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Frand 2010-01-27 15:31

Secret Exit's official N900 games thread
EDIT: July 1st, 2010
SPiN is now available on the Ovi Store!

EDIT: June 16th, 2010
Zen Bound is now available on the Ovi Store!


Hi Everyone,

My name is Jani and I work in a small Finnish independent game development studio called Secret Exit. We've been largely iPhone-focused so far, but we'll be dipping our toes into Maemo in the future.

Currently we're porting two of our games to N900: SPiN and Zen Bound. This seemed like the right forum to announce our intention.

Below are some work-in-progress screenshots, so please disregard the minor visual artifacts that are still present.

Hope you enjoy!

Bratag 2010-01-27 15:34

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
This can only be full of win. Welcome to the forums, screenshots look great and I cant wait to see the final products.

slender 2010-01-27 15:34

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
Portrait pictures look sweet :) Any video material?

soleil 2010-01-27 15:36

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
Good to hear about new studio interest in N900 . I will buy the game when it release

Laughingstok 2010-01-27 15:36

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900

Aranel 2010-01-27 15:36

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
Looks awesome!

Snaps 2010-01-27 15:37

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
Very nice. Any ETA on release?

torpedo48 2010-01-27 15:38

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
Hi Frand, yes this is the right place. :) thanks for your useful post.

Could you tell us how much it will cost, or it's a secret? ;)

dread123 2010-01-27 15:38

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
would you be requiring any beta testers? would be willing to offer my services for maemo platform?

hstende 2010-01-27 15:40

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
That looks good.
Nice to see companies start to make programs for this platform.

feydrutha 2010-01-27 15:42

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900

Once they re-launch the ovi store with actual paid content, I think the first couple companies to have good quality games are likely to make a killing... there's not as large a userbase as the iphone, but not as much competition either...

omeriko9 2010-01-27 15:42

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900

Originally Posted by dread123 (Post 497623)
would you be requiring any beta testers? would be willing to offer my services for maemo platform?

Looks great!
And I'm joining dread123 assist offer as beta tester :)

nashith 2010-01-27 15:48

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
Send a video demo, then you can have my money when it's finished :)

jsa 2010-01-27 15:51

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900

Originally Posted by nashith (Post 497642)
Send a video demo, then you can have my money when it's finished :)

There are video demos in youtube of the iPhone/iPod Touch versions..

gerbick 2010-01-27 15:53

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
Zen Bound is N900 Bound! YES! I own that on my iPhone... love it.

Lacedaemon 2010-01-27 15:59

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
Great news. Welcome !

Rich_H 2010-01-27 16:02

Re: Secret Exit vs. N900
Sounds great that you are going to make games for the N900, think that there will be alot of potential buyers if you just look at Angry Birds, success on maemo so far.

Flandry 2010-01-27 16:18

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Great news! Thanks for making the announcement. I've stickied it for a little while. :)

s33k3rgr 2010-01-27 16:37

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Good news! If only Nokia had a bluetooth gamepad so we could play those games.

gerbick 2010-01-27 16:45

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Wait... has the ability to sell their games been solved yet?

cjp 2010-01-27 16:57

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Wow I'm not familiar with these games but they sure look interesting.

Welcome aboard! :)

mikec 2010-01-27 21:14

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Hammer to piggy bank.

Please can we have assets rendered for 800x480, not your iphone assets stretched to fit :D

Frand 2010-01-27 21:48

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Thanks for the comments everyone!

Regarding pricing and release dates, we really haven't set anything in stone yet. I'll be posting new info as soon as we figure things out.

And as far as game assets go, SPiN uses nifty SVG technology for its 2D content, so it's native for any and all screen sizes.

For Zen Bound, our first priority is frame rate, followed by visual fidelity. Bringing iPhone content to N900 does require quite a bit of optimization to both look nice and run smoothly on the 2.5X amount of pixels.

Cernunnos 2010-01-27 22:08

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
This looks awesome! Great that you are willing to take the risk of moving to such a new platform, I hope more will follow! I bet you will get tons of support from the community! Keep up the great work!

UQs 2010-01-27 22:17

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
I've tried one of your games on my first gen iPod Touch. I'll definitely buy your games if they work as well as on Apples platforms. :)

phortize 2010-01-27 22:22

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
looks fantastic! we all are just waiting for something like that. one question: im really curious, have you decided yet how to get paid for that? i mean, how to prevent pirates from stealing your work?

UQs 2010-01-27 22:24

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by phortize (Post 498426)
looks fantastic! we all are just waiting for something like that. one question: im really curious, have you decided yet how to get paid for that? i mean, how to prevent pirates to steal your work?

That would be up to Nokia to fix and I'm sure they will well before Secret Exit are done porting their games.

Laughing Man 2010-01-27 22:32

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Interesting, I've played that Zen Bound game on the iPhone. It's hard.

msa 2010-01-27 22:47

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
looks awesome!

will they be free? make them free pl0x :D

Frand 2010-01-27 22:49

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by msa (Post 498465)
looks awesome!

will they be free? make them free pl0x :D

They will be free on the same day when we no longer have to pay for our food and shelter :)

sio2interactive 2010-01-27 22:57

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Unfortunately... if your game is written in C/C++ you won't be able to publish it on the OVI Store, as the store doesn't support them... (quite ashamed I know).

Even if you pay the 50EU, that is not going to give you access to upload that kind of content on the OVI Store, either free or commercial... (we have recently been in that situation...)

Flandry 2010-01-27 23:44

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Ovi store supports C/C++. Ovi store does not (yet) support Maemo. Please contact Ovi and notify them of your desire to publish popular game titles for Maemo so they will be more likely to prioritize Maemo support.

VDVsx 2010-01-27 23:47

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by sio2interactive (Post 498492)
Unfortunately... if your game is written in C/C++ you won't be able to publish it on the OVI Store, as the store doesn't support them... (quite ashamed I know).

Even if you pay the 50EU, that is not going to give you access to upload that kind of content on the OVI Store, either free or commercial... (we have recently been in that situation...)

That's a very wrong assumption, the OVI store doesn't support N900 apps yet, nothing related to the programming language used.
Maemo uses .deb packages, so I can't see any limitation in the languages of use, you can put almost anything inside a .deb package.
Of course you will not be able to distribute a C/C++ binary alone, you need to create a .deb package with the binary.

sio2interactive 2010-01-28 00:21

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Even then, you won't be able to distribute them... there's no support for .deb on

If you want to sell your apps you have to pass by your own payment inside the game... and basically publish the game yourself...

bandora 2010-01-28 00:37

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Hello Jani.. On behalf of EVERYONE that uses N900.. I would like to thank you for this effort and I hope you continue developing awesome games for the N900! :)

I am looking forward on playing your games!

jr1415us 2010-01-28 00:38

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
man I am chuffed! Never played it on the iPhone, but based on screenshots I'm certain this is GREAT!

bbns 2010-01-28 01:04

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
hmm I wonder how Angry Bird being published. It's looks like C/C++ game to me. I wonder Quim would help. Have you tried to contact him?

NvyUs 2010-01-28 01:16

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by sio2interactive (Post 498619)
Even then, you won't be able to distribute them... there's no support for .deb on

If you want to sell your apps you have to pass by your own payment inside the game... and basically publish the game yourself...

your confusing symbian distribution with maemo.
maemo ovi store is still in beta and only nokia partners are in there as it stands,
the link you posted is about publishing for symbian and accepted formats for symbian there is no maemo documentation there at all,
you are best to contact nokia directly to find out about maemo or
go to forum nokia i'm sure there is people there who know more and can help

synplex 2010-01-28 03:40

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Great News! Any Game developer is a greatly welcomed to Maemo... especially if your games look like those great screen shots so far :)

Thesandlord 2010-01-28 03:54

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
You could release it as shareware. You know, a free level and then in-app or website payment for a code of sorts or remote activation. I am 100% sure his company has thought this out though.

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