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bonerp 2010-02-10 08:01

Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Just received this....

Didn't take them long to respond but makes the device look like a lethal weapon:o

bonerp 2010-02-10 08:05

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Oops duplicate thread

supersniper3008 2010-02-10 08:11

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Your phone will be very thick and heavy as well. Another back up battery is fine for me until now :D

Caesar 2010-02-10 08:11

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
wow, that battery is ugly:)

unkno 2010-02-10 08:14

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
1) Huge battery cover required

2) $90!!!

zkyevolved 2010-02-10 08:18

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
wow.... $90!! You've got to be kidding me! I ordered from them an 1650mah battery (for my oem 1380 Blackberry) for 30 dollars! I'm not going to pay 3 times that for a little more battery life!!! DANG! They're crazy fools!

quingu 2010-02-10 12:13

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
a huge increase in volume, no camera slider, no stand, and not even double the capacity??

there would have been so much potential for a replacement back cover. that thing only makes things worse.

Croc 2010-02-10 12:16

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
one big FAIL

noobmonkey 2010-02-10 12:25

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
hugh, who's hugh? :D

Dancairo 2010-02-10 12:53

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by noobmonkey (Post 519266)
hugh, who's hugh? :D

er..he's friends with Barney Magrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub!

or was that Pugh?

Aladan 2010-02-10 13:48

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Wow...thatīs very disappointing ;-)

mr_bridger 2010-02-10 13:52

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by Dancairo (Post 519308)
er..he's friends with Barney Magrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub!

or was that Pugh?


It was Hugh and Pugh, barney...........

sandybeach 2010-02-10 13:54

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Good idea, badly implemented. The phone really is not usable like that, sticking out the side.

The additional battery needs to be built into a case which slots onto the phone, so it looks more sleek, like those for the iphone...

ysss 2010-02-10 14:08

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
@sandybeach: the battery goes inside the phone. It makes the n900 (doubly?) thicker, not extend to the side...

Btw, they just might as well color the replacement cover with reddish brick color and give it some texture...

madnes 2010-02-10 14:12

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Waiting so long for that crap?
Omg, worst product of the year award :D

sph 2010-02-10 14:17

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
They could place two such batteries under that ugly cover thus almost quadrupling original battery's capacity, otherwise doesn't worth.

noobmonkey 2010-02-10 14:55

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
it is only a draft - wait until you see actual reviews/pictures before you complain!! :D

tomster 2010-02-10 15:07

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
As long as they double up the battery's thickness the cover will look like hell and make the device feel like a brick- period.

I'd prefer a dock-on solution to plug into the USB port. Don't know though if that is technically possible.

noobmonkey 2010-02-10 15:10

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by fractals (Post 519531)
i open the file for more levels for ungrybirds in X-terminal...and iv got a mypack.. this mypack i must to copy it in to mydocs... how to do that....HELLP!!!!

erm, wrong thread to post in?!

pyromaniac 2010-02-10 15:14

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
omg ... the bulge ...
gangster use of the N900 with the battery ...
"he is sleeping with the fishes .. we need no rocks boss" :)

planetf1 2010-02-10 15:19

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
For that sort of price I'd assume it was a moulded lithium polymer battery that spread all over the interior of the device not simply a thicker square battery with a larger cover.

That surely would be a lot lot cheaper, but with lots of wasted space, whilst a moulded unit needn't be that much thicker to get 2x the capacity since the area is so much greater. probably only 3mm or so.

And users will expect the cover to have at least the same capabilities.

Was waiting for this before deciding on spare batteries. Think I'll just get a regular (nokia branded) one.

bugelrex 2010-02-10 15:36

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Is there any chance a group of us (50 or more) could pay Mugen to create a custom battery. (Money no object type of design)

Similar to what planetf1is saying.
- Make the battery odd shaped, the bottom will have identical shape to the stock battery but above use a large surface area to keep the thickness down.
- Or maybe something more complicated that required changing the internal plastic molding to use up the space for the stylus.

I would pay up to $150 for a 2000 mAh battery that makes the back flush with the camera.

titi974 2010-02-10 15:42

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
woow what a huge battery !! lol do you know any over battery pack to replace the original with a better capacity ? and that may still be safe lol

therock 2010-02-10 15:48

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
hmmm good thing its a draft picture only

g0dzilla 2010-02-10 19:18

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
And there is a photo or video - to look more close what does it look like?

quingu 2010-02-10 19:25

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
if at least they put some extra gadgets in all that unused space:
a microsd-to-fullsize-sd adapter.
a slot for accessing the sd card without opening the cover.
something for wireless charging.
... endless possibilities...

zkyevolved 2010-02-10 20:54

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by quingu (Post 519978)
if at least they put some extra gadgets in all that unused space:
a microsd-to-fullsize-sd adapter.
a slot for accessing the sd card without opening the cover.
something for wireless charging.
... endless possibilities...

wireless charging... Wow.... OK, buy a powermat and then just mod the case to allow the cable to come out and plug it in, find a way to keep it in there safely, and ding ding ding! we've got a winner :D hehe.

romanianusa 2010-02-10 21:26

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Good way to turn N900 into a brick. Now you can use it as a weapon. Too bad you have to carry it in a backpack now.

ahmadka 2010-02-10 22:35

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
This must be the FAIL of the Day :P

bugelrex 2010-02-10 22:54

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
I encourage everyone to email:

and give them constructive feedback, perhaps they will listen and make an awesome replacement.

ffarber 2010-02-10 23:04

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
I must say that I bought a Mugen battery for my E75 and was hugely dissappointed, it had half the battery life of the original and would just go from full charge to empty and shut the phone down. I am not buying another product from them.

I have been using a ZAGGSparq which has charged the phone three times with power to spare. What I do is just leave the battery in my shoulder bag and run usb cable to the N900 to charge the device. Not the pretties thing but it works and the phone is still its usual form factor. The cable has to be hacked (data wires soldered together on phone side, left open on battery side) in order to charge phone. There is a thread about that somewhere on the site.


R-R 2010-02-11 07:47

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
They should include a solar panel on that thing, make it actually crazy!

adams888 2010-02-11 09:20

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by zkyevolved (Post 518959)
wow.... $90!! You've got to be kidding me! I ordered from them an 1650mah battery (for my oem 1380 Blackberry) for 30 dollars! I'm not going to pay 3 times that for a little more battery life!!! DANG! They're crazy fools!

it is 2400 mAh, and mugen have good reputed on internet about their
reliability! so i think $90 for a high quality PDA is acceptable!

adams888 2010-02-11 09:25

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
it is only a draft photo, i think it is not fair to comment it before they release the final product!

Rob1n 2010-02-11 09:42

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by adams888 (Post 520827)
it is only a draft photo, i think it is not fair to comment it before they release the final product!

It's also not fair to start taking orders before they've even got a sample product produced.

Alex Atkin UK 2010-02-11 10:41

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
I was expecting if they did something like this that it would be thicker where the battery is and still the same thickness at the camera, otherwise its going to cause some major issues with the flash reflecting on the lens even worse than it does now. To to mention how can it have a lens cover anymore (looks like it doesn't).

Obviously the ideal as someone suggested above is a Polymer battery as it would barely need to be any thicker.

Xiao Xun Kong 2010-02-11 10:56

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
Well, I think one cannot start criticising on a draft picture and we have to wait for final pictures of the product. I called Mugen Power and they told me the total thickness including the extended battery is 25mm and the cover has a camera lens. As I need more runtime, I have pre-ordered one and cannot wait to get it. I have had several extended batteries from Mugen Power and compared to other third party batteries they are the best.

Rob1n 2010-02-11 11:02

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries

Originally Posted by Xiao Xun Kong (Post 520935)
Well, I think one cannot start criticising on a draft picture and we have to wait for final pictures of the product. I called Mugen Power and they told me the total thickness including the extended battery is 25mm and the cover has a camera lens. As I need more runtime, I have pre-ordered one and cannot wait to get it. I have had several extended batteries from Mugen Power and compared to other third party batteries they are the best.

I'd agree that they're decent batteries they produce, but I can't understand how a company can get into the position of taking orders and starting mass-production without (apparently) even having a single sample they can take a photo of. How can they have tested the camera functionality, the ease of installing/removing the battery door, etc. without having a sample?

Snaps 2010-02-11 11:17

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
I agree, even the draft photo looks like ****. They could have at least provided us with a high quality image ffs

noobmonkey 2010-02-11 11:33

Re: Mugen hugh capacity batteries
I'd take a guess that the few images out so far like this one
Mean it's not going to look to far different from the N97's one?

Kind of expected, agree that they should get some images out - and more importantly a decent specification and description... :D - then we wait for the performance reviews :D

They are a reasonably well respected company, so will hold out judgment until sensible reviews come in :D

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