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rocketscientist 2009-11-04 09:02

google gears on n900 / n810
Google gears on the n810 would solve all my calendar, mail app, office app and synchronization needs. Is there any chance of getting a browser with gears compatibility / functionality on my n810 or the n900 ?


# Benefits of a web app as a desktop app:

* One codebase vs. a desktop application's various client (OS X, Linux, Windows) codebases
* Easy auto-update mechanism (updating JavaScript, HTML, CSS, manifest version number) vs. desktop application's complicated software update process

What does Gears require to be compatible with my Linux system?
If you'd like to run the Gears for Firefox on a Linux (32-bit) platform, please make sure your system has glibc 2.3.5 or higher and libstdc++6 (Gears 0.3) or libstdc++5 (Gears pre-0.3)

Linux - Firefox - Files are stored in the user home directory.
Location: ~bob/.mozilla/firefox/<firefox's profile id>/Gears for Firefox
Example: ~bob/.mozilla/firefox/08ywpi3q.default/Gears for Firefox

regulate23 2009-11-04 18:53

Re: google gears on n900 / n810
great question...i second it

buurmas 2009-11-04 19:04

Re: google gears on n900 / n810
I think everyone agrees with this. The problem is it's a Google product & as such you have to ask Google to pretty please give it to you. There was actually a binary made available on a forum but people had pretty limited success with it. For more info see:

Going forward, maybe Fennec (Firefox Mobile) will help?

rocketscientist 2009-11-04 20:10

Re: google gears on n900 / n810
Thanks for the answer, even though it means we just have to keep on waiting and cross our fingers that google gears support may come one day. I have not found any fennec - google gears related news; are there any 'official' plans to bring gears to fennec?

DaveP1 2009-11-04 20:12

Re: google gears on n900 / n810

Originally Posted by buurmas (Post 365650)
I think everyone agrees with this. The problem is it's a Google product & as such you have to ask Google to pretty please give it to you.

Can we please stop Google bashing????

"Gears is open source software, licensed under the New BSD license. . . . The New BSD license allows you to embed the Gears runtime or API in your software, with very minimal restrictions."

The source code is here (and can be checked out anonymously for the Google paranoids among us) :

rocketscientist 2009-11-04 21:28

Re: google gears on n900 / n810
Thanks for clarifying that.

So now we "only" need someone to compile the source code as a fennec add-on (or for other maemo browsers).

DaveP1 2009-11-04 22:50

Re: google gears on n900 / n810

Originally Posted by rocketscientist (Post 365823)
So now we "only" need someone to compile the source code as a fennec add-on (or for other maemo browsers).

I'd volunteer but the last compiler I used was for COBOL on an IBM 3090. :o

GeraldKo 2009-11-27 20:33

Re: google gears on n900 / n810
This is the one thing that I still really miss on my N800. Being able to update a calendar or to-do list, from my computer or my Tablet, and have that on my NIT even while I'm offline, without bothering with GPE/Erminig/etc., would just be the best.

Between this thread and this other thread, it seems it ought to be possible.

Any chance that any of you great coders are going to give this a shot for Tear or MicroB in Diablo?

(I haven't followed syncing in Fremantle although I've seen thread titles about it. Is it even useful/necessary for Fremantle and is anything happening on that score?)

TheRealBubba 2009-11-27 23:33

Re: google gears on n900 / n810

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 396699)
This is the one thing that I still really miss on my N800. Being able to update a calendar or to-do list, from my computer or my Tablet, and have that on my NIT even while I'm offline, without bothering with GPE/Erminig/etc., would just be the best.

*agreement, vehement agreement*

Aside, any pointers to how to reconcile gcal & GPE after (I assume it was the daylight savings switch) some, but not all my recurring appointments moved forward 1 hr in time?

simons 2009-12-09 11:53

Re: google gears on n900 / n810
I second this. we really need gears for fennec in maemo :)

mordel 2010-01-04 15:28

Re: google gears on n900 / n810

Originally Posted by rocketscientist (Post 365823)
So now we "only" need someone to compile the source code as a fennec add-on (or for other maemo browsers).

Gears is already ported to Linux 32-bit systems, which is the base of Maemo. My N810 has Maemo 4 installed, and has the Gears requirements or better (libc2.5 and libstdc++6). I did try installing Google Gears via Fennec, and everything seemed fine until the installation actually tried to run.

There is indeed an item in the Gears issue tracker for Maemo support. It has some information about things you can try if you've a technical bent, including what looks like an initial port that was done back in 2007. I have a feeling that once Fennec is released as 1.0, there's a strong chance it'll get easier to install Gears on our Nokias.

I'm going to fuss with it for a while, there are enough reports of people getting it to work that I'm hopeful.

Echohead 2010-02-23 15:14

Re: google gears on n900 / n810
Anyone have any luck with this?

oved_etzot 2010-06-03 16:32

Re: google gears on n900 / n810
I tried installing gears through firefox and got the following message:
Anything new on the possibility of this being made available for the n900? Does anyone know whether the update to pr1.2 make any new options open up for us in this regard?

Laughing Man 2010-06-03 16:48

Re: google gears on n900 / n810
I believe Google discontinued Gears (and I think they open sourced it?) but they're not doing anything with it anymore.

oved_etzot 2010-06-03 22:07

Re: google gears on n900 / n810

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 698000)
I believe Google discontinued Gears (and I think they open sourced it?) but they're not doing anything with it anymore.

Well what other options are there to work with google docs offline?

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