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eikido 2009-10-17 22:48

N900 free ovi navigation?
Does the n900 come with free ovi navigation or must you subscribe just as with the other symbian devices?


CoreFusion 2009-10-17 22:56

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
I have been wondering the same thing and would also like to hear the answer for this :)

bloodbath 2009-10-17 23:00

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
i think the basic maps are free, but anything else like turn by turn direction, those kind of feature you need to pay a fee for them. i'm just speculating here.

aboaboit 2009-10-17 23:06

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by eikido (Post 349957)
Does the n900 come with free ovi navigation or must you subscribe just as with the other symbian devices?


Second option, check OVI for pricing

SgtDuke 2009-10-18 07:05

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
Navigation on the N900 is not even an option right now. Ovi Maps on the N900 appears to be a very limited version of the application. It's missing many features (like offline map loading and Ovi syncing) compared to the Ovi Maps 3.x application on Symbian devices. Hopefully in the future they'll release a real 3.x app for the N900.

Micky 2009-10-18 08:13

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
Agreed about the Ovi Maps being pretty basic on the N900 preview. Heres hoping things will get more useful soon.

archebyte 2009-10-19 07:43

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
Ovi for the N900 is almost unusable save for determining your location.

It has been a real disappointment to see the maps application stripped down completely from the S60 version. Its pitiful that the interface is clunky and unintuitive.

For some reason, since yesterday, its failing to even get a GPS fix. There is no information of whats going on with the fix - satellites in view / signal strength etc. This may be a problem with the N900 GPS radio but its hard to say.

I also miss the 'Favorites' feature which allows saving of the current position.

Moreove, the latest Ovi Suite PC application does not support the N900.

I hope there are plans to spruce up the app in the near term and bring it closer to the S60 version if not better.

munky261 2009-10-19 08:23

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
Might it be possible to use the same version of navicore on the N900 that I have on my N810 (.377) since I have the deb?

Sasler 2009-10-19 08:50

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by archebyte (Post 350983)
Ovi for the N900 is almost unusable save for determining your location.

It has been a real disappointment to see the maps application stripped down completely from the S60 version. Its pitiful that the interface is clunky and unintuitive.

I also miss the 'Favorites' feature which allows saving of the current position.

Moreove, the latest Ovi Suite PC application does not support the N900.

I hope there are plans to spruce up the app in the near term and bring it closer to the S60 version if not better.

I really hope that Nokia is working at it. After all, Ovi (or Nokia) Maps is one of they strengths.

For example, I currently have the TomTom 920T and Ovi Maps on Nokia 5800. I have been testing them side by side and I've been surprised how well Ovi Maps compares to TomTom. Actually in some areas it is even better.

Of course the large screen TomTom makes it much more usable in the car, even though it must have one of the most horrendous touch screen ever made! But I think the N900 could be a real contender, if it was at least as good as in S60.

Dexter1759 2009-10-19 10:11

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
I didn't know it was stripped down. I thought this OVI maps, was the same as the OVI maps on S60.

It's been nice using Nokia Maps 2.0 on my N95, along with GoogleMaps it's great (also they share the same "favourites", so I can find something on Google Maps, save it as a favourite, and navigate to it using Nokia Maps).

Currently, what is the best SatNav solution for the N900 then?

tonypercy 2009-10-19 13:18

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
The preproduction n900 loan model comes with a 'working' copy that has navigation. Driving and walking options. Though the driving option is the assumption, the default.

With wifi on it comes close to finding your location in under 30 seconds. It seemed to think it knew where I was as soon as it loaded.

I say close as presently it 'thinks' I'm either in the Institute of Education or off Endsleigh Street...mainly opting for the former. I'm a block over though on Malet Street though.

The ovi maps on the n900 doesn't seem to recognise pedestrian routes though. (Telling me it would take 6 minutes to get to where I am, and stating it's version Ovi Maps 1.00. And yes there seems to be no voice directions like in version 3 that I installed on my e71 (with subscription) until my 3 phone decided I didn't want to go back to the bar with the costumed bar tenders and deleted the installation!)

It would be interesting to see if there is an alternative and more relaible server to the Nokia aGPS one set as default.

Flandry 2009-10-19 13:36

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
I also didn't realize that the ovi maps on the N900 would be stripped-down. In fact, i headed on over to after reading the N900 preview and checking out what the complete Ovi maps can do. A good map app with downloadable maps is essential for my use and without it i'll have to pass on the N900.

I've heard a lot about gmapper(?). What are the other mapping apps capable of?

UCOMM 2009-10-19 14:28

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
i was under the impression that voice navigation will never come to maemo5 due to lack of drm?? is this correct?

edit : i don't mind paying for navi

BillyBobski 2009-10-19 14:38

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
Howdy, been a long-time lurker here, several years in fact. I've been seriously interested in the N900 since I first heard about it, but this is a bit of a killer for me. I use Ovi Maps 3 on my N95 8gb and find it to be the best gps app I've tried (amongst TomTom, Garmin, Sygic, CoPilot, etc etc).

I'm also into Openstreetmap, but without a proper gps navigation app I'm afraid that almost certainly rules me out of purchasing the N900.

I love the o/s and the h/w (especially the resistive screen since I ride a motorcycle) and the combination of large high-res resistive screen is what's really drawn me to it, but right now I'm thinking I might as well just get the i8910 and put up with the capacitive screen because I already have the apps and it already has top spec h/w and a good high-res screen (compared to the N95).

This is really sickening me because I do want the N900, I'm a total linux-head and want that o/s, but for me proper maps are the killer feature and if they aren't available and there's no indication of when they will be fully featured then I have no choice but to avoid.

Note that I've already waited years for a device like this, I've been putting off buying an i8910 since they came out and have actually cancelled orders twice because of the rumours of the N900, but I need a bigger screened device now and just can't wait any longer, especially not for Nokia/Ovi trying to get their act together. Absolutely gutted :(

archebyte 2009-10-19 15:16

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by Dexter1759 (Post 351058)
Currently, what is the best SatNav solution for the N900 then?

don't know. I am sure it will be a while before Google Maps for Maemo 5 comes out.

can someone port gnuite's amazing Maemo-Mapper to the N900?

ossipena 2009-10-19 15:24

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 351211)
I also didn't realize that the ovi maps on the N900 would be stripped-down. In fact, i headed on over to after reading the N900 preview and checking out what the complete Ovi maps can do. A good map app with downloadable maps is essential for my use and without it i'll have to pass on the N900.

I've heard a lot about gmapper(?). What are the other mapping apps capable of?

Its not stripped, it is everything that could be scraped together within schedule. How many s60 programs there are that are ported to maemo? I thought so....

Flandry 2009-10-19 15:26

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by UCOMM (Post 351276)
i was under the impression that voice navigation will never come to maemo5 due to lack of drm?? is this correct?

It's why any program using Google's map data (which is not their data) is disallowed turn-by-turn voice navigation capability: part of the contract to avoid competing with other products.

There's no reason a program based on Openstreetmaps can't give voice instructions, nor a program that is licensed for that purpose.


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 351328)
Its not stripped, it is everything that could be scraped together within schedule. How many s60 programs there are that are ported to maemo? I thought so....

I'll quote from

Integrated A-GPS

Find your position quickly and accurately with the built-in Assisted-GPS receiver. The Nokia N900 works seamlessly with Ovi Maps to give you the quickest available route as you make your way from A to B.

* Assisted-GPS receiver
* Ovi Maps pre-installed
That borders on fraudulent false advertising if they don't actually provide the "Ovi Maps" program as described on the Ovi maps page. I don't think i'm being delusional here. This is extremely disappointing.

Progger 2009-10-19 15:30

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by archebyte (Post 351317)
don't know. I am sure it will be a while before Google Maps for Maemo 5 comes out.

There is no need of a Google maps app, since Maemo 5 got a good browser.

But with google maps you can't navigate. I hope Ovi Maps will get improved. I think so, because N900 is Nokias high end device and with Ovi Maps navigation they earn money. Nokia would suck otherwise :P

allnameswereout 2009-10-19 15:46

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
Free (as in beer), voice guided navigation provided by Nokia via Ovi Maps is unrealistic. They invested a lot of money in Ovi Maps.

Google Maps on iPhone is much more than a simple application without routing. It actually _does_ support routing. I'm not sure about Google Maps for S60 (a Java ME application IIRC) though since I use Sygic there.


Originally Posted by munky261 (Post 351001)
Might it be possible to use the same version of navicore on the N900 that I have on my N810 (.377) since I have the deb?

That is an interesting question. Check the binaries to see if it uses any dynamic libraries. The standard command is a script which executes the actual binary. Run ldd or file over them to check out. I thought it was all static, because its basically a S60 port.

archebyte 2009-10-19 15:50

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by BillyBobski (Post 351288)
Note that I've already waited years for a device like this, I've been putting off buying an i8910 since they came out and have actually cancelled orders twice because of the rumours of the N900, but I need a bigger screened device now and just can't wait any longer, especially not for Nokia/Ovi trying to get their act together. Absolutely gutted :(

Don't give up hope just yet ;)

The picture will get clearer in a couple of months when the devices start getting in people's hands. I would be very surprised if Ovi doesn't release N900 support at least on their desktop suite in the immediate term.

archebyte 2009-10-19 15:58

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by Progger (Post 351335)
There is no need of a Google maps app, since Maemo 5 got a good browser.

But with google maps you can't navigate. I hope Ovi Maps will get improved. I think so, because N900 is Nokias high end device and with Ovi Maps navigation they earn money. Nokia would suck otherwise :P

I wouldn't use Google Maps as a replacement for Ovi but a complement. I used it for Latitude and search on my S60 phone and found it quite handy.

I would happily subscribe to Ovi's service (and watch Nokia earn $) if they come up with better support for the N900!

Dexter1759 2009-10-19 17:53

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by archebyte (Post 351367)
I wouldn't use Google Maps as a replacement for Ovi but a complement. I used it for Latitude and search on my S60 phone and found it quite handy.

I would happily subscribe to Ovi's service (and watch Nokia earn $) if they come up with better support for the N900!

I agree, I have Nokia Maps 2.0 on my N95, but think the search is pants, I like to use Google Maps to search and save to my favourites then use Nokia Maps 2.0, to navigate their.

Also, someone mentioned that S60 Google Maps was a Java App, it's a very well featured Symbian App, that does routing (but no Turn-ByTurn navigation).

Also, using Google Maps in the browser isn't as good, surely the browser version isn't location aware? Correct me if I'm wrong.

munky261 2009-10-19 18:41

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
I dont know how to do that allnameswereout, I just have the deb and know how to hack that version to get unlimited free trials.

SgtDuke 2009-10-19 19:21

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
I have to echo the disappointed sentiments of so many. Almost everything about the N900 looks really great to me, but I also need a great fully featured and functional GPS and routing application that is on par with Ovi Maps 3.0 on Symbian devices (minus voice navigation). Without that I can't buy the N900 and will have to watch the competition for more complete offerings.

On top of the software let down, it seems that the GPS hardware on the N900 is also problematic as users are reporting[1] that it's almost impossible to get a satellite lock and a data connection for A-GPS network positioning is needed just to get your location on the map. This is also a deal breaker for me because I need to go out in the middle of nowhere where there is no data connection available, besides not wanting to use a data connection in the first place.


archebyte 2009-10-20 13:37

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by Dexter1759 (Post 351542)
Also, using Google Maps in the browser isn't as good, surely the browser version isn't location aware? Correct me if I'm wrong. on the browser is not location aware. Using it from the browser is a tad unwieldy because it requires use of the 'Hover' gesture. Things are easier when using a stylus.

Dexter1759 2009-10-20 13:51

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

I've posted a suggestion for Google Maps App to be ported to Maemo 5 here, please post there too to express your interest. Not too sure that's the best place for it, but it's for Google Maps Suggestions and Feedback. So hopefully it'll get some attention.

pthomas22 2010-05-31 11:37

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
We will never see a free version of Ovi maps with turn by turn navigation for the N900. If you want this then it will be a paid (and expensive) application. If you want free then change phones. Nokia and Maemo will not produce any more firmware updates for the N900 despite their promise. Why would they dedicate resources to owners of just one phone?

nosa101 2010-05-31 11:38

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by pthomas22 (Post 691527)
We will never see a free version of Ovi maps with turn by turn navigation for the N900. If you want this then it will be a paid (and expensive) application. If you want free then change phones. Nokia and Maemo will not produce any more firmware updates for the N900 despite their promise. Why would they dedicate resources to owners of just one phone?

So there is voice nav available?

Raubtier 2010-05-31 11:39

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
no! the representative of nokia sweden made it quite clear that there will be no n900 version of ovi maps with voice navigation.

but there are good third party alternatives like sygic , doesnt cost much..

nosa101 2010-05-31 11:41

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by Raubtier (Post 691530)
no! the representative of nokia sweden made it quite clear that there will be no n900 version of ovi maps with voice navigation.

but there are good third party alternatives like sygic , doesnt cost much..

Actually he never said that. He said there was none available but they were working on it. He suggested getting sygic if it was absolutely necessary

excelar8 2010-05-31 11:55

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
when free voice navigation for all nokia smartphones was announced, i remember nokia confirming that n900 will get it as well

Frappacino 2010-05-31 12:37

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
wheres the link ? where they say Ovi turn by turn and voice WAS coming to n900 ? Where is the press release?

Raubtier 2010-05-31 12:43

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 691538)
Actually he never said that. He said there was none available but they were working on it. He suggested getting sygic if it was absolutely necessary

if you can read between the lines then that was exactly what he said.

NokiaRocks 2010-05-31 12:57

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
"Many of you are also waiting for Ovi Maps with free navigation for their N900. You have to be patient: we are doing our best to release new features as well as porting Ovi Maps to new Nokia platforms like Maemo and MeeGo."

anaskr 2010-05-31 13:39

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
life saver :D :D ^^

zfarooq 2010-05-31 13:47

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
isnt the new maps for symbian made with QT 4.6 ? If it is, then it is a matter of time before it we get it...

demos 2010-05-31 13:49

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by zfarooq (Post 691781)
isnt the new maps for symbian made with QT 4.6 ? If it is, then it is a matter of time before it we get it...

With N900, everything seems to be a matter of time.

marktold 2010-05-31 14:01

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by badarnawazkhan (Post 691777)
listen u idiots why dont you all just download sigic maps for free its much better and just dowload the cracked version with all the instructions from www. t h e pirate b a and search for n900 or sygic maps i just typed in nokia n900 and there loads of cracked apps with step by step instructions this post will get deleated so make sure you do this quick

a) because we are not idotes
b) because it is ileagal

Some of us still belive that you should not steal but judging by your wording your are not from that bread :-)

Regards Markus

Raubtier 2010-05-31 14:14

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
can someone who has used both sygic maps and ovi maps (with voice nav) tell me which one of the two is better and why?

pthomas22 2010-06-01 07:22

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
It will not happen
Nokia cannot be trusted to bring this to the N900

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