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amarjyoti 2010-01-22 00:23

Mer very slow on an N900
I installed Mer on my N900. But is painfully slow.
Has anybody else tried it. Would like to know your remarks/suggestions.
Btw, It looks very good. I got the wifi working and then installed some apps.

The geek in me loves to see a bootmenu similar to grub on desktops :-D

jebba 2010-01-22 00:51

Re: Mer very slow on an N900
I installed an older version a few weeks ago. Info here:

I have downloaded 0.17testing10 but haven't given it a ride yet.

F2thaK 2010-01-22 00:58

Re: Mer very slow on an N900
Mer works on N900 ??

amarjyoti 2010-01-22 01:00

Re: Mer very slow on an N900
Hey Jebba,
I have installed the latest version -

It looks great. But is very slow. I am just not able to figure out the reason for it.

My microSD card is fairly fast (not the fastest).

amarjyoti 2010-01-22 01:01

Re: Mer very slow on an N900
Yes, it did for me :-)
Just follow this -
You'll be up and running in less than 1 hour :-)


Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 487958)
Mer works on N900 ??

F2thaK 2010-01-22 01:20

Re: Mer very slow on an N900
y would u put mer on n900, thats like a downgrade..

jebba 2010-01-22 04:45

Re: Mer very slow on an N900

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 487980)
y would u put mer on n900, thats like a downgrade..

To make it an upgrade.

F2thaK 2010-01-22 04:47

Re: Mer very slow on an N900

Originally Posted by jebba (Post 488122)
To make it an upgrade.

so, its better than maemo 5 or its is an upgrade to to GUI??

jebba 2010-01-22 04:51

Re: Mer very slow on an N900

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 488126)
so, its better than maemo 5 or its is an upgrade to to GUI??

Right now Maemo 5 definitely runs nicer on N900 than Mer, but they have different purposes. Mer tries to build a freer, more mainline "style" distro than what comes from Nokia. It still drags in some non-free bits from Nokia though, for such things as battery. It will punt non free parts before Nokia. It also is designed to run on older Nokia internet tablets, which is nice if you have one of those.

F2thaK 2010-01-22 04:54

Re: Mer very slow on an N900

Originally Posted by amarjyoti (Post 487961)
Yes, it did for me :-)
Just follow this -
You'll be up and running in less than 1 hour :-)

yeah if i had and knew linux OS

F2thaK 2010-01-22 04:55

Re: Mer very slow on an N900

Originally Posted by jebba (Post 488131)
Right now Maemo 5 definitely runs nicer on N900 than Mer, but they have different purposes. Mer tries to build a freer, more mainline "style" distro than what comes from Nokia. It still drags in some non-free bits from Nokia though, for such things as battery. It will punt non free parts before Nokia. It also is designed to run on older Nokia internet tablets, which is nice if you have one of those.

thats what i thought it was mainly, un upgrade for N770 N800 etc

Stskeeps 2010-01-22 08:37

Re: Mer very slow on an N900
N900 version is non-accelerated as explicitly stated. It is possible to accelerate with SGX libraries but we need to find a proper delivery system to do so. With SGX enabled, it would be as speedy as on Maemo5.

amarjyoti 2010-01-23 02:32

Re: Mer very slow on an N900
cool. waiting for that. thanks.
did not read the non accelerated part. :-(

also is it possible to add the debian armel repos?

Stskeeps 2010-01-23 07:56

Re: Mer very slow on an N900

Originally Posted by amarjyoti (Post 489942)
cool. waiting for that. thanks.
did not read the non accelerated part. :-(

also is it possible to add the debian armel repos?

Why bother when it already has the Ubuntu armel repos?

mankir 2010-01-23 12:31

Re: Mer very slow on an N900
Confirm! i was able to boot into the 0.17testing11 once, but is was not really useable... A really good message is, Netbeans is running in Easy Debian! At the moment i am trying to use XFCE or LXDE, but i haven't found the proper Xephyr command... May be some one knows a solution? Another question, where are some explanations about the rd-mode, which has to be enabled with flasher for booting into mer?

jebba 2010-01-23 13:32

Re: Mer very slow on an N900

Originally Posted by mankir (Post 490384)
Another question, where are some explanations about the rd-mode, which has to be enabled with flasher for booting into mer?

As of around 0.17testing11 you don't need to put the N900 into R&D mode to run Mer. :)

The keymap is whacked, but the fix is coming RSN.

amarjyoti 2010-01-24 07:39

Re: Mer very slow on an N900
Oops my bad again. :-)
Ubuntu repos are good.
btw, this may be cool
Mer with illume :-)

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