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zehjotkah 2010-01-08 14:39


chainreaction 2010-01-08 16:35

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
This looks promising. Any info if the application itself is optified? Putting the game data on MMC is a good thing though.

zehjotkah 2010-01-08 16:39

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by chainreaction (Post 459471)
This looks promising. Any info if the application itself is optified? Putting the game data on MMC is a good thing though.

I don't know if it is optified. but it's only 600kb big...

Rob1n 2010-01-08 16:47

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
No, it's not optified. It installs a 1.6M binary into /usr/bin (that'll be compressed somewhat though).

Bratag 2010-01-08 19:14

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
This makes me happy in the pants region. Love warcraft.

Frank Banul 2010-01-08 19:23

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
It's actually more than that I think. Unless I'm mistaken, /media/mmc1/ is in the root which is where you copy all of the data that wargus extracts (another 16M). Maybe this is only true if you don't have a memory card installed?

Shouldn't this be installing and pointing to /home/opt? If you're going to hard code anyway, put it someplace nice. Change /media/mmc1 to /home/opt and that will get a majority out of the root.


Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 459492)
No, it's not optified. It installs a 1.6M binary into /usr/bin (that'll be compressed somewhat though).


Anunakin 2010-01-08 19:23

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I got right click and middle click emulated on my N810, with stratagus, if any wants it looks at my blog...

Sopwith 2010-01-08 19:31

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Great news; I loved Warcraft 2.

Does anyone know if the AI of Stratagus has evolved in the past years? I believe it is different than the original WC one -- last time I played against the computer, it was way too easy to beat and thus no fun...

Of course, I can also play against humans in network...

Rob1n 2010-01-08 19:42

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 459805)
It's actually more than that I think. Unless I'm mistaken, /media/mmc1/ is in the root which is where you copy all of the data that wargus extracts (another 16M). Maybe this is only true if you don't have a memory card installed?

Shouldn't this be installing and pointing to /home/opt? If you're going to hard code anyway, put it someplace nice. Change /media/mmc1 to /home/opt and that will get a majority out of the root.

If you don't have a memory card installed then yes, you'll want to install the data to /home/opt/games/stratagus and put a symlink into /media/mmc1.

fatalsaint 2010-01-08 19:48

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
This is awesome! I love warcraft! Need starcraft too (I know.. windows only).

Bundyo 2010-01-08 20:05

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Of course not this one :)

Bratag 2010-01-08 21:57

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I have all the warcraft series - but I am a little confused about what files I need to copy off the CD. Is it just the DATA dir?

Never mind I am a *****

Frank Banul 2010-01-08 22:00

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
You have to run Wargus to extract the files off the CD. It wasn't obvious to me but Wargus creates a data directory in c:\program files\wargus by default. Place the contents of that data directory (campaigns, graphics, etc) in /media/mmc1/games/stratagus.


Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 460133)
I have all the warcraft series - but I am a little confused about what files I need to copy off the CD. Is it just the DATA dir?


Bratag 2010-01-09 02:44

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 459908)

Starcraft on the n900.Oh sweet lord please lets hope this gets ported.Between wargus and stargus I could never do actual work again

fatalsaint 2010-01-09 02:46

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 459908)

That is awesome!!! Little under-developed... but still.. win!.

Soulfarmer 2010-01-09 04:37

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I get this when I try to install stratagus

maemo-select-menu-location: not found

Any ideas?

Bratag 2010-01-09 04:58

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Soulfarmer (Post 460643)
I get this when I try to install stratagus

maemo-select-menu-location: not found

Any ideas?

Got the same thing. game runs fine.

Bundyo 2010-01-09 07:49

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Yup, maemo-select-menu-location is not available on N900. Doesn't matter.

Soulfarmer 2010-01-09 09:39

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I still can't get the game to start. from xterm if I start stratagus, it says I need to specify data folder and when I do, it can't even find preferences.lua... sorry if I seem to be total noob, but that's just because I am when app-manager is not used :)

zehjotkah 2010-01-09 09:45

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Soulfarmer (Post 460808)
I still can't get the game to start. from xterm if I start stratagus, it says I need to specify data folder and when I do, it can't even find preferences.lua... sorry if I seem to be total noob, but that's just because I am when app-manager is not used :)

have you already extracted the files from the warcraft 2 cd with wargus?

Soulfarmer 2010-01-09 09:55

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Yeah, I think so. wargus gave me "data" folder which seems to be correct content-wise.

jayford 2010-01-09 13:51

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Works great - thanks a lot! Please up it to extras so others would use it.

Also note you can use the red pill(App manager -> Add Cataloge->Type "matrix" in address -> press cancel -> menu -> Install from file-> choose the deb file downloaded) to install this aswell without x-term.

@zehjotkah - the link is legal - so what's the problem?

zehjotkah 2010-01-09 14:13

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by jayford (Post 461016)
@zehjotkah - the link is legal - so what's the problem?

the "could" link is really legal??? (i don't mean the "find" link... there are two...)

Bratag 2010-01-09 16:42

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
The link is just a link through to amazon selling the version I have for $128 bucks :)

Dragy 2010-01-09 17:25

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
By any chance, is this gonna be a proper app in the catalog? Us simple end users are too afraid to go through all of this. I mean it's legal and all, so why not? It'll be the user's responsibility to put the files in place, just like ya do with emulators...

Anyway looks great! Keep it up!

Flandry 2010-01-09 17:38

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 459908)

Yeah, i looked at that a while ago. Sadly, it's not really "playable" by my standards. If it was i would have been on it like white on rice. ;)

@Dragy The problem is that you have to run a utility to extract your owned data files, so this is never going to be a point-and-click install.

Bratag 2010-01-09 17:42

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 461309)
Yeah, i looked at that a while ago. Sadly, it's not really "playable" by my standards. If it was i would have been on it like white on rice. ;)

@Dragy The problem is that you have to run a utility to extract your owned data files, so this is never going to be a point-and-click install.


Ahh well perhaps in the future.

Dragy 2010-01-09 17:51

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 461309)
@Dragy The problem is that you have to run a utility to extract your owned data files, so this is never going to be a point-and-click install.

Hmm, but like I said, it will be the user's responsibility - to handle the files. But I'm talking the app itself... no way? :(

tentpole 2010-01-09 18:26

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Thanks for bringing attention to this, very good stuff.
Theres also this thread which focuses on installing on the tablets:

"2007-06-10 Stratagus development halted

Development on Stratagus has permanently halted. The Stratagus developers are now working on Bos Wars. Bos Wars uses its own modified version of the Stratagus engine."

Bratag 2010-01-09 18:41

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Lets get BOS working then :) it looks like a cross between starcraft and command and conquer tiberium wars

By the way. I wonder is the porter would be willing to help me with a fullscreen sizing issue I am having while porting/running xevil on the N900. Message me here if you are.

zehjotkah 2010-01-09 21:25

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 461228)
The link is just a link through to amazon selling the version I have for $128 bucks :)

no, i mean the first one, there are two links. the illegal (i think) one if you click on "could" and the amazon one if you click on "find"...

Flandry 2010-01-09 22:55

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by tentpole (Post 461360)
Development on Stratagus has permanently halted. The Stratagus developers are now working on Bos Wars. Bos Wars uses its own modified version of the Stratagus engine."

Bos Wars is also dead, as far as i can tell. I was following the project since Freecraft, and it died a long, slow, painful death.

Soulfarmer 2010-01-09 23:24

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I gave up on Stratagus. Maybe later I try it again.

Bratag 2010-01-10 03:10

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Soulfarmer (Post 461777)
I gave up on Stratagus. Maybe later I try it again.

What was the problem. Once I figured out I needed to install wargus on windows and then extract the data from the CD using that It was fairly straightforward.

Soulfarmer 2010-01-10 04:08

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Maybe I just had wrong version of the "cd", I might try again with different one. Btw, should I start stratagus from xterm or from the icon the deb installed?

Bratag 2010-01-10 04:13

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Soulfarmer (Post 461961)
Maybe I just had wrong version of the "cd", I might try again with different one. Btw, should I start stratagus from xterm or from the icon the deb installed?

I always use the icon.

Barts 2010-01-10 04:34

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
if only it was simple for numpties like me to install, i love warcraft

zehjotkah 2010-01-10 08:12

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Barts (Post 461977)
if only it was simple for numpties like me to install, i love warcraft

can I help you in any way?
do you have problems with extracting the files?
just install wargus, put your CD in, while installing wargus, then wargus will ask you to select your cd and will start to extract all files to C:\\Programs\wargus\. just copy the content of the data directory to your mmc1/games/stratagus.
should I add a HowTo of that to the first post?

Soulfarmer 2010-01-10 09:07

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
zehjotkah, thanks! I got it working :) 2010-01-10 11:03

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
i got the data folder where it should b -> /media/mmc1/games/stratagus/
then when i install stratagus from xterm i see this

Setting up stratagus (0.1.4) ...
/var/lib/dpkg/info/stratagus.postinst: line 7: maemo-select-menu-location: not found

don't know what that means

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