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OrangeBox 2009-12-09 00:35

How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?
As I've been going through these (and other) forums I've found the term "bricked" used several times. If I interpret it correctly it means an irreversible state from where there's no return.

So what I don't get is how is it possible to "brick" the N900 if one can reflash it with factory ROM any time. Can a permanent damage be done to the internals of the N900 with running some code?

Any help clearing up my confusion is greatly appreciated.

NotTheMessiah 2009-12-09 00:41

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?

Originally Posted by OrangeBox (Post 417791)
As I've been going through these (and other) forums I've found the term "bricked" used several times. If I interpret it correctly it means an irreversible state from where there's no return.

So what I don't get is how is it possible to "brick" the N900 if one can reflash it with factory ROM any time. Can a permanent damage be done to the internals of the N900 with running some code?

Any help clearing up my confusion is greatly appreciated.

I think the term bricked is being used rather loosely in respect to how you describe it. code cannot damage hardware. just not possible. Tho it might cause the firmware to wind up in a state where it would not be possible to reflash it. but generally speaking when people are saying their n900 is bricked they mean the OS has died and needs reinstalling.

God 2009-12-09 00:44

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?
It's when your phone randomly evolves into this:

NotTheMessiah 2009-12-09 00:49

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?

Originally Posted by God (Post 417813)
It's when your phone randomly evolves into this:

When it evolves into an inactive account?! hmmm thats pretty damn bricked alright!

msa 2009-12-09 00:50

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?
technically, all those bricks that you read about on the n900 are not bricks, because you can "revive" the device by reflashing it.

"brick" means it becomes completely useless.

NotTheMessiah 2009-12-09 00:51

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?

Originally Posted by msa (Post 417831)
technically, all those bricks that you read about on the n900 are not bricks, because you can "revive" the device by reflashing it.

"brick" means it becomes completely useless.

yeah precisely.
as i said before, the term is being used somewhat loosely.

fnordianslip 2009-12-09 01:23

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?
Hosed is possibly the word we are looking for here.

msa 2009-12-09 01:33

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?

Originally Posted by fnordianslip (Post 417895)
Hosed is possibly the word we are looking for here.

i am confused.

i just looked up what exactly "hosed" means. the online-dictionary didnt know "hosed", so i checked "hose":

the first translation it showed me was "abspritzen".
you know what abspritzen means?
to jerk off, a cumshot etc.

then i lold.

fnordianslip 2009-12-09 01:55

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?

Originally Posted by msa (Post 417916)
then i lold.

lol indeed :) No wonder their device doesn't work.

I was thinking more along the lines of this definition.

davedickson 2009-12-09 02:10

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?

Originally Posted by NotTheMessiah (Post 417808)
code cannot damage hardware.

Really? Seems as there is some debate on that here

tehkseven 2009-12-09 02:33

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?
We've dropped our N900 several times and subjected it to a water test. The phone stopped working after the water test.. but 20 hours later, the n900 lives again!

I suspect the N900 can only be truly bricked software wise.. or if you run it over with a car... multiple times.

NotTheMessiah 2009-12-09 09:00

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?

Originally Posted by davedickson (Post 417968)
Really? Seems as there is some debate on that here

The only thing mentioned in that that *might* have an impact on hardware is the software fiddling with the bios and screwing up CPU voltage but as someone said there's usualy safe guards in place againts that. And even then i think its highly unlikely, like the probability of winning the lottery every draw for 50 years is probably more likely than that. In the case of the N900, i very much doubt it has a BIOS that allows for over voltage on the CPU ha. Imagine that, an over clocked N900. Battery life 12mins, clock speed 2.4GHz

davedickson 2009-12-09 12:25

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?

Originally Posted by NotTheMessiah (Post 418346)
Imagine that, an over clocked N900. Battery life 12mins, clock speed 2.4GHz

LOL from what I have heard normal usage will give you about 12 minutes.....:D

SubCore 2009-12-09 12:31

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?

Originally Posted by msa (Post 417916)
i am confused.

i just looked up what exactly "hosed" means. the online-dictionary didnt know "hosed", so i checked "hose":

the first translation it showed me was "abspritzen".
you know what abspritzen means?
to jerk off, a cumshot etc.

then i lold.

"geschlaucht" would be a proper translation, although still a bit too weak maybe.

Duffer 2009-12-09 12:43

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?
I guess if it wont boot and you can't access flash mode (boot whilst holding 'u') that's pretty bricked?

floffe 2009-12-09 12:53

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?
Nokia warned devs not to run the N900 continually at 600MHz, that'll overheat it, so code definitely might damage hardware. It should hopefully shut down before the heat causes permanent damage, though.

Nexus123 2010-03-20 10:32

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?
I recently got an N900 and it is cannot be revived and only worked for 12 or so hours.

Been through all the very good and detailed advice on this site, downloaded the Flasher software and understand the approach to reinstalling the firmware but I simply cannot get the PC by holding the 'u' to see the device so I cannot attempt 're-flash' the firmware.

I prefer to view it as an expensive paperweight.

The technical support people I spoke to say that they are seeing over 5% of N900's being returned with this issue.

Typical of Nokia - the hardware always runs ahead and the software catches up.

gwj 2010-03-20 10:53

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?
I think the only way to "brick" the device is to overwrite the config partition (mtd1). The IMEI and WLAN MAC are stored there and probably cryptographically signed.

If the 'u' key does not work, I think there is one more way to recover the device - cold flash. You have to start flasher with the cold flash option, then remove battery from n900, connect it to the usb port and insert the battery. The OMAP processor contains the built-in ROM which is able to download code via USB. You cannot download any code, it has to be signed. I have not tried to cold flash yet, however I have been able to download the original bootloader using my own USB loader, so I think that cold flashing via USB should work, and some people here have reported a success.

Pressure 2010-06-25 10:18

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?
Probably because the N900 is a brick when it's completely useless lol

Joorin 2010-06-25 10:35

Re: How is 'bricked' possible on the N900?

Originally Posted by NotTheMessiah (Post 418346)
Imagine that, an over clocked N900.

Eh? There is a lot of over clocking activity on this forum. People are running their N900s at 900MHz+ and fiddle with core voltage too.

Some even report better battery time...

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