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[Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Is Mer for the N810 up to day to day use quality? I assumed that it wasn't but I wanted to know. I don't have an N810 yet so I can't see for my self. If not when will it get to that point? Is anyone working on it? Or is everyone just dumping the N810 and focusing on the N900?(Which is way to expensive for me to even consider)
Thanks in advance. |
Re: Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Due to some of the Maemo projects getting too busy I've had to back off from Mer so I'm a bit out of the loop. So the short answer is from what I gather, currently not. For the last release of Mer, they were in kind of a holding pattern waiting for Maemo 5 code drops from Nokia. Hopefully it'll be shaping up soon.
The best ways to get an idea of the status include
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Due to the N900 and the somewhat 'fickle' attention span/continuity within the maemo development community I'd say that personally I have given up on ever seeing the Mer project produce a stable and full featured product (as 'stable and full featured' as say Diablo).
Not to 'blame' the developers but there are simply not enough of them - and the ones still 'willing' to develop for legacy products like the NITs are even fewer. I of course hope I may be wrong..but...I sort of doubt it :( |
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
I think they are waiting for the open gl driver from Texas instruments..
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
oh ok, I too sure hope its coming along still.. even though slow
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
The choice between a new device or a free new OS for me has always been the OS. But I'm sorry to say this time, mer might not be up to par... |
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Normal users: Not likely Read Maemo summit presentations (around one month old I think): http://www.slideshare.net/carstenmunk/mer-a-year-after http://www.slideshare.net/guesta05d7...ective-2409559 |
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Two questions I have about Mer on n810. Is it possible to connect to a 3g network via bluetooth (and another phone) like in Diablo??
I would love to try it, and this is the only show-stopper for me. Is it possible to dualboot an n810? Thanks in advance. |
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Yes, it's possible to dualboot, in fact it does so by default.
Don't know about the 3g, sorry. |
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Thanks for the info.
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
As stskeeps said a few weeks ago, Mer is transitioning to using the Fremantle desktop. From where I'm sitting (someone who has played with the last few versions of Mer), that means a temporary step back in usability. I don't consider it to be day to day usable by any means, but fun to tinker with. My uneducated opinion is that version 0.18 is when people will really start to look at what we have here.
But I don't think now is the time to lose faith in Mer. It's still in its infancy. It's in considerable flux, but moving forward. And based on my tinkering it shows a lot of promise. I think the real questions are: when 1.0 is declared, how much usability will there be? How many rough edges? How much support / workarounds? How many people working to smooth the rough edges? |
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Well, I dont have any developer experience but am currently entering my first programing classes for my EE degree. I would love to spend my free time helping in anyway or anyhow and am willing to learn in order to be of help, tell me what I need to learn and I will......Must sound really stupid but I really like my NIT's and having them go to waste when they dont have to is just sad, its probably the best mobile device I have ever used and it has the potential to be so even more......Just seems like it is so close to achieving that which it promises, but is being held back by external problems. Anyways, I'll be doing my own research on how I can help or on that which I need to learn but if you have any advice on this subject drop me a line at the my maemo username @gmail.com or if you have google wave @ googlewave
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
http://wiki.maemo.org/Mer/People |
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
I tried to connect via wifi and bluetooth on my N95 and did not work. It did not work with the wifi connection wep/wep2/open adhoc, but it detects the available networks. How to solve the connection problem?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
0.17 is moving right ahead - we just solved some virtual keyboard issues and struggling with a fix for reversed colours causing a lot of things turning white. Planning release the first week of the year. But keep in mind that 0.17 will only be a basis on which to develop other stuff and will -probably- be useless on anything but GL2.0-accelerated devices.
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
For us less techy types, what are -- and aren't! -- GL2.0-accelerated devices? When might Mer be usable on an N800?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
My personal preference would be for the hardware drivers to be put into the mainstream kernel, and tablet-optimized window managers to be available for packaging into mainstream distributions. As long as the n810 has to run an n810-customized distro, it will be near impossible for the software to stay up to date. There's just not enough interest in maintaining stuff that only works on a particular piece of obsolete hardware.
I look forward to the day when I can get (or compile) a distribution like Ubuntu or Gentoo, put it on my arm-based device, and have access to the entire range of available software. |
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
BTW, Mer has been able to install from Ubuntu repositories for some time, although as a practical matter it's been hit or miss whether or not you'll actually get any particular program to work. I've been assuming that the long-term goal for Mer is high degree of compatibility with Ubuntu. What advantages, then, does your approach have? Theoretical ability to adapt to other Linux distros (even non-debian)?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
what we "not so fully into Nxx0 development" people wonder is what devices GL2.0-accelerated devices are?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Basically I mean GLES 2.0/GL devices (N900, X86, etc). Mer 0.17 was supposed to be the desktop changeover and this currently only is accelerated on GLES2.0 devices. 0.18 brings non-GL desktop alternative and possibly a GLES 1.1 (N8x0) patched/accelerated desktop.
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
I'm holding my breath for 0.18 now for my N800, as it is looking to be the breakthough build. I've tried a couple of the 0.17testing builds on my N800, and it is definitely not ready on those devices
I was not able to get testing4 past the initial setup screen where it requires a username, as no virtual keyboard was functional. Managed to get either testing1 or testing2 (can't remember which) running, but it was extremely and painfully slow. Looked really imprssive though. |
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
On the n810 with 0.17testing4, I was able to get to the desktop, but I couldn't do much. It took more than ten seconds for any tap to accomplish anything. It took more than thirty seconds to launch apps (I lost patience). I wasn't able to get it to shut down so I had to take the battery out. So, looking forward to 0.18. :-)
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
I realy hope Mer will be a nice replacement on the n800 and n810 and not only a new cool n900 os.
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
Re: [Mer] Mer up to day to day use quality on the N810?
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