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code177 2009-11-04 20:32

SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
This thread will hopefully yield some interesting information and help some of us connect / see what we're all working on, and allow us to take stock. It would be really great if everyone developing would reply :)

Copy and paste the following with your answers:

Purpose/goal of project:

Thanks everyone!

code177 2009-11-04 20:32

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: PyGTK
IDE: EsBox / Maemo5 vmware SDK Pre-final
Project: Prismic Wallpapers ( app)
Progress: 85%
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Ovi Store
Purpose/goal of project: An application to provide users with available wallpapers to save and use as backgrounds as easily as possible.

jolouis 2009-11-04 20:40

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C SDL
IDE: Nano (I'm old skool) + MaemoSDK + compiling on device
Project: FlipClock
Progress: 70% on base app, porting from Diablo to Fremantle will take a little bit of extra time but not too bad.
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Free, Donations through Paypal once app is released, possibly OviStore once Fremantle version is ready.

Purpose/goal of project: Provide large display theme-able clock with full alarm interface to allow tablet/device to be used as daily alarm clock/regular clock.

(I added that purpose thing, hopefully it helps let people know what the project is about and prevent people from overlapping/focusing on doing the same thing twice?)

Bundyo 2009-11-04 22:47

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Project: Tear
Language/s: Vala, HTML, JS, CSS
IDE: MonoDevelop
Progress: Unknown
License: GPL
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: Web Browser

dwould 2009-11-04 22:53

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Project: Witter (basically me just leaning)
Language/s: Python/gtk
IDE: Esbox - ssh to n810 and maemo5 scratchbox
Progress: erm...well I've got the basics working.
Purpose/goal of project: my own learning. I wanted to get into developing for Maemo and figured I'd start with the 'hello world' of the web2.0 world...a twitter client.
Once I've got the hang of things I may try more useful projects

xmob 2009-11-04 23:03

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python
IDE: Varies. Usually Crimson or Nano
Project: mSideShow
Progress: Moving forward
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Garage
Purpose/goal of project: Use N900 as Windows SideShow device.

Language/s: Python
IDE: Varies. Usually Crimson or Nano
Project: mTunesRemote
Progress: Struggling with avahi in SDK. Need to wait for device. :(
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Garage
Purpose/goal of project: Use N900 to remote control iTunes. Select playlists, view artwork etc.

jackabite 2009-11-04 23:54

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C++
IDE: still trying to figure that out (Eclipse hopefully)
Project: fingershare
Progress: -10%
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: Fun, but so far one big headache, coming from a WinTel C++\C# environment to Linux\C++\Sandbox is a little hard. Instant gratification is non-existant here - but I feel the long term relationship has prospects.

412b 2009-11-05 00:51

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Project: Advanced Power Monitor
Language/s: Python (potentially C/C++)
IDE: KDevelop, NetBeans, MC
Progress: 98% (real device testing needed)
License: GPL
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: Get all the potential of device :) Or a bit ;)

Project: Advanced Power
Language/s: Python (PyGTK. Hildon)
IDE: KDevelop, NetBeans, MC
Progress: 95% (depends on APM and not enough testing yet, but seems to work)
License: GPL
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: Make life a bit easier ;)

lcuk 2009-11-05 00:59

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C (the only true language)
IDE: ssh Console for building, Windows version of Komodo Edit for source, winscp for copying files. on device compilation.
Project: libliqbase
Progress: much further than i thought, 90% personal completion for what i need,
probably less for others
standalone running needs work on n900
License: gpl
Distribution: free, generous donations, its a library no end user distribution available
Purpose/goal of project: to support construction of liq* apps for n8x0, n900, touchbook, laptops etc

Language/s: C (the only true language)
IDE: ssh Console for building, Windows version of Komodo Edit for source, winscp for copying files. on device compilation.
Project: liqbase-playground liqflow liqtorch liqcalendar liqsketch liqgraffiti liqbook liqpostcard liqrecentmedia liquser orchestra eureka liqremote liqmap liqtag
Progress: further than i thought, i use the apps as required,
each needs integration work
License: gpl
Distribution: free,
generous donations,
app sponsorship (in context)
app/dev training
ovi store seems distant and not applicable for license or even n810 users or mer,
prefer extras as things are ready :)
specific modules written by others can do what they like though

Purpose/goal of project: needs a whole thread on its own, wont pollute here, go find out.

<snip cut out overview of each and purpose, let me know if you want more info>

jkq 2009-11-05 03:13

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python: PyQt/PySide
IDE: (g)vim
Project: PyConverter
Progress: 75%?
License: GPL?
Distribution: extras(-devel)
Purpose/goal of project: A simple unit converter (and a good excuse to learn how to develop apps for Maemo :))


code177 2009-11-05 18:25

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Anyone else? :) It's great to know what's being worked on!

frals 2009-11-05 18:40

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python
IDE: vim, textpad
Project: MMS Client
Progress: WIP
License: (L?)GPL
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: Sending MMS! (focusing on the actual mms transport, I leave setting up connections and other stuff to people more suitable ;-))

Khertan 2009-11-05 18:40

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python
IDE: PyGTKEditor
Project: PyGTKEditor
Progress: 50%
License: GPL
Distribution: Maemo
Purpose/goal of project: Made n900 the best portable programming device.

epage 2009-11-05 18:42

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Project: Dialcentral
Progress: 99%
License: LGPL (I think?)
Distribution: extras-testing (please vote)
Purpose/goal of project: UI For GoogleVoice (Available for Diablo)
Language/s: Python (PyGTK)
IDE: VIM w/ PEP8, PyFlakes, PyLint, etc

Project: ejpi
Progress: 99%
License: LGPL (I think?)
Distribution: extras-testing (please vote)
Purpose/goal of project: Calculator designed as a test bed for touch-interface ideas (Available for Diablo)
Language/s: Python (PyGTK)
IDE: VIM w/ PEP8, PyFlakes, PyLint, etc

Project: Gonvert
Progress: 75%
License: GPL (I think?)
Distribution: Eventually in extras
Purpose/goal of project: Unit Conversion (Available for Diablo)
Language/s: Python (PyGTK)
IDE: VIM w/ PEP8, PyFlakes, PyLint, etc

Project: Quicknote
Progress: 10%
License: LGPL (I think?)
Distribution: Eventually in extras
Purpose/goal of project: Palm-style note taking app (Available for Diablo, not yet Fremantlized)
Language/s: Python (PyGTK)
IDE: VIM w/ PEP8, PyFlakes, PyLint, etc

Project: TheOneRing
Progress: 5%
License: LGPL (I think?)
Distribution: Eventually in extras
Purpose/goal of project: Telepathy plugin for GoogleVoice integration
Language/s: Python
IDE: VIM w/ PEP8, PyFlakes, PyLint, etc

EDIT: Gonvert isn't in extras-testing yet, so nothing for me to encourage you to vote on

Also, all of these are developed/tested on regular Linux and then tested again on actual devices, no SDKs used

Also I moved Language/IDE to bottom of each because its the least important (I think)

epage 2009-11-05 18:46

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Anyone know the status of some of my favorites;
  • FBReader (or alt ebook reader)
  • Numpty
  • Vagalume
  • Battle For Wesnoth
  • Pingus
  • Stardict (or alt dictionary app)

zaheerm 2009-11-05 18:52

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C
IDE: gedit
Project: Nahjul Balagha
Progress: 65%
License: Unknown (iPhone port of someone else's app, hopefully a free license)
Distribution: unknown
Purpose/goal of project: A reference to the Islamic book Peak of Eloquence (Nahjul Balagha), a collection of sermons, letters given by Imam Ali)

Language/s: Python/PyGtk
IDE: gvim
Project: Maemo Spykee
Progress: 45%
License: GPL
Distribution: extras
Purpose/goal of project: Control and view Spykee robot


Language/s: Python
IDE: gvim
Project: Cadence
Progress: 10%
License: MIT
Distribution: extras
Purpose/goal of project: A UPnP media renderer acting as a desktop widget to show photos


Language/s: Python
IDE: gvim
Project: Flumotion
Progress: 40%
License: GPL
Distribution: extras
Purpose/goal of project: A Streaming Server


Language/s: Python
IDE: gvim
Project: No name yet
Progress: 60%
License: GPL
Distribution: extras
Purpose/goal of project: Desktop widget with weird circular clock, hard to explain here.similar to Starck/Fossil's circular watches with a hole in them.

More that have not been started yet

rcull 2009-11-05 19:52

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: pygtk
IDE: gvim
Project: slider
Progress: Currently developing on PC/N800 will convert to N900 when I have a device.
License: GPL
Distribution: Free, Possibly donations through Paypal link
Purpose/goal of project: Simple on device slideshow developement and presentation based on Eric A Meyers S5 system.

kanishou 2009-11-05 20:21

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python
IDE: None
Project: Chessmonk
Progress: Mostly functional, but not packaged yet.
License: GPL
Distribution: Presumably extras.
Purpose/goal of project: To comfortably replay annotated chess games (PGN) on the move.

I predict that this thread will soon become unusable. :)

pycage 2009-11-05 22:06

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python
IDE: gedit
Project: MediaBox
Progress: In the progress of adapting to Maemo5
License: GPL
Distribution: currently extras-devel
Purpose/goal of project: A extensible media center / player for dealing with large collectios of music, and handling UPnP devices

Language/s: C
IDE: gedit
Project: n900-fmrx-enabler
Progress: Released and working for most people
License: GPL
Distribution: extras
Purpose/goal of project: Service for enabling the disabled FM receiver hardware in the N900 on application request

Language/s: Python
IDE: gedit
Project: FM Radio
Progress: Just got into extras
License: GPL
Distribution: extras
Purpose/goal of project: Application for listening to the FM radio on the N900

attila77 2009-11-05 22:20

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python (Qt)
Project: Pyqtoreader
Progress: 70%
License: GPL
Distribution: currently source only
Purpose/goal of project: Content reader (plugin based cbr, ebooks, images, webcomics, rss, pdf, etc)

Language/s: C++ (Qt)
IDE: QtCreator
Project: Shepherd
Progress: 40%
License: GPL
Purpose/goal of project: Schedule actions based on pluggable input parameters (time, connection, power, location, etc)

phantoom 2009-12-17 10:25

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python/PyGtk
IDE: gvim
Project: Maemo Spykee
Progress: 45%
License: GPL
Distribution: extras
Purpose/goal of project: Control and view Spykee robot

can you please tell me if work is still in progress and if we can expect to get something ported on N900 please
(glad to see someone was working on a spykee project for maemo)

kevloral 2009-12-17 12:37

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Well, right now I am in the middle of finishing a project completely unrelated to Maemo or the N900. As soon as that is done, I want to start developing a couple of things that I had in my N95 and that I miss in my N900.

The first one is a little daemon to add support for the media controls (volume, pause/resume, etc...) in the remote that comes with the N95 wired headphones. The other one is an application that would let the user tell the N900 to carry out actions (starting Wifi, changing the profile, etc.) depending on the ID of the cell it is connected to. Something similar to this:



Language/s: C++
IDE: not yet decided (Eclipse hopefully)
Project: as described above.
Progress: 0%
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: I had those in my N95 and I want them in my N900.


rkm 2009-12-17 16:45

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
C++ w/ Qt
A Flickr browser and some more sekret projects
Basic UI for browsing is 90% done. Some optimization and cleaning up still needed to get it working well enough on device.

bunanson 2009-12-17 19:09

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: English
Project: WorldTV99
Progress: extra-testing
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: free
Purpose/goal of project: streaming media

arono 2009-12-17 19:23

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python (pygame)
IDE: Spe/pygtk
Project: Sokoban game, fully made to fit n900
Progress: 1%
Distribution: free
Purpose/goal of project: For fun and to learn more programming, and to play it myself.

Dollyknot 2009-12-17 19:27

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
I've been trying to go to and it won't load in my browser on my PC. I assume that this is because of the https at the beginning of the URL, are ordinary n900 users excluded from this site? Or is there a special way to enter the garage?


christexaport 2009-12-17 19:58

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
I'd like to thank all of you guys for your hard work. My N900 is the bomb because of Maemo 5, but also for the apps that run within that ecosystem. Looking forward to seeing more complete projects, and hoping someone comes with a process, thread, and applcation manager similar to the Windows Task Manager or S60's JBak Taskman.

TNiga 2009-12-17 20:17

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C++
IDE: Qt Creator
Project: CuteMPC - MPD client for N900 (and Desktop Linux also)
Progress: Basic stuff works fine, scrobbling under construction, some random bugs
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: To familiarize myself with Maemo programming and also develop something useful (at least for me) at the same time.

ABerri 2009-12-17 20:55

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Hey guys I'm trying to read through all of this stuff and it's seriously like I'm reading another language. All of these apps are weird letters, symbols, names, that no regular end user would ever understand what they are downloading. Or if someone like me was looking for a certain kind of App, I either have to know what the name in the Linux language is or post a thread or search threads.

Seriously, Nokia released this phone and Maemo 5 saying this time it is user-friendly where everyone can have a great time with the phone. Instead, I think they released it to have a bunch of testers go at it for about a years worth of time before it ever becomes "Awesome User-Friendly" like the (should I dare say "I-Phone) and believe me I'm not a fan of the i-Phone at all!

Names like Pidgin, Haiuku, eCoach, liqtorch, liqview, whatever you wanna call them...Why can't we use normal names that give a hint as to what we are downloading?!

I have such high hopes for this phone and Maemo 5 but I have a feeling Android and Apple are gonna pound even harder while all of us Linux and Maemo freaks are sitting here speaking a language of symbols, letters, codecs, whatever.

Oh well...I still love my N900 but I'm starting to get really bored of it and getting really tired of this Ovi Store for Maemo in the "Coming Soon" headlines forever!

arono 2009-12-17 22:18

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 432440)
Hey guys I'm trying to read through all of this stuff and it's seriously like I'm reading another language. All of these apps are weird letters, symbols, names, that no regular end user would ever understand what they are downloading.

Ye but you know this is a developer thread right? That's why people aren't very pedagogic in this thread.

But yes some program names are pretty hard to understand, but you could always browse the download section here by category and get a description for each program. Pretty much like any other platform I would say.

matrim 2009-12-17 22:39

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C
IDE: esbox
Project: webtexter
Progress: Basics working. Needs some polishing and cleaning up but should be usable by end users.
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: Use free webtexts provided by your operator. Supports Irish mobile operators and some Voip providers (e.g. betamax)

pixelgeek 2009-12-18 08:41

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C++
Ubuntu, EsBox

just started
Purpose/goal of project:
Application to access rememberthemilk tasks (maybe later sync them with N900 tasks, integrate them into calendar... lots of ideas here)

Purpose/goal of project
Application interface for service (updating your status) Maybe adding a desktop widget for more convenience...

aspidites 2009-12-18 09:04

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Project: mOTK
Purpose/goal of project: Have a way to play TCGs (Magic The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, VS system, etc) across many platform, as well as teach myself a few things.
Progress: 1%. Starting to thing this a job for more than one person. Or at least a person that has more free time, lol.
License: LGPL
Distribution: Not yet
Language/s: Python
IDE: Vim (more details here)

Project: Aptly
Purpose/goal of project: Simply command-line based package management by aggregating the most useful functions of apt-get, apt-cache, and dpkg. Also, this was a learning experience for me.
Progress: 50% (I've rewritten it)
Distribution: Fremantle, Diablo, and any other Debian-derivative
License: GPLv3
Language/s: Python
IDE: Vim (more details here)

Project: MaeGym
Purpose/goal of project: fitness and nutrition app for the N900
Progress: 48% (every point release is 10%)
Distribution: Fremantle
License: GPLv3
Language/s: PyQt
IDE: Vim (more details here)

priya_du 2009-12-18 10:39

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Hi ,

Can anybody tell me how to open a existing projects(examples given) in esbox?

I am starting development in maemo platfrom with the following details:

Purpose/goal of project: learning


mwerle 2009-12-19 06:48

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python (eventually C if/when I can get SDK+ running)
IDE: vi / py2deb / svn on the device
Project: mwTube
Progress: 60% (usable, but not feature-complete)
License: BSD
Distribution: currently in extras-devel
Purpose/goal of project: Small & fast London Tube (underground) status display.
Using as a learning project for the N900.

txava 2009-12-19 13:54

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C
IDE: gedit
Project: marhythm
Progress: 75% (First public version)
License: BSD
Distribution: extras-devel (soon)
Purpose/goal of project: application that displays biorhythm info about your contacts (and yourself). It can help you to track the mood of your contacts. (According to the biorhythm theory)

buurmas 2009-12-21 14:56

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
This is all very interesting to me -- particularly the diversity of IDEs. Clearly people have their pet favorites. :)

ldrn 2009-12-21 19:33

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python
IDE: jEdit
Project: comix
Progress: In Extras-Devel, should be feature complete.
License: GPLv2
Distribution: free
Purpose/goal of project: To learn about developing in Maemo again, and to read comics... although there's already the excellent CBRpager for that. :)

Language/s: C++ (sdl)
IDE: jEdit
Project: freeciv
Progress: In Extras-Devel, work in progress on improving integration with hildon.
License: GPL
Distribution: free
Purpose/goal of project: Just to play my favorite game on my tablet.

jaem 2009-12-31 02:23

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In hereM
(This is a university group research project, but I feel it's still relevant here)
Language/s: C/C++ (with Qt). Looking at Matlab (if anyone has experience with using Matlab/Simulink on embedded Linux, systems, please PM me - there are a few questions I'd like to ask you)
IDE: KDevelop4/Vim (Linux), XCode (Mac), and probably VS on Windows, but I haven't asked the Windows guys
Project: Positioning technology (hardware && software)
Progress: Prototype essentially done, but partially blocked by a third-party bug.
License: Not sure yet, and not in my control. Backend code at least will be proprietary, as far as I can gather.
Distribution: Internal research for now, but exploring options for the future.
Purpose/goal of project: Develop a cross-platform, infrastructure-free solution for use in mobile context awareness, routing, etc.
My personal reason for joining was to give me an interesting project to work on; I need/want to learn Qt and the Maemo Platform, and I learn much faster diving in headfirst than studying from a book. Oh, and the loan of an N900 was a small part of it. ;) Thanks Nokia!

sparkle58 2009-12-31 02:44

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Without a doubt one of the best threads here. Thanks to code177 for starting it and to all contributors doing such a great job of helping us noobs enjoy the N900's obvious potential. I have no idea what most of you folks are talking about here but the 'purpose/goals' section has me checking apps manager regularly in anticipation. Big cheers!

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