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gerbick 2010-02-03 22:52

How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
Somebody was asking me if I would switch to T-Mobile from AT&T just for the N900 so I would keep 3G access or if I'd get the N900 and deal with EDGE speeds when I wasn't around wi-fi... so did any of you switch carriers?

Just curious... thanks in advance.

noobmonkey 2010-02-03 22:53

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
doesnt hugely bother me which carrier in the UK... 2 or 3 are ok in my area :) - so technically i swapped, but not for any major reason........ Just because i liked the deal, and they took my payment card lol....

araavi 2010-02-03 22:55

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 509486)
Somebody was asking me if I would switch to T-Mobile from AT&T just for the N900 so I would keep 3G access or if I'd get the N900 and deal with EDGE speeds when I wasn't around wi-fi... so did any of you switch carriers?

Just curious... thanks in advance.

I did. I have switched from AT&T to T-Mobile just to make full use of N900. And T-Mobile coverage is pretty good wherever i have tried and their rate plans are cheaper too.

Zigmat 2010-02-03 22:56

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I was on Orange for a long time, but when I got my N900 I switched to 3 - just couldn't beat their internet deal :)

rincic83 2010-02-03 22:57

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I got mine unlocked so I can go to all networks :D :D

noobmonkey 2010-02-03 22:58

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?

Originally Posted by rincic83 (Post 509499)
I got mine unlocked so I can go to all networks :D :D

lol they where all unlocked ;) - just which carrier did you choose to pair your n900 with to begin with! (Or do you have about 3 sim cards to keep you entertained?!)

gerbick 2010-02-03 22:59

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I forgot to add "Do not have a N900 yet"... that's where I belong! Oops.

kjmackey 2010-02-03 23:02

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I switched from AT&T in the US to T-Mobile in the US - and yes, just for the N900.

I don't care about the carrier (so long as they are GSM). I will go to whichever one supports the phone I want to use. Were I back in Europe I probably would not have switched carriers - unless there was a great deal to be had on voice/messaging/data.

As it turns out, I'm paying T-Mobile a little less than I did AT&T (I had an iPhone plan there before I switched to my N97 and then on to T-Mobile).

geneven 2010-02-03 23:09

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I switched from Sprint to Tmobile and gave my Palm Centro to someone else, who also gets the last six months of my two-year committment, since I couldn't get out of it.

Dinho 2010-02-03 23:10

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I've been on T-Mobile since 2005. So I didn't switch carriers.

Instead I switched from iPhone to N900 to be able to enjoy the 3G speed, and also for many other reasons :D

romanianusa 2010-02-03 23:16

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I switched from Verizon to T-mobile because i want the internet service for N900. But now i don't want internet since i don't use that much other than my wi-fi at i canceled internet plan and just go with voice plan. Also i am on month-by-month plan as well contract.

My question is since i don't want it possible for me to get AT&T with just month by month without contract?? If so, i might switched to AT&T because T-mobile doesn't give me any voice signal while at work. Oh and how much will that cost ?

Laughing Man 2010-02-03 23:24

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I switched from Sprint to TMobile.

romanianusa, yes I believe there are pay as you go plans. I think they're advertised as "Go" or something like that. No idea about how much it would cost though.

rmerren 2010-02-03 23:26

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I left 10 years of AT&T for T-Mobile because of the N900. I had to wait a week for my contract to expire or they had a hefty fee for me, but somehow I survived on 2g. I had a 3g winmo phone before, and I was perfectly happy with AT&T. For some reason, I didn't have all of the issues that iPhone users seemed to have with AT&T, which leads me to believe that Verizon will suddenly have the same problems if the iPhone is allowed there.

T-Mobile gave me a very good deal--it is actually cheaper per month if you don't get a contract with a phone discount. I now have no contracts and own my own smells like freedom.

I still have my wireless usb gizmo with at&t...t-mobile doesn't really have a plan for that.

I think the 3g map for AT&T is a little better than T-Mobile here in Austin right now, but I always have at least 2g and T-mobile seems like they are growing.

Basically I have had no complaints so far. I say take the plunge.

rincic83 2010-02-03 23:27

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?

Originally Posted by noobmonkey (Post 509505)
lol they where all unlocked ;) - just which carrier did you choose to pair your n900 with to begin with! (Or do you have about 3 sim cards to keep you entertained?!)

o, yes,, was misunderstanding :D
I didnt swap, I am on Tele2 here in Croatia, and the best 3G signal here :) And my Internet over network is faster then at home :D :D

shiny 2010-02-03 23:29

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I switched from Orange to Vodafone (I'm in the UK).

The poll currently adds up to 115% by the way, which is a bit confusing :)

skalogre 2010-02-03 23:29

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I've been on T-Mobile USA for years... so I finally have 3G speeds! My first device that would give me that (except for brief periods with layovers in Schiphol, for instance, where my E71 and E61i would give me 3G on T-Mobile Holland :D )

gerbick 2010-02-03 23:32

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?

Originally Posted by shiny (Post 509557)
The poll currently adds up to 115% by the way, which is a bit confusing

Multiple choice is allowable. But that is funny though!

planetf1 2010-02-04 00:13

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
My 3Uk contract was just about up (hence looking for a phone) but when I crunched the numbers and considered the price I could get for my old phone (via mazuma mobile)the net cost of the the phone was about 225 ukp. (retail, nokia UK, unlocked)

Add that to my existing £10/month contract which includes some textx, calls AND 1Gb FUP data, just paying outright and sticking on my rolling 30 day notice contract is working perfectly.

I'd probably switch to vodafone for best coverage, but 3 have always been the best for openness around data - ie no port blocking, banning of voip/IM etc. Vodafone meanwhile have quite difficult T&Cs prevent use of skype, msn, sip etc etc -- even though they don't really seem to enforce them

chase15 2010-02-04 00:25

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
Im still on AT&T.. and planning to change carrier. to T-Mo...

Siggen 2010-02-04 00:30

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I answered NO.

I was on Norwegian Netcom (have been since a week before i turned 18).
I got this contract to get the iPhone when it first came to Norway, I have changed my contract so many times, but still kept the same carrier. When I got the N900 I stayed with the same contract i had, just added 100kr (17 dollars) to the payment each month to get the phone for 2000kr (340dollars).

That's the way cheapest deal in Norway. even cheaper than buying the phone contract free and using the same as my previous contract.

(by the way, my contract had included all data traffic turbo 3g where available, and nothing more included, for 250kr (43 dollars) this is really cheap in Norway)

thelushlife 2010-02-04 00:30

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
over here in singapore, the n900 isn't available yet. all 3 local carriers have full 3.5G 7.2mbps download speeds available, so there's not too much difference in switching carriers.

i just bought an export set, put in my current 3g sim card and was good to go!

fsantiago36 2010-02-04 00:35

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I had tmobile with an 8900 blackberry and even though the n900 isnt a blackberry it is faster web wise and applications are catching up. Maemo has come a long way. Will I buy the next version without a physical keyboard probably not. I like having a real keyboard to type on.

cloudstrife1ph 2010-02-04 00:36

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
been on t-mo since migrating to the us shores. i can't switch to cdma networks since they are too locked for my preference. t-mo got cheaper plans than att and i'm not stupid enough to fall on the godly phone named iphone to go to them...

thank God i tried to control myself for not buying pharos 137 and htc tytn 2. thank you nokia for giving this awesome device the elusive 1700 mhz 3g support =)

mcdull 2010-02-04 00:39

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
From AT&T to T-Mobile.

My contract with AT&T ended 1.5 year ago, from N93i, N95 to 5800XM, always wanted to change but there was no good 3G phone on T-Mobile (sorry, I'm not a Android lover), until the N900.

I'm definitely happy with the change, used to pay AT&T US$55+, the same plan now costs me only US$40+ and no contract :D

dharder 2010-02-04 01:08

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I have been seriously contemplating the switch from AT&T to TMo in Chicago but I haven't really "needed" the 3G speeds enough to break my contract. I am paying about $100 a month (with taxes). What's the bill difference if you don't mind sharing? Also, the battery life. I get a whole 18-hour day of use out of it with a few ticks to spare.

Markosib 2010-02-04 01:23

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I bought a HSPA sim for full 3.5G in Australia (from Exetel), $0.015 per Mb unlimited, 25c per 30 sec, no contract ! I'm in a rural area (Byron Bay) but still get 3.5G most of the time. Cool

mcdull 2010-02-04 01:31

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?

Originally Posted by dharder (Post 509660)
I have been seriously contemplating the switch from AT&T to TMo in Chicago but I haven't really "needed" the 3G speeds enough to break my contract. I am paying about $100 a month (with taxes). What's the bill difference if you don't mind sharing? Also, the battery life. I get a whole 18-hour day of use out of it with a few ticks to spare.

T-Mobile Even More Plus no contract plan unlimited minute is $49.99 + unlimited Text $10 = $59.99
add a $10 unlimited web plan for dumbphone, total is $69.99 + tax and fee (probably around $80) for everything unlimited

I use only 500min plan $29.99 + $10 unlimited web. I usually do fewer than 30 SMS, so don't need the unlimited text.

planetf1 2010-02-04 06:39

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I guess we're fortunate in UK/Europe that mobile telephony has been pretty standardized for many years (since GSM). This has led to a very progressive market.

Unlike the US where the CDMA vs GSM, and now the 3G frequency selection has to some extent hampered the market

TA-t3 2010-02-04 10:44

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I voted, but maybe I shouldn't have.. this poll should maybe be reserved for US users, as that's where it's really an issue at all (in Europe all carriers are GSM/3G anyway).

dreadnought 2010-02-04 11:29

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I switched from O2 PAYG here in the UK to T-mobile to get on the Mobile Phones Direct contract deal (700 mins, unlimited text and 1GB fair use internet a month) for £35.

Generally, very happy, 3g data is generally faster and more reliable on T-mobile (I think it's all the iphone users on O2 sucking up the bandwidth) but the real annoying thing is that the one place I can't get a signal on T-mobile is my house - well, not completely true, I can't get a signal on the first 2 floors but if I go up to my attic I get a wonderful signal! On O2 I always had a great signal in my house...

My hope is that when T-mobile merge with Orange I might begin to get a better signal

surtr 2010-02-04 12:37

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I'm in Australia. Originally I planned to switch from Telstra (AT&T frequency) to Optus (T-mobile frequency) when I got my N900 (I call her Betsy and introduce her to everyone as my internet bride).

I'm not a heavy data user and my occasional browsing on the bus was OK on 2.5g so I didn't change carriers.

(Ovi maps is a pain but I haven't used map loader yet.)

F2thaK 2010-02-04 12:40

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
i changed from telstra to vodafone for the n96!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Kingsley 2010-02-04 13:12

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
i'd been with orange for 10 years here in the uk. they don't seem to realise that the way people use their phones has changed..
anyway i didn't want to sign up for 2 years with vodaphone. especially since i'd need a femtocell at home.. so i bought the handset and got an o2 simplicity rolling 30 day contract.
Don't like to be tied down!

well not by a network :p

mmlado 2010-02-04 13:15

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I changed because of simple calculation. For the same money I got double amount of data transfer. One had 1GB of data transfer the other 2GB for around 20$, that can be used in 60 days.
The other rates are around the same.
I use prepaid card. I could got more data transfer, 5GB, on postpaid, but then that amount is valid only that month.

corsac 2010-02-04 13:21

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
Just switched carrier to have the n900 at a nice price :)

tuXer 2010-02-04 13:29

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
No need to change carrier, have had the best deal for my needs for two years. All carriers have good, working 2G & 3G here in Finland.

sjgadsby 2010-02-04 13:38

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
Yes. Boost to AT&T. As much as I hate AT&T, they have a far better PAYG data plan than T-Mobile USA, and where I live, EDGE is the best I'll find regardless.

ARJWright 2010-02-04 13:44

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I thought about it, thought about it hard when I got the N900 to review. But after walking my voice plan down a notch, and I'm technically off contract, I'm coming out a lil higher than would with T-Mobile.

Some of you considering unlimited data plans might want to take a look at this piece; the person is using Symbian, but tends to get around the unlimited data plan by smartly using WiFi. Such a case could easily apply with the N900 regardless of carrier. And it keeps things quite cheap.

volt 2010-02-04 13:50

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I did.

I was going to swap anyway, because I wanted cheaper megabytes. But I ended up with a carrier I would not elseways have considered, because the N900 was in stock and on a good downpayment schedule. Half price up front, the rest paid over a year.

Paranoxe 2010-02-04 14:01

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I didn't had the choice to change. I was with virgin mobile which doesn't support sim cards at all. And there is none carrier that supports the n900 for 3G for now here in Montréal. So I'm with fido. Just waiting for vidéotron to gives us 3G at an enormous price I guess! :eek:

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