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Lullen 2009-10-21 22:03

Using the N900 at school
From what I have heard there are a few people here with the N900 in hand. Have anyone tried to use the phone and a BT keyboard for writing a normal lenght report, like 30 pages long? Is it a pain to write it even if you use the tv-out?

When you are at lectures you usualy want to have the powerpoint in front of you, since its just 3.5" will it be comfortable to look at it during the lecture? In some of my classes the teacher doesn't use powerpoint(like physics and math), how does it work to write all the equations and graph directly on the phone? And how does the text recognition work nowadays?

qole 2009-10-21 22:29

Re: Using the N900 at school
Biggest problem with TV-Out for me has been finding a display with composite plug.

BT keyboard works with a hack, but I don't know about writing a 30 page report. That sounds unpleasant.

Liqbase or Xournal would be your best bets for writing equations on the device.

I haven't seen any sign of handwriting recognition on the N900.

edgar2 2009-10-21 22:39

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by Lullen (Post 354649)
When you are at lectures you usualy want to have the powerpoint in front of you, since its just 3.5" will it be comfortable to look at it during the lecture?

yes. absolutely so. and the stand makes it even nicer.

Lullen 2009-10-21 22:49

Re: Using the N900 at school
Then at least one problem is solved :)
My tv have composit connections so that won't be a problem.
But how efficient is it to write all the equations on the phone instead of writing it on a paper? It is quite important that is fast enough as you can imagine

edgar2 2009-10-21 22:57

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by Lullen (Post 354731)
But how efficient is it to write all the equations on the phone instead of writing it on a paper? It is quite important that is fast enough as you can imagine

i've been using the ATI85 graphical calculator with the stylus, and it works just fine (except it closes/crashes if left to idle for a few minutes). it's about as fast as typing on the real thing.

BaKSo 2009-10-21 23:00

Re: Using the N900 at school
a lil out of topic but i need to ask this cause i did not get any responds from JAVA thread..

is your university use blackboard learning system to upload your lecture notes?

if yes than it might be a problem with N900 because blackboard will need JAVA to load.. and N900 don't have one...

Lullen 2009-10-22 08:42

Re: Using the N900 at school
No it does not use blackboard, my university makes a pdf of it and upload it to the course site.

Okey then I think it all will work :)

unkno 2009-10-22 09:10

Re: Using the N900 at school
man....the N900 really needs java

TA-t3 2009-10-22 09:12

Re: Using the N900 at school
Presumably it's still possible to use a full-size (foldable) bluetooth keyboard with the N900? That's what I use with my N800, and as the kbd doesn't take much more space than the N800 itself it's quite ok to carry with me for occasions where I want to write some significant amount of text.

qole 2009-10-22 19:02

Re: Using the N900 at school
Yes, you need to edit a config file and reboot the N900, but after that, you can pair a BT keyboard to the phone and use it, mostly like the N800. The main problem is that there's no control panel setting for the keyboard type anymore.

R-R 2009-10-22 19:28

Re: Using the N900 at school
I'd be curious to hear people's opinion on the Stowaway keyboard with the N900 compared to the N800 where it was a little bit laggy... Is this gone?

Laughing Man 2009-10-22 21:16

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by qole (Post 354691)
Biggest problem with TV-Out for me has been finding a display with composite plug.

Couldn't you also just plug it into any TV with component? And barring that, isn't it possible (if one exists) to get an adapter to change component into HDMI/DVI/VGA/whatever?

debernardis 2009-10-23 06:14

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by qole (Post 355791)
Yes, you need to edit a config file and reboot the N900, but after that, you can pair a BT keyboard to the phone and use it, mostly like the N800. The main problem is that there's no control panel setting for the keyboard type anymore.

I imagine that it's been said elsewhere, and several times perhaps, but then it would be good to report it again: which file and how? So that one can save it for the time a brand new N900 will be in his hands :D

mobiledivide 2009-10-23 06:34

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by qole (Post 354691)
Biggest problem with TV-Out for me has been finding a display with composite plug.

BT keyboard works with a hack, but I don't know about writing a 30 page report. That sounds unpleasant.

Liqbase or Xournal would be your best bets for writing equations on the device.

I haven't seen any sign of handwriting recognition on the N900.

This is disheartening, I assumed that bluetooth Keyboard and mouse worked out of the box on Maemo 5. I was fully expecting to use the N900 as a netbook replacement. Is there a bug filed or is there no intention to support BT keyboard and mouse without a hack?

Fargus 2009-10-23 06:38

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by unkno (Post 355133)
man....the N900 really needs java

Go talk to Sun about porting it then. Personally I am quite pleased it isn't there so a whole swaith of malware won't run.

I'm all for choice of platform for software and addittional stacks help but in the end doesn't it come down to end applications available? Java is close to C & C++ so porting a lot of apps is not that hard, maybe ask for specific apps rather than the whole VM?

Thesandlord 2009-10-23 06:49

Re: Using the N900 at school
You can quickly sketch with liqbase. However, a "never ending" paper app would be really cool.

I read documents and powerpoints all the time on my n810 in class. The smaller screen would make it harder, but its completely doable.

pelago 2009-10-23 20:39

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 355908)
Couldn't you also just plug it into any TV with component? And barring that, isn't it possible (if one exists) to get an adapter to change component into HDMI/DVI/VGA/whatever?

Composite is not the same as Component.

ARJWright 2009-10-23 20:41

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by qole (Post 354691)
Biggest problem with TV-Out for me has been finding a display with composite plug.

Camera stores no help? Many digital cameras use a very similar setup and camera stores (and big box retailers) tend to carry them.

RevdKathy 2009-10-23 20:55

Re: Using the N900 at school
You can certainly get an adaptor to connect the three points - yellow foor vid, white and red for sounds (which I believe is composite) into SCART.

Laughing Man 2009-10-23 21:08

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by pelago (Post 356846)
Composite is not the same as Component.

I was under the impression that you could still plug one into the other and vice versa, it just wouldn't look as nice. (or is that only for component -> composite?)

Edit: Nevermind answered the question with Google. You can't.
Edit2: Though don't most HDTVs still have composite cable support?

china 2009-10-23 21:17

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by qole (Post 354691)
BT keyboard works with a hack, but I don't know about writing a 30 page report. That sounds unpleasant.


bemymonkey 2009-10-24 08:10

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by qole (Post 354691)
BT keyboard works with a hack, but I don't know about writing a 30 page report. That sounds unpleasant.

What's this hack you speak of? I thought I'd be able to hook up my bluetooth keyboard directly and start typing... :(

qole 2009-10-24 08:20

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by bemymonkey (Post 357054)
What's this hack you speak of? I thought I'd be able to hook up my bluetooth keyboard directly and start typing... :(

Yeah, me too. Bit of a shock. But the N900 has had a few of those for me.

See this wiki page for more information.

chritto 2009-10-24 10:01

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 356871)
Edit2: Though don't most HDTVs still have composite cable support?

I think he was thinking more about computer monitors, most of which will have HDMI or VGA, but not composite.

bemymonkey 2009-10-24 10:48

Re: Using the N900 at school

Originally Posted by qole (Post 357058)
Yeah, me too. Bit of a shock. But the N900 has had a few of those for me.

See this wiki page for more information.

And it works fine with this workaround? No problems or inconveniences (connects automatically when in range, no lag or random disconnections...)?

Thanks for the link. :)

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