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ching1206 2009-12-05 10:58

N900 or N97 or wait?
hey guys,
after reading thru the forum there are quite a few problems with the n900

i m currently using Iphone. for 2 years it when it 1st came out... with the 4GB

i want to get a new Phone
Now i want to get N900 but with the problem i've read.
might re consider.

i want to get the n97 instead n then wait till maemo 6 phone comes out next year the N920??? right ? i duno
i just know nokia is only coming out with 1 new phone in 2010.

so my question is
should i just get the N900 n wait for new firmware
cuz if i get n900 t
Or get the N97 n wait til "N920 (maemo 6)" ????

c0rt3x 2009-12-05 11:03

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
Try the N900 in a store and see if you're satisfied with it.

noobmonkey 2009-12-05 11:07

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?

Originally Posted by ching1206 (Post 411370)
hey guys,
after reading thru the forum there are quite a few problems with the n900

i m currently using Iphone. for 2 years it when it 1st came out... with the 4GB

i want to get a new Phone
Now i want to get N900 but with the problem i've read.
might re consider.

i want to get the n97 instead n then wait till maemo 6 phone comes out next year the N920??? right ? i duno
i just know nokia is only coming out with 1 new phone in 2010.

so my question is
should i just get the N900 n wait for new firmware
cuz if i get n900 t
Or get the N97 n wait til "N920 (maemo 6)" ????

I have one with no problems, and woah its a beaut!!! - really do go try one in a shop :)

fouro 2009-12-05 11:35

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
When it comes to n900 vs n97 question, you should ask yourself if you want primarily a phone (n97) or mobile computer (n900).

I'm writin this with my n900 and absolutely love it. But phone functionalities are limited and I don't expet it getting to Symbian level before Maemo6. But my phone usage is low and I knew what I was getting so it doesnt bother me.

lohiaprateek 2009-12-05 11:36

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
ive had the iphone for nearly two years now..its become a bi**h to carry around now..its slow, buggy, and with edge on all day i dont get 12hrs of battery life, hence I want to upgrade to a phone capable of yahoo mail and web-browsing, i dont play any games on the phone and the linux backend on the n900 is a boon as i have been a linux user for nearly 3 yrs, have learnts a few tricks here and there to love the terminal..n900 = perfect for me

ching1206 2009-12-05 11:36

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
well im in china now
no real phone i can try...=(

ching1206 2009-12-05 11:46

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
but y a lot of ppl have problems with their n900??!

agogo 2009-12-05 11:59

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?

Originally Posted by ching1206 (Post 411432)
but y a lot of ppl have problems with their n900??!

They bought something they didn't research.
There are some glitches here and there, but this is a new device with a new OS and firmware. you can wait for few month and try it when the firmware issues are stabilized.

schnebeck 2009-12-05 12:07

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
If you are more a phone user then the N900 is maybe not the right device, if you need a mobile computer with excellent networking features that let you also make phone calls then the N900 is on top.



ching1206 2009-12-05 12:41

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
im just looking for sth to replace for my iphone
i do quite a bit of surfing the net with my iphone n sometimes gaming...
computer wise...
i carry my laptop around almost all the time....

so N900 worth the money if i want a laptop cellphone?

terry1738 2009-12-05 12:51

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
I have just got out of my contract on an N97 and as a Linux administrator I am really interested in the N900.

I have never had an experience like the N97 which failed to work in almost every area and dont want to repeat the same mistake by purchasing the N900 if it has similar issues.

The N900 has not been released in Australia as yet and reports indicate it may not be for some time so I have no way of testing it however I can buy one outright over the net.

What I need to work are the following

Map navigation: I have a 3 year OVI map contract however any map software that works is acceptable. The hardware on the N97 was faulty.
Is the GPS hardware reliable on the N900

Camera: The lens cover on the N97 scratched the the lens causing flaring with the flash. Are there any problems with the camera on the N900.

Speakerphone: The speakerphone on the N97 performed like half duplex. This meant the other party lost most of the conversation when the N97 was on speakerphone Are there any problems with the N900 regarding conversation on speakerphone or otherwise.

Voice dialing: I realise there is no voice dialing on the N900 however in country's like Australia where it is illegal to dial manually while driving (and rightly so) it is a necessity Is there any app that offers this function.

The N97 software was extremely clunky. Is the N900 software mature or still in alpha.

Any information on known issues with this phone would be appreciated.

mrojas 2009-12-05 12:56

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
From a hardware point of view, the N97 has roughly the same components as the first generation of the iPhone, while the N900 has the latest mobile processor, more RAM, etc.

If you need a more phone centric user experience, I would say wait for the Symbian^3 device next year or Maemo 6 (Harmattan). If you prefer more of a mobile computer experience with many rough edges, go N900 (be warned that its phone functions are very basic).

And, in my personal opinion, the N97 is a dead-end. The future of Symbian is ^3 next year and, knowing Nokia's track record, it won't get updated for it (even if a Symbian^3 device happens to have the same specs!).

Venomrush 2009-12-05 13:00

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
N900 mate,

I had N97 = big disappointment
No point in waiting as Nokia won't release another mobile computer device until late next year.

late666 2009-12-05 13:12

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
well, the word on the street is that the 920 is without a hardware keyboard, so you're talking about two different form factors- one is chunky, with a keyboard and a ressistive screen, the other will most likely be thinner, no keyboard, and a capacitive screen, the maemo 6 thing shouldnt be a big issue, i mean, how hard would it be to upgrade from 5 to 6, both phones will most likely have similar specs.. So it shouldnt be your main concern..

ching1206 2009-12-05 13:15

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
ok N900 it is...!!!!

Gadgety 2009-12-05 13:24

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?

Originally Posted by terry1738 (Post 411500)

What I need to work are the following

Map navigation: I have a 3 year OVI map contract however any map software that works is acceptable. The hardware on the N97 was faulty.
Is the GPS hardware reliable on the N900 -

A: I don't know. Haven't got the device. But search and you'lf find. You'll probably find experiences "all over the map."

Camera: The lens cover on the N97 scratched the the lens causing flaring with the flash. Are there any problems with the camera on the N900.

A: No.

Speakerphone: The speakerphone on the N97 performed like half duplex. This meant the other party lost most of the conversation when the N97 was on speakerphone Are there any problems with the N900 regarding conversation on speakerphone or otherwise.

A: Not that I've seen reported anywhere.

Voice dialing: I realise there is no voice dialing on the N900 however in country's like Australia where it is illegal to dial manually while driving (and rightly so) it is a necessity Is there any app that offers this function.

A: No app at the moment. I, and many others want this too. Check this thread

and answer this poll:

The N97 software was extremely clunky. Is the N900 software mature or still in alpha.

A: Some seems mature considering it's a new device and the first time with a phone functionality in maemo. Some seem in beta+. Some of the extras-dev are in alpha, I guess.

Any information on known issues with this phone would be appreciated.

A: Well. This forum has endless threads on experiences. There's also a bug log, with some 1600 bugs listed. And according to sources here, Nokia will respond on each one of those bugs (whether fix or no fix for example)

I'm answering in the quote above.

Laughingstok 2009-12-06 19:42

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
There are not a lot of problems with the device. I can assure you there are A LOT more people satisfied with the phone that aren't spending all their time here complaining about it. If we had all the people with no problems posting "My phone works fine..", I'm sure it would overwhelm all the problematic posts. Minority always speaks loudest in forums, dont forget that. Because people with no problems have no need to come here regularly.

terry1738 2009-12-06 21:47

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
Thank you for your reply's.

As Laughingstok says there are more happy posts then unhappy ones which is very much the opposite with any of the N97 forums.

That is important because if you have a grip you will post to try to find answers to your problems, if your happy you not so likely to post.

I have been searching for threads that report problems with the N900 without much success so I assumed the N900 has no major hardware issues.

I have rewritten our accounts program so that I can connect over the internet and get client information and issue receipts, invoices etc. so a hardware keyboard and a reliable browser are the 2 prime requirements.

As an example of the frustration I am having with the N97 the browser on the N97 reports an error message on some pages "can not preform web function" that does not appear on my N95 browser or on safari in my wife's iPhone or any other browser and I cannot find a solution.

At least with a linux based distro I would have some chance of tracking down the problem myself, getting some useful advice in a forum or reporting the issue as a bug and have a hope of getting a reply.

A post I recently read says the N900 is not a phone well neither is the N97, I have a panic attack if the phone rings because I am never sure if I can answer it and dialing out is a nightmare with accelerometer being so slow to work you are always in the wrong orientation.

Again thanks for your replys.

dantonic 2009-12-06 21:57

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
I love the N900 so far.

My only gripe with the device that might have had me wait for the next maemo device to come out is the screen size.

It is a bit too small for me. 3.5" is NOT enough by any stretch.
But I'm in the " I want a 4.1in or bigger" screen crowd. I would not mind a mobile device/phone with a 5" screen. :P

I do struggle when looking at it for too long. I feel like my eyes get tired. There is a huge difference in screen size between the N900 and the N800 for example.

I still would buy it now though because I can't possibly wait another year for a newer device, and from everything that I've read about the N97, that's pretty much a no go for me.

danielwilson 2009-12-06 22:02

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
get the n900 i love it they just small problems which will be fixed in updates

x61 2009-12-06 22:04

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
Just wait. Even if the N920 comes in 2010, wait: their may be something better to come in 2011, perhaps the N9400.

gerbick 2009-12-06 22:08

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?
Fellow iPhone user - went from the iPhone 2G (1st Gen) to the iPhone 3G, played with the iPhone 3GS (didn't keep it) and honestly - this is to the OP - I'd say wait. Avoid the N97, the N95 is a better phone imho... and the N900 is probably gonna be a problem if you're looking for a "perfect" experience.

There are reasons to be concerned, but I'd say wait if you could.

dantonic 2009-12-06 22:10

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 413483)
Just wait. Even if the N920 comes in 2010, wait: their may be something better to come in 2011, perhaps the N9400.

Well, to me that's not the point, waiting for the "better" device...
I don't think he's concerned with that since he's contemplating an N97 as well.

The most important thing is... Does it do what you need and want at this time? Or better said: what is the best device matched to your needs that is currently available?

Do you have a problem with some of the small features the N900 lacks currently? Features that some Dumb Phones even have, but the N900 does not yet?
If that is a show stopper for you then don't get it.

I would read extensively about the N900 and find out all it has and all it lacks before you make a decision.

Rivers 2009-12-06 22:36

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?

Originally Posted by Venomrush (Post 411509)
N900 mate,

I had N97 = big disappointment
No point in waiting as Nokia won't release another mobile computer device until late next year.

This is as simple as it gets the N900 works as i expected the N97 to (naively i guess !! I hated it for 4months) buy the N900 if you want true web functionality and lots more...

(As a side note I have found a use for the semi pointless stand. To give more stability whilst browsing I open the stand and rest it between my index and middle finger works a treat!! :)

Laughing Man 2009-12-06 22:42

Re: N900 or N97 or wait?

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 413483)
Just wait. Even if the N920 comes in 2010, wait: their may be something better to come in 2011, perhaps the N9400.

And there's no guarantee the N920 will have the same external features that the N900 has either. For all we know it could be exactly the same (with a capacitative touch screen instead of a resisitive one and a better CPU) or it could be more like the iPhone, a slate with no hardware keyboard, no TV out, etc..

It won't be till late 2010 that we find out. *shrugs*

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