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eikido 2009-10-21 14:01

The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Software
The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Software Updater.

Found here:,13107.0.html

eikido 2009-10-21 14:04

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
2009.41.13-> Probably means compiled Week 41?
So they are probably shooting this fw into the n900 hw as we discuss:)
So shouldn't be long now

fanoush 2009-10-21 14:05

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
Hmm, I wonder when or equivalent will come up.

zerojay 2009-10-21 14:08

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by eikido (Post 353912)
2009.41.13-> Probably means compiled Week 41?
So they are probably shooting this fw into the n900 hw as we discuss:)
So shouldn't be long now

Yes, it does. I'm currently on 41-10.

hypnotik 2009-10-21 14:09

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
That's pretty awesome, now if only the actual phone would be released we'll be all set!

pwannell 2009-10-21 16:11

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
looks like 1.2009.38.17 is out for the UK and Ireland on NSU so maybe we are looking like the phone is closer than we thought. Product codes for UK is 0560826. :-)

anidel 2009-10-21 16:22

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
They are (internally) at 43.<something> and next week they will be at 44.<something>

If this one ever comes out, it's already old and will have few bug fixes.

ewagner 2009-10-21 18:59

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
sorry I had more than one window open and posted in wrong place.

ceeceebee 2009-10-21 19:14

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
I have the 41.13 SW on my N900. Still buggy. Not Prime-time software.

sevla 2009-10-21 19:16

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by ceeceebee (Post 354414)
I have the 41.13 SW on my N900. Still buggy. Not Prime-time software.

Can you be more specific.. What crashes? etc.

ceeceebee 2009-10-21 19:31

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by sevla (Post 354421)
Can you be more specific.. What crashes? etc.

The messaging client crashes in the BG and loses SMS messages

No support for Nokia Messaging (a regression)

Exchange support broken (at lest on my server, which works on S60)

Bluetooth locks with my Nokia Ck-300 carkit

Regular crashes of services in the BG; every start of the phone sends crash-dumps to Nokia.

Good news that 41 is better then 40. Moving in the right direction. Is going to be an AMAZING product for Nokia.

bugelrex 2009-10-21 19:46

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by ceeceebee (Post 354414)
I have the 41.13 SW on my N900. Still buggy. Not Prime-time software.

You are one of few ppl who have mentioned n900 being buggy (maybe the rest are fanboys or they only ever use one or two apps), more specifics please

Might explain the push back to Nov release..

Tomaszd 2009-10-21 19:57

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 354466)
You are one of few ppl who have mentioned n900 being buggy (maybe the rest are fanboys or they only ever use one or two apps), more specifics please

Might explain the push back to Nov release..

The N900 isn't buggy, but the software it currently runs is still a work-in-progress. There are issues that need to be resolved. If you're looking what those issues are, then visit the bug tracker.

koivjann 2009-10-21 20:18

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
I have had 41.13 about one week in use and I haven't have the same bugs as ceeceebee. There are lot of software parts missing, but those which I have used are working well and my phone has crash reporter installed but I haven't seen any reports in log and the phone hasn't boot itself or there hasn't been any need to boot the device.

I use MfE and it works like a clock.

The power consumption has improved radically. Now the device holds up to 60 hours in normal use.

pr0xyfl00d3r 2009-10-21 20:34

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by koivjann (Post 354511)
I have had 41.13 about one week in use and I haven't have the same bugs as ceeceebee. There are lot of software parts missing, but those which I have used are working well and my phone has crash reporter installed but I haven't seen any reports in log and the phone hasn't boot itself or there hasn't been any need to boot the device.

I use MfE and it works like a clock.

The power consumption has improved radically. Now the device holds up to 60 hours in normal use.

anyone else confirm the usage ???

ceroberts75 2009-10-22 06:21

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
where did it say that they pushed the release back to november?

i was still told before the end of october. yesterday...that would be tuesday.

allnameswereout 2009-10-22 06:52

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by ceeceebee (Post 354443)
The messaging client crashes in the BG and loses SMS messages



No support for Nokia Messaging (a regression)


Exchange support broken (at lest on my server, which works on S60)
Server uses ActiveSync protocol 2.5?

ceeceebee 2009-10-22 15:36

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
Some clarifications:

Earier version of the FW (<w40) supported Nokia Messaging (NM). I use NM to access my gmail account because the native email client (actually a version of Modest) has a hard time with 9000 inbox emails. Current (40, 41) versions have removed NM support. I expect it will return.

The ISP that hosts our companies Exchange server has some 'funny' settings for exchange. That may be tripping up the client. The server HAS worked in every other version of Mail for Exchange. I expect that will get sorted.

I too have seen a very big improvement in battery life in the w41 FW.

anidel 2009-10-22 15:44

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by ceeceebee (Post 354414)
I have the 41.13 SW on my N900. Still buggy. Not Prime-time software.

how come?

Flandry 2009-10-22 15:48

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by anidel (Post 355537)

Heh funny bug report.

I think this is a bit strange given that they handed out 300 phones to (presumably) do beta testing. I guess their motive was dev/testing of 3rd-party apps, but it seems that having the Maemo distro thoroughly tested and debugged before release would be higher priority.

Texrat 2009-10-22 15:50

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 354484)
The N900 isn't buggy, but the software it currently runs is still a work-in-progress. There are issues that need to be resolved. If you're looking what those issues are, then visit the bug tracker.

Indeed, I would at this point call most of my discoveries with the OS to be quirks rather than bugs.

anidel 2009-10-22 15:53

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 355542)
Heh funny bug report.

I think this is a bit strange given that they handed out 300 phones to (presumably) do beta testing. I guess their motive was dev/testing of 3rd-party apps, but it seems that having the Maemo distro thoroughly tested and debugged before release would be higher priority.

Well the reason is also the delay.. they need to concentrate on fixing what already is known. They 300 devices help beta testing what's in Extras Testing more than the N900 software itself (Nokia has enough internal testers and tools for that).

They also gave some devices earlier than the Summit to have some real life testing and that was useful.

The bug report was even funnier on the maemo-developers where I used as subject:

"There is a bug for that"



qgil 2009-10-22 16:01

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by eikido (Post 353907)
The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Software Updater

This is very similar to the build used for the Maemo Summit. Not relevant anymore. The next stop for a release going public is most probably the sales release.

Internal builds are internal builds. Those having access to them for development and testing purposes know what's the deal with them. Discussing them out of context and in public is not very professional, if you allow me to say that.

sunwong 2009-10-22 16:19

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 355556)
This is very similar to the build used for the Maemo Summit. Not relevant anymore. The next stop for a release going public is most probably the sales release.

Internal builds are internal builds. Those having access to them for development and testing purposes know what's the deal with them. Discussing them out of context and in public is not very professional, if you allow me to say that.

@Quim: What is the most recent internal build, then? And how close is it to sales release?

frals 2009-10-22 16:27

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
I'm guessing latest internal is... 2009.43.x, where is x is a number of your choice (probably around, what, 10?)!

Note; this is all based on my astonishing deductive skills and nothing else.

GeneralAntilles 2009-10-22 16:52

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by anidel (Post 355548)
Well the reason is also the delay.. they need to concentrate on fixing what already is known. They 300 devices help beta testing what's in Extras Testing more than the N900 software itself

It's unfortunate that Nokia is choosing to ignore the community people with devices. That's a really strong testing base that they're giving up.


Originally Posted by anidel (Post 355548)
(Nokia has enough internal testers and tools for that).

Nokia never has enough testers, mostly because their internal ones don't even come close to using Maemo like we do, so they miss most of the bugs.

Not like it matters anyway, since management and the UI team seem to be doing an amazing job of using the spec like some sort of massive sledgehammer to smash out anything approaching rational thinking.

Man Nokia's process is broken. . . .

zerojay 2009-10-22 17:00

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by sunwong (Post 355578)
@Quim: What is the most recent internal build, then? And how close is it to sales release?

Maybe you missed the part where he said that it was unprofessional to talk about internal builds in public? Pretty sure he's not answering.

Texrat 2009-10-22 17:02

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 355622)
It's unfortunate that Nokia is choosing to ignore the community people with devices. That's a really strong testing base that they're giving up.

Nokia never has enough testers, mostly because their internal ones don't even come close to using Maemo like we do, so they miss most of the bugs.

Not like it matters anyway, since management and the UI team seem to be doing an amazing job of using the spec like some sort of massive sledgehammer to smash out anything approaching rational thinking.

Man Nokia's process is broken. . . .

If I may approach this with a degree of councilary diplomacy... :D

While I disagree with the word "ignoring", I agree with your root sentiments. I was frustrated that we were provided full sales packs with no apparent means of reporting certain issues with enough time for them to be corrected prior to shipping (hardware, sales packaging, etc). BUT-- if you saw on the community mailing list, Quim said that reports outside the scope of Bugzilla can be sent to him for last-mile delivery. Not sure if he's prepared for the can of worms, but it was a decent gesture. ;)

It would have been nice to have been offered access to interim firmware builds as well, with the stipulation that we show some caution in casual conversations, but it is what it is. Or isn't.

qwerty12 2009-10-22 17:04

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 355637)
[...]Maemo Bugzilla

In before you get shot: It's the Bugzilla...

Texrat 2009-10-22 17:11

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

I have enough exhausting pedantic episodes with my youngest (anal retentive) son, thanks. :p

qwerty12 2009-10-22 17:13

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 355642)

Hey, it's not me coming up with these regulations. :p

Tomaszd 2009-10-22 18:31

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by ceeceebee (Post 354443)
The messaging client crashes in the BG and loses SMS messages

No support for Nokia Messaging (a regression)

Exchange support broken (at lest on my server, which works on S60)

Bluetooth locks with my Nokia Ck-300 carkit

Regular crashes of services in the BG; every start of the phone sends crash-dumps to Nokia.

Good news that 41 is better then 40. Moving in the right direction. Is going to be an AMAZING product for Nokia.

Please please please comment on bug 3762 and anyone else experiencing sluggish e-mail client performance with a large amount of messeges.

Edit: Hmm, I quoted the wrong messege. Well, anyway, the messege still stands, please comment/vote on the bug, because this is a showstopper for me and probably many who haven't tried using IMAP with about 10k messeges.

Texrat 2009-10-22 18:33

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 355646)
Hey, it's not me coming up with these regulations. :p

Sometimes the messenger DESERVES to be shot. Your signature alone draws a target on you. :p

omniscy 2009-10-22 18:37

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 355726)
Please please please comment on bug 3762 and anyone else experiencing sluggish e-mail client performance with a large amount of messeges.

Edit: Hmm, I quoted the wrong messege. Well, anyway, the messege still stands, please comment/vote on the bug, because this is a showstopper for me and probably many who haven't tried using IMAP with about 10k messeges.

Who... Why... Where... would you have 10.000 messages in your mailbox :D
That's like complaining that your car is to slow when you sit in/on it with 50 people.

Texrat 2009-10-22 18:42

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
I have over 20,000 in one inbox. Backup. ;)

thecursedfly 2009-10-22 19:14

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
I just made a new email address just to collect emails from the main one (which has 7000+ emails and a java webmail) via POP3/IMAP (it has a "mail collector" functionality)... I'll be using it as a read-and-reply/delete box, keeping only the important emails... ^^
at home I'll be using my normal address instead.

quite proud of the solution I thought of to keep the mail client on the N900 reactive and still use the default approach (Modest) via IMAP. :p

(sorry for slipping offtopic, but may be useful for somebody here)

MountainX 2009-10-22 19:41

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by anidel (Post 355537)

Quim's reply isn't clear to me. The reply indicates they will not be publishing intermediate fw releases, but other threads here indicate that people are getting OTA updates.

anidel 2009-10-22 19:45

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
Well we can still send bug reports that we find on b.m.o

after all the bugs we have, are the same they have, minus the ones they discovered/fixed :)

Only issue (the one I was complaining in the bug I submitted) is that WE also lose time in reporting bugs, and would be nice to have a more recent firmware just so that the ones we find are the ones that actually need to be fixed.

After all we have a man that is between us and maemo internal bugzilla (Andre).
And he has the latest internal firmware and he has the duty (I think) to also test that the bugs we submit have been fixed in the internal build.

So, he's also losing his precious time.

But well, the N900 is about to be released, I am sure they are concentrating in the remaining bugs they have, everything else, now, will come as an update anyway.


attila77 2009-10-22 19:47

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft
Nokia folks are getting updates. It's just that these builds are internal = having a N900 on loan is not enough to get these :)

mikkov 2009-10-22 19:48

Re: The Nokia N900 v1.2009.41.13 firmware update will be available soon on Nokia Soft

Originally Posted by MountainX (Post 355840)
Quim's reply isn't clear to me. The reply indicates they will not be publishing intermediate fw releases, but other threads here indicate that people are getting OTA updates.


The first public release of the Maemo 5 full
image will be the sales release. You will get it when we have it.
I'll say it's very clear. Other people doesn't matter.

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