 aside from using it as a remote control. Bluetooth and WiFi >>>> IR

YoDude 2009-09-11 02:15

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by Thesandlord (Post 325198)

...And WHY is there a IR port on the N900 aside from using it as a remote control. Bluetooth and WiFi >>>> IR

I don't know :confused: I still haven't figured out why there's a cell phone. :p

Jaffa 2009-09-11 12:39

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by YoDude (Post 325202)
I don't know :confused: I still haven't figured out why there's a cell phone. :p

Off-topic. (And it's because it's what the market wants, even if it's not what you want. You can already see the increased buzz and excitement around the N900 because people can understand what it is)

ioioio 2009-09-11 18:05

Re: Irreco for N900
First, I, for one, welcome our new n900 overlords.

Second, is the IR on the n900 consumer IR? ( ), what is the range? and is there also an IR receiver? Any remote app would need a learning function (assuming an IR receiver) so we can program our own remotes.

Cruelkix 2009-09-11 18:21

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by ioioio (Post 325496)
and is there also an IR receiver? Any remote app would need a learning function (assuming an IR receiver) so we can program our own remotes.

You should be able to hook up a usb IR reciever. You can find them online. Swap the n900 into host mode and learn learn learn. as long as someone writes the code. But you should be able to find it from Lirc as it is a linux based open soruce program (I think).

Thesandlord 2009-09-11 18:48

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by ioioio (Post 325496)
First, I, for one, welcome our new n900 overlords.

Second, is the IR on the n900 consumer IR? ( ), what is the range? and is there also an IR receiver? Any remote app would need a learning function (assuming an IR receiver) so we can program our own remotes.

Highly doubt it is proper "consumer IR", 99% sure it is IrDA. This means that it is send and receive, so it can probably "learn" as well. Just remember that IrDA was not supposed to behave this way (like consumer IR that is), so its really a hack. I had a program like this for my Palm T3, and used the IR to control a mindstorms robot. Cool shlt.

pelago 2009-09-11 21:33

Re: Irreco for N900
I'm amazed they added IR to this device. I used IR on PDAs 10 years ago, but it hardly seems necessary these days.

YoDude 2009-09-11 21:45

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 325370)
Off-topic. (And it's because it's what the market wants, even if it's not what you want. You can already see the increased buzz and excitement around the N900 because people can understand what it is)

Please note the :p at the end of my post. :)

Bernard 2009-09-11 22:32

Re: Irreco for N900
I think it is REALLY cool!

I hope you can use the Palm emulator on the N900 with this IRDA port.
That way a lot more Palm applications should be able to run on the N900.

I have two legacy Palm IRDA apps that I would LOVE to be able to run on a N900. (1 to interface with a Casio camera Watch, and a second one to interface with a Seiko Ink-link Pen)

I'm not saying it is particularly usefull, but it is very cool in my opinion if this would work!

thp 2009-09-11 23:09

Re: Irreco for N900
Any chance of getting TV-B-Gone functionality into this application? Just for fun and nerd factor increase.

harriva 2009-09-12 15:10

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by thp (Post 325635)
Any chance of getting TV-B-Gone functionality into this application? Just for fun and nerd factor increase.

I'd say it's next to impossible to record ir transmission from that thing. It just sends many many different shutdown commands. (Impossibe to record with lirc, except to raw code whitch is not supported sending type.)

What I'd do, is to scan through existing known commands and parse power button commands from there. Pack them up and send all of them.

And if someone is interested about day worth of hard work, I'd recommend looking lirc backend code for a sec and writing desktop widget with one button. Progress indicator would also be nice.

kotzkind 2009-09-12 23:09

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by harriva (Post 325842)
I'd say it's next to impossible to record ir transmission from that thing. It just sends many many different shutdown commands. (Impossibe to record with lirc, except to raw code whitch is not supported sending type.)

What I'd do, is to scan through existing known commands and parse power button commands from there. Pack them up and send all of them.

And if someone is interested about day worth of hard work, I'd recommend looking lirc backend code for a sec and writing desktop widget with one button. Progress indicator would also be nice.

source code of tvbgone, includes the shutdown codes

harriva 2009-09-13 08:54

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by kotzkind (Post 325995)
source code of tvbgone, includes the shutdown codes

Files in make no sense to me.
I think codes from WORLDcodes.c could be transformed into raw_code formatting which should be supported by lirc.

Currently raw codes are not supported but I don't know why. I'll ask my coworkers about this tomorrow.


Monday, September 14, 2009
irreco-backend-internal-lirc doesn't support raw_code configs.

thecursedfly 2009-09-21 11:20

Re: Irreco for N900
some clarifications for a noob please:
the IR sender (it can only send the signal right? not receive) of the N900 has the only purpose to control TVs? (can't come on other widespread/common IR receiver objects)
and in a difficult way? (create the right layout (if possible), UI needs work, IR port on a side, no portrait..)

beginning to understand why I lived all these years not caring for a IR port on any device... :p

(though, worth adding that Irreco is a nice app; everybody who worked on that has all my respect for adding functionalities to this and other devices! ;) )

tz1 2009-09-22 05:18

Re: Irreco for N900
TV-b-gone would work as well as any other IR remote would work (I think I did the first proof of concept on a Palm 3 - they said it couldn't be done since it was IrDA, but if you can set the right baud rate, and send a string of "U" (0x55), you get a carrier.

IrDA send tends to be weak as far as brightness goes.

kryptoniankid17 2009-09-26 00:00

Re: Irreco for N900
how can i donate to the irreco team?

arono 2009-09-26 00:48

Re: Irreco for N900
For those of you wondering about the strength of the ir, it seems that this could be from a reliable source, or what do you say?:


It seems to work fine from 5 or 6 meters. Longer distances might work, haven't tested (yet). One remote has only one page for buttons but you can create multiple remotes for same device and you can switch easily between them. So that's kind of a hack to achieve it.
source the youtube tutorial video (check comments by the uploader IreccoTeam):

harriva 2009-09-26 09:49

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by kryptoniankid17 (Post 333955)
how can i donate to the irreco team?

You could pay for job (not) well done, but that won't help make irreco better as our team is breaking up as all of us try to focus graduating.
You can contribute by finding new developers or becoming one.
I will also suggest QT team to become public as that project has brighter future.


Originally Posted by arono (Post 333989)
For those of you wondering about the strength of the ir, it seems that this could be from a reliable source, or what do you say?:

source the youtube tutorial video (check comments by the uploader IreccoTeam):

As reluctant as I was to comment this subject as we use prototype, that source (IrrecoTeam) is reliable and some of us are more prone to talk.

See also

TV-b-gone IR codes don't open to me, but I may mail the developers some day and ask.

tz1 2009-09-27 00:41

Re: Irreco for N900
One group has grabbed a very large number of codes:

(I think the tvbgone used such a source).

harriva 2009-09-27 09:42

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 334526)
One group has grabbed a very large number of codes:

(I think the tvbgone used such a source).

I think easiest way would still be using codes in WORLDcodes.c.
All powerbuttons in one pack and duplicates already removed.
Let others do the hard work and so on.

javispedro 2009-10-01 15:59

Re: Irreco for N900
The N900 manual states it can't do IrDA, that probably means its only a IR transmitter and not a receiver.

(Weirdly enough my PC has only a receiver ;))

ki6amd 2009-11-08 06:24

Re: Irreco for N900
I could test the range on the N900, however the IRRECO team has for some reason not made the .install file correctly. The install file should create the needed repos, and then install the application, unfortunately they haven't done that, or uploaded the app to the Fremantle repos. I have only a few days before this unit goes back to Nokia, so the qucker the better.

harriva 2009-11-09 13:54

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by ki6amd (Post 368578)
I could test the range on the N900, however the IRRECO team has for some reason not made the .install file correctly. The install file should create the needed repos, and then install the application, unfortunately they haven't done that, or uploaded the app to the Fremantle repos. I have only a few days before this unit goes back to Nokia, so the qucker the better.

All pages and sites and .install files are for n8x0 users.
Irreco that works with n900 (irreco-for-n900) is in fremantle extras-devel repository where it will stay until someone fixes all the little things.



Feel free to play with this software, but be aware that this is software under development. Do not install software from either Extras-Devel or Extras-Testing unless you know exactly what you are doing.

Unless you are a developer or an experienced tester you should not have these repositories configured.

Until informed otherwise all software refered to in this thread is suspect and may seriously effect the utility of your device. Although not dangerous to it physically it may seriously affect the utility or battery life of your device in lots of as yet, unknown ways.


Manulzibul 2009-12-06 23:06

Re: Irreco for N900
whats up with the qtirreco programm at the programm manager?
is it for N900?
atfer installing it is working fine but i cant control tv or other ir stuff.....
do i need somethin extra to use the ir sensor??

Pedrolot 2009-12-08 19:26

Re: Irreco for N900
Any news on this lately?

R-R 2009-12-14 17:52

Re: Irreco for N900
Bump up... Is anyone having this work properly from the repository? :)

casper27 2009-12-14 18:04

Re: Irreco for N900
The ir sensor does work by enabling internal lirc


/etc/init.d/lirc start
This needs to be done as root.

The problem comes when trying to download already working remotes as they use the irtrans backend which is not supported yet. You can build your own remote specifying the internal lirc as source but it is a little hit and miss with the model types. I have successfully changed channels and turned off mky Sony Bravia 32500s model. I am just trying to fine tune it into working with all the buttons as I cannot find a way to incorporate buttons from different models which work.

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