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andyph666 2010-01-03 07:06

Possible to control n900 with remote?
So I've been using the tv out at a hotel for a week. It's really annoying to go up to the tv everytime I finish watching something. Is it possible to use a remote or something to control the n900? Or perhaps a longer tv out cable? Thanks.

Flandry 2010-01-03 07:11

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?
There's no IR receiver. I think your idea of a longer TV-out cable is the best option.

Or get two N900s and ssh from one into the other? Hmm. :P

arkanoid 2010-01-03 07:20

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 450816)
There's no IR receiver.

accroding to , there is.

andyph666 2010-01-03 07:43

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?
Thanks for the info. Also I wish there was a way to make a playlist for videos? That could solve some things as well.

Clayton 2010-01-03 08:31

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?

Originally Posted by arkanoid (Post 450818)

No where do I see that our device has the ability to receive IR.

ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-04 07:08

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?
I dont think IR control is going to happen, bluetooth however...

lcuk 2010-01-04 07:13

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?
n800 + bluemaemo
n810 + bluemaemo

or a small custom remote app depending on needs.
i used a wifi one for ages, was really custom and just did enough to control mediaplayer on my windows pc.

Veix 2010-01-04 09:06

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?
any chanse pairing mac remote with n900 ? it should be BT

pcoventry 2010-01-04 09:24

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?

Originally Posted by Clayton (Post 450843)
No where do I see that our device has the ability to receive IR.

Try opening your eyes and looking on the side by the camera button? THATS the IR port! I've just used mine to get pictures from an old Nokia I had stored. So it works.

pelago 2010-01-04 11:58

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?

Originally Posted by pcoventry (Post 452250)
Try opening your eyes and looking on the side by the camera button? THATS the IR port! I've just used mine to get pictures from an old Nokia I had stored. So it works.

That's the first time I've heard anybody using the IR port for receiving. Can you document the exact steps you took? Are you sure you weren't sending via Bluetooth instead?

stobbsc 2010-01-04 12:45

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?
Could the Wiicontroller application not solve this issue?

pycage 2010-01-04 13:49

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?
Yup, Wiicontroller would work. AppleRemote is infrared, though.

javispedro 2010-01-04 14:44

Re: Possible to control n900 with remote?

Originally Posted by pcoventry (Post 452250)
Try opening your eyes and looking on the side by the camera button? THATS the IR port! I've just used mine to get pictures from an old Nokia I had stored. So it works.

That's the IR EMITTER, not receiver. And you probably used Bluetooth.

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