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andrewfblack 2009-09-30 18:55

[Theme] Fremantle for Diablo
Someone started talking about how it would be nice to have a Fremantle Style Theme for Diablo. I decided to give it a try and see what I could come up with and here are some of the screenshots. I will be releasing the theme on Friday to extras-devel and give it a few days there before moving it into extras. The theme is about 98% done as of today and only has a few bugs to work out.

Update 1.2: Fixed several issues including menu backgrounds, also started a wide scroll bar version.

Please leave any comments about my theme you wish.

Download Deb: Version 1.2 - Version 1.2 Wide Scroll Bars


Wide Bars:

joppu 2009-09-30 19:00

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Are you planning on using osso-icons for the theme? Or are they copyrighted to Nokia or something?

zerojay 2009-09-30 19:00

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Only the SDK has the green style to it. I'd love to see the bluish version on the current device.

andrewfblack 2009-09-30 19:07

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by joppu (Post 336959)
Are you planning on using osso-icons for the theme? Or are they copyrighted to Nokia or something?


Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 336960)
Only the SDK has the green style to it. I'd love to see the bluish version on the current device.

My theme is based off of the Theme Maker Fremantle Theme. The Fremantle themes and icons that come with Maemo 5 are all copy written and I can't include them if you have a n900 I can tell you how to move your icons over.

zerojay 2009-09-30 19:08

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 336967)
this is based off of the Theme Maker Fremantle Theme. The Fremantle themes and icons that come with Maemo 5 are all copy written and I can't include them if you have a n900 I can tell you how to move your icons over.

Just make the ones you have blue then. ;)

andrewfblack 2009-10-02 17:46

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
added link to deb for install and uploaded to extras-devel.

gazza_d 2009-10-02 18:49

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
installed and is really great - thank you very much!

any chance though of increasing the font size, and possibly making bold?

also some of the dialog boxes are black text on the dark gray background, which I am sure you are already aware of.


andrewfblack 2009-10-02 19:01

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by gazza_d (Post 338347)
installed and is really great - thank you very much!

any chance though of increasing the font size, and possibly making bold?

also some of the dialog boxes are black text on the dark gray background, which I am sure you are already aware of.


thanks for the input. I was planning on doing a large font version of it soon. Also I know that dialog buttons that are disabled are dark grey with black text are there anyone other ones if so please let me know.

gazza_d 2009-10-02 19:19

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
The buttons below the quick reply box on this site for starters :-)

Although I don't personally use it much, the default media player is currently pretty messed up with this theme.

Ace theme though - thanks again. Really like it.

andrewfblack 2009-10-02 19:30

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Yeah I havn't created any media player buttons yet I kinda forgot to didn't think that many people used default player I'll do it before it goes to extras for sure.

jperez2009 2009-10-02 20:24

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Looks nice. I'll try it out once the little "kinks" are worked out. I am already comfortable with what I have, but this will be nice.


Cadabena 2009-10-02 22:05

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Very nice theme, extremely stylish. Only minor gripe is that text boxes are a kind of checked black, and hard to read.

jalladin 2009-10-02 22:27

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by Cadabena (Post 338451)
Very nice theme, extremely stylish. Only minor gripe is that text boxes are a kind of checked black, and hard to read.

I agree its very nice, its amazing how a simple thing like changing the theme can almost give the device a whole new feel and look almost. it refreshed it for me, for some reason i cant put it down now :p

jandmdickerson 2009-10-02 22:47

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 338357)
thanks for the input. I was planning on doing a large font version of it soon. Also I know that dialog buttons that are disabled are dark grey with black text are there anyone other ones if so please let me know.

Can we get a "widebar" version also?? It makes life sooo easy....

Blahah 2009-10-02 22:49

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Nice work, this calibre of theme is what's needed to make the NIT a thing of beauty. It's actually inspired me to start theming myself. For such an awesome device, there are basically no themes. This is the first which really does it for me.

Incidentally, there are some incomplete areas, specifically when opening any settings programs the main window area shows as white with all other elements true to the theme.

ps, I threw together a quick background to complement this theme, as an alternative to the included one..

gazza_d 2009-10-03 10:21

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
found another issue with the theme, which is that when using the default chat client, you cannot see any of the text in the chat window.

Nelson L. Squeeko 2009-10-03 12:01

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
+1 for the Larger Text.

"Bug" report:
In the Home menu options to "Select Applets", "Set Background Image" and "Set Theme", the menu bar is a light blue as opposed to being green to match the theme.

If those menu bars can't be changed, a blue version (as suggested earlier) would also be nice.

Cadabena 2009-10-03 14:31

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
I've edited the background so the black matches the top now

andrewfblack 2009-10-04 02:40

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by jandmdickerson (Post 338464)
Can we get a "widebar" version also?? It makes life sooo easy....

I've never been able to figure out the wide scroll bars. If anyone wants to do it or tell me how pm me.

andrewfblack 2009-10-04 02:42

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by Nelson L. Squeeko (Post 338707)
+1 for the Larger Text.

"Bug" report:
In the Home menu options to "Select Applets", "Set Background Image" and "Set Theme", the menu bar is a light blue as opposed to being green to match the theme.

If those menu bars can't be changed, a blue version (as suggested earlier) would also be nice.

I can change anything and I'll change that menu bar. Also I hope to start work on blue version in the next week or two. I didn't plan on color variants at first but after I rework my themes I will be able to do unlimited color variation.

I also want to thank everyone for there comments on my theme its nice to know people like it. Keep the bug reports coming in I hope to release and update Monday. Also let me know of any color variants you want.

mfortner 2009-10-04 03:27

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 338388)
Yeah I havn't created any media player buttons yet I kinda forgot to didn't think that many people used default player I'll do it before it goes to extras for sure.

Is this also why the Internet Radio applet appears in a green outline and dark buttons?

andrewfblack 2009-10-04 03:33

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by mfortner (Post 339076)
Is this also why the Internet Radio applet appears in a green outline and dark buttons?

not sure I will ave to take a look at the radio applet. it could be

Saturn 2009-10-04 10:29

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
4 Attachment(s)
Hi Andrew,

The theme looks great. Thanks.

- There are some pixels missing in the bottom of the "Status Bar". (it is also visible in the Advanced Backlight icon on your post). It is also missing the small icon with the parallel bars next to the name of the "Home".
- In the "Task Navigator" the icon of the contacts has disappeared - if you tap on that area it pops the menu.
- In the "Personal Menu" it doesn't show the focus on the application when using the d-pad.
- The clock applet looks weird.
- The menus in many applications have white background with blue header.

Here are some screenshots if they can help..

Nelson L. Squeeko 2009-10-04 12:06

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
I know its not how the Fremantle theme looks, but I kind of like it when viewing the desktop that the title/applet bar has a slight transparency to it.

Like instead of the 100% opacity, something like 80-90% would look nice. Just a slight change so you can tell the image in the background isn't cut off.

Blahah 2009-10-04 12:27

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Andrew I have a request. Could you possibly make a version with a font which supports all Japanese characters? I can provide you with the appropriate font if you're willing to include it.

bobthebuilder 2009-10-04 17:54

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
not sure if your aware of this but the suggested word finishing thing is illegible when in microb with this, You can only see what you have already typed.

andrewfblack 2009-10-04 21:39

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by Saturn (Post 339172)
Hi Andrew,

The theme looks great. Thanks.

- There are some pixels missing in the bottom of the "Status Bar". (it is also visible in the Advanced Backlight icon on your post). It is also missing the small icon with the parallel bars next to the name of the "Home".
- In the "Task Navigator" the icon of the contacts has disappeared - if you tap on that area it pops the menu.
- In the "Personal Menu" it doesn't show the focus on the application when using the d-pad.
- The clock applet looks weird.
- The menus in many applications have white background with blue header.

Here are some screenshots if they can help..

Theme in OS2008 has some problems and bugs in general. Every theme I have one as he problem with cutting off the bottom of status bar. I believe its a problem with the theme maker software.

The Contacts and Browser buttons are made clear on purpose to make the theme look more like Fremantle. I have considered released a package to give you the icons if you want them but they do take away from the fremantle look some.

I don't use Personal Menu but I will install it and see what the problem is there is nothing on the theme that deals with Personal Menu but it might be a problem with the Focus all together.

Clock and Media Player Buttons are no finished yet. I don't think the color of menus are changable which is why we have no seen a black theme before I'll take a look into that as well.

andrewfblack 2009-10-04 21:41

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by Blahah (Post 339194)
Andrew I have a request. Could you possibly make a version with a font which supports all Japanese characters? I can provide you with the appropriate font if you're willing to include it.

sure just send me the font and I'll use it.

Blahah 2009-10-06 14:46

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 339437)
sure just send me the font and I'll use it.

Awesome thanks! MSGothic is probably the best to use as it has a nice sans western in addition to the Japanese scripts.

andrewfblack 2009-10-06 18:22

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Just released 1.2 that has several fixes including black background on menus, Also released 1.2 Wide Bars that has wide scroll bars. Please check them out and let me know what you think.

gazza_d 2009-10-06 18:35

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 340545)
Just released 1.2 that has several fixes including black background on menus, Also released 1.2 Wide Bars that has wide scroll bars. Please check them out and let me know what you think.

Hi Andrew.

Just checked your link from the 1st post on this thread, extras, and your windows theme garage site.

Where can I grab 1.2 plase? Or am I just too keen?



andrewfblack 2009-10-06 18:43

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Extras should be have very soon. Also I'm going to be added new link in about 2 mintues.

VulcanRidr 2009-10-07 09:16

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Thanks for this great theme, Andrew!

I have two issues with it (as the lugradio guys would say, there are always two, aren't there?)

1. Can/should we create icons for contacts and web? These can be turned off in the control panel, but on a few occasions, I use them.

2. The grey background is inherited by some apps. Especially with xword, it is almost impossible to see the clues, because while the app inherits the background (dark gray), it does not inherit the text color, so it is black.

Any ideas on this?

andrewfblack 2009-10-07 13:04

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
The icons can't be turned off in control panel but I'm going to release a second package that either replaces the icons. I'll also take a look at xword most likely if your using a program where you can select the font color it wont carry over.

VulcanRidr 2009-10-07 21:21

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 341018)
The icons can't be turned off in control panel but I'm going to release a second package that either replaces the icons. I'll also take a look at xword most likely if your using a program where you can select the font color it wont carry over.

Thanks Andrew. I checked the affected apps I have found so far (xword and midori), and did not see a way to change the font colors. In midori, the menus are green, but text input boxes are black on gray.

For the record, I too would also like to see a blue or purple version of this theme as well...


andrewfblack 2009-10-07 22:17

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
can you post up a screenshot so I can try and find what color grey is using, also I plan on multiple color variants

Blahah 2009-10-08 06:06

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

frediablowb is a BIG improvement. The button changes especially make everything much more readable, and the wide bar is great. Thanks for all the hard work.

LABAUDIO 2009-10-09 05:00

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 336953)
Someone started talking about how it would be nice to have a Fremantle Style Theme for Diablo. I decided to give it a try and see what I could come up with and here are some of the screenshots. I will be releasing the theme on Friday to extras-devel and give it a few days there before moving it into extras. The theme is about 98% done as of today and only has a few bugs to work out.

Update 1.2: Fixed several issues including menu backgrounds, also started a wide scroll bar version.

Please leave any comments about my theme you wish.

Download Deb: Version 1.2 - Version 1.2 Wide Scroll Bars


Wide Bars:

N900 borgizered lolllllll nice licking slick bro

GilesyNokia 2009-10-09 09:59

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Hey has anyone uploaded any N900 Maemo 5 themes yet??

andrewfblack 2009-10-09 12:03

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
haven't gotten theme maker worker yet for maemo5

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