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mihapodb 2010-01-25 19:38

Another LED pattern thread
I would like that led would be ON all the time until I check it.

CALL - pink
SMS - pink
EMAIL - blue

Other would be the same as original. I am trying for an hour, but all I can change is colour :(

codeMonkey 2010-01-25 22:10

Re: Another LED pattern thread
How good a pink are you looking for?
The standard combination of rb produces a pinky-purple, but if you're looking for a more true pink try the following:



These should all stay on until you dismiss them.

Keep an eye on battery usage.

mihapodb 2010-01-25 22:33

Re: Another LED pattern thread
I like more "rb" pinky :) So i changed it and now it is working just the way I wanted :)

It should not consume too much battery I think, but I do not care :)

Thank you very much code MASTER :)

colnago 2010-01-25 23:05

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 494452)

Keep an eye on battery usage.

I can't imagine "notification LEDs" being a serious drain. I did a battery drain test for the first Droid "LED flashlight", and it took over 2 hours of the LEDs (camera) being constantly on, along with (3) email accounts polling at 5 minute intervals (forgot I had email test going on as well), before the battery monitor came off of "full".

mihapodb 2010-01-26 11:47

Re: Another LED pattern thread
I would just like to ask you to change the email notification becouse there is no led at new email...

randall8686 2010-01-26 13:10

Re: Another LED pattern thread
where do i actually type this into the phone ?

mihapodb 2010-01-26 13:24

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Here are all informations:

codeMonkey 2010-01-26 16:39

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by mihapodb (Post 495306)
I would just like to ask you to change the email notification becouse there is no led at new email...

If the sequence you've got for the pattern is the same as for the phone call and that's working I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be working. Have you got any more information?

mankir 2010-01-26 16:42

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Would be nice to have a fading between two colours, nowhere found...

mihapodb 2010-01-26 19:51

Re: Another LED pattern thread
1 Attachment(s)
Here is my mce.ini, I have no Idea nor why the same line as for SMS is not working at new mail. There is no LED at new mail.

EDIT: Another wish:
SMS and CALL priority is ABOVE battery full and battery charging and EMAIL.

codeMonkey 2010-01-26 20:20

Re: Another LED pattern thread
You've got PatternCommunicationEmail and PatternCommonNotification on one line, so it's not able to read the pattern.

Edit the file, put a new return in between the two.

If you're having trouble and can see a return between the two lines then it's probably having problems between Windows and UNIX end-of-line characters.

codeMonkey 2010-01-26 20:23

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by mankir (Post 495762)
Would be nice to have a fading between two colours, nowhere found...

Look at the LED Patterns guide in the wiki.
In order to do that you'd need to use 2 engines, a different led mapped to each engine, and while one is fading out the other would be other fading in.

mihapodb 2010-01-26 20:28

Re: Another LED pattern thread
I did a return (new line) between them, still not working :(

I am editing trough windows notepad, but I did the same for SMS an call and it is working like charm...

codeMonkey 2010-01-26 20:52

Re: Another LED pattern thread
If you haven't already you'll need to restart mce or reboot the tablet.
If you've already done this, and you can see a new line but it's not working, then like I said above there's a problem with the different types of new line character. Notepad is producing the wrong sort.
If you copy a newline from the previous line and paste it that should work.

mihapodb 2010-01-26 21:39

Re: Another LED pattern thread
I did of course restart mce. The right way.
I did a new line with MC, but still not working :(

codeMonkey 2010-01-27 09:33

Re: Another LED pattern thread
1 Attachment(s)
I've edited and re-attached the mce.ini you posted a while ago. Give that a try.

mihapodb 2010-01-27 12:30

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Nothing, no LED at new email :(

codeMonkey 2010-01-27 15:51

Re: Another LED pattern thread
It's probably worthwhile to restore the default mce.ini and testing to see if the email led works from there, then edit (carefully) again.

mihapodb 2010-01-27 21:50

Re: Another LED pattern thread
While I had new, reflashed, there was never any LED at new email...

codeMonkey 2010-01-28 09:01

Re: Another LED pattern thread
If you go to Settings - Notification Light is the "Email message received" box ticked?
If it's not that, then it's fairly unusual and might not be something that's going to be very easy to diagnose from here.

mihapodb 2010-01-28 13:12

Re: Another LED pattern thread
I cannot believe that I forgot this :/ It is working now :)) I am sorry to bother you with this :)))

Anyway, if you have any pattern for 2 engines, changing colours between blue and red paste the code here please :) Like a police car ...

codeMonkey 2010-01-28 14:50

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Try the following:

Works on mine, but I've hand-copied it here, so I may have typod.

mihapodb 2010-01-28 15:12

Re: Another LED pattern thread
It works!! :)) Thank you :) perfect :) now I just have to make up my mind what colours I wanna use :)

Thank you so much :)

Mattside 2010-01-28 15:31

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 499473)
Try the following:

Works on mine, but I've hand-copied it here, so I may have typod.

So, for instance, would this code work to flash between red and blue for a missed call and an unread SMS? If so, which notification would i put the code under?

Sorry if my question is unclear... I'm on percocet right now for my wisdom teeth. (=

codeMonkey 2010-01-28 17:58

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Hi Mattside

You'd put that string under whichever pattern you wanted it to be used under.
Please see the wiki for more information, specifically this part of the led pattern wiki.

Mattside 2010-01-29 05:49

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 499766)
Hi Mattside

You'd put that string under whichever pattern you wanted it to be used under.
Please see the wiki for more information, specifically this part of the led pattern wiki.

Actually, I meant if you had two notifications up (each with a different color), would it be able to flash the LED between the two colors of the respective notification?

For instance, SMS is blue and Call is green. If I have an unread SMS and a missed call, is there a way to have the LED flash between blue and green? And after the SMS is checked, only the green would flash? (If that makes sense...)

codeMonkey 2010-01-29 06:12

Re: Another LED pattern thread
I get what you mean now.
Unfortunately not at the moment. Each pattern has a priority, and the one with the highest priority wins.
Two patterns can be running at the same time, for example if your tablet is fully charged and you get an email - when you dismiss the email pattern the battery-full pattern will still be displayed.

Some other people did also suggest something along these lines in a thread/brainstorm suggestion, but I think it would take a rewrite of mce to get it working.

mihapodb 2010-01-29 15:16

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 499473)
Try the following:

Works on mine, but I've hand-copied it here, so I may have typod.

How can I change colour in this pattern? If I change "rB" it is not working anymore...

codeMonkey 2010-01-29 17:19

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Please have a quick read of this section of the LED patterns wiki article.

Mattside 2010-01-31 01:55

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 500458)
I get what you mean now.
Unfortunately not at the moment. Each pattern has a priority, and the one with the highest priority wins.
Two patterns can be running at the same time, for example if your tablet is fully charged and you get an email - when you dismiss the email pattern the battery-full pattern will still be displayed.

Some other people did also suggest something along these lines in a thread/brainstorm suggestion, but I think it would take a rewrite of mce to get it working.

I forgot about the priorities. Thanks for the help!

mankir 2010-02-01 10:45

Re: Another LED pattern thread
I am currently using for fading (Call=rG, IM=Rb, SMS=gB, Email=Gb, Notification=rB, Charging=Rg):
9d80 //start
4000 //init-off
427f //fade-in
e004 //start engine2
e100 //wait for engine2
437f //fade-out
0000 //repeat
9d80 //start
4000 //init-off
e080 //wait for engine1
427f //fade-in
437f //fade-out
e002 //return to engine1

blue_led 2010-02-05 21:41

Traffic light like pattern
when charging "traffic light" pattern


must be one line !

codeMonkey 2010-02-06 11:39

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Thanks. I've listed this under the LED_Patterns wiki.

Diamorph 2010-02-06 12:19

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Another question to our code master :)
When I make my N900 on, the LED is white with a shape of blue... when I use the code from the mce.ini the LED appears as normal white.
Any ideas?

Thanks so far

skalogre 2010-02-06 18:28

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Thanks everyone for all the information in this thread. I wanted to change the charging indicator to be akin to the "breathing light" on the E71/N97 - so just changed "rg" to "rgb" in the PatternBatteryCharging strijng. It would have been nice to give it a slight blue glow but I don't see that as being possible.

blue_led 2010-02-07 10:40

Re: Another LED pattern thread
@skalogre : every N900 user must be happy so here is the code :D


codeMonkey 2010-02-07 16:53

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by Diamorph (Post 513060)
When I make my N900 on, the LED is white with a shape of blue... when I use the code from the mce.ini the LED appears as normal white.
Any ideas?

Do you mean that the pattern that's supposed to be white is showing up blue?
The only reasons I could think of for this is that the pattern is actually for blue, and you're misinterpreting it, or the red and green leds in your device are slightly defective.
It's more likely to be the former if all of your other patterns are fine.
Feel free to paste the pattern here and I'm sure someone will be able to help.

Diamorph 2010-02-07 18:08

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Thank you for your respond,
blue_led posted the pattern i was looking for.
My LEDs all work fine ;) I meant the same as skalogre, a kind of a white blue. When you power on your N900 you see what I mean. This is not the same white like the standart device on pattern.
But again thank you, you didn't forget me :)

skalogre 2010-02-07 20:24

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by blue_led (Post 514159)
@skalogre : every N900 user must be happy so here is the code :D


Holy crap. Good job, thanks! I feel a little silly now, I need to read over the wiki and work out why I misunderstood the limitations.

Ronaldo 2010-02-07 23:19

Re: Another LED pattern thread
can some one do me

i like

"A police-siren style pattern, idea by mihapodb.

PatternCommunicationEmail=30;1;0;rB;9d8040ff7f00e0 0440007f000000;9d80e08040ff7f0040000000
but can i have the fade in fade out so pink.....

for calls can i have red and like the stock fade in fade out please


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