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AndrewG 2010-02-08 07:55

Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!
1 Attachment(s)
When I checked out settings - memory - details it says my total memory is only 27GB, not the 32 which it should be. Thats a drop of 5gig thats not in use by system files or anything. Anyone got any explainations? Is yours like this too?

ossipena 2010-02-08 07:58

Re: Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!

e: is it so hard to use wiki? you uploaded a pic and all....

mece 2010-02-08 08:00

Re: Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!
I'm kinda wondering about that. what happens to the 3 gigs that is missing?

ossipena 2010-02-08 08:05

Re: Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!

does that make the difference?

e: sorry, meant

AndrewG 2010-02-08 08:06

Re: Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 515649)

e: is it so hard to use wiki? you uploaded a pic and all....

Well that cuts 2gb off the list. What about the other 3?

ossipena 2010-02-08 08:10

Re: Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!
read the article again. added bolded note about disk space.

mrebanza 2010-02-08 08:13

Re: Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!
The Maemo OS take up space . . . this is true with any computer . . .

ossipena 2010-02-08 08:14

Re: Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!
offtopic is the rootfs 256MiB or MB?

e: checked things just to be sure:

27GiB = ~29GB
2GiB = ~2,2GB
768MiB = ~0,8GB

= 32 GB
seems to explain the phenomenon.

AndrewG 2010-02-08 08:15

Re: Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!
ok, thanks

ossipena 2010-02-08 08:20

Re: Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!
btw good that you asked it here, the wiki article just got much better because of it.

spanner 2010-02-08 08:21

Re: Device memory- Total is only 27GB?!

Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 515673)
Well that cuts 2gb off the list. What about the other 3?

Run "sfdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0" from the terminal.

28,995,223,552 bytes for MyDocs
2,147,483,648 bytes for /home (and /opt, for applications)
805,306,368 bytes for swap

Total = 31,948,013,568 bytes. That's not quite 32,000,000,000 bytes.

Hey! We got shafted by 51,986,432 bytes! Where's my 50 megs gone? Oh partitioning boundary rounding probably.

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