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felbutss 2009-12-27 12:01

milkdrop - visuals for N900
could someone make milkdrop for the n900. that would be the best feature ever. what you guys think???????

Veix 2009-12-27 12:02

Re: milkdrop
i vote for it also, saw milkdrop on a 42" screen... marvelous :)

felbutss 2009-12-27 12:25

Re: milkdrop
the n900 could run it easy. how amazing with that be. never seen a phone with visuals like that.

felbutss 2009-12-30 04:29

Re: milkdrop
i find it ODD that no1 is interested in this???? lol

x61 2009-12-30 04:41

Re: milkdrop
What is it? Provide a link with screenshoots so somje of us know what you are refering to.

felbutss 2009-12-30 04:49

Re: milkdrop

It’s a visual plug in for winamp. Its the best visuals you can get for music.

also MilkDrop has been made open source.

install winamp and try it out. it will blow your mind. it comes with winamp now. just launch it from the visuals

lcuk 2009-12-30 04:52

Re: milkdrop
you guys will like liqflow on the n900
reminds me of some of the old winamp plugins but is touch friendly fluid dynamics :)

bbns 2009-12-30 05:16

Re: milkdrop
Wonder if liqflow can do BPM analysis now or DSP some sort? =]

felbutss 2009-12-30 05:24

Re: milkdrop
liqflow is cool have to admit that, play with it all the time lol but milkdrop is for music

aironeous 2009-12-30 05:26

Re: milkdrop
Oh yeah, I remember this from the last time I activated visuals on media monkey.
Now that you said it....Just did it again on MM.....**** yeah it's a trip on a couple shots of vodka after work to relax.
Hmmm yeah maybe it would be nice to include on default player, Yeah probably should be included.
I think it is a good idea, people can hook there N900 to tv out and activate visuals and have a nice music/psychedelic display to go with it.
Would be useful for parties.

felbutss 2009-12-30 05:29

Re: milkdrop
Exactly my point. how hard could it be to integrate??? Ive never seen a phone to pull off milkdrop. If someone did it I will give a never ending clap. Ill even donate

felbutss 2009-12-30 05:59

Re: milkdrop
i just asked my friends at work about this. this would be a seller for the phone lol a big one

in-effect 2010-02-19 20:19

Re: milkdrop
This would be absolutely killer for me. Milkdrop looks beautiful in HD from my XBMC-enabled original Xbox. Obviously the N900's TV-out wouldn't deliver that degree of clarity but would still look (and sound) great, especially with a pre-recorded mix or something at a party (so much cooler than lugging an xbox or laptop to someone's house).

felbutss 2010-03-08 01:46

Re: milkdrop
5 Attachment(s)
i guess noone is interested.

milkdrop is also open source for Linux

is it that hard to implement?????

lcuk 2010-03-08 02:02

Re: milkdrop
i am interested :)
those look awesome, not sure how well they will run on device though, there is more than one way to skin a cat though.

very worth looking at for something in progress, thanks for link.

felbutss 2010-03-08 02:06

Re: milkdrop
i have milkdrop 2.0 running really good on a eeepc. 1.0 will run on pritty much anything if they go through the gpu

mangodan2003 2010-03-10 19:16

Re: milkdrop
hi guys. ive had a go at this myself. i downloaded and built libvisual and then projectm 2.0.1 disabled ftgl in cmakelist.txt and enabled gles 1.1 but build fails part way through. i havnt had time to investigate why yet.
would be nice to see a gles 2 port.
if u try this yrself be sure to delete cmakecache.txt or ull be wondering why it ignores yr changes to cmakelists.txt

mangodan2003 2010-03-14 19:41

Re: milkdrop
Got a bit further,

have libprojectm built

have libprojectm-qt built

just getting an error on linking the final part

Linking CXX executable projectM-pulseaudio
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXQueryVersion'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetProcAddressARB'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetClientString'

Its bound not to work straight away once i get past this as i have had to comment out a few bits to get it to build at all. But at least once i can get an executable i should be well on the way.

felbutss 2010-03-15 06:37

Re: milkdrop

Originally Posted by mangodan2003 (Post 567077)
Got a bit further,

have libprojectm built

have libprojectm-qt built

just getting an error on linking the final part

Linking CXX executable projectM-pulseaudio
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXQueryVersion'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetProcAddressARB'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetClientString'

Its bound not to work straight away once i get past this as i have had to comment out a few bits to get it to build at all. But at least once i can get an executable i should be well on the way.

god i dont even know where i would start. great work mate, i would love to make a donation for this. dont think people here realise how much of a big deal milkdrop can be on a mobile device yet lol

mangodan2003 2010-03-16 10:45

Re: milkdrop
I don't want to promise getting anywhere yet and as such could not possibly accept any kind of donation. But if i do ever get it working then i could maybe consider it ;). maybe a paypal donations links or something - many other OS projects have such a thing.

Darkwolf 2010-03-25 12:32

Re: milkdrop
Fantastic stuff mangodan2003.
Saw this thread and went like "hey yeah! why not!".
Not a programmer myself but I highly respect those who put time and effort in marvelous creations and "ports" for the Nokia N900.
I hope that you will find the time and energy to continue on your current achievements with this nifty project. ;)

rfeese 2010-03-25 18:59

Re: milkdrop

Originally Posted by mangodan2003 (Post 567077)
Linking CXX executable projectM-pulseaudio
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXQueryVersion'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetProcAddressARB'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `glXGetClientString'

I don't think these methods are supported in the Maemo OpenGLES implementation so you will have to modify the code to use what is available.

mangodan2003 2010-03-27 10:37

Re: milkdrop

Originally Posted by rfeese (Post 582262)
I don't think these methods are supported in the Maemo OpenGLES implementation so you will have to modify the code to use what is available.

Indeed they are not. I have got past this to the point where the app builds and runs, it currently says its loading the milkdrop presets but gets no further, the gui never appears, it just seems to hang.

So i will need to find another spare evening ;)

felbutss 2010-03-28 22:40

Re: milkdrop
wwoo almost there. :)

felbutss 2010-04-13 01:06

Re: milkdrop
how are you going with this guys???

mangodan2003 2010-04-13 16:47

Re: milkdrop
Hi, sorry for the long silence, i have been busy with work and house moving recently and not had a chance to look at it again. (Must confess to also having a new toy (o2 joggler)) I will post back when i make any progress,

felbutss 2010-04-24 00:56

Re: milkdrop

lq_sunshine 2010-04-28 08:14

Re: milkdrop
and?? success??


Dima202 2010-05-02 23:11

Re: milkdrop
I vote for this as well! Would be freaking awesome!!

felbutss 2010-05-06 01:30

Re: milkdrop
it would be awesome........... any updates????? this will make front page on the phone sites. it would be so cooollll

sed8me 2010-05-10 16:27

Re: milkdrop
I would love to see this implimented and developed.
I wish i could code, tho i have played with milkdrop on pc and love it !!!
best i could do was getting ver 2 going on media monkey...

brog 2010-05-10 16:56

Re: milkdrop
Great idea!

EarthRise 2010-05-10 18:32

Re: milkdrop
I'd like to show my approval of this as well! Milkdrop is fantastic and would be amazing to see on the N900, would be a first on a mobile I think! Can't recommend it highly enough!

felbutss 2010-05-18 07:42

Re: milkdrop
we were so close to having it work but :( .... dead

i was waiting for the day to see milkdrop on a mobile device wow

Joorin 2010-05-18 08:25

Re: milkdrop

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 663610)
we were so close to having it work but :( .... dead

i was waiting for the day to see milkdrop on a mobile device wow

After giving it a quick look, as in downloading the source code package for the 1.04 version and looking around a little, I have to say that it looks like quite a lot of work will have to be done.

It's centered around DirectX, uses Windows semantics for data and connects directly to WinAmp.

In what shape would this application be interesting on the N900? Just playing music through PulseAudio takes a lot of CPU and if you use this to show pretty graphics while playing mp3 or vorbis music (Spotify), you lose even more CPU.

Trying to extract the interesting parts, that generate the graphics by looking at the sound data, looks like a nice hack but when it comes to actually using it for something on the N900, I get a bit skeptical. But I do agree on Milkdrop being very nice when it comes to generating music controlled graphics.

Joorin 2010-05-23 16:53

Re: milkdrop
Now I've had a more proper look at the source from NullSoft for the 1.04 version and after getting the sound and FFT parts to compile, I stumbled on the great big pile of inline assembler that is responsible for actually making this looks as awesome as it does.

This is a dead end since I'd need to rewrite pretty much everything. Bleh.

I'll have a look at the other version and see what happens.

EarthRise 2010-05-23 17:16

Re: milkdrop
Thank you Joorin! Us Milkdrop fans certainly appreciate it! :)

Joorin 2010-05-23 18:42

Re: milkdrop
Ok. ProjectM is ambitious and I've had a look at the last 1.x version just to see what it's all about. I've compiled the engine and event-loop parts (on my stationary computer) and had a quick look on the Qt GUI parts. Since I'm a n00b when it comes to building Qt applications, I'm not moving very fast through that.

If this were to ever run on the N900, it'd take some work to get there, for sure. I'm also guessing that it'd need an overclocked device. Since I have no clue about what capabilities are offered by the OpenGLES2.0 that's running on the device, I'll have to investigate a bit more before knowing if this is even sane to pursue.

felbutss 2010-05-23 18:46

Re: milkdrop
:D fingers crossed

Joorin 2010-05-24 22:40

Re: milkdrop
I've just compiled and tested my very first OpenGLES2.0 program on the N900 without anything special running in the background. I get 54-55 FPS with one strip that is rendered through one vertex shader with a very simple fragment shader. Which leads me to my real point:

All 3D graphics on the N900, using OpenGLES2.0, is based on shaders. What this means is that every special effect has to be implemented in a special shader language (unless I've completely misunderstood things) and compiled and loaded when the program starts. Unless it's real easy to have several different shader programs at the same time and change between them, this will limit the number of available effects.

My gut feeling is that it might be a bit hard to get something that is like Milkdrop but it might be possible to get something that at least behaves a bit like Milkdrop with FFT and BPM detection and perhaps some interesting patterns that are displayed. Depending on how the effects in projectM are done, there might be a possibility to borrow a little from that and see where it leads.

I have a heavy week of work ahead of me but perhaps I'll get around to doing some prototyping over the weekend. No promises, though.

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