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pelago 2009-12-07 16:56

SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha et al
Joaquim Rocha has written a nice app for N900/Maemo 5 called SeriesFinale, which uses data from to allow you to browse episode guides for TV series. See his blog post at

Psymastr 2009-12-07 18:58

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Yeah, I just saw that one on the web as well. It should be in extras-devel, hopefully it gets moved to extras soon.

Tintin 2009-12-07 19:31

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Makes me wonder how hard it is to backport applications like these to Diablo.

jrocha 2009-12-09 08:15

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Psymastr (Post 414973)
Yeah, I just saw that one on the web as well. It should be in extras-devel, hopefully it gets moved to extras soon.

Hi folks.

I have requested the permissions to upload SeriesFinale to extras devel already. Waiting for their answer.

Let me know any suggestions you have on how to improve this app.

Haus3r 2010-01-13 15:54

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Any Update?

submono 2010-01-15 15:04

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Air dates of the episodes would be a cool thing to have. I always lose track of those :)

netoak 2010-01-15 22:26

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by submono (Post 474245)
Air dates of the episodes would be a cool thing to have. I always lose track of those :)

Yeah that would be could and also the possibility to attach the episodes in the calendar of N900 to track the new episodes.

I don't know if I'm requesting some thing really difficut to do, but would be cool. If it's really difficult then when you open the app could show you the episodes that will be done the present week.

damnshock 2010-01-15 23:57

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by netoak (Post 475138)
the possibility to attach the episodes in the calendar of N900 to track the new episodes.

That'd be just awesome

jrocha 2010-01-18 14:38

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Hi guys, the app is already on extras-devel and you may already get on your AppMngr.

The idea of getting the air date on the calendar is a nice one. I'm gonna add it to the app when I get a little time as this has been requested a lot of times.

About the Diablo port, Juan (a friend from Igalia) has made a quick port of it:

Let me know any more suggestions you might have.

Exca 2010-01-22 18:02

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Instead of adding airdates to the calendar, I'd like to see something like

Name of series
4 seasons | 2(4) episodes not watched | Next episode airs 12.12.2010

Where the 2 means that there has been already 2 aired episodes that you have missed. And 4 would tell how many you have unticked (as it is now)

les_garten 2010-01-22 18:04

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by netoak (Post 475138)
Yeah that would be could and also the possibility to attach the episodes in the calendar of N900 to track the new episodes.

I don't know if I'm requesting some thing really difficut to do, but would be cool. If it's really difficult then when you open the app could show you the episodes that will be done the present week.

Exactly! I have mine entered in my Calendar, but integrations would be killer! Original air date and future air dates! Wake me up!

CoccoBill 2010-02-12 13:33

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Exca (Post 489104)
Instead of adding airdates to the calendar, I'd like to see something like

Name of series
4 seasons | 2(4) episodes not watched | Next episode airs 12.12.2010

Where the 2 means that there has been already 2 aired episodes that you have missed. And 4 would tell how many you have unticked (as it is now)

I like this, seeing the next airdate for each show is exactly what I'm looking for. Adding the dates to calendar should be optional, I don't want them to spam my (already cluttered) calendar.

Great app, thanks.

kamishly 2010-02-27 00:08

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by pelago (Post 414782)
Joaquim Rocha has written a nice app for N900/Maemo 5 called SeriesFinale, which uses data from to allow you to browse episode guides for TV series. See his blog post at

Cant find seriesfinale in extras but when i tried to download from the authors site, it tells me some components are missing??

Any steps and links on how to get this working on my N900??

jrocha 2010-02-27 17:42

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

You can install SeriesFinale from the Application Manager is you have the "extras-devel" catalog enabled.

Here is a guide on how to add a catalog:


kamishly 2010-02-27 18:24

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by jrocha (Post 549033)

You can install SeriesFinale from the Application Manager is you have the "extras-devel" catalog enabled.

Here is a guide on how to add a catalog:


I got it and downloaded it I also added some shows, but then what? How do we watch the shows??

A how to guide could be helpful!!


les_garten 2010-02-27 18:30

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by kamishly (Post 549075)
I got it and downloaded it I also added some shows, but then what? How do we watch the shows??

5 Simple steps will eanble you to watch TV, Please do these in the strict order shown below

1) Buy a TV
2) Turn it on
3) Tune to the desired channel
4) POP some Popcorn
5) Enjoy!

jrocha 2010-02-27 18:32

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Kamishly, SeriesFinale is not suppose to let you watch the shows but keep track of the episodes, etc.
Such feature would be kind of illegal, don't you think?

Taomyn 2010-03-30 13:15

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

How do I edit/zap the database for this? I upgraded to 0.5.1 and I have one program stuck at the top which won't delete or even get an image - it seems to update though.

Have tried uninstalling and an "apt-get remove --purge" and the data keeps coming back when I reinstall.


**Update** found the db in .osso so I renamed it and I can now start again. annoying as i had quite a few shows added, but i couldn't get rid of the entry nor update properly :(

**Update2** Damn it, adding the show that was "bad" before first worked, but then when I added a second show the first one became "bad" again. It's called "Bang goes the Theory" if you want to try it.

attila77 2010-03-30 13:51

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
I'd be happy with just an option to sort by air date (or filter series with no air dates = i.e. finished, on hiatus, etc) :)

jrocha 2010-03-30 14:02

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Hi Taomyn, but you mean that you deleted that show, the next time you open the application it would be there again? Or it would be back when you update it?

I'll see what I can do based on your answer.

Taomyn 2010-03-30 14:06

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by jrocha (Post 588281)
Hi Taomyn, but you mean that you deleted that show, the next time you open the application it would be there again? Or it would be back when you update it?

I'll see what I can do based on your answer.

No, the only way to delete it once the show goes "bad" is to delete the whole database :(

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Delete database, run SeriesFinale
  2. Add "Bang Goes the Theory"
  3. Add "Ashes to Ashes"
After 2, 1 loses the series image and stays at the top - cannot be deleted

Taomyn 2010-03-30 14:36

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Changes I'd like to see in the future:
  • Option to ignore "specials" or other non season entries
  • Specials not included in season count i.e. 1 special + Season 1 does not equal 2 seasons
  • Row size increase - now with the wonderful icons, they're so small to be almost useless :(
  • Reverse order of seasons i.e. latest at the top
  • Show list - shows with unwatched episodes at the top in next date to be shown order, so they are more prominent
  • Grey out completely watched shows/seasons/episodes
  • Season list - "Mark whole season watched" for when entering new show
  • Calendar integration, with option for "with or without alarm"
  • Search results, sorted
Hope that's not too much to ask ;) but this is a great app - many thanks.

Taomyn 2010-03-30 15:02

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Seems the database issue is getting worse for me.

I added "Penn and Teller: BS" and it duplicated the previous show "Peep Show" :(

I can view "Penn and Teller:BS", which is the second listed "Peep Show", but I cannot delete.

I've attached screenshots and the database in case that helps.

sony123 2010-03-31 08:34

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
I like the latest update which adds images and seems to have better merging in my case. Update all shows without any duplication so thanks!

I am not sure the new (season)x(episode) format works better, though. For me it is a little too crowded.

Gazzlam 2010-03-31 13:57

SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

I have a problem, but first...

Brilliant program..I can't think of anything else you could add that hasn't been mentioned. The only one I personally would like to see is the option to remove special seasons.

Ok. the problem is with not being able to delete shows... which I've learned is likely due to database corruption.
I uninstalled and reinstalled to fix it, but the data isn't removed.
I've looked about for the location of the database to remove it manually, but I can't find it.

I'm not great with Maemo or Linux file systems, but a full directory name would be of great help... unless I need to know more to remove it.


Taomyn 2010-03-31 14:09

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Gazzlam (Post 589827)

I have a problem, but first...

Brilliant program..I can't think of anything else you could add that hasn't been mentioned. The only one I personally would like to see is the option to remove special seasons.

Ok. the problem is with not being able to delete shows... which I've learned is likely due to database corruption.
I uninstalled and reinstalled to fix it, but the data isn't removed.
I've looked about for the location of the database to remove it manually, but I can't find it.

I'm not great with Maemo or Linux file systems, but a full directory name would be of great help... unless I need to know more to remove it.


Look in ./.osso/seriesfinale in your home directory - it's hidden. Not sure why it doesn't get removed on an uninstall.

I'm glad it's not just me with this issue and hope it can be fixed without having to start from scratch. It's a bit time consuming.

Gazzlam 2010-04-01 05:29

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Taomyn (Post 589852)
Look in ./.osso/seriesfinale in your home directory - it's hidden. Not sure why it doesn't get removed on an uninstall.

I'm glad it's not just me with this issue and hope it can be fixed without having to start from scratch. It's a bit time consuming.

Thanks for that, however my Linux infancy is showing in the fact that I can't see anything there in GPE file editor, and X-term says it can't cd to that folder. I've made sure I typed the preceeding "." but nothing. I also don't know how to get "ls" to show hidden files/directories... as I was a DOS boy growing up.

Perhaps you could break it down into a few more steps for me? ;-)

Thanks again

p.s I Suppose at least a "Wipe Database" button would ease the pain. This could maybe be a stopgap measure until the db corruption bug is solved.

Taomyn 2010-04-01 06:57

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Gazzlam (Post 590818)
Thanks for that, however my Linux infancy is showing in the fact that I can't see anything there in GPE file editor, and X-term says it can't cd to that folder. I've made sure I typed the preceeding "." but nothing. I also don't know how to get "ls" to show hidden files/directories... as I was a DOS boy growing up.

Perhaps you could break it down into a few more steps for me? ;-)

Thanks again

p.s I Suppose at least a "Wipe Database" button would ease the pain. This could maybe be a stopgap measure until the db corruption bug is solved.

No worries, my *nix knowledge is fairly limited also.


  1. Run x-term
  2. Type: ls -a
  3. Should see the hidden folders
  4. Type: cd ./.osso
  5. Type: cd seriesfinale
Hopefully that should work for you, it did on mine just now

marcdxn 2010-04-01 08:17

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Does this include UK TV listings?

Taomyn 2010-04-01 09:02

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by marcdxn (Post 590969)
Does this include UK TV listings?

Yes, seems to pick UK shows as broadcast in the UK. Sometimes you need to scroll through the list to make sure it's not listed more than once for each country. One reason for wishing it sorted the search results.

hlchoo 2010-04-01 13:45

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
I'm having problems deleting shows too. Had uninstall and delete the database manually as mentioned above.

Would be great if this can be sorted!

Good app nonetheless!

lolo-kun 2010-04-01 21:12

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
First, I have to say that I'm a big fan of this app. The new release with the cover images is really great.

I, too, have had problems with database corruption. After upgrading, some of my series titles were messed up and I couldn't delete them anymore.
I read this thread and erased my database to start over from scratch. But after adding the first series, the title would not be show in the main view and I could not delete it anymore.

Reading the other posts of people having the same problem, I might have a clue of the root of the problem: the title of the first series I added (in an empty database) contained an '&' character (it's 'Law & order'). Before deleting my database, the series that were messed up and I could not delete also contained an '&' character in their title.
I also noticed that Taomyn (who has the same problem) could not delete the series 'Penn & Teller'.

I have added a few series (without '&' in their title) and everything is working fine.

I hope this can help you jrocha.

Taomyn 2010-04-01 22:02

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by lolo-kun (Post 591934)
First, I have to say that I'm a big fan of this app. The new release with the cover images is really great.

I, too, have had problems with database corruption. After upgrading, some of my series titles were messed up and I couldn't delete them anymore.
I read this thread and erased my database to start over from scratch. But after adding the first series, the title would not be show in the main view and I could not delete it anymore.

Reading the other posts of people having the same problem, I might have a clue of the root of the problem: the title of the first series I added (in an empty database) contained an '&' character (it's 'Law & order'). Before deleting my database, the series that were messed up and I could not delete also contained an '&' character in their title.
I also noticed that Taomyn (who has the same problem) could not delete the series 'Penn & Teller'.

I have added a few series (without '&' in their title) and everything is working fine.

I hope this can help you jrocha.

Interesting, but my original issue was with "Bang goes the Theory" which might be an apt name in this case ;)

Still, I hope this gets solved soon as the app is useless in this state and should at least be removed from the repository until fixed.

lolo-kun 2010-04-01 23:14

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
I did a little more testing with seriesfinale to try to find clues that would help jrocha solving these little bugs.

On an empty database, if I had the series 'Fringe' or 'Bang goes the theory', everything works fine but I can't delete the show (but I can delete episodes, mark them, etc...).

If I add another show which title contains an '&' character (like 'Law & Order'), both shows appear with the same title (in my case 'Fringe' for both shows).
If I look inside the second 'Fringe' series, I see the 'Law & Order' seasons and episodes.
I can neither delete 'Fringe' nor 'Law & Order'.

At this point I should probably enter a formal bug for seriesfinale, but I can't remember if (and where) there is a way to do it for maemo apps.

Gazzlam 2010-04-02 01:52

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by lolo-kun (Post 592041)
I did a little more testing with seriesfinale to try to find clues that would help jrocha solving these little bugs.

On an empty database, if I had the series 'Fringe' or 'Bang goes the theory', everything works fine but I can't delete the show (but I can delete episodes, mark them, etc...).

If I add another show which title contains an '&' character (like 'Law & Order'), both shows appear with the same title (in my case 'Fringe' for both shows).
If I look inside the second 'Fringe' series, I see the 'Law & Order' seasons and episodes.
I can neither delete 'Fringe' nor 'Law & Order'.

At this point I should probably enter a formal bug for seriesfinale, but I can't remember if (and where) there is a way to do it for maemo apps.

I had a similar thought, about special characters and such, and also that maybe the presentation of the data on the website from which SeriesFinale gets in info from may have slight differences in certain shows.

I thought about it after reading the "&" problem, and realised that my messed up series was American Dad! which actually has the "!" in it. However after deleting the .db file, and adding it again, it seems fine... so I'm confused again (perhaps a problem before the update).

I think it is probably not necessary to uninstall the app, but to just delete the .db file, and presumably keep any settings. But certainly a bug that needs addressing before any aesthetic bugs are fixed.

Thanks to Taomyn for the response, it worked fine... my problem was that I misunderstood when you said "home directory", so I cd'd to the parent directory which is called 'home'. And it seems I even used the right switch to show hidden files... there just weren't any where I was looking! ;)

Time to build my database again!

Taomyn 2010-04-02 07:55

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
I'm wondering now, if it's special characters causing this then as the .db file is text, if maybe we can edit it manually and put the correct 'escape' character in front of them.

This might help prevent us having to keep resetting each time it happens until the issue is fixed.

aboaboit 2010-04-03 19:01

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Taomyn (Post 592280)
I'm wondering now, if it's special characters causing this then as the .db file is text, if maybe we can edit it manually and put the correct 'escape' character in front of them

I have this issue with "Brothers & Sisters": the title in the episode list view is correct but on the main window it shows "Little mosque on the prairie", which is the last entry. Incidentally, the icons are correct.

aboaboit 2010-04-03 19:11

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Taomyn (Post 589852)
Look in ./.osso/seriesfinale in your home directory - it's hidden. Not sure why it doesn't get removed on an uninstall.

I believe this is a matter of policy: in debian packaging, you're not supposed to remove configuration files on uninstall. You could try running "dpkg --purge seriesfinale" from the terminal as root: that should clear the config files.

MoJo 2010-04-06 05:44

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
I have a bug when trying to erase 30 Rock from my list. It also fails to update an image to the grouping ... anyone can repeat it? I think something is wrong with the way 30 Rock is retrieved or stored in TheTVDB

Taomyn 2010-04-06 07:31

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by aboaboit (Post 594072)
I believe this is a matter of policy: in debian packaging, you're not supposed to remove configuration files on uninstall. You could try running "dpkg --purge seriesfinale" from the terminal as root: that should clear the config files.

I'm not worried about the configuration file, it's the database file that gets corrupted and should be removed by uninstalling.

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