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Laughingstok 2009-12-11 18:56

What's your N900 uptime?
Just curious how long your N900 has been running since it's last reboot.

Currently mine is up 5 days, 19:06 hours.

Performance is still solid. Ran bounce earlier and it ran great.

hypnotik 2009-12-11 18:58

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
I reboot it after I install an app to free up rootfs space. Longest uptime was 2 days at one point I think.

RevdKathy 2009-12-11 18:58

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
I rebooted a couple of days ago, while I was inserting a sd card to create a back-up. I think I've had two reboots (both deliberate) in 16 days. not sure what's the longest yet. But he doesn't need much rebooting. :)

qwerty12 2009-12-11 19:03

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
19:02:53 up 11:33, load average: 1.01, 0.92, 1.20

Need to bring uptimed over. :)

christexaport 2009-12-11 19:15

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
has only been off once when it needed a reflash. been up at least 3 days.

I had an N95 8gb that stayed on for almost 5 months without a reboot, accidental or intended, except for firmware upgrades. Most stable smartphone I ever owned

DannStarr 2009-12-11 19:20

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
ok people, dont hoot mebut how exactly do i find out?,

DannStarr 2009-12-11 19:21

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
sorry, 1 beer too many!

how do i find out my up time?

qwerty12 2009-12-11 19:22

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Originally Posted by DannStarr (Post 423403)
sorry, 1 beer too many!

how do i find out my up time?

You want the aptly-named "uptime" command, accessible from X Terminal.

sljonson 2009-12-11 19:31

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
And in case someone want to know what the output to 'uptime' means. The fields are as follows.

1) Current time
2) The current uptime (i.e. time since last reboot)
3) Load Averages for the last 1 min, 5 min, and 15 min

And Load Average is a measure of how busy a system is. Technically it's the the number of processes that are on the run queue. That is processes that are ready to actually do some work.

DannStarr 2009-12-11 19:40

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 423408)
You want the aptly-named "uptime" command, accessible from X Terminal.

thanks, i knew it would be simple!

mine doesnt seem to copy and paste in x term, but my up is 15:02 and load ave: 1.24, 1.06, 0.96

battery still 3/4 full

msa 2009-12-11 19:42

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
bright new age we have, huh...?

my samsung u700 had an uptime of nearly 2 years.

nashith 2009-12-11 20:20

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
@msa, really? is that a phone or a server? do you even use it? never forgot to not charge it even once? dang, I wish I was that careful with my phones. Hell its impossible to even keep servers running for 2 years straight be it power fail, software update or hardware failure.

f4b3r 2009-12-11 20:33

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
Copying is done with a double tap where you want the copy to begin, then as you move you will see the marked area change, and after you have marked the area, select Edit from the menu and copy it.

my uptime 4 days 10:10

Laughingstok 2009-12-11 20:43

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Originally Posted by nashith (Post 423511)
@msa, really? is that a phone or a server? do you even use it? never forgot to not charge it even once? dang, I wish I was that careful with my phones. Hell its impossible to even keep servers running for 2 years straight be it power fail, software update or hardware failure.

Try not to step in the bullshhhh.. :D

arono 2009-12-11 20:43

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
1 day and 2:19

no reboots or crashes

eMHa 2009-12-11 20:53

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

user@Nokia-N900-42-11:~$ uptime
 21:48:48 up 22 min, load average: 0.08, 0.12, 0.26

Hm, first unexpected reboot. While downloading the maps directly to my N900 it became very unresponsive und it seems my wifi got stuck. I tried to change apps und pressed power button to get the menu. After it didn't show anything i lied it down und began to download the maps to my laptop and whoops the N900 rebooted.
My longest uptime i think was about 2 days and a few hours. But, well, installing software, debootstrap debian, reflashing and so on needs some reboots to be sure.

Dancairo 2009-12-11 20:56

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 423366)
But he doesn't need much rebooting. :)

er...i think you'll find 'he' is a she :p

msa 2009-12-11 21:10

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Originally Posted by nashith (Post 423511)
@msa, really? is that a phone or a server? do you even use it? never forgot to not charge it even once? dang, I wish I was that careful with my phones. Hell its impossible to even keep servers running for 2 years straight be it power fail, software update or hardware failure.

use google :P
u700 is a phone.

decantur 2009-12-12 01:15

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Renesis 2009-12-12 10:41

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Originally Posted by DannStarr (Post 423441)
...mine doesnt seem to copy and paste in x term...

Use the arrow toggle in the lower left hand corner to switch to selection mode (like in the browser). Once you've selected what you want to copy go to the top and click on the Xterminal dropdown menu. You will find copy, paste, and a couple other options there.

You cannot use Ctrl+C because that is used to send an interrupt command.

MaemoUser 2009-12-12 13:25

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
Mine was up for 5 days ... Then I wanted to take a photo and pressed the power button instead of the camera button ;) Uptime gone ;)

Devil 2009-12-12 13:43

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
1 Attachment(s)
I dont know... hmm :rolleyes:

let's see.. WWPHUB?

shadowjk 2009-12-13 20:14

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
22:14:11 up 12 days, 6:38, load average: 0.08, 0.08, 0.06

Rebooted it once to change SIM cards.

AngelInBlue 2009-12-14 04:59

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
In 4 days of use, I've had to turn the device off and then on two times. The device responds slowly and behaves like it is in slow-motion. Eventually, the device becomes totally unresponsive. Turning the device off and then on again solves the problem when it happens.

jn183 2009-12-14 05:35

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
Reading those uptimes, make me sad. :(

30min uptimes and 2 flashs....:(

I have one of those unlucky one. I got from and they are out of stock. WIth X-mas coming, I doubt I will get a replacement back in time for Nokia $50 rebate. Sigh... no sure what to do... pray that the update with fix the issue .. *sigh*

eMHa 2009-12-22 15:13

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Nokia-N900-42-11:~# uptime
 16:12:13 up 8 days,  8:30, load average: 0.01, 0.12, 0.21

But i wanna reboot now ;-) just to be sure :-D

It's all fine, but if i tested software out of extras-devel or extras-testing i reboot for safety.

JayMontano 2009-12-22 15:35

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
Latest - N900 - 5 hours - the battery died just before it hit the charger.

My N97's uptime is 2 weeks. But this is because if I turn it off it is a pain to get it to switch on.

x61 2009-12-22 16:04

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 423390)
has only been off once when it needed a reflash. been up at least 3 days.

I had an N95 8gb that stayed on for almost 5 months without a reboot, accidental or intended, except for firmware upgrades. Most stable smartphone I ever owned

I agree with you. I still have mine sitting around "just in case".

lorelei 2009-12-22 16:41

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Originally Posted by nashith (Post 423511)
Hell its impossible to even keep servers running for 2 years straight be it power fail, software update or hardware failure.

a few of my servers/switches would like to have a chat with you about uptimes > 2 years :) (and for the security-concerned: all of these machines are into a private subnet, unreachable from the general internet...)


Nokia-N900-42-11:~# uptime
 17:37:21 up 10 days, 32 min, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.01

shady 2009-12-25 23:41

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
can some of you with low loads on the battery please let us know how your loads are in the single digits? cuz:

18:40:32 up 5:26, load average: 0.69, 1.48, 3.23

so i dunno how to get mine that low are your radios off i mean could it be the sim but man id like to find out thanks!

yorg 2009-12-26 00:07

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
00:05:02 up 12:35, load average: 0.02, 0.61, 0.98

battery is at one red line at the mo but used it heavily today

never had an unintended reboot but with a phone that new and testing apps, it is a good idea to restart now and then to cleat mem leaks etc

sinetype 2009-12-26 00:39

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
3 days, 8:39

I own it since monday and once i shutted it down myself. It was an

stable as a rock. No reboot. But i'm no pro, i use it for web, multimedia and phone. I don't "explore" his capacities... i just now that typing "top" and "uptime" in the terminal will do stuffs (ok,ok...i need to learn more)

Since i have it, the only negative point is the video camera's bad as hell... hope it's going to be rectified in the new firmware. have big plans for the camera feature.

myk 2009-12-26 00:55

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Originally Posted by shady (Post 441766)
can some of you with low loads on the battery please let us know how your loads are in the single digits? cuz:

18:40:32 up 5:26, load average: 0.69, 1.48, 3.23

Stop running "folding at home"?
A load average of '3' means there were an average of 3 processes trying to use the CPU at once. Not good on a mobile device.
Even 0.69 means the CPU is loaded most of the time. e.g. playing a video with cpu-intensive codec.
Use 'top' to see who the culprit is.

shady 2009-12-26 02:41

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
thanks myk, i love this community.

but im not running any folding programs, it seems to be the xorg logging something when i dont have any applications open still the load is .6+ after a reboot, so im still not certain, id like to be able to get this down to .1 or less with no applications open, still seems really high. and getting a few hrs obv isnt acceptable. but i have faith that it can be done seeing how most of you on here have great loads even when polling with uptime, so well see.

thanks again,

TA-t3 2009-12-28 13:56

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
Hm. I'm on GSM, with wi-fi on, gtalk contacts active, skype logged in, and still I have load average 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
I have never seen such numbers on my desktop.

jn183 2009-12-30 13:10

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
I just got my replacement yesterday from Newegg. It has not reboot on me since I turn it on. 12+ hours. I guess, I am lucky and got a good N900.

But then I'm avoiding installing OMweather. I had too many problems with it the last time.(Constantly changing my location) It might have been one of the reason the phone reboot. Foreca give me what I need. So no big deal.

BTW, version is 1.2009.42-11.002.

NUTNDUN 2009-12-30 21:47

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Originally Posted by jn183 (Post 446586)
I just got my replacement yesterday from Newegg. It has not reboot on me since I turn it on. 12+ hours. I guess, I am lucky and got a good N900.

But then I'm avoiding installing OMweather. I had too many problems with it the last time.(Constantly changing my location) It might have been one of the reason the phone reboot. Foreca give me what I need. So no big deal.

BTW, version is 1.2009.42-11.002.

I am hoping I will be getting a good one too since mine is coming from newegg tomorrow, I have my fingers crossed LOL.

stlpaul 2009-12-30 21:54

Re: What's your N900 uptime?

Nokia-N900-42-11:~# uptime
 15:52:03 up 16:13, load average: 0.08, 0.05, 0.10

I have to reboot when my wifi dies...

manojkumaru 2010-12-31 06:59

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
Hi,Here is my htop summary,

Tasks:161 total,1 running
Load Average:14.59 8.9 7.6
uptime: 23:22:xx

And my n900 slows down to the extreme that i cant even see the desktop for 10 to 15 seconds after opening the slide. And no applications can be run at this speed.

I reboot at this kinda situations and all is well then,till the next 23rd or 24th hour..

PhilE 2010-12-31 12:09

Re: What's your N900 uptime?
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 16648

Can't remember why I had to reboot last time, but it may have been some messing about with memory cards I was doing.

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