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jaguilar 2010-01-11 19:04

pySafe - for personal information security
5 Attachment(s)
PySafe is using Python and stores the user data in a SqLite database, with the information encrypted by a user defined password (required to start the program).

vr. 0.9.13
- Fixed auto-lock freezing the program (bug #6264)
- Added button to make it read-only
- Added text, details, items and groups copy/paste
- Fixed bug in dialogs cutting text
- Big text field now scrolls
- Added help
- Added read-only start configuration

vr. 0.9.12
- Added German translation
- Fixed issue that avoids disable auto-lock (bug #6262)

IMPORTANT: in this version the auto-lock is disabled due to a problems when showing the menu or other dialogs (the program freezes)

vr. 0.9.11
- Fixed issue when showing non-latin character in detail

vr. 0.9.10
- Changed dependencies (to avoid the Python-Qt4.7 update with extras-devel enabled)

vr. 0.9.9
- Disable auto-capitalization in detail fields

vr. 0.9.8
- Fixed bug inserting a new item with another item selected

vr. 0.9.7
- Added dutch translation

vr. 0.9.6
- Added italian translation
- Fixed french and spanish translations
- Fixed mal-function of auto-rotation
- Fixed minimum value for auto-lock

vr. 0.9.5
- Added lock timer
- Added rotation config
- Added settings windows
- Fixed issue with latin translations

vr. 0.9.4
- Fixed issue when importing from external files

vr. 0.9.3
- Added new French translation

vr. 0.9.2
- Corrected problem with French translation

vr. 0.9.0
- Add a progress bar while importing external data
- Include column with timestamp in database
- Fixed more issues when using non-latin language
- Fixed rotation

vr. 0.8.2
- fixed issue with non-latin languages
- fixed issue when importing from Handy Safe Pro (XML) with the item containing only one detail

vr. 0.8.1
- trying to fix problems with dependencies

vr. 0.8.0
- search function
- order the details
- edit the labels

Attachment 10514
Attachment 10515
Attachment 10516

The 3 buttons on the left are used to add/remove a group/item. The button in the middle is to perform a search. And the other 4 buttons are to ordering the details, add a detail and edit the labels/details.

To edit a label, if is a group/item, just double-tap the label. If is a detail, press the last button, and in the list that will appear, double-tap the label.

To edit multiline details double-tap the text-field, and a big field will be shown.

The find button has two functions: initially will show the find dialog. While performing a search, press the button again will search next. A long-press clear the search and show the dialog again.

In the first usage, if using a previous version, a wizard will be shown to help in the update process.

I strongly recommend that the previous version database file is not deleted, as a backup.

For those who wants to translate the messages and the help for another language, here are the files:
messages: Attachment 15831
help: Attachment 15832

To report any issues or request a feature, use the Garage, please!

antoarts 2010-01-11 19:09

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
One picture says more than a thousand words, some screenshots would be great, and some more info (what does this application do different from others of it's kind?)

That could encourage more people to test it out

jaguilar 2010-01-18 14:18

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
New version

- add portrait mode (read-only)
- add portuguese language

If someone wants to translate to other languages, please PM me.

gLobster 2010-01-18 14:22

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
What you think about PC desktop application & sync ? And import & export from handy safe :) ?

robbie 2010-01-18 14:31

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
My vote goes to keepass(x) compatibility for desktop sync.. :)

Rob1n 2010-01-18 14:37

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by robbie (Post 479987)
My vote goes to keepass(x) compatibility for desktop sync.. :)

The problem would be that KeePassX (from what I can tell) has a fixed set of fields, whereas pySafe looks to allow any fields.

robbie 2010-01-18 14:52

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 479994)
The problem would be that KeePassX (from what I can tell) has a fixed set of fields, whereas pySafe looks to allow any fields.

I understand that that might come in handy at some point. I haven't had such a situation though. And you always have the note field to store extra info.

The problem is that i don't want to enter passwords twice. Once on my N900 (or PC) should be enough. And then an rsync command (or similar) to update the other version.

I tried compiling keepassx for N900 but it doesn't work well. I can read/edit the database but the interface ***** on the N900. Your interface looks nice and clean.

ARJWright 2010-01-18 15:07

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
Now, if this can be tied to the browser/IM applications as a means to authenticate these logins, and then probably to an OpenID account, this kind of app can get really fun. It wouldn't just be a collection for storing info, but the keys too.

soeiro 2010-01-18 15:16

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by jaguilar (Post 464859)
It is in the extras-devel, named pySafe. I used python.

The dabatase is cryptographed (using Blowfish algoritm) and compacted.

First time the program is started, it asked for a password, and confirmation for a database creation, asking again for the password (for check in typing mistakes). After that, create groups, and inside a group an item. And in the item, the details.

The database is automatically saved when the program is closed.

Any issues, please, let me know! :)

Hey, thanks for the simple and great application. I have two additional suggestions:
  • Can you port pySafe to a standard Linux Desktop? That way we could use the same database on the desktop and on the N900 device...
  • What about adding a small ícon for items and groups? (Ok, just sounded like keepassx, but it would be a nice touch)

jaguilar 2010-01-18 23:51

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by gLobster (Post 479972)
What you think about PC desktop application & sync ? And import & export from handy safe :) ?

I believe that build a PC application can be done easily, if someone knows how to build it in Python with a GUI! The heart of the program is how data is saved and recovered, which have no mistery.

But import and export from Handy Safe I really don't know! The Handy Safe's version that I bought is old, and don't have this I don't know the format that it export the data.


Originally Posted by robbie (Post 479987)
My vote goes to keepass(x) compatibility for desktop sync.. :)

The problem, as Rob1n said, is that KeePassX have a fixed format. It will be necessary to develop a way of pySafe understand that format in both ways: from KeePassX to pySafe and from pySafe to KeepPassX!


Originally Posted by ARJWright (Post 480051)
Now, if this can be tied to the browser/IM applications as a means to authenticate these logins, and then probably to an OpenID account, this kind of app can get really fun. It wouldn't just be a collection for storing info, but the keys too.

This is a good idea! I think that is a lot of work....but could be funny! :)


Originally Posted by soeiro (Post 480072)
What about adding a small ícon for items and groups? (Ok, just sounded like keepassx, but it would be a nice touch)[/LIST]

I'm fighting against Hildon to understand it....and put a simple icon in a button! But some decorations is in my mind!

Art.M 2010-01-19 22:41

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
I have a problem with the "remove item" button, it's disabled and/or i don't know how to enable it.

by the way i can help you translate it to spanish

spooley 2010-01-20 14:32

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
This looks a very promising development!

Like many of the people in this thread, I too am keen to find a way of managing data in a HandySafe-like way on the N900.

I emailed epocware a while ago, asking if they had any plans for a N900 version, but they replied "no".

I have ~450-500 entries in my current HandySafe, which I like to keep in step between my desktop and my mobile device, so some form of data transfer, if not full record-level syncronisation, is important to me.

But thanks to jaguilar anyway, for getting this started!


jaguilar 2010-01-20 14:32

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 483059)
I have a problem with the "remove item" button, it's disabled and/or i don't know how to enable it.

To enable the button you have to select an item first!
But you give me an idea to implement in next version! :)


Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 483059)
by the way i can help you translate it to spanish

I will send you a PM with the file, ok?

Art.M 2010-01-20 15:37

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by jaguilar (Post 484295)
To enable the button you have to select an item first!?

I believe i've selected the item, because i can see it's details.
Tried removing all it's details then remove item, with no success neither.


Originally Posted by jaguilar (Post 484295)
I will send you a PM with the file, ok?

Sure, or if you prefer, email me.

jaguilar 2010-01-20 15:59

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
As I cannot send a file in PM, attached it in this message.

The translation process is simple: the text in english are in the lines starting with msgid and the tranlated text must be in the corresponding line started by msgstr.

Please fill in the header the "Last-Translator" field, so I can put it in the program too.


P.S.: the real name of the is "pysafe.pot", but the ".pot" extension are not accepted by the forum. But it is a text-only file.

Edit: file removed to upload a new version.

jaguilar 2010-01-20 16:02

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 484406)
I believe i've selected the item, because i can see it's details.
Tried removing all it's details then remove item, with no success neither.

Shame on me....even with an item selected, the button remains disabled. :o

Sorry! I'll fix it.

Art.M 2010-01-20 19:04

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
1 Attachment(s)
Spanish translation.

Some strings are based on what's currently in other apps like contacts.

Bingley Joe 2010-01-20 19:31

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
Looks very promising.

Does it support file attachments of any kind?

jaguilar 2010-01-20 20:07

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by Bingley Joe (Post 484894)
Looks very promising.

Does it support file attachments of any kind?

Nope! The database is saved in text format (in fact, it is not a database, only a text file, compressed and encrypted).

To support attachments this approach has to be changed.

jaguilar 2010-01-20 20:32

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
There is a new version in repository!

- spanish translation included
- issue with the "del item" button fixed

Bingley Joe 2010-01-20 21:21

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by jaguilar (Post 484997)
Nope! The database is saved in text format (in fact, it is not a database, only a text file, compressed and encrypted).

To support attachments this approach has to be changed.

Fair enough. It still looks like a nice little app -- thanks!

But for what it's worth, I'd really like the ability to add file attachments as well.. you know.. in case you're feeling ambitious someday ;)

Art.M 2010-01-21 15:28

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
Today i've tested the new build, and the remove item is working! :)

But it still in english, should be traslated without me changing any setting right?

Suggestion: Each time I use portrait mode, I move the splitter bar down since there's only two details in each item, is there a way that pySafe remembers the height of the sections?

jaguilar 2010-01-21 17:40

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by Bingley Joe (Post 485254)
But for what it's worth, I'd really like the ability to add file attachments as well.. you know.. in case you're feeling ambitious someday ;)'s in a "maybe" list for the future! :)


Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 486794)
But it still in english, should be traslated without me changing any setting right?

In the emulator the program worked the device not! It's fixed...but I will wait for some translations or new features to put in the repository (which will occur, I think, in the weekend).

[QUOTE=Art.M;486794]Suggestion: Each time I use portrait mode, I move the splitter bar down since there's only two details in each item, is there a way that pySafe remembers the height of the sections? is possible!

rm42 2010-01-21 20:06

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
[QUOTE=jaguilar;487043]'s in a "maybe" list for the future! :)

In the emulator the program worked the device not! It's fixed...but I will wait for some translations or new features to put in the repository (which will occur, I think, in the weekend).


Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 486794)
Suggestion: Each time I use portrait mode, I move the splitter bar down since there's only two details in each item, is there a way that pySafe remembers the height of the sections? is possible!

How hard would it be to do a desktop edition?

jaguilar 2010-01-22 00:04

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by rm42 (Post 487343)
How hard would it be to do a desktop edition?

I really don't know how hard it would be. In fact, the major libraries used are from python, so it runs in the desktop. But there are a few things Maemo specific (like the window and menu).

jaguilar 2010-01-22 21:09

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
New version available

- fixed issue with translations
- saves the windows slider sizes (both landscape and portrait)

I will try now to make the program runnable in a desktop.

Art.M 2010-01-24 21:01

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
I do have some issues with the new version

First: Gets stuck and the details pane doesn't update with the selected item of the list, also can't return to groups. This happens after starting pySafe and then create a new item or delete one.

Second: It looks like there's a max value for the splitter position saved value, because in portrait mode i keep only two items visible in the details pane and after restart of pySafe it keeps 4 visible.

Thanks for the app again.

jaguilar 2010-01-25 18:56

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
Hi Art.M,


Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 492444)
First: Gets stuck and the details pane doesn't update with the selected item of the list, also can't return to groups. This happens after starting pySafe and then create a new item or delete one.

Fixed in the new version, already in the repository.


Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 492444)
Second: It looks like there's a max value for the splitter position saved value, because in portrait mode i keep only two items visible in the details pane and after restart of pySafe it keeps 4 visible.

This appear to be a problem with Python and GTK libraries. I made some tests, and in all of them the slider always stays in the middle of the screen, no matter what value I put in the property (except when used a value less than the middle of screen itself).

I'll do some searchs about it.

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Netweaver 2010-01-25 19:24

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by gLobster (Post 479972)
What you think about PC desktop application & sync ? And import & export from handy safe :) ?

PLEASE .... Import from HandySafe would be sooo good. :)

Even import from an exported HandySafe file would be enough, if it's too hard to find out the internal fileformat of Handy Safe, then don't bother, just an text file importer will do fine...

Recent HandySafe versions can export to a normal text file. I can send you a (password gobbled-up) export file, so you can create a universal import filter, if you have time ... Just let me know. Basically it's Handy Safe that keeps my dinosaur (but still good) E61 phone around.

Of course, some more things on your todo/maybe-one-day list (but second to the import) :

- desktop version & sync (2-way record level would be fantastic)

- get/put the userID/password (& certificates ...?) data from MicroB/Firefox (I can see a entry-level Weave coming...)

I would pay money for this whole feature set, at a HandySafe usability level !! Straight away ! Recognition should be give and I'm happy to pay for good software, as I've always done, if that can help innovation and support :)

Thanks already for getting us this far !


jaguilar 2010-01-26 16:16

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 494157)
PLEASE .... Import from HandySafe would be sooo good. :)

Even import from an exported HandySafe file would be enough, if it's too hard to find out the internal fileformat of Handy Safe, then don't bother, just an text file importer will do fine...

Recent HandySafe versions can export to a normal text file. I can send you a (password gobbled-up) export file, so you can create a universal import filter, if you have time ... Just let me know. Basically it's Handy Safe that keeps my dinosaur (but still good) E61 phone around.

If you can send me a example of the file exported for Handy Safe, then I will try to make the import.

But it needs to be in text format! The real database of Handy Safe is almost impossible to break.


Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 494157)
- desktop version & sync (2-way record level would be fantastic)

It is in my plans! As far as I learn how to develop a desktop application with GUI. :)


Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 494157)
- get/put the userID/password (& certificates ...?) data from MicroB/Firefox (I can see a entry-level Weave coming...)

To be honest, this is not in my mind for now. The main reason is that I don't know anything about how I could do it!


Netweaver 2010-01-26 17:18

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
Thanks to you !! I've just send you a part of the extract file via PM.

There are items for 5 groups in there :
"Atlas Copco"

The itemnames are always separated from the groupnames with a dot, in the first line. Subsequent lines are the fields in the item, always "Label": "Value"
Notes fields strat just with "Note:", the value can already start on the same name of the label. Multi-line. Hard thing might be recognizing when a note field value ends and what's the start of a new record ....

Let me know if I can provide more info or help testing.


jaguilar 2010-01-26 17:50

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
Thanks for the file!!

I'll reply your PM there....I have questions about the "notes" field!

But the only problem is it....notes! The remaing fields are easy to import.

jaguilar 2010-02-06 04:24

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
A new version is available in the repository.

- import data from Handy Safe Pro (plain text file only)
- improvements in the UI
- now is possible create groups inside another groups (and itens outside a group)

The import is made only from text files exported from Handy Safe Pro (I don't know if the exported files in all Handy Safe versions are equals). The import is not perfect and sometimes you will need to fix the informations.

Before running the new version, it is strongly recomended perform a backup of the pySafe database.

Any issues, let me know! :)

titou1234 2010-02-09 13:51

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

I tried to import data in pySafe with no avail. When I import the xml file generated by Handy Safe Pro, nothing appears in pySafe.
What is the format you are waiting for ? Do you have an example of the file to import ?

Thanks in advance.

Rob1n 2010-02-09 14:00

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by titou1234 (Post 517694)

I tried to import data in pySafe with no avail. When I import the xml file generated by Handy Safe Pro, nothing appears in pySafe.
What is the format you are waiting for ? Do you have an example of the file to import ?

Thanks in advance.

The relevant portion of the post above yours reads:

import data from Handy Safe Pro (plain text file only)

titou1234 2010-02-09 14:43

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 517704)
The relevant portion of the post above yours reads:

I have downloaded the lastest version of Handy Safe Pro and unfortunatly, the only export format is xml.

But my question is still valid: What is the format you are waiting for ? csv, tab separated, one field by line.
Do you have an example of the file to import ?

jaguilar 2010-02-09 16:31

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by titou1234 (Post 517753)
But my question is still valid: What is the format you are waiting for ? csv, tab separated, one field by line.
Do you have an example of the file to import ?

As Rob1n said, the file needs to be in plain text. This is an example:

[Category: XXX]
[Card, Icon: 19]
Name: Whatever
User ID: my_name
Password: Cleartext

[Card, Icon: 19]
System: VPN
Login: my_login
Password: Cleartext

Here we have one category ("XXX"), which contains one item ("Whatever") with 2 details ("User ID" and "Password"). And have one item ("VPN") with 2 details ("Login" and "Password"), that are not inside the category "XXX".

If it is not correct, I'm sorry! I don't have anymore a Symbian device, and I don't use Windows in my computer, so I cannot use Handy Safe and try to understand the format of the file that it creates.

If somebody send me an example file, with several lines, categories and details, I could try to write the import code.

jaguilar 2010-02-09 19:13

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
I installed the Handy Safe Pro in a VMWare Windows installation, and I will work in an import from the XML exported file from it.

titou1234 2010-02-09 20:40

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by jaguilar (Post 517921)
[Category: XXX]
[Card, Icon: 19]
Name: Whatever
User ID: my_name
Password: Cleartext

[Card, Icon: 19]
System: VPN
Login: my_login
Password: Cleartext

Thank you, this format is easier to manage than the handy safe pro xml format !
Like you I installed handy safe pro (in wine ) just to see precisely the format you need. Indeed my data comes from a rare application (gnukeyring in Palm), so I think it was best to adapt my data to your import format instead of asking you to adapt your application to my data ! Thats why I was asking for the format you use as I cannot find it myself.

Thank you for your time and your application.

jaguilar 2010-02-09 21:34

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by titou1234 (Post 518275)
Thank you, this format is easier to manage than the handy safe pro xml format !
Like you I installed handy safe pro (in wine ) just to see precisely the format you need. Indeed my data comes from a rare application (gnukeyring in Palm), so I think it was best to adapt my data to your import format instead of asking you to adapt your application to my data ! Thats why I was asking for the format you use as I cannot find it myself.

In fact, I think that the XML format is better than the plain text one! The reason: in XML I have a perfect control of what is what!

I don't like XML, to be honest! But it is better than an unformatted text (which is the case).

If you wish, you can PM me with an example of the file generated by gnukeyring (or send the URL where it shows the format), so I can do a import code for it!

I'm almost finished the import from was easier than I thought!

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