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rm42 2010-02-01 16:10

[Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
There is an interesting petition for making Netflix available to Linux users:

tpaixao 2010-02-01 16:16

Re: Netflix anyone?

It is also unfair that the only supported browser is Internet Explorer.
That's weird, Netflix is available on firefox, through silverlight. I fully support this but I guess if we are going to make a petition, we'd better get all our facts straight.

Texrat 2010-02-01 16:27

Re: Netflix anyone?
...and Nokia has been working with Microsoft on bringing Silverlight to its products...

rm42 2010-02-01 16:27

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by tpaixao (Post 505309)
That's weird, Netflix is available on firefox, through silverlight. I fully support this but I guess if we are going to make a petition, we'd better get all our facts straight.

Yes, it is a shame that they missed that fact.

rm42 2010-02-01 16:28

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 505333)
...and Nokia has been working with Microsoft on bringing Silverlight to its products...

I would prefer that Netflix switch away from Silverlight, but I guess that is not likely to happen. Too bad.

Texrat 2010-02-01 16:31

Re: Netflix anyone?
HTML5 all the way, baby!

Shaichico 2010-02-01 16:37

Re: Netflix anyone?
FYI there is a linux version of silverlight called moonlight maybe someone can port it!

tpaixao 2010-02-01 16:43

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by Shaichico (Post 505346)
FYI there is a linux version of silverlight called moonlight maybe someone can port it!

Yeah, but it doesn't support the DRM stuff that netflix insists on using. So, that's a no go.

sjgadsby 2010-02-01 16:52

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by Shaichico (Post 505346)
...there is a linux version of silverlight called moonlight maybe someone can port it!

Moonlight is built on Mono, which would be a heavy port. Then, once you ported Mono and Moonlight and got them working, you'd be prompted to run the Moonlight Codecs Installer and agree to Microsoft's EULA for their proprietary codecs. Were you able to get those codecs to install somehow, they wouldn't work on an ARMEL device like the N900 as the codecs were compiled for x86. But that's okay because Moonlight doesn't support DRM, so Netflix won't stream anything to you anyway.

jsa 2010-02-01 16:57

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 505368)
Moonlight is built on Mono, which would be a heavy port. Then, once you ported Mono and Moonlight and got them working, you'd be prompted to run the Moonlight Codecs Installer and agree to Microsoft's EULA for their proprietary codecs. Were you able to get those codecs to install somehow, they wouldn't work on an ARMEL device like the N900 as the codecs were compiled for x86. But that's okay because Moonlight doesn't support DRM, so Netflix won't stream anything to you anyway.

And even if all of that magically worked, Netflix won't stream anything to me anyway because I'm outside US. :)

Sopwith 2010-04-05 00:05

Netflix on N900?
Since two days, Netflix can stream on the Apple's iPad; an ipod/iphone version is expected. Is there a chance for a Neflix streaming application for Meamo? Can this be developed by the community, or do we need to ask nicely Netflix to write it?

PS. I do realize this is a US specific problem mostly...

Laughing Man 2010-04-05 00:08

Re: Netflix on N900?

Originally Posted by Sopwith (Post 595652)
Since two days, Netflix can stream on the Apple's iPad; an ipod/iphone version is expected. Is there a chance for a Neflix streaming application for Meamo? Can this be developed by the community, or do we need to ask nicely Netflix to write it?

PS. I do realize this is a US specific problem mostly...

Netflix has to do it.

Sopwith 2010-04-05 00:14

Re: Netflix on N900?
Tough luck. They still don't have an application for Linux. I believed that Silverlight was the reason, but apparently that is not so, otherwise they wouldn't have it on the apple's devices. I guess then it remains to see if Silverlight will make its way to N900...

rm42 2010-04-05 00:23

Re: Netflix on N900?

Rapparee 2010-04-05 01:01

Re: Netflix on N900?
I would buy into netflix for that luxury

somedude 2010-04-05 01:19

Re: Netflix on N900?
well netflix on my computer only requires silverlight and I had asked this question and there is some package similar to silverlight which will make netflix play the movies and shows. But I cannot find a link to that package you might have better luck searching for silverlight for N900, since N900 uses regular desktop kind web browser if we get a silverlight we would not need an app for it we can directly stream.

ysss 2010-04-05 01:20

Re: Netflix on N900?
Does anyone know what format the movie files are?
Are they DRM-ed?

Laughing Man 2010-04-05 01:23

Re: Netflix on N900?

Originally Posted by somedude (Post 595722)
well netflix on my computer only requires silverlight and I had asked this question and there is some package similar to silverlight which will make netflix play the movies and shows. But I cannot find a link to that package you might have better luck searching for silverlight for N900, since N900 uses regular desktop kind web browser if we get a silverlight we would not need an app for it we can directly stream.

Your talking about moonlight (Linux version of siverlight) but it doesn't work that well. And I don't think it supports DRM.

Who knows, maybe Netflix is using HTML5 for the iPad *shrugs*

somedude 2010-04-05 02:01

Re: Netflix on N900?

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 595725)
Your talking about moonlight (Linux version of siverlight) but it doesn't work that well. And I don't think it supports DRM.

Who knows, maybe Netflix is using HTML5 for the iPad *shrugs*

yep heard that it was using the HTML5 because microsoft clearly stated that they will not bring silverlight to iphone and ipad platform.

sadfist 2010-04-05 02:12

Re: Netflix on N900?
I wonder if the iPad app is in fact using HTML5 if there's any chance the content can be accessed sans iPad. I'm gonna act like the chance > zero...

Laughing Man 2010-04-06 00:32

Re: Netflix on N900?

Originally Posted by sadfist (Post 595771)
I wonder if the iPad app is in fact using HTML5 if there's any chance the content can be accessed sans iPad. I'm gonna act like the chance > zero...

Well it'd be easy to see where the traffic is coming from or going to (just have a traffic sniffer sniff the traffic coming from the iPad). But it's likely Netflix has some authentication on the iPad app otherwise anyone could just spoof an iPad browser-agent and get access.

sjgadsby 2010-04-06 00:41

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
The thread "Netflix on N900?" with eleven posts has been merged into this thread.

rm42 2010-04-07 13:38

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
Does any know how the Blockbuster on demand app work?

Unfortunately, it is probably a Java app, so I doubt that we will have it available or ported to the N900. However, Nokia and Intel should work with Blockbuster to ensure that there is a way for us to get Blockbuster movies in Meego!

Edit: Ah, I just realized that the HTC is a Windows Mobile phone. That means this app is probably also using silverlight. (Those Microsoft guys are quick to stamp out possible defectors.) However, I noticed that they have some movies compatible with the Archos 5 tablet. Does Archos produce a Windows based tablet besides their Linux based ones?

Lazarpandar 2010-04-08 08:53

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
Petitions weren't meant for this sort of thing. Who do you people think you are to just assume you can volunteer someone else's time and money towards developing an application?

ysss 2010-04-08 10:12

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?

Originally Posted by Lazarpandar (Post 600704)
Petitions weren't meant for this sort of thing. Who do you people think you are to just assume you can volunteer someone else's time and money towards developing an application?

petition |pəˈti sh ən|
a formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority with respect to a particular cause : she was asked to sign a petition against plans to build on the local playing fields.
• an appeal or request, esp. a solemn or humble one to a deity or a superior.
• Law an application to a court for a writ, judicial action in a suit, etc. : a divorce petition.

Flynx 2010-04-29 16:36

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
I have a PC at home running all the time. If I use RDesktop to connect to it I can watch Netflix on my N900 screen, at a framerate of 0.1/s over 3G.

So, is there a way to severely cut the resolution that RDesktop uses, to boost the framerate?

Flynx 2010-04-29 20:25

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
Ok, when I get home from work, I will try this:

and see if I can use it as an input for some of these other streaming programs like orb or knots and see what kind of netflix performance i can get. assuming that this will capture video and not just give a black box.

tzsm98 2010-04-29 20:46

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 505368)
Moonlight is built on Mono, which would be a heavy port. Then, once you ported Mono and Moonlight and got them working, you'd be prompted to run the Moonlight Codecs Installer and agree to Microsoft's EULA for their proprietary codecs. Were you able to get those codecs to install somehow, they wouldn't work on an ARMEL device like the N900 as the codecs were compiled for x86. But that's okay because Moonlight doesn't support DRM, so Netflix won't stream anything to you anyway.

You have captured the real reason for asking NetFlix to release the Linux package - DRM. It is a sad fact that as long as there are people trying to make money from their intellectual property there are people who are going to attempt to not pay for it. So DRM makes it possible to provide the milk without giving away the cow. No doubt a streaming application provided by Netflix would preserve the difficulty in mis-appropriating the content.

I've been a subscriber to Netflix since they had 7800 titles in their catalogue. I would really enjoy being able to watch a short or cartoon on the N900 to fill in idle moments when I am tired of playing Angry Birds. I would like to see that application come from them.

crasbelize 2010-07-22 18:22

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
Hello all .... when will there be a app for maemo?

Like this one: here >>

I just wanna manage my queue's.

cfh11 2010-07-22 19:42

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
Err.... if all you want is to manage your queues, why don't you just use

geneven 2010-07-22 20:09

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
Yup, I've used my N900 to manage my queues.

Does anyone understand the Roku well enough to tell me whether it would allow me to broadcast video to my N900? The most current Roku says it makes video available anywhere in the area via wireless using the Wireless N protocol.

olighak 2010-07-22 20:20

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by tzsm98 (Post 634041)
You have captured the real reason for asking NetFlix to release the Linux package - DRM. It is a sad fact that as long as there are people trying to make money from their intellectual property there are people who are going to attempt to not pay for it. So DRM makes it possible to provide the milk without giving away the cow. No doubt a streaming application provided by Netflix would preserve the difficulty in mis-appropriating the content.

I've been a subscriber to Netflix since they had 7800 titles in their catalogue. I would really enjoy being able to watch a short or cartoon on the N900 to fill in idle moments when I am tired of playing Angry Birds. I would like to see that application come from them.

The reason that I havenīt signed up with them is more or less because I canīt watch Netflix on my N900. I donīt want to turn my laptop on to watch a show or movie. Iīve got the N900 with me at all times, but try to leave the laptop behind at every chance I get.

firstohit 2011-07-11 20:27

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
can we play netflix on nokia N900. I have netflix account and tv cable. it would be awsome to be able to play stream netflix. to my knowledge the current problem is silverlight not being supported for linux. Anybody knows otherwise willing to share experience?

nakia 2011-07-13 02:56

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
Could some one explain to me how netflix is possible in Android without Silverlight, being installed in many unauthorized devices (like the nook color) but still is an impossible in the N900?
Any ideas?

wolverine 2011-07-16 18:49

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
I'm able to play netflix movies with NITDROID latest version.

jo21 2011-07-18 03:02

Re: Netflix anyone?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 505333)
...and Nokia has been working with Microsoft on bringing Silverlight to its products...

too bad silverlight its DEAD platform. not even burning, dead.

HTML5 will likely pick up, good for open source bad for microsoft... and nokia,.

sjgadsby 2011-07-18 03:09

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?

Originally Posted by nakia (Post 1049915)
Could some one explain to me how netflix is possible in Android without Silverlight, being installed in many unauthorized devices (like the nook color) but still is an impossible in the N900?
Any ideas?

The Netflix company made the Netflix Android client. They can use whatever delivery technology they decide makes sense for their official Netflix apps since they also control the servers.

ricotomo 2012-12-22 16:33

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
whats the situation today? any way to stream netflix on n900?

shawnjefferson 2012-12-23 23:48

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
Via Nitdroid on the n900 is the only method I'm aware of (besides RDP or VNC to your desktop machine.)

VinnyLT 2013-09-18 01:48

Re: [Maemo 5] Netflix on N900, anyone?
Has anyone tried this??
netflix add-on for the firefox app?

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