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colourblind 2009-10-08 17:52

Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
Hey guys,

will nokia be adding 'msn' as one of the 'IM chats'?

I only use msn.. and google talk, ovi talk is as no use for me as none of my friends use it. we communicate via MSN Live messenger only.

I know that n900 is not being able to support MMS.. it sucks, i guess no such thing as a perfect device afterall. are there any plans to be support MMS in the future without having to buy a N910 + ?

i cant wait !

toratoko 2009-10-08 18:05

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?

mobiledivide 2009-10-08 18:05

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
MSN, not out of the box but very soon after launch (maybe even after this weekend?) there will be a couple of different plug ins to support MSN chat.
I think its safe to say that at some point MMS will be available, there is simply too much interest in it for someone not to do something about it.

Edit: read the thread posted above :)

colourblind 2009-10-08 18:35

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
so will MSN be integrated into the "Conversations" or will it be a seperate program?

Alex Atkin UK 2009-10-08 18:41

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
Its totally integrated.

zerojay 2009-10-08 19:00

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?

Originally Posted by colourblind (Post 342004)
so will MSN be integrated into the "Conversations" or will it be a seperate program?

It is completely integrated into Conversations in every way possible. Even comes with nice big protocol icons. :)

zkyevolved 2009-10-08 19:11

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
Can't wait :D

colourblind 2009-10-08 19:27

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
this is great news. i was so scared that we'd have to download some applications to access MSN.. but dont u think windows would do something to block this since its linux?

mobiledivide 2009-10-08 19:31

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
There are many 3rd party applications that can communicate with the MSN protocol on windows/macosx and linux, MS is probably happy that people use its protocol rather than gchat/yahoo or aim. MS even produce a native MSN/Hotmail client for Symbian even though they have windows mobile.

colourblind 2009-10-08 19:37

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
what about MMS support? do u think it will come soon?

colourblind 2009-10-08 19:38

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
really/ which client is that? im having a samsung omnia Hd now running w the new symbian!

zerojay 2009-10-08 19:41

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?

Originally Posted by colourblind (Post 342054)
this is great news. i was so scared that we'd have to download some applications to access MSN.. but dont u think windows would do something to block this since its linux?

It's not an application you would have to download, but a package in the Application Manager will need to be installed before you can use MSN. It won't be there out of the box. You'll need to install telepathy-extras for the additional protocols to show up.

mobiledivide 2009-10-08 19:48

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?

Originally Posted by colourblind (Post 342063)
really/ which client is that? im having a samsung omnia Hd now running w the new symbian!

Hmm I am having trouble finding a live link for you (the link in the article is dead) but here is a link talking about the release for s60 5th Edition.

peio 2009-10-08 20:49

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
How about facebook chat integrated to the IM conversations? Is it beeing investigated (not sure of the word in english)?

colourblind 2009-10-08 21:14

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
omg if facebook chat integrated to IM conversations, it would be the BOMB!!!!!!!!!! and with MMS, oh perfect phone !!! id get it on the day it comes out !! lol

Does palm Pre support facebook chat and MSN Messenger as part of their "synergy" (IM conversations) as well? anyone with a palm pre?

joshua.maverick 2009-10-08 21:51

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?

That would be great. Just like my good ol digsby, except integrated into my baby.

zerojay 2009-10-08 21:59

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
I started working on integrating Facebook chat into RTCOMM, the Diablo equivalent of the Conversations app on Maemo 5. I got it working with some particular issues, but I passed along my work to Collabora, the guys working on implementing these other protocols into Conversations.

They got Facebook chat working through Conversations a few weeks ago. I haven't talked to them recently, so I'm not sure about its status right now. All I can tell you is that it's not currently supported in the plugins released and that Facebook chat will most likely be coming sometime after N900 launch. Yes, just as integrated as the rest.

ruskie 2009-10-09 06:06

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?

Originally Posted by colourblind (Post 342054)
this is great news. i was so scared that we'd have to download some applications to access MSN.. but dont u think windows would do something to block this since its linux?

And get a few more fines from the EU and such :)

Most of this already has to be reverse engineered anyway to get it working.

kamakazikev24 2009-10-09 11:01

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?

Originally Posted by colourblind (Post 342105)
omg if facebook chat integrated to IM conversations, it would be the BOMB!!!!!!!!!! and with MMS, oh perfect phone !!! id get it on the day it comes out !! lol

Does palm Pre support facebook chat and MSN Messenger as part of their "synergy" (IM conversations) as well? anyone with a palm pre?

I dont have a Pre but have been looking on Pre central.
Facebook yes, the contact pics updated on facebook also update on the contacts on your phone which is cool.
MSN not as yet, I think there working on it.

From what I have found though it's not very well made hardware with screens cracking, USB covers breaking off and the sliders being really loose. Remember that most people with 'perfect' phones rarely go onto the forums to complain, but there does seem to be an awful lot of negative feedback for the Pre.

A shame as I was considering getting one.

colourblind 2009-10-09 17:06

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
yea i was considering it too. i saw some videos of unboxing and apparently the guy said it's not the final version yet, but with the dateline of the phone releasing is around this month, how can those phone that they are giving out in Amsterdam now isnt the final version?? does it mean delay in release??

Rauha 2009-10-09 17:17

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?

Originally Posted by colourblind (Post 342703)
how can those phone that they are giving out in Amsterdam now isnt the final version?? does it mean delay in release??

I think you are underestimating how much work, time and logistics the Amsterdam give out required. 300+ hundred people around the world, and they all receiceved phones localized to their own language. There might be even be lot of localizations not included that aren't part of the "select" markets for initial release. They propably had to arrange these quite a bit before the summit began.

peio 2009-10-09 17:25

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
ok good news and thanks for the info, so finger crossed for integrated facebook chat.

It's integrated in many iphone IM apps and I use it much more than MSN/ICQ/Gtalk/Skype etc.. I'm sure we are a lot in that case

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