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orig_nuttah 2009-11-20 01:48

Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Hi guys... I've only started this post as it is now official that NYC and and Italy and some other places has Nokia N900 and UK STILL waiting :/ I tried finding out information on other topics but people from all over the world is saying what is happening in their country so it gets mixed up so let me share the information I read so far and people please update me or fix me :)

Im going to skip all the delays we had in Oct and Nov, latest i know was 16th and there is no official news about the release in UK apart from what we hear on forums or from places like Nokiaretail etc...

I thought Nokia was shipping the n900 to the stores and to people that pre-ordered and we would receive the phone next week... UNFORTUNATELY, or apparently now thats delayed too.

I've contacted as I ordered mine from there as a contract and the e-mail back said............


Dear Customer

We’re sorry to again advise you that the N900 has been delayed. There is however good news - Nokia have advised that we will receive stock into our Nokia Retail stores to allow us to dispatch your N900 on the 3rd December. Please accept our sincere apologies for this further delay which is out of our control, and be assured that you are on a priority list for dispatch of a Nokia N900 as soon as it becomes available.

Nokia Retail stores and Nokia online are the only place that the N900 is currently available on a pay monthly contract. For more details of the Nokia N900 please visit our new Nokia Retail website

If you would like to discuss your pending order please email us at

Nokia Retail
anyway, if anyone has any information at all about the release date in UK, please post links or share here.

Thank You

Venomrush 2009-11-20 01:51

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Mate we've seen this email flying around at least 10 times today.

The only people getting this email are people pre-ordered from MPD & NokiaRetail, it seems like you will get the device on 3rd Dec like they stated if you ordered through MPD & NokiaRetail.

I ordered direct from NOS receive no such email. I'm hoping they'll start shipping tomorrow or Monday for NOS.

chrisp7 2009-11-20 01:54

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
I dont understand why Nokia Retail are sending out emails whilst if you ordered direct from - there have been no emails whatsoever. I also dont understand how the flagship store (I work near it) said, release on Thursday, then the 23rd (Monday). The 23rd is the only firm date I have heard (firsthand).

biatch0 2009-11-20 01:55

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Would you rather live in Malaysia and:

(1) have no release date information whatsoever
(2) have no idea if the phone is going to be released at all
(3) take into account the possibility that you will need to purchase from some other country
(4) and if so have absolutely no warranty coverage unless you go through the trouble to send it back to the country of purchase

Be thankful that you have any release information at all and take the fact that the N900 has started to become available at retail in the US as a good sign IMO.

orig_nuttah 2009-11-20 01:58

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
well only reason why we got an e-mail through is because we asked or complained to find out exact date. So maybe some that ordered from NOS can e-mail them and ask about their order status to see when they will receive and let us know aswell.
Plus I think the people ordered on contract which was i think only from nokiaretail will receive later

davedickson 2009-11-20 02:00

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by orig_nuttah (Post 383276)
I've contacted as I ordered mine from there as a contract and the e-mail back said............

Thank You

Out of interest when did you pre-order? I pre-ordered from Mobile Phones Direct on the 2nd of Oct, and after I spoke to them on the phone they said it would be delivered for the 1st of Dec,

maemojedi 2009-11-20 02:02

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Well I'm afraid that Nokiaretail and mpd will be getting the devices AFTER those who ordered from

Yes I know, many of you will not want to believe this. I will/have faith that I'm wrong.

However I confirmed this with senior management at the London flagship store.

ps She interjected while I questioned a teller lol

orig_nuttah 2009-11-20 02:06

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
i ordered on the 11th of Nov... plus Mobile Phones Direct is only a affiliate website which just advertises product for nokiaretail so technically, you ordered from nokiaretail aswell.

jjx 2009-11-20 02:17

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by maemojedi (Post 383294)
Well I'm afraid that Nokiaretail and mpd will be getting the devices AFTER those who ordered from

That's great news - thanks! As Nokiaretail/MPD say they will be delivering from 3rd December, that means my order should be sent out BEFORE 3rd December. Only 2 more weeks delay!!! For definite this time!!!! :D

Venomrush 2009-11-20 02:17

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by chrisp7 (Post 383283)
I dont understand why Nokia Retail are sending out emails whilst if you ordered direct from - there have been no emails whatsoever. I also dont understand how the flagship store (I work near it) said, release on Thursday, then the 23rd (Monday). The 23rd is the only firm date I have heard (firsthand).

I was told flagship get them in stock on Friday (today if you're reading it at 2:20AM!)
Would probably take them a day to unpack and sort. Expecting delivery on Monday by NOS + instore availability @ flagships, maybe even on Saturday @ London flagship???
I'll give NOS a ring anyway to see what's happening

chrisp7 2009-11-20 02:25

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by biatch0 (Post 383284)
Would you rather live in Malaysia and:

(1) have no release date information whatsoever
(2) have no idea if the phone is going to be released at all
(3) take into account the possibility that you will need to purchase from some other country
(4) and if so have absolutely no warranty coverage unless you go through the trouble to send it back to the country of purchase

Be thankful that you have any release information at all and take the fact that the N900 has started to become available at retail in the US as a good sign IMO.

Not really sure how thats in any way relevant. This thread is about information, not whining or 'being thankful'.

NvyUs 2009-11-20 02:27

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
you calling them tonight or in the morning?
just curious if i should stay awake for your answers from them lol

Venomrush 2009-11-20 02:30

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 383329)
you calling them tonight or in the morning?
just curious if i should stay awake for your answers from them lol

they don't open till 9 mate lol
who knows they'll do something special/supprise tmr

Nokia should change their tag line to "Nokia, whining up people"

orig_nuttah 2009-11-20 02:36

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
lol I think just from delaying n900, they got enough names :P on another topic, they gave nokia all kind of movie names which r pretty good :) hehe

NvyUs 2009-11-20 02:38

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
i have a good feeling about tomorrow, time to sleep now and get up in 6 hours (hope it'll be to n900 in UK shipping):D:D:D

orig_nuttah 2009-11-20 02:42

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
I hope you'r right mate... I've just e-mailed London Flagship Store to find out about maybe a date and I also asked if they know whether nokiaretail will be delivering around same time as them or not.
I will let you know about the answer.

dreadnought 2009-11-20 05:58

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by orig_nuttah (Post 383348)
I hope you'r right mate... I've just e-mailed London Flagship Store to find out about maybe a date and I also asked if they know whether nokiaretail will be delivering around same time as them or not.
I will let you know about the answer.

my sincere hope is that MPD are just being overly cautious with the 3rd December date to avoid an avalanche of irate customers demanding their device and in fact they will ship least I hope. I can't really understand why it would take a further ten days for them to receive stock if the Nokia online store gets them on the 23rd November.

RevdKathy 2009-11-20 08:27

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
I have an order in with and was wondering why I hadn't received the email other have. I had failed to notice the distinction between that and nokia retail.

I really, really hope it arrives before 3rd Dec since Nokia have kindly invited me to Barcelona and it would be a shame to be flying out there while my n900 sits at home waiting for me.

Edit: This order has not shipped. :(

thiswayup 2009-11-20 08:35

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
I only got one back after I sent a complaint email to MPD.

Send them a snotagram and see if you get one back :)

edgedemon 2009-11-20 08:42

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 383579)
I have an order in with and was wondering why I hadn't received the email other have. I had failed to notice the distinction between that and nokia retail.

I really, really hope it arrives before 3rd Dec since Nokia have kindly invited me to Barcelona and it would be a shame to be flying out there while my n900 sits at home waiting for me.

Edit: This order has not shipped. :(

Nokia online shops are run by MPD - dont ask me why!?!?! I don't understand the distinction either...

Barcelona? You off to the developers conference? Were you serious about the Nokia invite - nice one :)

NvyUs 2009-11-20 08:46

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Nokia UK online store will get them before MPD and nokiaretail stores run by MPD thats the info i have gathered from the farce over the weeks

Fargus 2009-11-20 08:56

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 383579)
I have an order in with and was wondering why I hadn't received the email other have. I had failed to notice the distinction between that and nokia retail.

I really, really hope it arrives before 3rd Dec since Nokia have kindly invited me to Barcelona and it would be a shame to be flying out there while my n900 sits at home waiting for me.

Edit: This order has not shipped. :(

I asked for this type of information the other day when I called Nokia direct with a query about my specific order. is to the best of my knowledge a seperate entity to MPD which runs the Nokia Retail stroes and sites. If you order DIRECT from the informaiton I was given is that it is expected to ship on Monday as they were in the process of receiving the stock yesterday. This may, or may not be accurate but I wouldn't expect a shipping email prior to Monday at earliest if I were you.

thiswayup 2009-11-20 09:22

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Too many threads on this subject now even for me. So it's UK based so I'll go for this one.

Sent MPD this email on Wednesday morning.

Dear Sir,

I feel I must write this email to you to complain about your handling of the debarcle that has been the pre order of my N900.

While I appreciate that you are not responsible for the delay, I feel that your handling of the saga has been totally inadequate. When I pre ordrered my phone I was told that it would be dispatched on the 16th November; sadly this date came and went with no word from yourselves. Now I find out that the phone will be available in Nokia Retail outlets which as it states all over your pages is operated by you before my PRE ORDER is dispatched.

I have been on your live chat a couple of times and quite frankly your customer service level on this front is terrible. The answers being given by your staff are not helpful in anyway and sometimes are short and abrupt. I have just been told i will be kept up to date by email a first email for the delay would have been nice.

I'm sure you'll answer this after the usual 24hour delay and then state the end of November again.

Thank you.

Got this one back.

We’re sorry to again advise you that the N900 has been delayed. There is however good news - Nokia have advised that we will receive stock into our .......blah blah we've all read that one.

Which I thought was the apology one but that came this morning.


The website will be despatching the same day as retail outlets have stock.

Anyhow - for the latest:

We’re sorry to again advise you that the N900 has been delayed. There is however good ..............blah blah blah.

You've got to love them. Posted here as it hopefully clears up the shop/MPD who gets first etc etc

NvyUs 2009-11-20 09:30

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
that clears nothing up they are going to say stuff to stop you going else where, last month when questioned admitted they would get them after nokia uk store
when they talk about online shop i think they mean this NokiaRetail, which is the link they been pushing in there emails where they offer only a few phones.

Alex Atkin UK 2009-11-20 09:34

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
I got that e-mail and did not even ask for confirmation. I guess they are starting to pre-empt us now.

I have to say I am pretty pissed at ANOTHER 2 week delay. The whole wording of the MPD "exclusive" statement bugged me from the start. Granted, I ordered the N900 from them as I effectively get to pay for it over 18 months with free minutes/texts thrown in, rather than because of the claimed exclusive. However I still hate blatantly misleading BS.

I certainly might have had second thoughts about selling my Xperia X1 in October if I had suspected I would be stuck with a crappy phone until December. :-( It has meant I have wasted 2 months of bundled data from my current contact as its stuck on a phone that wont even connect to WAP.

Soheil 2009-11-20 09:57

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Has anyone of you actually got hold of your pre-ordered n900's yet?

I feel the delay has been just to fulfill ALL the pre-orders first prior to releasing it out to the retail stores. The idea of pre-ordering was to get it first before it hits the stores.

Nokia's UK Flag ship store twittered the other day that it will be available on Thursday, that post was soon flamed all over the blogs and news channels. They must have been bombarded with inquiries and soon after removed the twitter post immediately.

I had a couple of my friend go in and checkout of its availability but sadly the answer was - Indefinite release date.

... this is really frustrating for someone sitting 5000 miles helpless :-(

Dexter1759 2009-11-20 10:03

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
What have people sold their previous good phones to stick with a crap phone for a month or two? Surely the price of the good phone wont depreciate THAT much?

Not having a go, just curious as to the thinking.

And to stay on topic, MPD have really annoyed the hell out me due to their handling of the situation and I'd think twice before pre-ordering with them again (I think next time I'll just wait until a phone it actually out!!).

vdx29 2009-11-20 10:22

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Just called NOS. Asked them about the n900. The first thing the CA asked was if I had ordered online. (I had at He said the n900 will be shipping out either by today or Monday.

Take that as you wish.

thiswayup 2009-11-20 10:22

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Dexter1759 (Post 383686)

And to stay on topic, MPD have really annoyed the hell out me due to their handling of the situation and I'd think twice before pre-ordering with them again (I think next time I'll just wait until a phone it actually out!!).

Me too. Never Pre ordered a phone before and don't think I will again. It better be worth the wait.

edgedemon 2009-11-20 10:25

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by thiswayup (Post 383707)
Me too. Never Pre ordered a phone before and don't think I will again. It better be worth the wait.

I feel the same way...
First time I have done this, and I won't be doing it again..

mklass 2009-11-20 10:26

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Cheer up guys.. Nest week will be our week :D

In the mean time check out this video..

allmine1976 2009-11-20 10:26

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Dexter1759 (Post 383686)
What have people sold their previous good phones to stick with a crap phone for a month or two? Surely the price of the good phone wont depreciate THAT much?

Not having a go, just curious as to the thinking.

And to stay on topic, MPD have really annoyed the hell out me due to their handling of the situation and I'd think twice before pre-ordering with them again (I think next time I'll just wait until a phone it actually out!!).

I have a n97 and that's now half price (if i'm lucky ) .

askarir 2009-11-20 10:35

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
I blame Nokia.

( you can read the rest if you want but that is essentially the message;) )

It's Nokia's lack of information on availability and the actual release date that has lead to people making up dates and assuming delivery at those points.

This includes people such has MPD who obviously have a relationship with Nokia hence MPD's use of the Nokia logo and name in "Nokia Retail".

You'd think that someone who is allowed to use the Nokia branding would at least be given basic information such as when they will have the device. However, a week after the "shipment has begun" press release MPD are told that they will have their stock in two weeks (or at least that is when the can first send it out).

Having to wait so long has somewhat curbed my enthusiasm for the phone when all that was required was a press release by Nokia UK on the 11th saying when they expected shipping to the end customer from their own online shop and when it would be made available to other retailers.

Venomrush 2009-11-20 10:39

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Update for those who pre-ordered from NOSUK

Just called Nokia Online Store (UK) and was told all pre-orders will be shipped out either today or Monday. Was kindly told to specifically watch the Inbox for the delivery email today.

Get in!

REMFwhoopitydo 2009-11-20 10:39

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by davedickson (Post 383291)
Out of interest when did you pre-order? I pre-ordered from Mobile Phones Direct on the 2nd of Oct, and after I spoke to them on the phone they said it would be delivered for the 1st of Dec,

i pre-ordered from MPD at the end of September, and got the 3rd of december email this morning. :(

thiswayup 2009-11-20 10:50

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Venomrush (Post 383730)
Update for those who pre-ordered from NOSUK

Just called Nokia Online Store (UK) and was told all pre-orders will be shipped out either today or Monday. Was kindly told to ..........

.............................Insert own ending here. :)

Well it'll give us fools that ordered through MPD something to do today.

maemoexperts 2009-11-20 11:54

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Venomrush (Post 383730)
Update for those who pre-ordered from NOSUK

Just called Nokia Online Store (UK) and was told all pre-orders will be shipped out either today or Monday. Was kindly told to specifically watch the Inbox for the delivery email today.

Get in!

Same thing mentioned to me by one of their managers. Take as you will.

RevdKathy 2009-11-20 12:25

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Well, that brightened my day.

Mind, by the time the n900 actually arrives I will have burned all this month's data allowance checking my email on the crap-phone every 5 minutes.

So... anyone actually had that magic email yet? Nope, I thought not.

orig_nuttah 2009-11-20 13:15

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
ohhh k, just received an e-mail from Susie (someone from London Flagship Store lol). My original question was the actualy released date for order both from and (which is same as MPD) and the reply is....



We are still expecting it next week at the flagship store on Regent Street. It may be worth you contacting directly to confirm their expected delivery dates as we do not have that information at this store.

Best Regards,

I am guessing the people that did pre-ordered from will received their phones next week but others like me :/ I guess its either 3rd of December like we got told or they will be stocking and shipping started next week and the "3rd of December" is just so there aint nomore complaints to them *just hoping :)*

stamenkd 2009-11-20 14:13

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
I'm really expecting 4 Dec for it to arrive from MPD as they said it would be sent on the 3rd. I'm trying to lower my expectations. If that doesn't happen then I'll be washing my hands clean of this mess.

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