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QStarDict is now in Extras-testing.
Project garage page: https://garage.maemo.org/projects/qstardict/ Documentation can be found at: https://garage.maemo.org/docman/inde...&language_id=1 You can report bugs at: https://garage.maemo.org/tracker/?group_id=1199 You can start QA evaluation at: http://maemo.org/packages/package_in...dict/0.13.2-1/ I will be glad to provide support to the extent of my abilities. You can ask questions about QStarDict here. |
Re: QStarDict
Thanks! I was really hoping for something like this. It will be very useful for me. :)
Re: QStarDict
By the way, the tar in Maemo can't handle *.bz2 so you can't untar in the typical way. Do it like this:
bzcat stardict-comn_dls03_cyber_lexicon_en-es-2.4.2.tar.bz2 | tar xv |
Re: QStarDict
thank you very much!
Re: QStarDict
Is this work with Nokia N900?? i hve installed it to N900 thought i couldnt find any words from it.. the program is working perfectly but i cant find a single word on it?? any ideas how to make it work with N900..::confused:
Re: QStarDict
Funny story, I'm working with Tomas Dominikowski on Qstardict as well and it was almost ready 1 month ago. It's a pitty I got sick and could not finish the work. All source code with maemo changes is at Stardict's svn at garage, please check it. I'll also check your changes. I think we should not have two separate projects for this program as they are almost equal.
Re: QStarDict
We are a bit further along in the project, I've optified the package, added required Maemo fields, Eugene (turist) is changing the interface to be more touch-friendly, I'll try concepting the UI. But we want to release something that works very soon.
Actually, the same day that I wanted to upload our package to devel, I noticed qstardict already in the queue, so I was a bit "late". Anyway, we don't want to compete, we'd rather work together. Since this is basically a fork of QStardict for Frementle, we're also planning to change the name, are you with us @SR? |
Re: QStarDict
Re: QStarDict
how to install database file to QStarDict on Nokia N900
Re: QStarDict
http://xdxf.revdanica.com/down2/inde...ormat=StarDict Or here: http://stardict.sourceforge.net/Dictionaries.php Make a directory and put the .bz2 files you download into /home/user/MyDocs/dict. Then you need to untar them. Example: Code:
mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/dict Good luck. Would be nice if this could be done within the program as this is going to be a stumbling block for many users. Or even better, make .debs of various dictionaries and users can just install them to /opt/qstardict/dicts or somesuch. |
Re: QStarDict
turist Tomaszd
I did not know about this port so I decided to make one... I will check svn for changes and i can merge them in my project (also at garage, all sources are available as well in git, by the way I was using last version of source code from original developers svn). I don't want to compete either and I would be glad to work together. I can add you to my project at garage or we can use your project or start a new one if we a planning to change a name. There are some bug reports in my project at the moment which I am working at. Don't know if it is possible to move them between projects. ps. Usually such port is given a name something like qstargit-ng |
Re: QStarDict
Works great for me! Would like to make a couple of feature requests:
* add finger scrolling * resizable Word list area * perhaps "Word list" title can be removed to save the screen space |
Re: QStarDict
If you guys are starting afresh, can I suggest hosting at http://gitorious.org/ instead of garage? It seems like that is the new latest/greatest place to host. For example, see:
http://maemo.gitorious.org/ Garage is quite messy... Plus, GIT! :) |
Re: QStarDict
Finger scrolling depends on the support of it in Qt. Right now I have not found any instructions on how to do this. I've added setProperty("FingerScrolling", true); but it does nothing at the moment.
Word list area is resizable. You can move the border. But it is hard to do this using fingers. But it's size is saved. Title can be removed. At first Word list area was a dockable window on PC. |
Re: QStarDict
I am using git right now and i think it's much better then svn. If we will start afresh I will note your suggestion. |
Re: QStarDict
Re: QStarDict
reference |
Re: QStarDict
does this app work on the n810 cheers
Re: QStarDict
Sorry it's really setProperty("FingerScrollable", true); right now in my source... I remember that I found two references for this but they were different (FingerScrollable and FingerScrolling)... I wonder if this parameter is in official Qt documentation. yukop4 Yes it does. It should be in Extras-testing or in Extras-devel right now for Diablo. |
Re: QStarDict
Oh ok. I doubt it, considering most anything to do with Maemo is in Technical Preview of Qt for Maemo.
Re: QStarDict
Being very concerned about QStardict, I am going to develop an alternative GUI.
Re: QStarDict
https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/scm...&r1=212&r2=222 Anyway I suggest we combine our effors and finally finish this semi-hildonization. We discussed plan for new [q]stardict UI with Tomasz, let's create a chatroom, etc for this. What you you think, @SR? These are links to my armel and x86 packages - http://antimirov.net/it/maemo/qstard...o.r3_armel.deb, http://antimirov.net/it/maemo/qstard...mo.r3_i386.deb screenshots from SDK(little crippy because of SDK glitches, on real device it's ok): http://antimirov.net/it/maemo/qstardict_main.png http://antimirov.net/it/maemo/qstardict_settings.png |
Re: QStarDict
Almost forgot!
Before installing remove "/home/user/.config/qstardict/qstardict.conf", copy dictionaries to "~/MyDocs/stardict/dic" and it should work. The only thing left from urgent tasks is this ugly dialog "Stardict plugin settings" I cannot fix, want to sleep so much. |
Re: QStarDict
AFAIK Fingerscrolling won't work with the 4.5.3 Qt that was distributed with release units (later git versions have it), and QMaemo5KineticScroller is Qt 4.6... I'm just saying this because if you want to push to Extras-testing and Extras, that might cause an oops or two.
See http://wiki.maemo.org/Qt4_Hildon#FREMANTLE_.28Qt_4.5.29 for some details. |
Re: QStarDict
Please make dictionaries installable directly. At the moment, I've had nothing but problems. Why not directly from repos (linked)? Thanks!
Re: QStarDict
Re: QStarDict
Now I expect this application to be used by the users who really need dictionary. And in future it will automatically work without modification with Qt 4.6. It would be a mess to support it for several Qt version. It's mainly the reason why I did not release my version of QStarDict earlier even when basic functionality was ready in the beginning of November. Lack of kinetic scrolling and crippy Diablo-style menus - I did not want to release this to masses. |
Re: QStarDict
Re: QStarDict
One solution that I can suggest is to unpack all zip/tar.gz files found in the defined dirs into the same directory with removal of the archive files. |
Re: QStarDict
Everyone has a big set of mp3 files at home and no one is scared to manually copy music to N900's '.sounds/' directory. Why do you think it's more diffucult to connect N900 via USB and then copy dictionaries from PC's data dir to N900's 'E:\stardict\dic' ? |
Re: QStarDict
Then a .deb would just need to be made that simply puts those files into /opt/qstardict/dicts (or whatever your default path is). I think this will happen (eventually) and will make it easier for all users. If it hasn't happened in a month email me to bug me to do it. moe@blagblagblag.org -Jeff |
Re: QStarDict
I have my concerns about packaging these free dictionaries. Which one should I select as a default one for most of users? For example I don't care about French<->Urdu or Latin<->Spanish, but need Dutch<->English and German<->Russian. Will my choice be appreciated by the majority of users? I don't see it as a problem to have easy access dictionaries for N900, it's just like music - there are no common preferences.
Re: QStarDict
dict-en-es.deb dict-es-en.deb dict-de-fi.deb dict-fi-de.deb dict-ru-de.deb dict-de-ru.deb dict-en-techwords.deb etc... Thanks for your package! I love it already :) |
Re: QStarDict
Btw, I just recalled that I removed all dict paths except of the ~/MyDocs/stardict/dic from qstardict's path list. I'll restore the default /usr/share/stardict/dic and ~/.stardict/dic/ just to be safely compatible with other packages and stardicts.
Re: QStarDict
Re: QStarDict
If the Maemo application manager can't handle a few thousand packages in it's interface, the platform is dead. |
Re: QStarDict
No, no, it can handle them all right, it's the users that can't (and shouldn't). In other words, don't make life of those less interested in your packages miserable. As an example see compris, it's language files add 3-4 extra *pages* worth of packages. Now imagine if every application added it's language-dependent features that way...
Re: QStarDict
Re: QStarDict
Re: QStarDict
It's true the process of installing dictionaries is not as friendly as one might like, and having debian packages for the dictionaries would help most users. Even for people who are not scared to do a little command line, it is not trivial to find out which is a good dictionary for a certain language. For instance the german-english dictionaries available from sourceforge seemed to be pretty bad, missing a lot of basic words (even though they are not small in terms of number of entries).
I am currently using two dictionaries. One is a german dictionary that is freely available (langensheidt deutsch als fremdsprache, available from stardict sourceforge ). It is quite good quality, although not huge and perhaps a bit oldish. This one would be a good candidate for a package. The other one is german english and viceversa from dict.cc... it is a huge dictionary (700k entries!) and quite good as well. It is freely available but not redistributable, so it would not be possible to package it as a deb. You can download it in tab format from the web site, and then you need to convert it to stardict format using the tabfile tool from stardict (on ubuntu it is in the stardict-tools package). See this page for details. Make sure the tab file is saved as utf8 before running tabfile (I had to open it and save it as utf8 with gedit to get the encoding right). Anyhow with a little effort my offline dictionary needs on the n900 are now fully met ;-) |
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