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fcukwaiting 2009-10-27 22:01

A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
I'm through with being treated like an idiot.

Your stores took my preorder back in September and since then...


Delay upon delay and when you do finally release some info. You email some other website instead of informing us, here at the maemo community.

So I'm done.

Cancelled my preoder today and ordered a HTC HD2 because they at least


Your crap annual profit is more than justified.

**** Nokia

mikkov 2009-10-27 22:05

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
Didn't they post the information only here and others are sourcing it here? That happened at least in Finnish newspapers.

r0eladn 2009-10-27 22:05

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
i love Nokia as well.

time for your ritalin big boy.

ordering a 'lesser' phone won't get you anywhere. don't be harsh on finland. its cold there. give the poor people a break.

zfarooq 2009-10-27 22:11

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
it was updated here in this blog first, then everywhere else.

I am disappointed they dint inform us about the shipping delay earlier.

ABerri 2009-10-27 22:11

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
I ordered an N900 and to my knowledge the HD2 is not a "lesser" phone. I think the N900 and the HTC HD2 are probably the two top smartphones to own today or whenever they are released.

Maybe the HD2 is better than the N900 in ways such as Portrait mode since it can do almost everything in that mode whereas the N900 is still landscape. Yes we are hoping that some of the "fixes" Nokia is supposedly doing is creating more Portrait orientation on the phone so we are able to use it with one hand sometimes.

And I understand the thread creator's frustration. Why Peter and his team are being soo shallow with their communication when they know they have a bunch of upset people who pre-ordered this phone and when there is a delay, show appreciation to your consumers and give us hopeful info and accurate deadlines.

GunnerzMate 2009-10-27 22:21

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 359351)
I ordered an N900 and to my knowledge the HD2 is not a "lesser" phone. I think the N900 and the HTC HD2 are probably the two top smartphones to own today or whenever they are released.

Maybe the HD2 is better than the N900 in ways such as Portrait mode since it can do almost everything in that mode whereas the N900 is still landscape. Yes we are hoping that some of the "fixes" Nokia is supposedly doing is creating more Portrait orientation on the phone so we are able to use it with one hand sometimes.

And I understand the thread creator's frustration. Why Peter and his team are being soo shallow with their communication when they know they have a bunch of upset people who pre-ordered this phone and when there is a delay, show appreciation to your consumers and give us hopeful info and accurate deadlines.

OMG, I'm sure the portrait mode will have been fixed by mid-nov or will be fixed 1 week later either by Nokia or someone else. I'm sure you can survive without a portrait mode.

N900 was not meant to be a smart phone. HD2 was. So if you are looking for a smartphone buy the HD2 instead and be done with it.

Its your first post here, why are you a part of the maemo community (not saying I am)?

And WRONG,Peter posted the delay information here first...

Your loss...

Nitchers 2009-10-27 22:21

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by fcukwaiting (Post 359342)
I'm through with being treated like an idiot.

Your stores took my preorder back in September and since then...


Delay upon delay and when you do finally release some info. You email some other website instead of informing us, here at the maemo community.

So I'm done.

Cancelled my preoder today and ordered a HTC HD2 because they at least


Your crap annual profit is more than justified.

**** Nokia

I've read your post carefully, and i'm no expert but what i'm getting here is that you're slightly upset??

hqh 2009-10-27 22:22

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by fcukwaiting (Post 359342)
I'm through with being treated like an idiot.

No you're not. Acting like one will keep drawing you the unwanted attention :)


Originally Posted by fcukwaiting (Post 359342)
Delay upon delay and when you do finally release some info. You email some other website instead of informing us, here at the maemo community.

Your anger seems to be based on misinformation.

sschueller 2009-10-27 22:31

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
What is it with all these post of how upset people are that the N900 is delayed? Either you want a N900 or you don't.

Nokia is not Apple and I am glad they are not.

Keeping things secret until release may work for Apple but would not work for an open device like the N900.

Delays can happen and believe me Nokia wants the N900 on shelves yesterday.

Does anyone remember the Sony PS3 delay?

Just my 2 cents.

bugelrex 2009-10-27 22:32

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
Are the people complaining asking for too much? No.

After all, we are the one spending our money to buy your product. We're just asking for a solid date, without a solid date it implies any of the following (may or may not be true, and the sad thing is that none of them are probably true):
- There is a hardware issue on the production line. Fair enough, understandable
- Your firmware is not stable and you are rushing to fix it. Doesn't inspire confidence. To not be able to give a date after the initial deadline has passed shows something serious has come up.
- Does Nokia have 'code-freeze' QA Process or do they throw the code over the wall to customers? A product of this complexity would need at least 2 weeks QA code-freeze
- Have all the pre-production units have critical features turned off? And its the enabling of these features that have de-stablized the code? i.e Nokia have trouble managing and developing complex code on schedule.

The way this release is being handled does not inspire confidence. Should non-fanboys cancel their pre-orders and just wait for non-fanboy reviews for stability and battery power?

lorelei 2009-10-27 22:36

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by Nitchers (Post 359361)
I've read your post carefully, and i'm no expert but what i'm getting here is that you're slightly upset??

I'm not an expert either, but I think that I agree with your careful analysis of the situation.

Should we get a third opinion? Or maybe an expert should settle this for good :)

r0eladn 2009-10-27 22:36

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 359372)
The way this release is being handled does not inspire confidence. Should non-fanboys cancel their pre-orders and just wait for non-fanboy reviews for stability and battery power?

transforming from non-fanboy to tech-maemo-person requires more than being fast with your brains as being fast when it comes to not being patient.

so maybe the answer to your question... is.... yes

danramos 2009-10-27 22:42

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 359372)
We're just asking for a solid date

No. What we are asking for is definitely NOT a solid date.. otherwise, you will kill off all the speculators, rumors and forum chatter and just end up confirming everything. What we are expressly asking for is delays and no delivery! :)


Originally Posted by lorelei (Post 359377)
I'm not an expert either, but I think that I agree with your careful analysis of the situation.

Should we get a third opinion? Or maybe an expert should settle this for good :)

I concur. All opposed?

Mengs 2009-10-27 22:43

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 359372)
Are the people complaining asking for too much? No.

After all, we are the one spending our money to buy your product. We're just asking for a solid date, without a solid date it implies any of the following (may or may not be true, and the sad thing is that none of them are probably true):
- There is a hardware issue on the production line. Fair enough, understandable
- Your firmware is not stable and you are rushing to fix it. Doesn't inspire confidence. To not be able to give a date after the initial deadline has passed shows something serious has come up.
- Does Nokia have 'code-freeze' QA Process or do they throw the code over the wall to customers? A product of this complexity would need at least 2 weeks QA code-freeze
- Have all the pre-production units have critical features turned off? And its the enabling of these features that have de-stablized the code? i.e Nokia have trouble managing and developing complex code on schedule.

The way this release is being handled does not inspire confidence. Should non-fanboys cancel their pre-orders and just wait for non-fanboy reviews for stability and battery power?

I think people are just getting tired of waiting without a goal. First it was Week 44 (this week), then it was pushed to November, and now December. And none of these dates, except for the first one for week 44 were official announcements. We see Peter from maemo posting every once in a while but giving no real answers. And now we hear from another reliable source that it's December.

Nokia just has to get their act together and give us a date; even if it would be February 2010, just give us a date so we know what to wait for.

My theory says that there's something seriously wrong with the phone (maybe battery, maybe security... I don't know), but Nokia doesn't want to inform their customers being afraid of people canceling orders... I mean after the last quarter numbers, I wouldn't be surprised.

Personally, I've canceled my order as of today... I don't like being treated like a fool. When I bought this phone back in October, I was promised that either week 44 or earlier, but definitely no later. Now when I email them, all they tell me is that they don't know and in fact no one knows. I guess it's just business; do whatever it takes to sell the device but forget about the customer once deal is done. Yeah, nice try. HTC is getting my 600€

danramos 2009-10-27 22:47

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by Mengs (Post 359390)
Personally, I've canceled my order as of today... I don't like being treated like a fool. When I bought this phone back in October, I was promised that either week 44 or earlier, but definitely no later. Now when I email them, all they tell me is that they don't know and in fact no one knows. I guess it's just business, do whatever it takes to sell the device but forget about the customer once deal is done. Yeah, nice try. HTC is getting my 600€

This just feels like it goes hand in hand with all the terrible customer support experience I've increasingly felt over the time of owning my old tablet. I increasingly feel like Nokia doesn't care about the customers and it's starting to show. I know I'm certainly avoiding Nokia after all the negative personal experiences despite anyone trying to tell me that Nokia is f***ing wonderful! ;)

My coworkers used to be all gung-ho Nokia too--not so much anymore. Just saying--I don't think it's just me anymore.

Come Nokia! Listen to the customers.. communicate back AND forth? And for everyone's sake, try to actually provide more reasons for people to be glad they bought your product AFTER the sale.

GunnerzMate 2009-10-27 22:48

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
Nokia didn't want to delay the device and it has probably very little to do with any bugs. Nokia simply didn't expect so many preorders and so they delayed the phone so they could manufacture enough phones to fill in the preorders. Its not like they wanted to delay the phone just so a bunch of kids would get mad over it. They are doing for you, the customer. Imagine if Amazon got the first batch but they didn't have enough N900s to give you one so you would have to wait another 2-3 weeks for another batch...Same story.

c0rt3x 2009-10-27 22:48

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 359351)
I ordered an N900 and to my knowledge the HD2 is not a "lesser" phone. I think the N900 and the HTC HD2 are probably the two top smartphones to own today or whenever they are released.

Maybe the HD2 is better than the N900 in ways such as Portrait mode since it can do almost everything in that mode whereas the N900 is still landscape. Yes we are hoping that some of the "fixes" Nokia is supposedly doing is creating more Portrait orientation on the phone so we are able to use it with one hand sometimes.

And I understand the thread creator's frustration. Why Peter and his team are being soo shallow with their communication when they know they have a bunch of upset people who pre-ordered this phone and when there is a delay, show appreciation to your consumers and give us hopeful info and accurate deadlines.

Actually, the N900 and the HD2 has similar hardware when it comes to the processing power, but you're forgetting the details, which are important as well. Has HTC ever used a decent camera in their phones, no matter the resolution? Stereo speakers? Good quality materials?

No offence, but HTC just orders the hardware parts and the OS, and then they take some glue and "make the phone", and later they sell it, without the details...

Edit: I forgot to mention the nice profits HTC likes to make... you can't argue about that HTC will never enter the mainstream market, simply because their business model where they charge about €100 extra doesn't work in this segment. For example, a HTC TP2 (with significantly worse hardware) costs more than an N900...

sschueller 2009-10-27 22:50

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by Mengs (Post 359390)
My theory says that there's something seriously wrong with the phone (maybe battery, maybe security... I don't know), but Nokia doesn't want to inform their customers being afraid of people canceling orders... I mean after the last quarter numbers, I wouldn't be surprised.

I don't think Nokia is too concerned about loosing pre-orders for the N900. The N900 is a very small market compared to the others Nokia plays in.

danramos 2009-10-27 22:52

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by GunnerzMate (Post 359398)
Nokia didn't want to delay the device and it has probably very little to do with any bugs. Nokia simply didn't expect so many preorders and so they delayed the phone so they could manufacture enough phones to fill in the preorders. Its not like they wanted to delay the phone just so a bunch of kids would get mad over it. They are doing for you, the customer. Imagine if Amazon got the first batch but they didn't have enough N900s to give you one so you would have to wait another 2-3 weeks for another batch...Same story.

It would at least confirm that there IS a device and it's starting to trickle out. I'm pretty sure that even if only SOME got it and orders were being filled immediately, it would at least foster a sense that your pre-order isn't invalid.

andree 2009-10-27 22:52

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by Mengs (Post 359390)
give us a date; even if it would be February 2010, just give us a date so we know what to wait for.

the unforunate thing is, that the development doesn't stop for concurrent companies - and if Nokia spends another 4 months fixing existing stuff, and simultaneously developing n900+1 and maemo 6, that is

1) kinda' unfair treatment for future n900 buyers (even more so, if n900 support will only last until n900+1)...

2) unfortunate for maemo itself, as android/webos/apple/winmo will get many new users+devs, and nokia gets.. well.. not much... not everyone is that enthusiastic about using/developing software for virtual machines :)

3) by 2009/02, I'm sure many new devices will be out, and I'm quite sure n900 specs won't look so cool then, as they do today...

jaark 2009-10-27 22:55

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 359387)
No. What we are asking for is definitely NOT a solid date..

What we are demanding is that the n900 may ... or may not be ... delivered in mid November. I mean, what's the use of us staying up all night arguing that there may .. or may not be, a final firmware version if this forum comes along next morning and gives you it's md5sum?

Mengs 2009-10-27 22:56

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by andree (Post 359404)
the unforunate thing is, that the development doesn't stop for concurrent companies - and if Nokia spends another 4 months fixing existing stuff, and simultaneously developing n900+1 and maemo 6, that is

1) kinda' unfair treatment for future n900 buyers (even more so, if n900 support will only last until n900+1)...

2) unfortunate for maemo itself, as android/webos/apple/winmo will get many new users+devs, and nokia gets.. well.. not much... not everyone is that enthusiastic about using/developing software for virtual machines :)

3) by 2009/02, I'm sure many new devices will be out, and I'm quite sure n900 specs won't look so cool then, as they do today...

See, the exact reasons why Nokia's not giving us a date =)

I've met a lot of nice people here at the forums... But I think I'm moving over to the android forum now as I won't be having a Nokia as my next phone :)

For those who ordered it and are sticking with it, I wish you good luck and enjoy the phone. Maybe I'll get a N910 or whatever is next, but the n900 is not going to be my next phone :)

mobiledivide 2009-10-27 22:57

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
Still boggles my mind all the anger. Products get delayed all the time, noone forced anyone to pre-order. If anything there was never any indication that there would be a shortage of supply. I almost pre-ordered and then realized due to knowing how much Nokia delays stuff (see N97, N95, N78, N79, 5800, E75 are you seeing a pattern here?) it would be a bad idea.

Just wait till its released and then complain about bugs etc...

Here is a post from an s60 user on Nokia delays from Howard Forums, I feel like some of the points are wrong but lots are spot on (the ones to do with Nokia and not maemo)


Originally Posted by Snotick
t still amazes me the way people react to Nokia in regards to the announcement, release dates, fw updates and bugs/build quality of their phones.

It only takes a little bit of research here at HOFO to know the following about Nokia:

1-They always announce a phone many months before you will ever be able to buy it.

2-They will make you think if you preorder the new model, that you will be the first ones to receive the phone. When in reality, you will spend weeks, maybe months reading other peoples reviews about the same phone that they bought at Amazon, Dell or Newegg.

3-There will always be software and hardware bugs/defects that will need to be fixed before a new Nokia phone can really be deemed usable. Yet people run out and buy (some preorder) said phone and then complain about each and every problem until Nokia fixes it. Most Nokia phones become much better after V20 fw updates.

4-Nokia rarely (if ever) has release dates for fw or phones, and if they do, they rarely (if ever) stick to that date.

5-Nokia will never give you one phone with all the features that it has in its manufacturing arsenal. You can scream from the the rooftops of Espoo Finland about the one or two features that was missing from your phone (N82=3G, 5800=Internet Radio, etc) It will never happen as long as people continue to buy the current offerings Nokia releases.

I feel sorry for the first time Nokia buyers that may not read reviews here or on other websites. Those buyers that may stumble upon a newly released model, not knowing what to expect.

But for everyone else, especially those members of HOFO (me included) who have owned multiple Nokia phones of the past few years, we should know exactly what to expect from Nokia. Its sad to say but we need to expect less from them, then we wont be disappointed.

Know that every new phone announced will take 6 months before you see it.

Never preorder through Nokia, you can get it just as fast (and cheaper) elsewhere.

Never buy the first batch of phones, wait 3 months for bugs to show themselves. (You may not want the phone then)

Wait until the phone is shipping with V20 FW, this will ensure most bugs have been corrected.

Never buy a phone, thinking that the FW will be out in a few days. It could be weeks or months in reality.

Never skip buying a current phone, thinking that the next model will have the one feature that your missing. Odds are, Nokia wont put it on the new model either.

ewan 2009-10-27 23:07

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by mobiledivide (Post 359411)
Still boggles my mind all the anger. Products get delayed all the time,

I think it's not the delays that are bothering people so much as the lack of communication. More than most devices the Maemo line are Nokia products, but community efforts. It wouldn't hurt Nokia to just be open and honest about whatever the problem is, or at least it wouldn't hurt more than the uncertainty is already doing. As it is people are speculating wildly about hardware problems, inadequate battery performance, and critical bugs; a little clarity wouldn't go amis.

mece 2009-10-27 23:23

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
Sorry to barge in on the thread like this but I had to vent my feelings regarding this:


Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 359351)
[...] to my knowledge the HD2 is not a "lesser" phone [...]

If you consider the HD2 to be greater or equal to the N900 then you have missed the point of the N900. If that is the case, then try them and see which one you prefer. The HD2 looks like a nice piece of kit. Perhaps it's the one more suitable for you.

It is however a lesser phone.

Note that greater and lesser is not the same as better or worse. :)

mobiledivide 2009-10-27 23:27

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
Agreed Mr Jaaksi who apparently accepts blame for the delay should have done better by the community and made a decent announcement about the slipping ship dates.


Originally Posted by ewan (Post 359420)
I think it's not the delays that are bothering people so much as the lack of communication. More than most devices the Maemo line are Nokia products, but community efforts. It wouldn't hurt Nokia to just be open and honest about whatever the problem is, or at least it wouldn't hurt more than the uncertainty is already doing. As it is people are speculating wildly about hardware problems, inadequate battery performance, and critical bugs; a little clarity wouldn't go amis.

Crashdamage 2009-10-27 23:46

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by Mengs (Post 359408)
I think I'm moving over to the android forum now as I won't be having a Nokia as my next phone :)

How quickly we forget the never-ending delays and lack of communication from Google regarding the 'Cupcake' the G1 was the only Android phone available for slow Android you gotta jailbreak the friggin' things to get root...Google's treatment of customers and developers (can you say 'Cyanogen'?).

So some are moving from the Android forum to here, for I guess basically the same type of reasons people here are complaining. The grass is always greener on the other side.

As for me, after just a year I'm kinda sick of my G1 and Android. Both are too limited. To me, the Maemo is what Android should've been and never can be. Not it won't be - it can't be. Anyway, I'll be quite satisfied to wait a bit longer for the best hardware/software combination available.

But that's just me, and to each his own. Lotsa luck...

Bratag 2009-10-27 23:48

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by fcukwaiting (Post 359342)
I'm through with being treated like an idiot.

Your stores took my preorder back in September and since then...


Delay upon delay and when you do finally release some info. You email some other website instead of informing us, here at the maemo community.

So I'm done.

Cancelled my preoder today and ordered a HTC HD2 because they at least


Your crap annual profit is more than justified.

**** Nokia

Please feel free to combine these words in the order of your choice

***, don't, door, let, the, hit, you, way, on, out, the

The mature nature of your posting suggests that you are being treated exactly as you warrant,

Nitchers 2009-10-27 23:57

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by lorelei (Post 359377)
I'm not an expert either, but I think that I agree with your careful analysis of the situation.

Should we get a third opinion? Or maybe an expert should settle this for good :)

I'm glad yourself and Danramos agrees, because i was beginning to doubt my 'i'm awfully upset' radar.

Getting back to matter at hand... of course there is going to be a lot of frustration at the moment, spitting the dummy out and chucking the toys out the pram, is not going to bring the device out any sooner. Unless, Nokia in the past have relented to such hissy fits and i'm not aware of it.

code177 2009-10-28 00:09

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 359453)
Please feel free to combine these words in the order of your choice

***, don't, door, let, the, hit, you, way, on, out, the

you don't hit the door, let the way on out "pal"?

That makes no sense at all, Bratag. Jees.

Texrat 2009-10-28 00:43

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
...and cell phone evolution thus weeds out the angry and impatient.

Rushmore 2009-10-28 01:00

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
Most of us may get it, but if:

"N900 was not meant to be a smart phone."

Then Nokia needs to be a lot more clear about this before people buy it. Far more people I bet assume it is a VERY good smartphone and has at least the function of the other high end devices like Droid and HD2.

Just go and check other forums and the buzz about the device. People are understandably assuming equal smartphone function as the other devices PLUS all the great internet and media function.

For the N900 and a lack of a clear marketing effort, intentions and expectations are only in sync with the techs like on this site. This site is the minority of the total population that will get this device- and think it is a smartphone.

Hmmm. Perhaps this is why Tmo has not announced the device and are waiting on Nokia to "smartphonatize" the N900's interface some.

I will take my chances without Tmo ;) N900 would be tainted by Tmo. Not sure if I am joking or not...

Texrat 2009-10-28 01:10

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
Good point Rushmore.

Perhaps video advertisements should start off demonstrating all the computer-oriented stuff, and at the end the narrator intones, "Oh yeah, it's a phone too..." and then the phone features are showed off.

Rushmore 2009-10-28 01:14

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 359494)
Good point Rushmore.

Perhaps video advertisements should start off demonstrating all the computer-oriented stuff, and at the end the narrator intones, "Oh yeah, it's a phone too..." and then the phone features are showed off.

If you are being sarcastic, it still sounds like a good idea ;) :)

Texrat 2009-10-28 01:15

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
Not sarcastic at all.

Psymastr 2009-10-28 01:16

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
The unnecessary hate from OP makes me want to post potatoes!

Laughing Man 2009-10-28 01:19

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
I hope it comes soon.. it would greatly augment my work process. Not to mention I'm paying TMobile 3G access for nothing right now since the phone I got from them can only do Edge (though I can tether it to my n800 and it's what I've been doing).

Rushmore 2009-10-28 01:19

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 359500)
Not sarcastic at all.

In that case, it is a GREAT idea and promoted from just "good" ;)

I sure hope Nokia reads some of this stuff and get the hint. The N900 could be huge with a little more phone centric love :) Ultimate device- evah'!

I think i have said that before ;)

allnameswereout 2009-10-28 01:54

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff
-1 astroturfer.

Preorder is never a final order, and you did not pay for it. If you paid for it, the transaction is final. Better luck next time, kid.

allnameswereout 2009-10-28 01:56

Re: A Message To Nokia, Peter, & Maemo Staff

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 359494)
Good point Rushmore.

Perhaps video advertisements should start off demonstrating all the computer-oriented stuff, and at the end the narrator intones, "Oh yeah, it's a phone too..." and then the phone features are showed off.

Oh, and one more thing ;)

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