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OrangeBox 2009-12-09 01:11

How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
I bought mine unlocked but still in a 3 year contract with Rogers (Canada). The N900 most likely will never come to Canada via carrier subsidized route. It took the N95 2 years to get here.

msa 2009-12-09 01:14

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
i ordered mine unlocked and without a contract for 501 euro.

Botev1912 2009-12-09 01:27

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
i got it unlocked

Hooryder 2009-12-09 01:28

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
got mine from amazon...unlocked here in the US

christexaport 2009-12-09 01:32

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
I don't think anyone offers it LOCKED, but may lock you in via contract.

backwoods 2009-12-09 01:38

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
unlocked usa att 2.5 g

Andre Klapper 2009-12-09 07:16

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
Errm... Can I please also answer "unlocked" (whatever "locked" means here, please explain) AND having a plan?

Tawyn 2009-12-09 10:56

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
Unlocked. I'm going to add a "data plan" to my phone account though.

tissot 2009-12-09 11:30

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
unlocked, but of course with a data plan.

awesome 2009-12-09 11:40

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
ummm... Ordered on expansys. Unlocked and without a plan. Paid with cash about three weeks ago.
Probably i'll get another phone on a contract and sell it.

Laughing Man 2009-12-09 11:42

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
Unlocked from Amazon but on a plan.

eiffel 2009-12-09 12:29

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
Unlocked without a plan. Using Virgin Mobile PAYG data for 30p/day or £5/month.

Nitchers 2009-12-09 12:33

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
Unlocked with a £10 a month sim on Tmobile (300 mins + unlimited text and web) 30 day notice contract.

Pedrolot 2009-12-09 12:34

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
Bought mine Unlocked from Nokia UK.

choubbi 2009-12-09 12:34

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
ordered it last night with a plan.
(France - Phonehouse - Universal Mobile 1h30 voice + unlimited SMS and Internet. I just had a voice plan before that)
429€, with a 24.90€/month plan

christexaport 2009-12-10 13:40

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
whoever can find a network locked or branded N900 wins a prize...

biggzi 2009-12-10 13:59

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
Got mine on contract.

Vodafone 600mins Unlimited text & unlimited net - £40 per month

Handset was free and came with 3 months free insurance.

ldrn 2009-12-10 15:11

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
Unlocked from Dell. For a sim card, I had lying around in an unopened Tmobile (also Nokia ;) pay-as-you-go phone I bought for free when I saw it on a deal site about a year and a half ago. When I called in I heard they had a Christmas deal going on where I got another 25 dollars on account free, which nixed my thoughts of seeing if they could convert it into a contract...

Instead, I told their site I had a sidekick -- at the subtle hinting of the Tmobile rep that I could -- and it works great for all data except web browsing for $1 a day that I use it. I might set up a proxy or openVPN something so I can do browsing, too. :) It's not a great monthly price, but it's okay.

Fargus 2009-12-10 15:18

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?

Originally Posted by Andre Klapper (Post 418223)
Errm... Can I please also answer "unlocked" (whatever "locked" means here, please explain) AND having a plan?

The term 'locking' refers to a practice whereby the operator providing a phone sets the firmware to reject anything other than a sim from the same operator. Often this restirction can be removed by entering a special code into the handset termed 'unlocking'. The idea is for an operator to provide a subsidised handset in return for the end user being bound to their network for a given period (typically 12/18 or 24 months).

Aladan 2009-12-10 15:19

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
N900 with contract, all flatrates - 89,00 € per month

raullugo 2009-12-11 00:41

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
Bought it unlocked form the Flagship Store in NYC. I use it on Rogers, Canada.

nilchak 2009-12-11 00:51

Re: How many people have the N900 on a plan vs. unlocked?
Unlocked device - and no-contract plan with T-Mobile.

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