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schlinkey 2009-12-11 18:39

GPRS / EDGE / 2G data connections dropping during, or blocking, voice calls
Got a weird bug. When I make a phone call while using edge (2,5g), the connection is lost. This does not happen when I'm using 3g. Anyone else notice this?

Ghule 2009-12-11 18:42

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
I noticed that my edge turns itself off when I go to make a call. I am with AT&T so all I have is edge.

hitec 2009-12-11 18:42

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
I think that is normal for edge. 3g works on a different set of frequencies than voice. I am new to GSM myself but in the CDMA world you can not do data and voice at the same time.

neowolf 2009-12-11 18:45

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
That's behavior as normal for edge, and one of the features of 3G. If anything I've noticed that my N900 is more verbose about it's network status than any phone I've had before.

go1dfish 2009-12-11 18:48

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
Yes this is quite normal, Edge operates over the same frequencies as GSM voice so you can't do both at once.

A wifi or 3g connection will persist though (I called my mom while downloading my debian chroot image for instance)

schlinkey 2009-12-11 18:50

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
Ahaa. never noticed it on other phones before. But as you say, the n900 announces it.


sljonson 2009-12-11 19:35

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
Yeah. It's standard behaviour on GSM/EDGE situations. GSM 3G allows both data and voice at the same time. Verison and Sprint have the same problem even on their 3G networks. No voice and data at the same time.

wierdo 2009-12-11 19:41

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
Some networks/phones are capable of doing simultaneous voice and data on EDGE, but it's not supported by many networks or many phones. (It requires the network to carefully schedule the voice and data timeslots for the particular phone on the same radio channel)

I don't know if the N900 has support for it or not. Not that any US networks support it anyway (for those of us in the US).

tso 2009-12-11 19:41

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
with edge (basically a upped bandwidth version of gprs, itself a packet variation on gsm) you also risk that if your doing a extended data transfer, and someone tries to call, they cant reach you.

that, or the transfer will, if possible, suspend, and the call get through, or in the worst case the transfer will fail and need restarting...

tso 2009-12-11 19:50

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call

Originally Posted by wierdo (Post 423444)
Some networks/phones are capable of doing simultaneous voice and data on EDGE, but it's not supported by many networks or many phones. (It requires the network to carefully schedule the voice and data timeslots for the particular phone on the same radio channel)

I don't know if the N900 has support for it or not. Not that any US networks support it anyway (for those of us in the US).

sounds to me like such a setup would take up the equivalent of two calls in the cell one is connected to at the moment, not surprising if not many operators make said feature available, if it exists (first i have heard of it).

wierdo 2009-12-11 20:09

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call

Originally Posted by tso (Post 423455)
sounds to me like such a setup would take up the equivalent of two calls in the cell one is connected to at the moment, not surprising if not many operators make said feature available, if it exists (first i have heard of it).

Well, it actually takes up far more than one call, as do most EDGE data transfers. It's not unusual for a carrier to limit any particular device to 4 download timeslots and 1 upload, even when they are capable of more.

So really, when compared to a normal transfer, the extra timeslot taken up by the voice call isn't much.

Personally, I'd be happy with 3+1 and voice. (that would limit you to about 170Kbps downstream in ideal conditions, or 100 more realistically)

The feature is called dual transfer mode, btw.

Edited to add: And having just looked it up, N900 supports it.

tso 2009-12-11 20:12

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
well thats interesting, makes one wonder why they went with UMTS in the first place ;)
(except for maybe the lower latency that is)

nashith 2009-12-11 20:13

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
The N900 is a Class A, Multislot Class 32 device. So it can support simultaneous voice and data. I think the problem with you is the operator. We have two operators, one supports simultaneous voice and data, other doesn't. So the problem is not EDGE or N900, it's most likely the operator.

rewt 2009-12-11 20:55

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
According to the specs provided by Nokia, the N900 is a class A EDGE/GPRS device. Forum Nokia lists that it also supports DTM Class 11. I suspect it is not truly class A, as that would require two GSM radios, but rather only class A DTM. If that is the case, the operator's equipment must support DTM to maintain a data session concurrent with voice.

Botev1912 2009-12-11 21:01

Re: Edge connection dies when making a call
it's normal. When i used n95 the same thing happened

johanjpk 2009-12-22 12:35

N900 calls not being answered because of GPRS connections

I experience that the N900 is not reachable because of an active GPRS connection. I prefer having phonecalls over data, how does this work? And can I change this preference?

Best regards,


NuMetal 2009-12-22 12:50

Re: N900 calls not being answered because of GPRS connections
I've no problems receiving calls with an active GRPS Connection.

floffe 2009-12-22 12:55

Re: N900 calls not being answered because of GPRS connections
I'm not sure that is fixable on 2G (including EDGE)

pycage 2009-12-22 13:12

Re: N900 calls not being answered because of GPRS connections
AFAIK dropping GPRS connections automatically for incoming calls on 2G (3G can handle both simultaneously) is the carrier's responsibility.

My N900 always drops GPRS/EDGE connections when a call comes in (T-Mobile D), so this can't be related to the phone software.

tso 2009-12-22 13:13

Re: N900 calls not being answered because of GPRS connections

sjgadsby 2009-12-22 13:34

Re: Issues, questions regarding GPRS / EDGE connections and voice calls
Threads merged.

johanjpk 2009-12-22 16:04

Re: N900 calls not being answered because of GPRS connections

Originally Posted by NuMetal (Post 437446)
I've no problems receiving calls with an active GRPS Connection.


I've tested it this way.

Create an IM account and set this account online and than place a call from an other phone to the N900. Connection will not be disconnected.

Set the IM client offline. Disable automatic email checking an other applications that can generate trafic. Then place a call from an other phone to the N900. The connection will be disconnected.

I don't think this is network dependend, maybe some of you could try.

It is only with 2G not with 3G or 3.5G.

I'm connected trough Vodafone (NL). I just called the Vodafone professional helpdesk and they told me it is phone dependant.



Alex Atkin UK 2009-12-23 00:27

Re: GPRS / EDGE connections dropping during, or blocking, voice calls
I can confirm on O2 - UK connected to 2G with IM online I got voicemail instead of the phone ringing as expected.

So far I have been lucky to mostly be connected to 3G when out of the house and always connected to WiFi at home. However I have at least one friend whose house drops me to 2G so it will be a real problem as I will have to consider staying offline there unless this is fixed. I need to be contactable at all times as my mum is disabled.

benipres 2009-12-24 16:17

Re: CAN'T have SIP and mobile at the same time
I have a problem that when I am browsing the internet no one can call me on my phone number. Only when i close the internet i start receiving the calls. Can someone help me by giving me a hint?

floffe 2009-12-24 19:42

Re: CAN'T have SIP and mobile at the same time

Originally Posted by benipres (Post 440432)
I have a problem that when I am browsing the internet no one can call me on my phone number. Only when i close the internet i start receiving the calls. Can someone help me?

Sounds like you're on a 2G network (GPRS or EDGE) and they don't disconnect your data connection for incoming calls (2G can only handle one of those at a time). Contact your network operator.

sjgadsby 2009-12-24 20:01

Re: GPRS / EDGE connections dropping during, or blocking, voice calls
Posts moved into thread.

johanjpk 2009-12-28 10:25

Re: CAN'T have SIP and mobile at the same time

Originally Posted by floffe (Post 440699)
Sounds like you're on a 2G network (GPRS or EDGE) and they don't disconnect your data connection for incoming calls (2G can only handle one of those at a time). Contact your network operator.

I'm pretty confident that the problem is in the phone and not the network. I'll try today with an G1 on the Vodafone network so I can confirm this.



johanjpk 2009-12-28 10:41

Re: CAN'T have SIP and mobile at the same time

Originally Posted by johanjpk (Post 443699)
I'm pretty confident that the problem is in the phone and not the network. I'll try today with an G1 on the Vodafone network so I can confirm this.



I've tried this:
G1 on Vodafone: same problem
E71 on T-mobile: works like it should
P1i on Vodafone: same problem

So I think now that it is a network issue.



johanjpk 2009-12-28 16:05

Re: GPRS / EDGE connections dropping during, or blocking, voice calls
I've issued a ticket at Vodafone. I'll let you know about the results.



jorjino 2010-01-01 10:58

Receiving a call during Internet access?
Hello guys and Happy New Year!

I wish all of you good health and success!

When I am using my new N900 I found a specific issue:

When I am traveling I am using from time to time N900 as a modem.
When I start using the Internet and someone is calling me in the same moment the Internet access stops and I can only make or reject the call. After the making/rejecting the call it tooks a little more time to connect again the Internet.

In my previous mobile - E90 I can make calls and surfing in Internet simultaneously.

What do you thing - it will be possible to fix my issue within some of the nexts software updates?

Thank you in advance.

biggzy 2010-01-01 11:00

Re: Receiving a call during Internet access?
If your only on a 2G net connection then this is normal for nokias, but if your on a 3/3.5G connection then you should be able to do both at the same time.

jorjino 2010-01-01 11:04

Re: Receiving a call during Internet access?
Hello biggzy!
Thanks for quick reply!
I am using preferably 2G and with E90 I do not have problems at all.


onutz 2010-01-01 13:46

Re: Receiving a call during Internet access?
it's because browser cache, not because of data protocols

sjgadsby 2010-01-01 14:39

Re: GPRS / EDGE connections dropping during, or blocking, voice calls
Threads merged.

tso 2010-01-01 16:42

Re: Receiving a call during Internet access?

Originally Posted by jorjino (Post 448741)
Hello biggzy!
Thanks for quick reply!
I am using preferably 2G and with E90 I do not have problems at all.


same network/operator? either the E90 has two gsm radios, or the network you used your E90 on allows DMT while the one your N900 is on do not.

i sure wish there was a way for the phone to notify the user about this, so one could point to a message or something, rather then a lot of guesswork...

jorjino 2010-01-01 18:11

Re: GPRS / EDGE connections dropping during, or blocking, voice calls
The network operator is same - Mtel in Bulgaria.

When I used to use E90 all my colleagues using Nokias, but no E-series suffered from same problem- even one of them (I think it was Nokia 6600) when you are surfing and call cames the mobile stops his Network Connection ( via PC Suite).
So I think it is was software issue in the past.

For me it can be solved with update, because N900 has very powerfull hardware.
I was told that E90 can make both calls and Internet access because it has a dual core prosessor.


TA-t3 2010-01-01 20:16

Re: GPRS / EDGE connections dropping during, or blocking, voice calls
Dual core shouldn't matter. It's GPRS itself that limits transmission to either data or phone, not both at the same time. No CPU can fix that, only dual-GSM (two radios) can, as tso said.
EDIT: Update: Not entirely true, see link in tso's post below.

Exactly how the phone behaves (i.e. automatically stall the network connection and accept the call, or reject the call, or whatever, would be a software issue. Maybe the different behaviour you see is down to that.)

tso 2010-01-01 20:48

Re: GPRS / EDGE connections dropping during, or blocking, voice calls

Originally Posted by TA-t3 (Post 449157)
Dual core shouldn't matter. It's GPRS itself that limits transmission to either data or phone, not both at the same time. No CPU can fix that, only dual-GSM (two radios) can, as tso said.

except, as i myself was corrected on earlier in the thread, DTM (i incorrectly called it DMT earlier).

note that this requires the support of the mobile network, as it needs to coordinate that end so that one get an acceptable mix of data and voice traffic.

TA-t3 2010-01-01 20:52

Re: GPRS / EDGE connections dropping during, or blocking, voice calls
Thanks for the link, very useful. I wasn't aware of that feature.

tso 2010-01-01 20:54

Re: GPRS / EDGE connections dropping during, or blocking, voice calls
nor was i when it was first mentioned. altho i am not surprised at it seems to be fairly recent (2007) feature, and one that seems to be poorly marketed compared to HSPA support (funny that, as GSM/GPRS seems to be highly adaptable to new usage scenarios).

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