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fms 2009-12-09 06:00

Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Hello, All!

With the help from Clive Crous, I have ported Vulture's Eye to Maemo5. The binary package is now available from Extras-Testing. It is optified too, so do not be afraid to install it. The source package is coming if/when it makes through the autobuilder.

Vulture's Eye is a version of Nethack with Diablo-like 3D user interface. It is pretty neat and works well on N900 (although some intro screens do not quite fit). Here is a few screenshots, taken on the PC:

PS: And do not forget to vote, or it never goes to Extras!

sadfist 2009-12-09 06:11

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Installed, will check it out on my commute tomorrow!

go1dfish 2009-12-09 06:14

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Awesome already saw/installed it before seeing this post. Only problem i've had so far is that I seem unable to kick/bash locked doors?

fms 2009-12-09 06:25

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 418170)
Awesome already saw/installed it before seeing this post. Only problem i've had so far is that I seem unable to kick/bash locked doors?

Continue clicking on them. In fact, the game works just like the desktop version, so refer to that.

Viny 2009-12-09 06:26

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
how exactly do we vote?

Ghule 2009-12-09 06:37

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
I can't even find this in Extras Testing. Doh.

ArnimS 2009-12-09 06:39

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by Viny (Post 418180)
how exactly do we vote?

Andre Klapper 2009-12-09 06:51

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by fms (Post 418157)
With the help from Clive Crous, I have ported Vulture's Eye to Maemo5. The binary package is now available from Extras-Testing. It is optified too, so do not be afraid to install it.

Argh. NEVER send people to -devel or -testing without a CLEAR warning please. "Do not be afraid to install it" is exactly the wrong advice.
Also see and

fms 2009-12-09 10:34

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by Andre Klapper (Post 418204)
Argh. NEVER send people to -devel or -testing without a CLEAR warning please.

Ok. You make sure the Extras promotion threshold is lowered to 5 votes, as has been agreed in an IRC meeting about one month ago (jeremiah knows about this). And I make sure I warn people about Extras-Testing every time it is mentioned. Deal?

qwerty12 2009-12-09 10:40

Re: Vulture\'s Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by fms (Post 418157)
The source package is coming if/when it makes through the autobuilder.

Why upload the binary package to non-free, but the source to the autobuilder? You\'ll end up with it [\"it\" being the binary package, too] being in free, as well as non-free.

Instead, just upload the source package to non-free, too (done using dput; just upload the *_source.changes to non-free). This is what I did for Jagged Alliance 2:

fms 2009-12-09 11:13

Re: Vulture\'s Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 418508)
Why upload the binary package to non-free, but the source to the autobuilder? You\'ll end up with it [\"it\" being the binary package, too] being in free, as well as non-free.

'cause source package is not autobuildable yet (and it is 29MB). Javispedro is working on it though. Once the source autobuilds, you will simply see a slightly newer version of VE in -free.

sadfist 2009-12-10 17:34

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Got a few minutes to try this out, pretty cool. The white on light grey marble text is a little hard to read. Game hung when I hit cancel during character creation ( or I couldn't figure out how to restart the character creation. Saving didnt work for me either, resulted in hang.

Lazarpandar 2009-12-10 21:15

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Sorry if this is a newb question but it says I need libsdl-ttf2.0-0, where do i get that?

go1dfish 2009-12-10 23:25

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
After updating Vulture's Eye today, the app no longer runs.

Running from the cli I'm told /opt/vultures doesnt exist, not sure if it existed before.

Going to try a remove/re-add to see if that will fix things.

go1dfish 2009-12-10 23:38

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 421836)
After updating Vulture's Eye today, the app no longer runs.

Running from the cli I'm told /opt/vultures doesnt exist, not sure if it existed before.

Going to try a remove/re-add to see if that will fix things.

After a removal/re-add through the Application Manager Vulture's Eye runs once more, but I did lose my game save :( oh well I was still only lvl 1-2 anyway.

Addison 2009-12-11 03:25

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
It's threads like this that should display a big middle finger for us N8x0 users. :D

I'm not sure how long I can hold out upgrading to the newer tablet with a release such as this.

Nice to see Clive is still programming, that guy has some awesome talent going back several years.

Thanks fms!

fms 2009-12-11 06:11

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by sadfist (Post 421240)
Got a few minutes to try this out, pretty cool. The white on light grey marble text is a little hard to read. Game hung when I hit cancel during character creation ( or I couldn't figure out how to restart the character creation. Saving didnt work for me either, resulted in hang.

Thanks. I will check what is going on.

fms 2009-12-11 06:11

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 421850)
After a removal/re-add through the Application Manager Vulture's Eye runs once more, but I did lose my game save :( oh well I was still only lvl 1-2 anyway.

This is weird, but I am going to check what happens on updates.

fms 2009-12-11 06:12

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 422056)
It's threads like this that should display a big middle finger for us N8x0 users. :D

It should not be a problem to package VE for Maemo4. Just needs some more of my time.

FatalZero 2009-12-11 07:38

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Jollygood! I'm currently commuting to my work and was bored as usual. So I read about vultures eye. I'm downloading it right now. Will test it as soon as I possibly can. Diablo on a N900: It's madness. :)

go1dfish 2009-12-12 00:32

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
My monk just got killed by a Tiger at clvl 7 dlvl9

Much better than I usually do at nethack heh.

But yeah things seem to work quite well so far.

jcwilk 2009-12-12 09:20

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Can't find a way to explicitly kick, afaik this is required for defeating some monsters and chests, neither of which the clicking thing will work on.

It would be great if the directional keys weren't redundantly mapped to h, j, k, etc, so that they could be used for actions that otherwise need to reside in the # menu. The # menu is much better than needing to typing out "#kick" but the # button is very awkward to get to, and kick isn't in there anyways.

It still needs some tweaks to make it a streamlined interface, but it's a great start, didn't notice any bugs in the first few levels.

Rick O'Shea 2009-12-20 20:01

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
When might we expect to see this in Extras?

fms 2009-12-20 20:54

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by Rick O'Shea (Post 435629)
When might we expect to see this in Extras?

As soon as I catch the guy responsible for promotion interface and talk him into fixing the above interface. I promoted three packages to Extras since Thursday (VE, Speccy, and the new MG), but none of them actually made it into Extras. Things are badly broken at nowadays, and there seems to be nobody to fix them.

Rick O'Shea 2009-12-20 20:56

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by fms (Post 435687)
As soon as I catch the guy responsible for promotion interface and talk him into fixing the above interface. I promoted three packages to Extras since Thursday (VE, Speccy, and the new MG), but none of them actually made it into Extras. Things are badly broken at nowadays, and there seems to be nobody to fix them.

Aww, that really sucks. But you feel confident it works all right and won't clog up my root if I pick it up from Testing?

fms 2009-12-21 06:41

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by Rick O'Shea (Post 435688)
Aww, that really sucks. But you feel confident it works all right and won't clog up my root if I pick it up from Testing?

Stuff in -Testing is generally ok to install, although some of it may lack features or have a few bugs. I would suggest against -Devel unless you know what you are doing.

row 2009-12-21 07:23

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Hasn't this been on Extras already a few days? At least I installed it from there a couple of days ago.

REMFwhoopitydo 2009-12-21 11:19

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
agreed, i am confused.............

djamps 2009-12-23 12:47

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
I noticed that saving game causes Vulture's Eye to crash if using N900 media player same time. Luckily, save game is written so rebooting phone helps.

Also, is there any way to use pray command (M+p); in PC M -key means ALT but i can't find out what button it is binded on N900.

fms 2009-12-23 17:51

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by djamps (Post 438972)
I noticed that saving game causes Vulture's Eye to crash if using N900 media player same time. Luckily, save game is written so rebooting phone helps.

It seems to have something to do with the PulseAudio problem that affects a lot of other SDL applications. Should really be fixed by Maemo folks.


Also, is there any way to use pray command (M+p); in PC M -key means ALT but i can't find out what button it is binded on N900.
There should be some other (more difficult) way to access the command, possibly through #.

stobbsc 2010-02-01 12:44

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Hi All,
this game is great :-)

however I never actually ever played it on PC so I'm not 100% fimilar with the controls and short cuts etc.

I've looked on the net but haven't found any good sources of info on the game, maybe I'll looking incorrectly, but could someone please point me in the right direction. I can see myself really getting into this game :-)

slender 2010-02-01 12:54

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Is there version without 3d graphics? Like this:

rincic83 2010-02-01 12:55

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
I just tried to played it yesterday, and some shop guy killed me :D :D

rincic83 2010-02-01 12:56

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by slender (Post 505041)
Is there version without 3d graphics? Like this:

3d graphics ? What you talking about :D Its is 2d graphics, and they guy just stay in place without movement, and you move your screen actually... But it looks better then your example

slender 2010-02-01 13:04

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Oh yeah. But you probably understood what I meant if Nethack is familiar.

And i HATE these fancy graphics :|
Actually i would also prefer the orginal graphics:

Before i was referring this kind of graphics:

JonFowler 2010-02-01 13:22

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
I agree I much prefer the text interface. I would be happiest running text nethack in a terminal.
Not that the graphics aren't great, but an ascii dsplay option would be nice.


fms 2010-02-01 14:16

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by JonFowler (Post 505068)
I agree I much prefer the text interface. I would be happiest running text nethack in a terminal. Not that the graphics aren't great, but an ascii dsplay option would be nice.

At the moment, I have no intent to compile the console based version of Nethack. But you can obviously compile it yourself: should not be very difficult.

ArnimS 2010-02-01 16:51

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
If you had built nethack-curses, there would be 10 posts asking for Vultures' Eye

EDIT: Nethack-Curses has been built and will be in repos 'soon' :)

asilis 2010-02-01 19:44

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing
Has anyone experienced an issue with Vulture's Eye after latest update (2.2.100-1maemo5)? it was working great with previous release, the only issue was saving with working media player, but after the update I cannot even open anymore. it starts to load and then after approx. 10 seconds quits even without showing first screen.

update became available only yesterday and I was not able to load it after.

Any ideas how this could be tracked or debugged?

fms 2010-02-01 20:24

Re: Vulture's Eye for N900 is now in Extras-Testing

Originally Posted by asilis (Post 505649)
Has anyone experienced an issue with Vulture's Eye after latest update (2.2.100-1maemo5)? it was working great with previous release, the only issue was saving with working media player, but after the update I cannot even open anymore. it starts to load and then after approx. 10 seconds quits even without showing first screen.

This version requires you to explicitly uninstall the previous version before installation. Further updates will not require this.

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