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Luke-Jr 2009-10-01 16:59

100% Free software handheld
Noticed there seems to be more people reading this forum than in the #Maemo IRC channel who are interested in having an actually free/open handheld. I suggest we all collaborate on the search... maybe we'll even end up with enough people to have some weight in requests with companies ;)
Please don't join and leave-- stick around! The channel won't grow big enough for discussions if everyone is only there for a few seconds each!

keesj 2009-10-01 20:24

Re: 100% Free software handheld
What to you miss in the current ones?

mullf 2009-10-01 22:03

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by Luke-Jr (Post 337607)
100% Free software handheld

Better yet, how about a 100% software handheld. That way, we don't have to deal with any of this proprietary hardware business. :-X

zerojay 2009-10-01 22:05

Re: 100% Free software handheld
Great, how about you guys organize yourselves in off-topic?

Luke-Jr 2009-10-01 22:07

Re: 100% Free software handheld
keesj: OpenMoko lacks a keyboard and decent specs. OpenPandora doesn't exist yet, and might never at its current rate.

ruskie 2009-10-02 05:54

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by Luke-Jr (Post 337846)
keesj: OpenMoko lacks a keyboard and decent specs. OpenPandora doesn't exist yet, and might never at its current rate.

In case you missed it OpenPandora has set out an email that there's 100 units left for preorder and that they are starting their first batch production run in october 2009 so that is this month ;)

Luke-Jr 2009-10-02 16:01

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by ruskie (Post 338047)
In case you missed it OpenPandora has set out an email that there's 100 units left for preorder and that they are starting their first batch production run in october 2009 so that is this month ;)

With OpenPandora's track record, I think at this point only a fool would pre-order. With the currency changes over the past few years, the original pre-orders will end up paying significantly more than those who order when it's immediately available.

TA-t3 2009-10-03 11:32

Re: 100% Free software handheld
That's a way too generic statement. For myself, as a pre-orderer, I can say that I'll come out ahead by a go bit.

rpcutts 2009-10-03 11:57

Re: 100% Free software handheld
You might wanna take a butchers at Replicant

javispedro 2009-10-03 12:11

Re: 100% Free software handheld
Not to mention OpenPandora is not a 100% free handheld. For a start, it has closed OGLES drivers.
But of course you'll at least be able to boot it from battery with only free software.

korbé 2009-10-03 12:49

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 338714)
Not to mention OpenPandora is not a 100% free handheld. For a start, it has closed OGLES drivers.
But of course you'll at least be able to boot it from battery with only free software.

The OpenPandora community working on a FOSS version of OGLES.

@ Luke-Jr: I will support this initiative for Maemo 100% FOSS.

The opening of the software should not be solely for technical and financial reasons: in this case, it benefits only for companies.

The opening must also be done for ethical and social reasons, so everyone benefits: companies, users, hackers, etc. ...

meizirkki 2009-10-03 12:53

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 338714)
Not to mention OpenPandora is not a 100% free handheld. For a start, it has closed OGLES drivers.
But of course you'll at least be able to boot it from battery with only free software.

Same with the Touch Book.

keesj 2009-10-03 12:58

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by Luke-Jr (Post 337846)
keesj: OpenMoko lacks a keyboard and decent specs. OpenPandora doesn't exist yet, and might never at its current rate.

And what do you miss in terms of features the N900?. What do you want to open?

javispedro 2009-10-03 13:01

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by korbé (Post 338720)
The OpenPandora community working on a FOSS version of OGLES.

Doubt it, but care to point me to an URL?

korbé 2009-10-03 13:07

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 338724)
Doubt it, but care to point me to an URL?

Please wait, I search...

javispedro 2009-10-03 13:21

Re: 100% Free software handheld
You mean ? But as you can read chances are dim, and even dimmer are chances of a free driver to be any better than the Imagination one.

korbé 2009-10-03 13:41

Re: 100% Free software handheld
Ah, you've been faster.

Luke-Jr 2009-10-13 14:38

Re: 100% Free software handheld
javispedro, as far as I've seen, OpenPandora has been promoting their product as 100% free, including GLES

javispedro 2009-10-13 15:06

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by Luke-Jr (Post 345379)
javispedro, as far as I've seen, OpenPandora has been promoting their product as 100% free, including GLES

Well, I'd love to be corrected since that would mean we could most probably reuse them.
But as it stands, I'd say that if you've been looking for 100% free as in freedom hardware, look somewhere else. I wouldn't consider the Pandora guys interested in 100% free software/hardware more than "something that works OK and is hackable enough".

Flandry 2009-10-13 15:20

Re: 100% Free software handheld
Any completely open device is going to be a few generations out of date because hardware isn't released with open drivers. I'm willing to use closed-source drivers on my handheld because it means it can use the most cutting-edge hardware at a reasonable price due to economy of scale. On a desktop, 100% open is a more acceptable goal, but in the frenetically advancing tech of mobile devices, the compromise is just not something that is economically (market) viable.

ewan 2009-10-13 15:30

Re: 100% Free software handheld
There is no reason in principle why the hardware shouldn't be released with free drivers and or open specifications supported by the manufacturer, just as happens with Intel and ATI graphics on desktops. Open drivers are not a liability, they're a feature.

Flandry 2009-10-13 15:41

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by ewan (Post 345428)
There is no reason in principle why the hardware shouldn't be released with free drivers and or open specifications supported by the manufacturer, just as happens with Intel and ATI graphics on desktops. Open drivers are not a liability, they're a feature.

Actually, that's not true. There are two ways of keeping one's intellectual property secured. One is through the use of patents, wherein the method is fully disclosed with the understanding it will be legally protected, the other is known as a trade secret. There are legal protections of some nature for both in differing degrees depending on country. I am 100% sympathetic to leading designers keeping their drivers closed to hide implementation details and optimizations the designer would prefer to keep as a trade secret. Anything revealed for patent purposes can and will be ripped off in countries where patent protection is not enforced or not provided. Reverse engineering can reveal trade secrets, but it can at least slow the process down so that some money can be made before the tech is absorbed into China's bank.

As i said, i would prefer fast, modern technology in my device to 100% open drivers. While the two aren't mutually exclusive per se, in practice you don't see it happen because companies want to keep their advantage and with it, profit margin.

VulcanRidr 2009-10-13 23:05

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by Luke-Jr (Post 337846)
keesj: OpenMoko lacks a keyboard and decent specs. OpenPandora doesn't exist yet, and might never at its current rate.

What is it you're saying? That OpenPandora is the Duke Nukem Forever of the Linux world? :D

VulcanRidr 2009-10-13 23:16

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by Luke-Jr (Post 337607)
Noticed there seems to be more people reading this forum than in the #Maemo IRC channel who are interested in having an actually free/open handheld. I suggest we all collaborate on the search... maybe we'll even end up with enough people to have some weight in requests with companies ;)

If you look at Linux desktop distributions, the FSF only "blesses." what, 6 distributions? Out of 300-ish? Debian is not even considered completely free. And from what I can tell, Debian and Maemo are non-free for roughly the same reason: Hardware drivers. As with my desktop system, if Nokia makes a hardware decision to use better hardware versus open drivers, I'm all for that.

But thats just my opinon.

korbé 2009-10-15 17:13

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by VulcanRidr (Post 345836)
If you look at Linux desktop distributions, the FSF only "blesses." what, 6 distributions? Out of 300-ish? Debian is not even considered completely free. And from what I can tell, Debian and Maemo are non-free for roughly the same reason: Hardware drivers. As with my desktop system, if Nokia makes a hardware decision to use better hardware versus open drivers, I'm all for that.

But thats just my opinon.

Yes, but no.

In maemo, there is not only in drivers that are proprietary code.

Luke-Jr 2009-10-15 17:42

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by VulcanRidr (Post 345836)
If you look at Linux desktop distributions, the FSF only "blesses." what, 6 distributions? Out of 300-ish? Debian is not even considered completely free. And from what I can tell, Debian and Maemo are non-free for roughly the same reason: Hardware drivers.

No, Debian doesn't include any non-free drivers. FSF doesn't endorse Debian because they do have an (independent) repository of non-free software. Maemo is more like Ubuntu, except that AFAIK Maemo's non-free bits are legal.

Originally Posted by VulcanRidr (Post 345836)
As with my desktop system, if Nokia makes a hardware decision to use better hardware versus open drivers, I'm all for that.

Well, some of us actually care about freedom. And keeping their drivers proprietary doesn't make the hardware better. It's not like the battery charger is someone else's IP-- nothing is stopping Nokia from releasing that code at least.

GeneralAntilles 2009-10-15 17:58

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by Luke-Jr (Post 347463)
Well, some of us actually care about freedom. And keeping their drivers proprietary doesn't make the hardware better. It's not like the battery charger is someone else's IP-- nothing is stopping Nokia from releasing that code at least.

Except for their lawyers telling them it's a liability issue.

Luke-Jr 2009-10-15 19:07

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 347480)
Except for their lawyers telling them it's a liability issue.

Maybe they should hire some lawyers who understand computers better and spend time considering the question. I'm a lot more likely to explode a battery working blind than I am with commented code.

wmarone 2009-10-15 19:11

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by Luke-Jr (Post 347594)
I'm a lot more likely to explode a battery working blind than I am with commented code.

It's not -you- they're worried about. It's the fact that no matter who put their hands on the code, the name on the phone and the battery is Nokia.

Luke-Jr 2009-10-15 19:14

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 347603)
It's not -you- they're worried about. It's the fact that no matter who put their hands on the code, the name on the phone and the battery is Nokia.

Same situation if I have to work blind.

ewan 2009-10-15 19:29

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by Luke-Jr (Post 347463)
Well, some of us actually care about freedom. And keeping their drivers proprietary doesn't make the hardware better.

Some of us have also been bitten on the arse by non-free drivers before; somewhere in a cupboard I've got an old Sharp Zaurus that was rendered completely impossible to update by a single proprietary driver (for the SD card, of all things). It is a serious worry that Nokia plans to hand over maintenance of obsoleted releases to the community, but the community may not be able to maintain them.

People that don't care about this sort of stuff often claim that they're being pragmatic, but really they're blind optimists just hoping for the best. A pragmatist wants to make sure they don't get locked out of supporting their own device.

strange1712 2011-02-12 05:09

Re: 100% Free software handheld
Hey, now Maemo, N900 and everything related to us has oficially been discarded by Nokia, would be worth a try to convince Nokia to release the whole Maemo 5 components, so it can actually be improved by the community?

Luke-Jr 2011-02-12 13:49

Re: 100% Free software handheld

Originally Posted by strange1712 (Post 943637)
Hey, now Maemo, N900 and everything related to us has oficially been discarded by Nokia, would be worth a try to convince Nokia to release the whole Maemo 5 components, so it can actually be improved by the community?

Highly unlikely. Discarded means discarded-- we have precedence with N8x0 and 770 on this. Releasing source requires legal review, which costs Nokia time/money.

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