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bni 2009-10-26 12:51

Things to do while waiting for your N900
Hello everybody, this is my first post here :)

Just bored out of your head waiting for your preorder?
What better to do than getting ready.

Things I am doing to enhance my experience when I get mine:

1. Organizing/unifying all my contacts
What I do is I use Gmail's Contacts for this. I have collected all my contacts from my current mobile phone, MSN, Skype, Facebook, Email, and unified them all. The great thing is you can enter all kinds of IM information on each contact. My plan is to sync this to my N900 with Mail for exchange when i get it. I do hope this will sync correctly for the Contacts app, like Skype and MSN and so on. Sadly the contats images on Gmail is very low quality and probably wont sync.

2. Collecting avatar images of all my friends.
I have saved them from MSN, Facebook, photos and so on. Important here is to have a nice photo that is 1:1 like 200x200 px or something like that.

3. Tagging my music collection
Making sure ID3 tags are correct, compilation albums are sorted correctly etc, I use Banshee for this. I have also collected album art and saved it as folder. jpg for each album. Great tools for this is Banshee and Sure hope the media player can pick up folder.jpg and dont need them album art embedded as ID3.

Anyone else doing things like this to "get ready"? :)

nikolajhendel 2009-10-26 12:54

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900

Originally Posted by bni (Post 358175)

Anyone else doing things like this to "get ready"? :)

Working - to be able to pay for the damn thing ;)

ralphb 2009-10-26 13:06

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
Downloading the Maemo 5 SDK and start working on an application port.

pycage 2009-10-26 13:07

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900

Originally Posted by bni (Post 358175)
Sure hope the media player can pick up folder.jpg and dont need them album art embedded as ID3.

Unfortunately it wants them embedded in the ID3 tags.

joppu 2009-10-26 13:09

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
Designing themes.

makel 2009-10-26 13:29

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
Reading these forums.

muwimax 2009-10-26 13:37

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
trying to convince my parents that the delays doesnt mean the device got problems so they can still give me enough money to buy it.

pczerwinski 2009-10-26 13:43

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
Ordered Vikuiti screen protector, looking for dedicated car holder ,Nokia CP-321 case,wondering about sync N900 with my ovi calendars and contacts.
I'm going mad!!!

ruskie 2009-10-26 13:51

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
Just not caring about the delay. It'll get there. Probably the sanest thing to do.

bunanson 2009-10-26 13:53

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
Nervously checking on and off for Fanoush/PB/Milhouse gurus about SD boot and boot menu.....tablet is NOT the same if SD boot is NOT there.


javispedro 2009-10-26 13:54

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
Reading about the N900 limits, missing features and bugs while thinking how to workaround/patch them ;)

TheBootroo 2009-10-26 13:55

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
praying God for money falling from the sky !!!

let's pray with me my brothers !

Cherrypie 2009-10-26 14:21

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
Go to..ehh.. you know..those.. ehhrr.. kind know..websites..
Ohwell, you know what we all do when we're bored, don't you? :D

schnebeck 2009-10-26 14:37

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
As my USB backup drive make strange noise I build a small data backup home server:
up to 8 Slots, Dual-Atom 330, UPS, Boot-System on 1GB CF-Card



bigbrovar 2009-10-26 15:57

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
Hating on the 300 dudes at the Maemo dev summit who got loaned free N900 (while poor dudes like me who pre-ordered the device get to watch their show off videos and reviews everywhere i look) :(

robbie 2009-10-26 16:10

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900

Originally Posted by bni (Post 358175)
2. Collecting avatar images of all my friends.
I have saved them from MSN, Facebook, photos and so on. Important here is to have a nice photo that is 1:1 like 200x200 px or something like that.

Smart thing! That will be my next project!

Other things i did:

1) Exporting my Strip passwords (Palm OS) to keepass format and reorganizing

2) ordering a bluetooth headset that charges by solar light (it's at the postoffice, getting it tomorrow)

3) ordering a N900 screen protector (it's in)

colourblind 2009-10-26 16:12

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900

Originally Posted by bni (Post 358175)
Hello everybody, this is my first post here :)

Just bored out of your head waiting for your preorder?
What better to do than getting ready.

Things I am doing to enhance my experience when I get mine:

1. Organizing/unifying all my contacts
What I do is I use Gmail's Contacts for this. I have collected all my contacts from my current mobile phone, MSN, Skype, Facebook, Email, and unified them all. The great thing is you can enter all kinds of IM information on each contact. My plan is to sync this to my N900 with Mail for exchange when i get it. I do hope this will sync correctly for the Contacts app, like Skype and MSN and so on. Sadly the contats images on Gmail is very low quality and probably wont sync.

2. Collecting avatar images of all my friends.
I have saved them from MSN, Facebook, photos and so on. Important here is to have a nice photo that is 1:1 like 200x200 px or something like that.

3. Tagging my music collection
Making sure ID3 tags are correct, compilation albums are sorted correctly etc, I use Banshee for this. I have also collected album art and saved it as folder. jpg for each album. Great tools for this is Banshee and Sure hope the media player can pick up folder.jpg and dont need them album art embedded as ID3.

Anyone else doing things like this to "get ready"? :)

wouldnt the phone directly get photos of your friends via facebook already?

robbie 2009-10-26 16:17

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900

Originally Posted by colourblind (Post 358308)
wouldnt the phone directly get photos of your friends via facebook already?

No but there's an app in development for that:

ewan 2009-10-26 16:19

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
There's a lot of packages in extras to check for optifiedness; you don't want to wait for your N900 only to fill it's root filesystem up within minutes of getting it.

kryptoniankid17 2009-10-26 16:28

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
feel like my n97 is a caveman phone.

mirrorofsorrow 2009-10-26 17:02

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 358185)
Unfortunately it wants them embedded in the ID3 tags.

Are you sure about that? Because I have many albums in my memory card and none has album art in the ID3 tags. But when I put me card in N900, most of the albums had the correct album art.

I thaught that the album art was identified by N900 bacause I had previously changed the album art in 5800 music player.

If you are correct and N900 only identifies only embedded in the ID3 tags, album art, you have in mind any good tool to edit the ID3 tags in my existing library?

Nitchers 2009-10-26 17:19

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
[QUOTE=bni;358175]Hello everybody, this is my first post here :)

Just bored out of your head waiting for your preorder?
What better to do than getting ready.

Things I am doing to enhance my experience when I get mine:

1. Organizing/unifying all my contacts
What I do is I use Gmail's Contacts for this. I have collected all my contacts from my current mobile phone, MSN, Skype, Facebook, Email, and unified them all. The great thing is you can enter all kinds of IM information on each contact. My plan is to sync this to my N900 with Mail for exchange when i get it. I do hope this will sync correctly for the Contacts app, like Skype and MSN and so on. Sadly the contats images on Gmail is very low quality and probably wont sync.

This is what i've been doing but it may all be in vain;

check my posts and their replies from the thread below

smarsh 2009-10-26 17:26

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
I've been:
- Getting up to speed on PyMaemo (cf
- Installing sdk on vmware
- playing with ideas
- designing 2 apps, with the hope that both will be at least testable in situ when I get it.
- falling in love over again with my n810...

doksng 2009-10-26 17:26

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
just wait and read about all the potential problems and solutions and get myself ready

mikec 2009-10-26 22:52

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
Sell my iPod,Camera,N95,E71,N800,Camcorder,TomTom,collecti on of power adaptors, huge collection of misc cables, blutooth headests and Batman Utility belt to carry that lot around

Mike C

BaKSo 2009-10-26 22:52

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
bookmarking wallpaper for my future N900 =)

vdx29 2009-10-26 22:53

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900

Originally Posted by mirrorofsorrow (Post 358346)
If you are correct and N900 only identifies only embedded in the ID3 tags, album art, you have in mind any good tool to edit the ID3 tags in my existing library?

Try here. I personally use Mp3Tag.

Guffaw 2009-10-26 23:02

Re: Things to do while waiting for your N900
- Read n900 manual
- Order 16gb microsdhc
- Download/create wallpapers
- Watching all new youtube videos every day.
- Fix contacts

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