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gilamonyet 2009-12-08 11:30

Loopable N900 wallpapers

The wallpapers showed below are ''edited'' by me/Gilamonyet to fit the loop sequence of the N900.
This means that the original picture of the wallpaper is NOT made by me so all the credit goes to the original owner.
Ive just found the original ones on internet. I used websites like Flickr to find panoramic pictures wich are allowed to be edited.
The other wallpapers such as Mario Land are found on Google on a wallpaper site.
Because they were on a site that shares wallpapers I used em without premission.
If you find your picture in here and dont want to be shared please PM me and I shall remove it from this thread.

So that being said lets start with some of the wallpapers ive edited to make em loopable for the N900.
I used the WPcreator found in the maemo-extras to use them on my Nokia N900.
Ofcourse if you use an other application thats fine aswell.
All these pictures are 3200x480 wich means U have to cut them in four yourself!

Enough talk, show me the wallpapers!

Chinese Garden - 360

Firenze - 360

Paris - 360

Piazza Navona - 360

Snowboarder/Mountain - 360

Mario World - 360

X-mas - 360 (Seasonal background)

rapante 2009-12-08 11:52

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
heya welcome to the forums,

I don't know if you already know this site

you can upload your wallpapers and it will even generate a Image Set for you, so you are able to change all 4 desktops at once

gilamonyet 2009-12-08 12:14

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by rapante (Post 416311)
heya welcome to the forums,

I don't know if you already know this site

you can upload your wallpapers and it will even generate a Image Set for you, so you are able to change all 4 desktops at once

Hey thanks for the website tip!
Atm im using the WP creator.. wich crops the 3200x480px picture in four pieces and it becomes loop-able.

Once again thanks :)!

MrThunderfield 2009-12-08 13:10

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by gilamonyet (Post 416338)
Hey thanks for the website tip!
Atm im using the WP creator.. wich crops the 3200x480px picture in four pieces and it becomes loop-able.

Once again thanks :)!

Where can I find this WP creator?

BTW, it's quite easy making looping WP's manually.

Just crop a 3200x480 pic into 4 parts, then make a new text file in the same folder, with the same name as the WP and set the filetype to ".desktop". Then open that file and paste this into it:


[Desktop Entry]
Type=Background Image
Name=Your WP name

Change the bolded parts and copy the .desktop file and the four 800x480 pics into the .images folder of the N900. Activate the WP in the desktop menu,

rapante 2009-12-08 13:24

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by gilamonyet (Post 416338)
Hey thanks for the website tip!
Atm im using the WP creator.. wich crops the 3200x480px picture in four pieces and it becomes loop-able.

Once again thanks :)!

no problem, you're welcome :)

gilamonyet 2009-12-08 13:42

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by MrThunderfield (Post 416413)
Where can I find this WP creator?

BTW, it's quite easy making looping WP's manually.

Just crop a 3200x480 pic into 4 parts, then make a new text file in the same folder, with the same name as the WP and set the filetype to ".desktop". Then open that file and paste this into it:


[Desktop Entry]
Type=Background Image
Name=Your WP name

Change the bolded parts and copy the .desktop file and the four 800x480 pics into the .images folder of the N900. Activate the WP in the desktop menu,

Yea I know that but im lazy + the app im using works great :)
You can find it at in the Maemo Devel repository.. I wont tell you how to get there tough cause if ur unexperienced it could screw up your phone.

But hey.. u can download the picture and crop it urself and use your method its saver ;)!

timsamoff 2009-12-08 14:14

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by gilamonyet (Post 416281)
This means that the original picture of the wallpaper is NOT made by me so all the credit goes to the original owner.
Ive just found the original ones on internet. I used websites like Flickr to find panoramic pictures wich are allowed to be edited.

What do you mean by, "allowed to be edited"? If you are referring to Creative Commons licensed photos, that's fine, but all CC licensed media requires attribution. Otherwise, what you've done is, well, illegal.

I don't mean to take away from what you've done -- there are some cool pics here. But, just saying that all credit goes to the original owners is not enough... Each panoramic photo should contain attribution to the original photographer.

Of course, I've said all of this before (in anlother thread), and anyone is free to "appropriate" media at ther own risk. So, enough of me being a spoil sport. ;)


MrThunderfield 2009-12-08 14:29

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by gilamonyet (Post 416495)
Yea I know that but im lazy + the app im using works great :)
You can find it at in the Maemo Devel repository.. I wont tell you how to get there tough cause if ur unexperienced it could screw up your phone.

But hey.. u can download the picture and crop it urself and use your method its saver ;)!

Hah, thanks for watching out for unexperienced people :P

I already found my way to devel, though :D It's a fun place.

gilamonyet 2009-12-08 14:33

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by timsamoff (Post 416558)
What do you mean by, "allowed to be edited"? If you are referring to Creative Commons licensed photos, that's fine.

Yea i used the advanced search method to only find the CC pictures wich you are allowed to modify, adapt, or build upon.

Im aware of the fact that giving credits to original owner is not enough.
But hey I cant protect them if some1 else ''copied'' their foto and putted on a website such as a Wallpaper site.

I'm a designer myself so I know it sucks if your art gets ripped.
if I had the skill and the camera myself to take those shots I would have done it.
But I cant so thats why I took the pictures from the web :).

msa 2009-12-12 01:18

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
i really like the mario-wallpaper from the op's post!

but its not in 3200x480 resolution...
does anyone of you have mario-level-wallpapers that strech over all desktops?

/edit: ok, just found out that has some of them.

iceman600 2009-12-12 04:01

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
i have this problem installing panoramic wallpapers in my device. when i include the .desktop file on the images files on the N900, i cant change the background. only themes...:mad:
if choose the Change Background on the device it just went blank and exit the Change Background option.
am im the only one having this problem? i can only change wallpapers manually per desktop. ( with panoramic loopable wallpaper )

hulaj 2009-12-13 12:44

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
I have the same problem. Help anyone?

RevdKathy 2009-12-13 17:38

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
Are you using the ones from the n900 wallpapers site?

Answers are here in this thread.

If you are having trouble with the actual application, (i.e. it crashes or won't let you open the 'change brackground at all) then there's a problem with the path on the .desktop file. Edit it using a text editor as follows:


Where 'image' is the name of the set.

If you can view and access the 'change background' but the set you want appears void, there's an extra 'space' on the end of each line you need to delete - again using a text editor.

Hope that helps. :)

hulaj 2009-12-13 18:06

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 425843)
Are you using the ones from the n900 wallpapers site?

Answers are here in this thread.

If you are having trouble with the actual application, (i.e. it crashes or won't let you open the 'change brackground at all) then there's a problem with the path on the .desktop file. Edit it using a text editor as follows:


Where 'image' is the name of the set.

If you can view and access the 'change background' but the set you want appears void, there's an extra 'space' on the end of each line you need to delete - again using a text editor.

Hope that helps. :)

Maybe that would be helpful but:
1.I have n900 since yesterday and i don't have a clue how to do what suggested.
2. I have deleted that wallpaper fom my Nokia.
3.My issue is that when I want to click "change bacground" nothing happens, doesnt open folder with pics/wallpapers only widgets disappear.

Could You tell me step by step what to do in simple english words? (still learning En)

Thank You.

RevdKathy 2009-12-13 18:21

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
Ok, first up where did you get your loopable wallpaper from?

The ones that came preinstalled should work out of the box, unless you have installed others.

Did you download them from here? Cos if so, I can solve the problem.

If you created them for yourself, I can also make suggestions... but I need to know what wallpapers we're talking about.:)

(And congrats on your new baby!)

hulaj 2009-12-13 18:25

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 425899)
Ok, first up where did you get your loopable wallpaper from?

The ones that came preinstalled should work out of the box, unless you have installed others.

Did you download them from here? Cos if so, I can solve the problem.

If you created them for yourself, I can also make suggestions... but I need to know what wallpapers we're talking about.:)

(And congrats on your new baby!)

Yes, i downloaded them from
The one with Paris panorama.

Thanks for helping me with this.
That should be repared by maemo team.

RevdKathy 2009-12-13 18:35

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
No, it's not a problem with the Maemo: the wallpapers there are designed for running with prismic (which isn't available yet) so they need a bit of fiddling to install direct.

Do it like this:

Go to the site, and download the wallpapers and the .desktop file direct to your computer (not your n900)

Then open the .desktop file with a text programme - something like notepad or wordpad.

The lines for each image look like this:


Using the name of the file instead of 'image'

You need to edit them so they say


Put your mouse at the end of each line and do a quick 'delete' to make sure there are no spaces after the end which you can't see. Save the file and close.

Then put them on your n900 using the usb cable and the 'mass storage' method, putting all four images and the .desktop file in the images folder.

If that fails, download all four images and add them manually in order. :)

Hope I have explained that clearly enough.

hulaj 2009-12-13 18:57

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
It's done! Thanks a lot, I can enjoy my n900 again!!

RevdKathy 2009-12-13 18:59

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
Well done! I am always impressed by people who can do stuff like that in a foreign language!!!
I have enough trouble following instructions in my own language. :p

Glad it's sorted. :)

iceman600 2009-12-13 21:12

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
Thank You So Mch....:D

timsamoff 2009-12-14 13:15

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by gilamonyet (Post 416597)
...if I had the skill and the camera myself to take those shots I would have done it.
But I cant so thats why I took the pictures from the web :).

Of course, it's all at your own risk, and unfortunately, artists are not the type of people who sue.

But, I have so say... The quote above sounds like this:

"Hey, if I had the money to buy the car, I would have. But since I didn't, I just took it from the parking lot."

Hmmm... :(

Anyway, I'm not here to deter you from making backgrounds. Just give credit where credit's due.


gilamonyet 2009-12-15 09:28

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by timsamoff (Post 427083)
Of course, it's all at your own risk, and unfortunately, artists are not the type of people who sue.

But, I have so say... The quote above sounds like this:

"Hey, if I had the money to buy the car, I would have. But since I didn't, I just took it from the parking lot."

Hmmm... :(

Anyway, I'm not here to deter you from making backgrounds. Just give credit where credit's due.


We'll yea you could see it that way but you could also believe in the goodness of mankind instead of looking it in a ''doom-thinking'' way.

timsamoff 2009-12-15 14:10

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by gilamonyet (Post 428653)
We'll yea you could see it that way but you could also believe in the goodness of mankind instead of looking it in a ''doom-thinking'' way.

I'm in no way "doom-thinking" (whatever that is). I'm an artist who has had a lot of media stolen over the years.

And, imho, the "goodness of mankind" means that people ask permission and give credit, not steal art and hope that they don't get sued. Really, now.


gilamonyet 2009-12-15 14:17

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by timsamoff (Post 428975)
I'm in no way "doom-thinking" (whatever that is). I'm an artist who has had a lot of media stolen over the years.

And, imho, the "goodness of mankind" means that people ask permission and give credit, not steal art and hope that they don't get sued. Really, now.


You are thinking that way because as u stated you had a bad experience when an other person use an artwork/picture (without asking) from some-one else.

Because of this bad experience your way of looking at this topic has changed in a negative way. Its the way we people think.

Anyways I dont want to end up being in a discussion with you or anything.
I catch your drift and I agree with you. I just dont want that people think I ''stole'' this stuff or something like that.

christexaport 2009-12-16 20:38

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
the only way to prove you didn't steal is to get permission. You'd be surprised how easily you can get it. I'm an artist too, so I, too, relate to tim

Fargus 2009-12-17 08:41

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 425928)
No, it's not a problem with the Maemo: the wallpapers there are designed for running with prismic (which isn't available yet) so they need a bit of fiddling to install direct.

Do it like this:

Go to the site, and download the wallpapers and the .desktop file direct to your computer (not your n900)

Then open the .desktop file with a text programme - something like notepad or wordpad.

The lines for each image look like this:


Using the name of the file instead of 'image'

You need to edit them so they say


Put your mouse at the end of each line and do a quick 'delete' to make sure there are no spaces after the end which you can't see. Save the file and close.

Then put them on your n900 using the usb cable and the 'mass storage' method, putting all four images and the .desktop file in the images folder.

If that fails, download all four images and add them manually in order. :)

Hope I have explained that clearly enough.

You can also use the Notes programme on the N900 if you are mobile at the time Menu>More...>Notes

RevdKathy 2009-12-17 08:49

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by Fargus (Post 431548)
You can also use the Notes programme on the N900 if you are mobile at the time Menu>More...>Notes

Ooh nifty! Thanks - didn't realise I could do that. :)

maxximuscool 2009-12-17 09:21

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
2 Attachment(s)
Here is the 3200x480

Below is 1600x480 pixel


This will be my wallpaper when my N900 arrive. For now I can only make for you guy.
sorry the picture quality got reduced.. but download the zip

toto29820 2010-01-15 04:03

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
is there a preferred quality/resolution of each picture used? i made several pictures taken by some digital cameras and after load the image set, when i swipe between desktops i noticed screen flash/flicker, looks like flash rate cant catch up quickly, just not as smooth as default installed themes or image sets

ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-15 05:47

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers

Originally Posted by toto29820 (Post 473121)
is there a preferred quality/resolution of each picture used? i made several pictures taken by some digital cameras and after load the image set, when i swipe between desktops i noticed screen flash/flicker, looks like flash rate cant catch up quickly, just not as smooth as default installed themes or image sets

Each desktop is 800x480 on the N900, so just add that number horizontally for multiple desktop screens.

One that uses all 4 desktops would be a 3200x480 image broken into 4 individual 800x480 images.

SMAr2wo 2012-10-03 22:52

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
1 Attachment(s)
panoramic photos..Best results
Use/Install " WPcreator " application to crop and and make 4 images specially for N900. It will create a "set" as the sets from the factory (digital nature for ex.) and you will find it in the desktop menu>change wallpaper with the chosen name. :)


- to create your own loop desk with a normal picture pick a Hi-Res. picture and try to imagine how will look after a extra-wide crop. crop it to 3200x480 (best resolution) to avoid stretching:D.Imagine that you put a HD wide photo with small circles as looping. The circles will be ovate. you can force a little more the height on landscape photos, but not too much.
I use Photoscape (freeshare) because is easy to keep the aspect can use even very high res. pics. (8000x6000 for ex.): just set "aspect ratio" on crop menu, set it to 3.2k x 480 and move the selection. For small/medium photos (2048x2024 for ex.) is best to use resize menu and set the width to 3,2k and keep aspect ratio.
-For "panorama" app. you must use 6 (or at least 5 shots application to have a good photo for N900 4 desktops (without stretching the objects ).:cool:

- i cannot put the full photo from above 'cose even zipped is too large (1,5mb) for upload.
(I'm not the owner of this photo. I have no rights reserved)

SMAr2wo 2013-11-05 18:34

Re: Loopable N900 wallpapers
A huge collection of extra wide photos just waiting to claim your desktop! :)
-recommendation: use WPCreator app

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