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darlomrh 2010-01-27 08:44

T-mobile UK users help needed

I bought the N900 onn contract agreement for T-Mobile UK via a retailer.
I still had a month left on my 02 contract so I used the n900 with msn (buterfly plugin) with the odd hiccup but on a 3G connection.

I have finally moved to the T-Mobile account and it seems that there is an issue with the MSN plugin.

Can anyone else confirm they are having the same issue on T-Mobile UK?


cgarvie 2010-01-27 08:48

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by darlomrh (Post 497007)

I bought the N900 onn contract agreement for T-Mobile UK via a retailer.
I still had a month left on my 02 contract so I used the n900 with msn (buterfly plugin) with the odd hiccup but on a 3G connection.

I have finally moved to the T-Mobile account and it seems that there is an issue with the MSN plugin.

Can anyone else confirm they are having the same issue on T-Mobile UK?


Tmobile block messenger i think.
As i can use piggin at home on wi-fi but not out and about on Tmobile. and there was some mention of no msn on my PaYG contract

Seraphic 2010-01-27 08:53

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by darlomrh (Post 497007)

I bought the N900 onn contract agreement for T-Mobile UK via a retailer.
I still had a month left on my 02 contract so I used the n900 with msn (buterfly plugin) with the odd hiccup but on a 3G connection.

I have finally moved to the T-Mobile account and it seems that there is an issue with the MSN plugin.

Can anyone else confirm they are having the same issue on T-Mobile UK?


Yeah, T-Mobile block messenger ports on the standard Web'n'walk package unfortunately. You need to upgrade to Web'n'walk plus which costs more.

darlomrh 2010-01-27 08:56

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
The thing is Skype is not blocked and they say I have a 3GB usage allowence???

Just called tech support about as much use as .....


mivoligo 2010-01-27 08:57

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
I don't use msn, but removing Content Lock might help.

darlomrh 2010-01-27 09:04

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by mivoligo (Post 497024)
I don't use msn, but removing Content Lock might help.

done that thanks

jaark 2010-01-27 09:18

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by darlomrh (Post 497023)
The thing is Skype is not blocked and they say I have a 3GB usage allowence???

Unless things have changed, the 3GB allowance is Web'n'Walk Plus which should have IM (but no voice) available.

spanner 2010-01-27 09:22

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by mivoligo (Post 497024)
I don't use msn, but removing Content Lock might help.

I did that ages ago - makes no difference. Google chat is the only IM protocol that they don't (or can't) block in my experience.

They do this to promote their own crappy, pay-extra messenger program that isn't even released for the N900. Idiots.

This will be *the* reason (aside from network coverage issues) why I switch from T-Mobile in a month or so.

darlomrh, what was O2 like on the N900? That's where I think I'm headed!

darlomrh 2010-01-27 10:00

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

It works better than my current T-Mobile setup. I moved for 2 reasons. 1 cheaper web add-on 2 couldn't afford the £400 + upfront cost for the N900

On O2 3g msn and voip connected ok.

darlomrh 2010-01-27 12:18

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
Odd thing is Sype, Ovi and Google talk connect ok. I know this is trivial in the grand scheme of things but it is annoying.

I may pop into a T-Mobile store see if I can speak to someone who is not reading from a script.

Thanks all for help

krk969 2010-01-27 12:24

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
pidgin ( yahoo ) works fine for me.
so does 3G calls over skype.

Im on T-Mobile.

Neegs 2010-01-27 12:36

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
T- Mobile block MSN WTF. hmmm i was going to wait out for n900 to be back on t mobile, as heard they do better with data usage but **** that for a laugh if i cant even use msn

darlomrh 2010-01-27 17:04

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
I have been lurking around the T-Mobile support forums and it seems some users can use live messenger on other phones.

It would suggest that it's the way N900 uses msn on the T-Mobile is the issue?

ae0n 2010-01-27 18:24

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
I'm soo glad that I'm not the only one with this problem, I was convinced I had a defective phone!
The chat protocols (for both Haze and Pidgin) I use works flawlessly via my home wifi connection,
but via 3G, MSN won't connect, Yahoo will stay connected for the most part and Skype is always on.

And yeah, to reiterate others, I tested an O2 sim, and MSN connects fine so I definitely suspected
some sort of blockage on the T-Mobile side - I just didn't know that was possible (or necessary!).

Can anyone with a Three sim confirm MSN connects there as I'm seriously considering moving over.

justmeinit 2010-01-27 18:41

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
Just tried it myself yeah it seems they do block msn. Has anyone rang them (T Mobile) about why they do this

cgarvie 2010-01-27 19:00

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by justmeinit (Post 497910)
Just tried it myself yeah it seems they do block msn. Has anyone rang them (T Mobile) about why they do this

its in the PaYG contract so dint see the point.

what the difference between msn and google talk.

im assuming there the same but you cant talk between systems

justmeinit 2010-01-27 19:02

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
id ring them myself but stuck at work

Tiboric 2010-01-27 19:08

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
Sorry I know this is not good solution but have you tried
I dont think they can block any ports from that(but the could block the web page i suppose)

but its working on my n900 right now on wnw.
I dont use msn so dont know what features you'll be missing,
and was found on a google search after reading your post,

so I have only tried for 10mins on a dormant account to test.

hope it'll do for now.

P.s remember you'll be going through a thrid party...

darlomrh 2010-01-27 19:58

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

I rung 4 times today got 4 different people and all of them didn't really know what to do. The UK call center lady was very nice and said they she saw no reason for messenger to be blocked.

However if you sign up to a jabber service that has the msn transport gateway you can use the nokia jabber client and it works.

So I now have msn working on T-Mob UK 3G via Jabber.

I had to use a Jabber desktop client to discover the msn service but once that was done it was pretty straight forward.

One note though, I'm not sure if it a bug or the jabber service I signed up to but if you switch from wifi to 3g and visa-versa you get an authentication error.

Going back into the account and re saving it sorts it though.

Hope this helps

darlomrh 2010-01-27 20:02

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by ae0n (Post 497887)

Can anyone with a Three sim confirm MSN connects there as I'm seriously considering moving over.

I used a Three UK PAYG and seemed to connect fine

darlomrh 2010-01-30 12:41

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
Another update:

Curiosity got the better of me and I put a Virgin Mobile PAYG sim in the N900.
It registered as T-Mobile as Virgin use T-Mobile's network and MSN plugin and Facebook chat worked. :confused:

So I'm thinking it is a setup issue on my account. So I have enabled the handset as Modem upgrade to my account so it would refresh the settings and surprise MSN and Facebook chat.

Plan is to keep the upgrade for a month and then take it off and hopefully all will be good.:D

lasman 2010-02-24 08:09

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
I am having similar problems with my n900 on tmobile. I have tried pidgin and amsn but can't connect to my msn messenger account. I spoke to tmobile and they don't think they are blocking the service.

darlomrh, which program exactly did you use to get this working? Thanks.

Seraphic 2010-02-24 11:52

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
As mentioned, I had this same issue when I was first put on the basic 1gb allowance package. Ask to upgrade to Web'n'walk plus (3gb allowance, ports unblocked) and I can now use MSN, Skype (IM and Voice), all other messenger protocols without issue on my account fine.

darlomrh 2010-02-24 13:40

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by lasman (Post 543859)
I am having similar problems with my n900 on tmobile. I have tried pidgin and amsn but can't connect to my msn messenger account. I spoke to tmobile and they don't think they are blocking the service.

darlomrh, which program exactly did you use to get this working? Thanks.

I use the conversations plugin (butterfly) for msn from extras-devel

I had to get them to upgrade me to handset as modem to get this to work.

If you don't want to upgrade your T-Mob account you can use jabber and connect to a msn relay and the does the trick too.

If you need some more help let me know

lasman 2010-02-24 20:15

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
Thanks Darlomrh.

The person I spoke to at tmobile did not seem to know anything about upgrading but will ask. I have tried the haze plugin which did not work.

Can you please give me details of how to get access via jabber (eg specific applications to install) and I'll try tmobile again.

Many thanks.

cgarvie 2010-02-24 20:20

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by darlomrh (Post 544305)
I use the conversations plugin (butterfly) for msn from extras-devel

I had to get them to upgrade me to handset as modem to get this to work.

If you don't want to upgrade your T-Mob account you can use jabber and connect to a msn relay and the does the trick too.

If you need some more help let me know

whats a msn relay is that some service that i need to set yet another account up with?

planetf1 2010-02-24 20:37

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
I was worried about this blocking, which was a strong reason for sticking with 3Uk which pretty much block NOTHING.

zail 2010-02-24 20:44

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
Interesting.. just tested this and have the same msn issue over the Tmobile web n walk connection but perfect connection through pidgin on my wifi. Skype works over W&W and reading the T and Cs on the back of my contract they specifically exclude 3rd party VOIP calling provider "unless permiited by the terms and conditions of your calling plan"... so this means they allow skype on W&W and not msn without an upgrade? I find that very odd indeed....

Alex Atkin UK 2010-02-24 21:21

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
This is interesting, as I will be switching from O2 back to my old T-Mobile SIM in a month or two. I had Live Messenger working on that SIM on my Xperia X1 so if it doesn't work on the N900 that would be curious indeed.

That said as I will be saving £35/month getting rid of O2 its not the end of the world if I have to upgrade to Web n Walk Plus.

lasman 2010-02-24 22:32

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
I put my tmobile sim in a nokia N95 8gb which had Windows Live for Nokia S60 installed on it.

I was able to connect over my Web n Walk connection without any problems. Seems there might be a something peculiar to the apps and the n900.

m165 2010-02-24 22:50

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
ive just tried this, and i am also unable to connect to msn. i can connect to facebook via jabber as i was doing that the other day!

zail 2010-02-24 22:54

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
So it looks like it could be an n900 app issue rather than tmobile blocking if connection to msn etc is possible on web n walk via symbian phones using the same sim? What about msn via pidgin with other uk providers?

planetf1 2010-02-24 23:49

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
no problem with msn (all 3 versions), ovi, google talk, facebook chat,, sip (poivy), skye N900 3UK. In fact no unexplained connectivity issues

Rugne 2010-02-24 23:50

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
Just thought I'd add my 2pence.

At least in the UK, it works if you have T-Mobiles mobile broadband, I don't know why this works with ordinary 3G but it does.

I currently have both, on two different SIM's but I shall talk to TMobile tomorrow and see if I can arrange to join the two into one sim card, or add it to one si card and cancel the other.

Will let you know how that works out.

Wichall 2010-02-25 00:21

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Talk to a supervisor and you'll be sorted...

lasman 2010-02-25 00:28

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 545159)

Talk to a supervisor and you'll be sorted...

Hi. You say you tested mobile broadband plus. Are you using a usb wireless modem on a pc or n900. As far as I am aware, I didn't have a choice of mobile internet options as part of my t-mobile contract.

Rugne 2010-02-25 15:56

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
o.k, I upgraded to web and walk plus, and apparently, the only difference between web and walk plus and mobile broadband, is the way you access the phone, either directly though a USB dongle or via your phone.

However, this hasn't solved the problem, so now I'm onto phone call number 2.

Rugne 2010-02-25 16:17

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
Well, phone call number 2 hasn't solved anything. This is starting to get a touch annoying.

It will work with the t-mobile sim card from the mobile broad band dongle, but not with my standard simcard and yet they apparently on the same technical set up.

This leads me to believe that the problem is the sim card set up.

Come on T-Mobile, pull your socks up!

Rugne 2010-02-26 18:48

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
Final result I got from T-mobile..

You need the mobile broadband plus/ web and walk plus package, because apparently under the fair use policy of of the standard web and walk and the somewhat arbitrary 1gb download limit they have placed on it, they are basicly baring your access untill you pay for the 12'50 a month add on.

zail 2010-02-26 20:54

Re: T-mobile UK users help needed
So, if i've got this right i need to pay an extra £12.50 per month to enable msn to work over standard web n' walk - oh, and to get an extra 2gb bandwidth i don't need.. but skype works over the standard set up.. wheres the sense there?

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