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76rufus 2009-12-29 21:15

Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Click here and set it up to text you the link for some reason it wouldn't work via the page

Aladan 2009-12-29 21:18

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Works fine..

Strive_Masiwa 2009-12-29 21:26

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Hope they fixed the speed issues...

EDIT: Wait, it still says beta...

x61 2009-12-29 21:27

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
It is still in beta mode so you'll have to be careful. I will wait until it is FULLY released.

Mandor 2009-12-29 21:28

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
This is beta 5 right ?

wizbowes 2009-12-29 21:28

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
am I missing something - this is the beta that's been about for a while now? There's no official release yet - says coming soon....

mthmob 2009-12-29 21:29

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
the beta has been out for some time now... as far as i can see its still beta, and says coming soon.

theres a mozilla repository to download beta version available, and its beta 6 thats available now.

Mr_Hat 2009-12-29 21:39

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
It's still in the website says..."Get it on your N900 soon."

Strive_Masiwa 2009-12-29 22:00

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
What a misleading thread title :mad:

jebba 2009-12-29 22:25

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
I went to in my N900 and it asked me if I wanted to install a mozilla repository, which would be just fine by me. But it says "Distribution: chinook" not Fremantle for some reason.

Note well! The installation procedure uses space on the main root partition (NAND). It frees it back up, but beware...

Then, after the whole thing downloaded I got:
"Memoria insuficiente en ubicación de destino"

Translated: not enough space sucker! Oh, the woes of the stupid /opt thing.

Anyway, it appears it is not optified :(

To free up my space again, I had to run:

apt-get remove xulrunner
Fennec never got installed. It installed xulrunner to /usr/local (I *think* it was this that installed xulrunner).

Have fun.

coosbaytv 2009-12-30 01:37

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
mine still says Beta 5!
I uninstalled and reinstalled from the llink.

Bratag 2009-12-30 01:57

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Still beta. Still slow. Sigh

Laughing Man 2009-12-30 01:59

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
If your going install it.. install the nightly build, I believe those are optified. The beta linked on their page isn't the latest.

nwerneck 2009-12-30 02:12

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by Mr_Hat (Post 445784)
It's still in the website says..."Get it on your N900 soon."

Does that mean Firefox entered the "fixed in fremantle" club?
UPDATE: hmm when we download it does say "N900 and N810"... At least for now!

Bratag 2009-12-30 02:13

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 446098)
If your going install it.. install the nightly build, I believe those are optified. The beta linked on their page isn't the latest.

Link/repo please.

janszoon 2009-12-30 02:22

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
what makes this better than the built in browser? I like the click to zoom and swirl zooms.....

lfcobra 2009-12-30 02:37

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
still slow, still buggy, still not worth installing...

Laughing Man 2009-12-30 02:46

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 446107)
Link/repo please.

I'm not using it but here's a link.

jebba 2009-12-30 03:09

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Here's the latest with xulrunner 1.9.2:;O=D

Grab the xulrunner and fennec .deb files and install them with dpkg. For example the latest builds as of today (using wget to download--you can use whatever):


wget \

wget \

Then install thusly:

sudo gainroot

dpkg -i fennec_1.0b6pre_armel.deb \

OR, you can grab the super dooper latest one based on "trunk" which is even more alpha. It is available here:;O=D

There grab the *_armel.deb of xulrunner and fennec as well, and install similar to above with dpkg.

Note: I am downloading these files now, I haven't installed or tested them yet.

jebba 2009-12-30 03:38

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Ok, I downloaded and installed the latest-trunk. It puts things in /opt, so it doesn't fill up space on the NAND. It looks cute. It will be a nice complement to microb and midori. :)

Laughing Man 2009-12-30 03:41

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Is midori optified?

jebba 2009-12-30 13:01

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 446169)
Is midori optified?

Parts yes, parts no.

stlpaul 2009-12-30 21:34

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Good one to whoever tagged this thread :)

The nightly are optified, and are just as slow as the beta.... I uninstalled it. It was just. way. too. slow.

Milhouse 2009-12-30 22:47

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by stlpaul (Post 447174)
The nightly are optified, and are just as slow as the beta.... I uninstalled it. It was just. way. too. slow.

I've been testing the nightlies for a while, and Fennec 1.0b6pre performance improved under 2.2009.51-1 but to be honest I still prefer MicroB as the latter pans more smoothly and is obviously better integrated. Fennec has the advantage of more plugins/addons though.

joppu 2009-12-30 22:49

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
It's getting cold in here.

Laughing Man 2010-01-01 03:45

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Firefox RC1 is out!

And yes it's optified.

NvyUs 2010-01-01 03:50

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
its painful to use i dont understand how this build is even being considered as a release candidate, first launch it crashed and closed, rebooted my device got it working but its stilll very slow compared to microB

x61 2010-01-01 04:38

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
I agree with you. The installation process is hard on it own...

coosbaytv 2010-01-01 05:22

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
I have to say that it seems much more responsive now as well as faster.
FYI; I also just tried using TwitterBar and it is pretty cool!

oh, and I just noticed that I am typing this in the third tab I have open...never would have happened before.

coosbaytv 2010-01-01 05:30

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

My n810 is very usable again!

Abemelek 2010-01-01 05:52

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
i keep getting"unable to download "fennec" application package not found." any solution?

Laughing Man 2010-01-01 05:54

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Hmm I've tried the geo-location addon on the N900. It keeps saying I'm in Austin, TX which I am not..

Doesn't seem to use the GPS at all when determing location.

x61 2010-01-01 06:06

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
It is very SLOW.. took nearly a minute to load up... and if you plan on playing videos online, forget it. I am sticking with the original browser... Unless the brwsing speed get improved upon somehow, it is not worth downloading.

canabal 2010-01-01 06:10

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Yea, mobileB is much better than this in my opinion.

colnago 2010-01-01 06:28

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 448614)
It is very SLOW.. took nearly a minute to load up... and if you plan on playing videos online, forget it. I am sticking with the original browser... Unless the brwsing speed get improved upon somehow, it is not worth downloading.

Its slow on my FIOS connection also, even just trying to put the cursor in any text boxes...slower that native browser.

Anyone try the "Near Me" geolocation add-in?

alq0rsan 2010-01-01 07:16

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
work fine ty
its 1.0b6 < beta 6

yukop4 2010-01-01 07:17

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
it is totally useless

whats more the developers must know that

sorodoros 2010-01-01 08:06

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Completely unusable. What are they thinking?

romanianusa 2010-01-01 08:59

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
Piece of garbage. I can't understand why they keep releasing nightly release?? What is the point?? It's too slow and it froze up every time you go to heavy flash site. It is no where near as useful as the default N900 browser.

Enyibinakata 2010-01-01 09:20

Re: Firefox Browser is out!!!!
The microb browser retains the 'best mobile browser' title. Its BRILLIANT. Probably the best app Nokia has ever made.

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