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Reggie 2009-11-04 21:26

What's up today? Max number of users record broken
I'm wondering what's up today. The previous record of 600+ simultaneous users here at tmo that has been up since I think, March 2008 has now been broken today with close to 800 simultaneous users... Wow.

hopbeat 2009-11-04 21:28

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
This is an inevitable sign that N900 will be shipped soon... THEY are just waiting for the number to get to 900 users :D

Den in USA 2009-11-04 21:31

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 365818)
I'm wondering what's up today. The previous record of 600+ simultaneous users here at tmo that has been up since I think, March 2008 has now been broken today with close to 800 simultaneous users... Wow.

It seems like all of the new members have preordered the N900!

smarsh 2009-11-04 21:37

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
Yep. Now I don't want to say 'I told you so' but...

It's good to see the results of such an interest, IMO. I'm delighted to be part of a growing community with promise.

Reggie 2009-11-04 21:43

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
And it has passed 800!

DaveP1 2009-11-04 22:32

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
It would be interesting to know, where are they coming from (e.g. Nokia, Google, PhoneScoop, etc.)?

What page do they hit first?

What page do they hit second or what section has the most hits (e.g. Downloads, Wiki, Talk, etc.)?

How many register?

andybehr 2009-11-04 22:44

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
Wow. Our little community us growing up.

I am proud to be part of it.

Nelson L. Squeeko 2009-11-04 22:56

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
Wow. Big jump. The ratio of guests:members is huge. Looks like interest is rising even more for the n900.

archebyte 2009-11-05 08:21

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
the flood is coming..

bigbrovar 2009-11-05 10:21

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
I guess am happy to say I was here before the N900 (was announced) :)

MrGrim 2009-11-05 10:50

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
They're doing what i did a few months ago (but slower): find something about n900, look deeper, decide they like it, come here

drm 2009-11-05 11:22

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
It would be nice to involve this new folks that just registered on the talk to also sign for the community, like brainstorming, reporting bugs and specially finding good designers for the graphics of the applications, I thing that is really missing in some applications.

NvyUs 2009-11-05 15:31

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
yesterday's peak time was at 9:30PM GMT, there is already 760 users logged in today with still 6 hours to go until we hit prime-time
i think today could be another record breaking day

DaveP1 2009-11-05 15:48

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by drm (Post 366167)
It would be nice to involve this new folks that just registered on the talk to also sign for the community, like brainstorming, reporting bugs and specially finding good designers for the graphics of the applications, I thing that is really missing in some applications.

Before we ask new users to start contributing, the powers that be might consider adding a prominent New User Survey button to the site and ask new users what they would like to see.

Texrat 2009-11-05 17:22

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
drm and DaveP1:

As you may have seen, there has been a flurry of work lately to accomodate newcomers. I personally think the Maemo Greeters program (in pilot) has huge potential to make sure newcomers are assisted and engaged.

Correlating with this is a great deal of work to fix up the wiki, and I know I speak for everyone when I say hats off to those, including some very new members, who have stepped up to contribute!

More to come, and ideas always welcome.

NvyUs 2009-11-05 19:35

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
record stands at 842 now, just a matter of time before we see the magic 1000 barrier broke

Reggie 2009-11-05 19:37

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
Yup, close to 700 guests browsing. Crazy. :)

Faz 2009-11-05 23:06

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Most users ever online was 854, Today at 10:08 PM.

Currently Active Users: 734 (165 members and 569 guests)
There was 100+ viewing N900 shipping delayed a moment ago.

DaveP1 2009-11-06 14:57

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by Faz (Post 366860)
There was 100+ viewing N900 shipping delayed a moment ago.

131 when I went through New Posts this morning.

Of course, reading the shipping delay thread may not be the best introduction for new members.

Reggie 2009-11-06 18:17

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
New record again -- now 875!

Den in USA 2009-11-06 18:28

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 367606)
New record again -- now 875!

After thousands buy the N900, there will be an even greater influx of forum members.

NvyUs 2009-11-06 18:29

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 367606)
New record again -- now 875!

WOW again
the day the N900 ships the servers will come to a stand still b/c this place will go mental with traffic

Texrat 2009-11-06 18:35

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by Den in USA (Post 367612)
After thousands buy the N900, there will be an even greater influx of forum members.

And boy are you gonna be busy! :D

bluehash 2009-11-06 18:57

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
Hey Reggie,
Although you may know about it, are you sure it's not the search bots?
I ask, because I have experienced the same thing.

Maybe TMO stats is set to ignore them..Anyways it will be nice to see where they are coming from.

Reggie 2009-11-06 19:33

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by bluehash (Post 367632)
Hey Reggie,
Although you may know about it, are you sure it's not the search bots?
I ask, because I have experienced the same thing.

Maybe TMO stats is set to ignore them..Anyways it will be nice to see where they are coming from.

The search spiders have been included in the count ever since. There are usually about 1 to 20 spiders scanning the forum every time.

Faz 2009-11-07 21:37

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
Numbers keep increasing the closer we get to the expected UK launch / announcement:


Currently Active Users: 722 (126 members and 596 guests)
Most users ever online was 875, Yesterday at 04:50 PM.
Dupe, sorry just saw your post Den!

Currently Active Users Viewing N900 shipping delayed: 133 (46 members and 87 guests)

allnameswereout 2009-11-07 22:27

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
Ha, combines well with scheduled server upgrades :)

c0rt3x 2009-11-07 22:32

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 366604)
record stands at 842 now, just a matter of time before we see the magic 1000 barrier broke

900 is the magic barrier. :D

c0rt3x 2009-11-07 22:35

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
By the way, the N900 has almost passed 1,300,000 hits on GSMArena - which isn't bad for a phone that's supposed to be a "step 4 out of 5".

speculatrix 2009-11-08 23:18

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by c0rt3x (Post 368421)
By the way, the N900 has almost passed 1,300,000 hits on GSMArena - which isn't bad for a phone that's supposed to be a "step 4 out of 5".

interesting, I didn't think to look there as I don't tend to think of the n900 as a phone!

njoughin 2009-11-09 11:19

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
record beaten again today!

pspbricker 2009-11-09 11:26

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
On the "N900 shipping delayed" thread, there are a number of people claiming that their pre-order money has been taken, and that the N900 is shipping at 1pm in the UK only. If this is confirmed, I think you'll see record numbers on this forum..

Here's hoping....

r0eladn 2009-11-09 11:57

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
hehehehe still getting broken

Reggie 2009-11-09 14:35

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
1067 users! Even now there are about 1000 users at Talk.

drm 2009-11-09 15:02

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 369690)
1067 users! Even now there are about 1000 users at Talk.

The n900 on the stores would be even better.

Rushmore 2009-11-10 14:12

This board is going to blow up!
Gosh, if the board is choking up with the N900 shipment announcement, imagine how rough it is going to get from this point onward. :)

Scotty, give us all you got!!!! :eek:

gecebekcisi 2009-11-10 14:26

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
Board is displaying "Most users ever online was 1,110, Today" and the number just keeps growing minute by minute.

If this continues to be so, disabling online user list to help overall speed could be needed at some point.

drm 2009-11-10 14:44

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by gecebekcisi (Post 371234)
Board is displaying "Most users ever online was 1,110, Today" and the number just keeps growing minute by minute.

If this continues to be so, disabling online user list to help overall speed could be needed at some point.

1167 and counting…

drm 2009-11-10 14:49

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken

Originally Posted by drm (Post 371252)
1167 and counting…

I mean 1130…

Faz 2009-11-23 22:12

Re: What's up today? Max number of users record broken
No surprise record broken again today...

Currently Active Users: 1136 (306 members and 830 guests)

Most users ever online was 1,238, Today at 09:32 PM.

All times are GMT. The time now is 05:18.

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