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intofx 2009-12-12 06:56

[Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
is there an app to turn on and use the camera led as a flashlight? can this be done or does the camera software override the led control?

rmoravcik 2009-12-12 07:23

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by intofx (Post 424099)
is there an app to turn on and use the camera led as a flashlight? can this be done or does the camera software override the led control?

I'm working on it. My N900 arrived yesterday, so I can finally test what I wrote on the real device :D

I think, I will upload very first version to extras-devel soon.

intofx 2009-12-12 08:01

Re: led flashlight
Sweet. Whats it going to be called?

Renesis 2009-12-12 16:12

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by rmoravcik (Post 424116)
I'm working on it. My N900 arrived yesterday, so I can finally test what I wrote on the real device :D

I think, I will upload very first version to extras-devel soon.

I hope it's a widget, a switch similar to the FM transmitter switch would be ideal!

intofx 2009-12-12 17:49

Re: led flashlight
+1 for widget

rmoravcik 2009-12-12 22:40

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by Renesis (Post 424492)
I hope it's a widget, a switch similar to the FM transmitter switch would be ideal!

It will be status area widget.

go1dfish 2009-12-12 22:42

Re: led flashlight
Wont this kill the LEDs since they are optimized for high intensity flashes rather than long term illumination?

rmoravcik 2009-12-12 22:55

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 424919)
Wont this kill the LEDs since they are optimized for high intensity flashes rather than long term illumination?

LEDs driver can work in "torch" or "flash" modes, so I think it should be safe.

Arif 2009-12-12 23:48

Re: led flashlight
Great news :)

go1dfish 2009-12-13 00:03

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by rmoravcik (Post 424933)
LEDs driver can work in "torch" or "flash" modes, so I think it should be safe.

Awesome, but would still be good to get some official confirmation from Nokia on potential implications of this.

But I'd say the fact that it's exposed via the included driver is a good sign that it should be safe.

youth 2009-12-13 02:12

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by intofx (Post 424142)
Sweet. Whats it going to be called?

n-lite sounds goods.

mothmanex 2009-12-13 02:16

Re: led flashlight
Well, if it is like the one from the N95, then when using the app, the led will be shown red (like when you record a video).

johnny_knoe 2009-12-13 16:03

Re: led flashlight
I remember the same discussion a few years ago on symbian devices. Back then, it was possible on some SE phones to use the LEDs as a torch. Many people requested an torch-app for S60, but there was the rumor that long term illumination would kill the LEDs. Now, a few years later, there are at least two S60 applications to use the phones as a torch. And i don't know a single case where there were problems with the LEDs. So i think it's safe and i'm happy that a meamo N900 torch app is in development....


rmoravcik 2009-12-14 15:56

Re: led flashlight
1 Attachment(s)
First version of flashlight applet is now in extras-devel.

colnago 2009-12-14 16:05

Re: led flashlight
Kudos to you dev guys...I have much respect for your skills.

I just wish my 900 wasn't in a UPS truck on its way "back" to the vendor, for RMA'd "broken USB port".


twaelti 2009-12-15 11:35

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by rmoravcik (Post 427266)
First version of flashlight applet is now in extras-devel.

You beat me to it :D Due to congestion in auto-builder, I was only able to build a new release of moodlight this morning. You can now double tap it's flashlight icon to activate LED flashlight mode (thanks to input from Risko Gergely)

It's available in dangerous-take-care-norisk-nofun extras-devel.

Corwin 2009-12-15 11:49

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by rmoravcik (Post 427266)
First version of flashlight applet is now in extras-devel.

Thanks a lot for your efforts, works as designed so far.

I expierenced something weird, though:
After installing flashlight and rebooting, Bluetooth would not work anymore, it would say 'No such device'. After uninstalling it, everything was back to normal. Anybody else expierenced this?


R-R 2009-12-15 17:58

Re: led flashlight
I just tested it here:

Activated BT after a reboot (post-install) ...
activated flash light, closed it... closed BT.

Nothing out of the ordinary seems to be taking place.

johnny_knoe 2009-12-15 18:52

Re: led flashlight
Thank you so much! Works great!

maxximuscool 2009-12-15 18:56

Re: led flashlight
beautiful... app. But is this using LED or screen blank brightness only?

thp 2009-12-15 19:00

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 429359)
beautiful... app. But is this using LED or screen blank brightness only?

It's using the LEDs (and the applet only appears with the camera "opened", which is also nice, because it saves space in the system area when the camera is "closed").

Thanks for the app :)

maxximuscool 2009-12-15 19:05

Re: led flashlight
I'm sure going to need this app when my N900 arrive in NZ.

My baby is coming to me.

sugar0 2009-12-15 19:10

Re: led flashlight
works perfect. thank you developer

nymajoak 2009-12-15 22:00

Re: led flashlight
Seems to work as intended, thanks a lot!

I was wondering though, I suppose there is no way of blocking the camera app from starting when the cover is opened?

Would it otherwise make sense to start the application --> get banner that tells you to open camera cover --> open cover --> led's are lit?

Just thinking it would be sweet to not get the camera starting when you want the flaslight. :)

Laughingstok 2009-12-15 22:08

Re: led flashlight
Works perfect for me. Thanks!

twaelti 2009-12-15 22:09

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by nymajoak (Post 429631)
I was wondering though, I suppose there is no way of blocking the camera app from starting when the cover is opened?

Had the same thoughts when working on moodlight. I've asked on the maemo-developers list, but no response yet.

rmoravcik 2009-12-15 22:37

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by nymajoak (Post 429631)
I was wondering though, I suppose there is no way of blocking the camera app from starting when the cover is opened?

I found a brainstorm about this problem

nymajoak 2009-12-15 22:40

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by rmoravcik (Post 429681)
I found a brainstorm about this problem

Sweet. I voted. :)

bocaJ 2009-12-17 06:37

Re: led flashlight
Bug Report: After installing this app and using it for a little while, I am unable to launch the camera - I get an "operation failed" message. To duplicate:

Restart your phone
Launch the camera and take a couple pictures
close the camera
Turn on the flashlight
close the lens cover
open the cover - the camera app will crash and a banner reading "operation aborted" appears.

I'm not sure if these steps are exact, but basically, playing around with this and the camera crashes the camera. Rebooting brings the camera back for a while. Uninstalling and rebooting makes the camera work fine.

maxximuscool 2009-12-17 06:57

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by bocaJ (Post 431449)
Bug Report: After installing this app and using it for a little while, I am unable to launch the camera - I get an "operation failed" message. To duplicate:

Restart your phone
Launch the camera and take a couple pictures
close the camera
Turn on the flashlight
close the lens cover
open the cover - the camera app will crash and a banner reading "operation aborted" appears.

I'm not sure if these steps are exact, but basically, playing around with this and the camera crashes the camera. Rebooting brings the camera back for a while. Uninstalling and rebooting makes the camera work fine.

You need to close the Flashlight app first before you run the Camera app. Else it will conflict because something else is using the function. That is why it is crashed on your device.
Let me know if closed the app before hand work :D I would not have a clue I'm just guessing since I dont have my N900 yet. Still waiting everyday like i'm waiting for a miracle

rmoravcik 2009-12-17 08:40

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 431459)
You need to close the Flashlight app first before you run the Camera app. Else it will conflict because something else is using the function. That is why it is crashed on your device.
Let me know if closed the app before hand work :D I would not have a clue I'm just guessing since I dont have my N900 yet. Still waiting everyday like i'm waiting for a miracle

Closing camera cover should have the same effect as the turning off flashlight from menu. I will check the code. Thank you for report.

I hope I will be able to upload new version next week and also promote it to extras-testing. Right now I'm thinking about reading alarms from driver, such as overtemperature, undervoltage, .... to turn off flashlight in case of these faults.

intofx 2009-12-17 10:02

Re: led flashlight
fail-safes would be great. can you also make a widget option for the desktop?

Kurare 2009-12-17 10:37

Re: led flashlight
The flash LED driver should be a pretty smart lil' bug, not sure if it's connected all the way or just with FLASH, TORCH and TX_SENSE (or something very similar) lines connected. Most of LED drivers these days are I2C devices though, so you can almost make them stepdance for you or talk about their problems before going power emo. The LEDs are soldered on the little piece of quite thick (and hopefully very coppery) piece of board that holds the microSD reader too, so they should take at least the torch current even for extended periods of time... On most phones the flash LEDs are on a flimsy piece of flexible PWB that makes me wonder how many flashes will they take before becoming too faint (high temperatures cause LEDs to lose brightness quite rapidly, that's been the main problem with introducing them to normal lighting use).

Nice app, it's very useful here with five hours of non-darkness a day in the winter :D

paai 2009-12-17 11:22

Re: led flashlight
I installed it by downloading flashlight-applet_0.1-0_armel.deb and unpacked it with dpkg -i. Rebooted and opened the cameracover, but I cannot find it anywhere...


paai 2009-12-17 11:30

Re: led flashlight
stupid me... looked in the wrong places.


nymajoak 2009-12-17 22:27

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 429644)
Had the same thoughts when working on moodlight. I've asked on the maemo-developers list, but no response yet.

I suppose a real ugly hack would be to kill the process as soon as it starts running but that's not really a solution..

Pedrolot 2009-12-19 19:08

Re: led flashlight
Installed this earlier but i cant find it in the status menu?

wizbowes 2009-12-19 19:30

Re: led flashlight
I can't sem to find this in devl or testing. Am I missing something? I'm searching for 'flashlight' bt aso can't find it looking through the list manually.

wizbowes 2009-12-19 20:18

Re: led flashlight
although it was right there in devel. I'm an idiot.

Nice app.

JD2010 2009-12-22 01:46

Re: led flashlight
That' a very nice application, very praticle when need the most. Just worry about overheating led as someone tested long use of the flashlight like for over 20 minutes ???

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