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clob 2009-11-12 16:03

When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

The nice people of Nokia Sweden have taken the decision to delay the N900 until version "1.1" of software.

They say that it's in the near future and this year, this release is going to be!?

What kind of "mambo jambo" is this, or does anybody now if this is going to happen in this short timeframe?

Here is what Klas Ström, Head of marketing for Scandinavia wrote (translated and in Swedish):



We have decided to start selling N900 in Sweden later this year of 1.1 software.

This decision is based on that we want a larger volume available on the N900 at starting of sales and to all consumers
have a good experience the first time they use the product. Even consumers who do not know what type of SIM card they have.
This can not be guaranteed if we drop it now.

N900 1.1 software is close in time as we have also taken into consideration.

Ask that you keep in touch with the shop to get more information about the exact delivery date ahead.


Hej ,

Vi har beslutat att säljstarta N900 i Sverige senare i år på 1.1 mjukvaran.

Beslutet grundar sig på att vi vill ha en större volym tillgänglig på N900 vid säljstart samt att alla konsumenter
får en bra upplevelse första gången de använder produkten. Även de konsumenter som inte vet vilken typ av SIM kort dom har.
Detta kan vi inte garantera om vi släpper den nu.

N900 1.1 mjukvaran ligger nära i tiden vilket vi också tagit i beaktning.

Ber dig hålla kontakten med shoppen för att få mer information om exakta leveransdatum framöver.

Some people likes to use their power to show that they have power!:mad:

robbie 2009-11-12 16:27

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by clob (Post 373703)
Some people likes to use their power to show that they have power!:mad:

I don't understand that sentence.

I do understand that Nokia .se don't want to bring a device on the market that has issues with sim cards that you .se people use.

Be patient. It's not the end of the world.

hqh 2009-11-12 16:36

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
Book a trip to Finland and get it from there :)

ragnar 2009-11-12 16:50

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
I'm guessing the past experiences on estimations right here on this forum do not necessarily motivate Nokians much to make estimates on PR1.1 delivery. ;)

Venomrush 2009-11-12 18:04

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
1.2009.x.x = 2009 firmware
1.1 = 2010 firmware? :p

Thor 2009-11-12 18:10

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by hqh (Post 373750)
Book a trip to Finland and get it from there :)

I took a trip from Stockholm to Helsinki on Silja line once... it's not too expensive and if you are that way inclined, you can stock up on duty free stuff on the way there and back ;)

clob 2009-11-12 18:40

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
Some responses

It looks like they/he is using his power to do stupid decisions for us "dumb sheeps" that don't understand what Linux is and not able to upgrade by ourself. If every other country with "3" also had to wait, I had accepted it.

I wont my 15% reduction from Nokia Shop and be able to lift sales tax on my firm (easy).

I'm thinking Klas Ström Head of marketing in Scandinavia is out on deep water when he says that "1.1" is going to be out in the near future (this year).

I live in Stockholm and of course I've been to Finland some times that way.... I've preordered with Swedish Nokia Shop and I don't think it's going to be any phones in near future in Helsinki shops.
Read what this Klas Ström wrote: "we want a larger volume". Finland and Sweden use same model (same keyboard).

Dave999 2009-11-12 18:48

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
three is available in several other countries in UK. no delay there. why? please ship yourself to finland. we dont want u:mad:, we want N900 instead!:D

pycage 2009-11-12 18:49

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
The first major firmware update with portrait mode web browsing and the USIM card fix has been announced for around Xmas 2009.

Dave999 2009-11-12 18:52

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 373905)
The first major firmware update with portrait mode web browsing and the USIM card fix has been announced for around Xmas 2009.

1.1 do not include potrait mode

ragnar 2009-11-12 18:57

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
PR1.1 contents have not been announced. You can speculate, but don't say for sure. :)

clob 2009-11-12 18:59

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 373905)
The first major firmware update with portrait mode web browsing and the USIM card fix has been announced for around Xmas 2009.

And this "Suit" of Nokia Sweden thinks he could deliver the N900's before the end of this year in Sweden! Let me smile a bit!

I believe that they/he are hiding some thing, like Finland needed/wonted the whole first batch or something like that.

hqh 2009-11-12 19:19

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by clob (Post 373894)
I don't think it's going to be any phones in near future in Helsinki shops.
Read what this Klas Ström wrote: "we want a larger volume". Finland and Sweden use same model (same keyboard).

Nokia Flagship Store in Helsinki is supposed to start selling it 27.11. (preorders first, naturally)

Dave999 2009-11-12 20:05

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by clob (Post 373923)
And this "Suit" of Nokia Sweden thinks he could deliver the N900's before the end of this year in Sweden! Let me smile a bit!

I believe that they/he are hiding some thing, like Finland needed/wonted the whole first batch or something like that.

Yes, he is a ****ing king snake suit. the N900 will probaly not work with any cards in sweden. its a cover up!:mad:

gecebekcisi 2009-11-12 20:12

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
There's ongoing development, so cool down guys.

screenshot removed due to security concerns

jsa 2009-11-12 20:17

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by clob (Post 373923)
I believe that they/he are hiding some thing


Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 373986)
its a cover up!:mad:

The truth is out there..

Cybjit 2009-11-12 20:24

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
I do understand why they are doing this.
But they were real d*ckheads for not announcing it in October when the SIM-card issue became known.
I would have ordered from Finland if I had known then, as we have the same keyboard layout.

nymajoak 2009-11-12 20:31

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by clob (Post 373703)
Here is what Klas Ström, Head of marketing for Scandinavia wrote (translated and in Swedish):

Out of curiosity, when and where did he write this?

Cybjit 2009-11-12 20:40

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by nymajoak (Post 374025)
Out of curiosity, when and where did he write this?

In mails from him replying to upset people complaining. A lot of users have got the same response, see swedish forum minhembio.

Guffaw 2009-11-12 20:50

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
Why not order it from Denmark or Norway. We get the same phone (keyboard)?

lostsoul67 2009-11-12 20:53

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by Guffaw (Post 374069)
Why not order it from Denmark or Norway. We get the same phone (keyboard)?

Not the same keyboard. Finland/Sweden use åäö, Denmark/Norway use similar but different letters.

Guffaw 2009-11-12 21:01

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by lostsoul67 (Post 374078)
Not the same keyboard. Finland/Sweden use åäö, Denmark/Norway use similar but different letters.

Ah, ok. I hope they shipped some of the Norwegian version two days ago. :p

EDIT: Hmm.
N900 from this picture got both åæø and åäö.

DaveP1 2009-11-12 21:14

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
The problem you specifically are experiencing is with the compatibility with the new 3G SIM cards from 3 in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and Austria. A phone from another country will not solve this problem.

clob 2009-11-12 21:17

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by DaveP1 (Post 374116)
The problem you specifically are experiencing is with the compatibility with the new 3G SIM cards from 3 in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and Austria. A phone from another country will not solve this problem.

3 is only operator for let say 10% of the Swedish phones...
And if customers get informed before they buy, that's no problem!

cake 2009-11-12 21:23

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by DaveP1 (Post 374116)
The problem you specifically are experiencing is with the compatibility with the new 3G SIM cards from 3 in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and Austria. A phone from another country will not solve this problem.

You're missing the point - Nokia .se are delaying shipping until fw v1.1 because of the sim card issue. Very few of us that have preordered agree with the decision; thus the suggestion to import from Finland where the phones have been released in sync with the rest of the world.

nymajoak 2009-11-12 21:25

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by DaveP1 (Post 374116)
The problem you specifically are experiencing is with the compatibility with the new 3G SIM cards from 3 in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and Austria. A phone from another country will not solve this problem.

The issue concerns the rest of us, ie. non-Three customers. Personally I as a customer am officially annoyed if I have to wait several weeks extra for a product I have ordered for the only reason that other customers happen to have problems with the product.

If I am aware of the problem, am not affected by it and explicitly state I want delivery asap regardless of the status of the problem, the supplier should imho grant that request.

anidel 2009-11-12 21:35

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by gecebekcisi (Post 373996)
There's ongoing development, so cool down guys.

I would remove that image...

Not good to have IMEI around.

Dave999 2009-11-12 21:35

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
i can already see what happening late dec. some serious bug is found in the 1.1 and as a result: new delay, until june. lovelllllly thx NOKIA

gecebekcisi 2009-11-12 21:40

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by anidel (Post 374170)
I would remove that image...

Not good to have IMEI around.

As enough targeted people saw it, it makes sense to remove the image though it'll be still available through a simple Google search.

Then you need to remove quote too ;)

clob 2009-11-12 21:45

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 374171)
i can already see what happening late dec. some serious bug is found in the 1.1 and as a result: new delay, until june. lovelllllly thx NOKIA

Yes, this is a bad farce, which I don't wont to be in!
But soner or later It going to be an Android.

All time spended on trying to understand what Nokia is doing.
I even installed the SDK with Python for Haldon and started to create an widget for monitoring news... Time to throw it in the garbage can!

Too bad!

pycage 2009-11-12 22:11

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
Good to see some things never change, not for 4 years. :)

- Nokia announces new device or firmware
- Phase 1: community gets excited and talks about great new stuff
- Phase 2: Nokia announces vague release date (or doesn't), community gets tired of waiting and begins talking all sorts of nonsense
- Phase 3: vague release date passes, community gets grumpy and some people threat, if Nokia doesn't release this soon, them I'm so gonna get a iPhone/Android/WinMo instead (as if anyone would care)
- Phase 4: Nokia releases a few days or weeks late, community gets excited about the new stuff
- Phase 5: Excitement phase is over, people talk about bugs and shortcomings, and start discussing about a successor. This phase lasts until the next announcement by Nokia, or until someone spots a new device in FCC documents. Goto Phase 1

Nothing's changed. :D

DaveP1 2009-11-12 22:29

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by nymajoak (Post 374146)
The issue concerns the rest of us, ie. non-Three customers. Personally I as a customer am officially annoyed if I have to wait several weeks extra for a product I have ordered for the only reason that other customers happen to have problems with the product.

If I am aware of the problem, am not affected by it and explicitly state I want delivery asap regardless of the status of the problem, the supplier should imho grant that request.

Nokia isn't selling to you, they're selling to Sweden. They would rather delay shipment to all Swedish customers than have to deal with the issue that the N900 just flat out doesn't work for some Swedes. Issues require explanations and explanations lead to more issues. It's easier to just say nothing.

clob 2009-11-12 22:32

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 374255)
Good to see some things never change, not for 4 years. :)

- Nokia announces new device or firmware
- Phase 1: community gets excited and talks about great new stuff
- Phase 2: Nokia announces vague release date (or doesn't), community gets tired of waiting and begins talking all sorts of nonsense
- Phase 3: vague release date passes, community gets grumpy and some people threat, if Nokia doesn't release this soon, them I'm so gonna get a iPhone/Android/WinMo instead (as if anyone would care)
- Phase 4: Nokia releases a few days or weeks late, community gets excited about the new stuff
- Phase 5: Excitement phase is over, people talk about bugs and shortcomings, and start discussing about a successor. This phase lasts until the next announcement by Nokia, or until someone spots a new device in FCC documents. Goto Phase 1

Nothing's changed. :D

Ok, you got yours in the summit and have been hacking on these tablets since before Jesus Christ, thank you for your understanding.
And of course, you know all things about the "Sweden Situation"!

Thor 2009-11-12 22:41

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by clob (Post 373894)
Some responses
I live in Stockholm and of course I've been to Finland some times that way.... I've preordered with Swedish Nokia Shop and I don't think it's going to be any phones in near future in Helsinki shops.
Read what this Klas Ström wrote: "we want a larger volume". Finland and Sweden use same model (same keyboard).

I admit, if I lived in Sweden, I wouldn't be happy. It's unfair on those who don't use or care for the 3 network. The 3 network is a small one here in the UK, alongside Virgin. Hopefully they release the phone to those who aren't on 3, or at least give the option to manually upgrade on the proviso those on 3 know that it won't work for phone calls.

nymajoak 2009-11-12 22:50

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by DaveP1 (Post 374289)
Nokia isn't selling to you, they're selling to Sweden. They would rather delay shipment to all Swedish customers than have to deal with the issue that the N900 just flat out doesn't work for some Swedes. Issues require explanations and explanations lead to more issues. It's easier to just say nothing.

I am well aware the "safe" decision to make is the one they appear to have made. It is probably also the right one from a corporate perspective. It would obviously be a disaster if Nokia delivered non-functioning devices to unwitting Three customers. I also see that Nokia cannot know which of the N preorders are from Three customers and which are not.

Do you disagree though that it would be service-minded of Nokia to oblige informed customers asking to not have their deliveries delayed?

It's not that I'm all that agitated. I can wait. It's just that quirks like these are unfortunate. And... the itch to get my hands on the device is growing... :)

pycage 2009-11-12 23:12

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by clob (Post 374294)
Ok, you got yours in the summit and have been hacking on these tablets since before Jesus Christ, thank you for your understanding.
And of course, you know all things about the "Sweden Situation"!

Sorry, this post was meant to be funny, not offending.
Of course the Sweden situation is bad, but in the end it will be just a minor delay that will soon be forgotten. Delays happen all the time in the industry, but you usually don't notice them because the products were not announced yet. I'm sure the 3 SIM problem has very high priority at Nokia.

Saturn 2009-11-12 23:19

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
It's a bad decision for the people on the other networks but it 's a good decision for the Swedish market.
I mean, the decision taken does not make one company (especially small and easier to destabilise) less desirable when the problem is on Nokia's side.

clob 2009-11-12 23:41

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?
I repeat,

It's only in Sweden they make this EXTRA DELAY!

And there are other countries with the same operator.

range 2009-11-12 23:48

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by anidel (Post 374170)
I would remove that image...

Not good to have IMEI around.

Not good quoting the image then, too :)

So you should probably do the same - remove the image from your post.

zico 2009-11-12 23:50

Re: When could "1.1" of "firmware" be out?

Originally Posted by clob (Post 374359)
I repeat,

It's only in Sweden they make this EXTRA DELAY!

And there are other countries with the same operator.

Yeah lads you should listen more.
All the countries that are getting the N900 are going to have the same issue as in Sweden. But Nokia decided not to release here, thats unfair and can't be explained.

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