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Bruce 2009-10-04 14:25

Nokia charged my card this morning
I just got a call from B of A fraud department to confirm that the charges were valid.

Maybe they will be shipping soon.

Hogwash 2009-10-04 14:28

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
Don't do this to me dude... ;)

hypnotik 2009-10-04 14:35

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning

Originally Posted by Bruce (Post 339215)
I just got a call from B of A fraud department to confirm that the charges were valid.

Maybe they will be shipping soon.

When did you place the order?

tissot 2009-10-04 15:06

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
So is there anything happening? I have been refreshing this page for some time already ;)
Would be great if i could get it before i leave for 10 days trip to Asia, but i somehow doubt that.

ewagner 2009-10-04 15:07

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
I think it is just the hold again. This has happened to me about three times now. When I first placed the pre-order they put a hold on the funds, then it was removed a week later, then came back, then removed, this morning the funds are held again. I made my pre-order on 9/13. The second time it happened I got excited and thought it was going to ship, but now no more excitement. Just need to keep waiting, it will come eventually. I sold my G1 about a month ago to help pay for this now Im stuck with a real crappy back up.

Oh yeah and i just checked my order status with Nokia and it still says the same "in progress" no mention of ship date or anything else that is different from the last hundred times that i have checked it.

ysss 2009-10-04 15:39

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
Was it your order or did you just authorized B of A to pay for someone else's N900? ;)

spinnukur 2009-10-04 18:32

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning

Originally Posted by Hogwash (Post 339216)
Don't do this to me dude... ;)

I don't think my heart can take anymore...please say you're serious and not joking... :(:(:(:(:(:(

Hogwash 2009-10-04 19:37

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning

Originally Posted by spinnukur (Post 339290)
I don't think my heart can take anymore...please say you're serious and not joking... :(:(:(:(:(:(

My sentiments exactly :)

zkyevolved 2009-10-04 21:22

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
Mine still says "still hasn't shipped yet" :(

Bruce 2009-10-04 21:48

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
I preordered Sep 24th so I should not be at the beginning of the line. My order status still says in progress. I did not ask if it was a charge or a hold when B of A called. I am surprised they would call about a hold.

rdcinhou 2009-10-05 00:12

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
Don't get your hopes up!

This is exactly what happened when I pre-ordered the Nokia N97 from NokiaUSA.

The "trial" charge is to see that there really is a valid credit account and that it has the room on it.

If you pre-ordered with Amex, they do it every 10 days.

ewagner 2009-10-05 00:20

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
I was called because of a hold, from capital one fraud department, regarding the pre-order of n900.

Faz 2009-10-05 02:07

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning

Originally Posted by rdcinhou (Post 339497)
Don't get your hopes up!

This is exactly what happened when I pre-ordered the Nokia N97 from NokiaUSA.

The "trial" charge is to see that there really is a valid credit account and that it has the room on it.

If you pre-ordered with Amex, they do it every 10 days.

Sounds the same or equivalent to a Visa / Mastercard "pre-auth" pre-authorising the card details to ensure they're valid and reserving the funds The merchant then has upto 7 days to complete the transaction and debit the funds after this time the pre-auth expires and the reserved funds becomes available.

Bratag 2009-10-05 13:55

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
Looks like my American express did the same thing. Put a hold on it because they thought it was a possible fraud. Called them, then called Nokia who confirmed it was just a reservation charge - marking sure that capacity was there to accept the final charge. No money actually changed hands.

Also asked the guy jokingly when it was going to ship and without hesitation he said Mid October. No BS about we think it will ship yadda yadda yadda.

So if I had to make a guess I would say get your fingers ready kids, because looks like we will be typing on a new phone before end of month definitely.

Soulfarmer 2009-10-05 13:57

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
The pre-order that I made but cancelled because of a change of shopping place, I would have paid the device not until I either pick it up from the store or have it delivered. No hassle about fund reserving :)

dimes 2009-10-05 16:45

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
Count me in as charged also.

hypnotik 2009-10-05 16:54

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
Like wise... I see an authorization on my amex blue account - credit limit reduced appropriate amount, but no actual charge on my recent activity statement.

spinnukur 2009-10-05 19:22

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 339764)
Looks like my American express did the same thing. Put a hold on it because they thought it was a possible fraud. Called them, then called Nokia who confirmed it was just a reservation charge - marking sure that capacity was there to accept the final charge. No money actually changed hands.

Also asked the guy jokingly when it was going to ship and without hesitation he said Mid October. No BS about we think it will ship yadda yadda yadda.

So if I had to make a guess I would say get your fingers ready kids, because looks like we will be typing on a new phone before end of month definitely.

But, but, I don't want it then...i want it NAO!:o:o:o:o:o

toratoko 2009-10-05 19:28

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
My bank removed the credit they gave back to me :( I'm currently charged twice

Bratag 2009-10-05 22:42

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning

Originally Posted by spinnukur (Post 339977)
But, but, I don't want it then...i want it NAO!:o:o:o:o:o

I called nokia again just to double check that my order was still ok (paranoid I know) the lady I spoke to said that the order was fine and according to a memo she was given just this morning Nokia might be shipping the phone THIS WEEK. Nothing certain but she said they were notified that they were going to try.

Take from that what you will.

Ps: my cc still has the auth charge against it.

Alex Atkin UK 2009-10-05 23:01

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
Crikey, I regularly pre-order things that I would not have enough money in my account to pay for until launch day. Fortunately when I ordered the N900 I did have but as I did not go direct to Nokia the hold was only on my account for a day or so. I do not expect it to go back on until ready to ship.

In my case though the hold was due to the credit check with it being a new contract.

blackbox 2009-10-07 14:54

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
I noticed today that I have been charged for a 3rd time in less than 1 week from Nokia. Usually its been 1 every 4 to 5 days. This is odd. Do you guys think that they will be shipping soon?

wmarone 2009-10-07 15:08

Re: Nokia charged my card this morning
I hope so. Nokia's had a charge for the full price on my account since the 3rd. Not a problem, but I want to see it clear and have a shipping notice pop up in my e-mail :D

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