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whats_up_skip 2010-02-14 08:42

[Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
I would have thought that many people would have been using and discussing Maemo Mapper. I just can't seem to find any recent threads on it.

Please point me in the right direction.

Fargus 2010-02-14 08:52

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?
I believe you will find that it is no longer being developed. I heard that the developer had been hired by Google.

whats_up_skip 2010-02-14 08:54

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?
Even though it has just been ported to Maemo 5?

ggroen 2010-02-14 09:51

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?
Google Maps misses downloading facilities so you can,t navigate as soon as the network is gone. They could use his skills!!
I have installed Maemo Mapper on my N900 and the UI is done very nicely. You can find it here:

I did not try all fuctions, but the basic fumction, showimg your position on the map, worksfine, zooming is fast. I used MM on my N810 and the menus are more or less the same, so parts of the UI are not adjusted to Maemo 5 standards. They work fine though, as far as I can tell. Flite is a program that is missing by now, so you can't use 'spoken directions' to navigate. In that field you should not expect much, just a line on the map. Right now it is far better than OVI maps , that lacks any advanced fumctions above showing where you are on the map. I would give it a try!

whats_up_skip 2010-02-14 09:59

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?
I have been using it, and you are right it is way better than Ovi maps on the N900. I have some questions, but if there is not going to be any further development or support then I wonder if I should be looking for other solutions.

Mainly I am trying to understand how to specify which maps (areas) I want to download for offline use.

ggroen 2010-02-14 16:20

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?
I have a dead end there. Can't specify a database repository in 'management repository'that will do to enter the needed 'management maps'. In my case a popup says the rep db isn't valid. In my N810 it worked fine. In management maps you can specify number of zoomsteps to download and view. And yuo can specify the area by coördinates of the corners. Never used that, because you could just look at an area on the map with automatic download maps on to store the data. I seem only to be able to use openstreet maps, no hybrid maps? So it really isn't finished!

francisco_barahona 2010-03-07 21:51

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by ggroen (Post 525769)
Google Maps misses downloading facilities so you can,t navigate as soon as the network is gone. They could use his skills!!
I have installed Maemo Mapper on my N900 and the UI is done very nicely. You can find it here:

I did not try all fuctions, but the basic fumction, showimg your position on the map, worksfine, zooming is fast. I used MM on my N810 and the menus are more or less the same, so parts of the UI are not adjusted to Maemo 5 standards. They work fine though, as far as I can tell. Flite is a program that is missing by now, so you can't use 'spoken directions' to navigate. In that field you should not expect much, just a line on the map. Right now it is far better than OVI maps , that lacks any advanced fumctions above showing where you are on the map. I would give it a try!

I tried to install maemo-mapper on my new N900 and lib.... is missing. I used the link from
Is there an easy way for the N900?

v13 2010-03-07 22:14

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by francisco_barahona (Post 559158)
I tried to install maemo-mapper on my new N900 and lib.... is missing. I used the link from
Is there an easy way for the N900?

It is available in extras-testing. It is now named "mapper" because there are trademark issues with the word "maemo".

francisco_barahona 2010-03-08 02:04

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by v13 (Post 559169)
It is available in extras-testing. It is now named "mapper" because there are trademark issues with the word "maemo".

I went there and tried to install with no luck. Is there an easy way to install it? Thanks

REMFwhoopitydo 2010-03-08 10:25

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
i'm delighted for the developer, but it leaves users wanting maemo-mapper on there n900 in a bit of a pickle. :)

Lord Raiden 2010-03-08 12:17

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Guys, honestly. Maemo Mapper, or Mapper, or whatever it's called now, is OPEN SOURCE, which means that all you need to do is grab the tarball with the source code in it and have at it. Which then brings up a new question. What are you guys waiting for? Someone should pick up development on the project if the original creator has quit, rather than just whimper and complain.

mardy 2010-03-08 17:17

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I'm actively developing it. There's a version in Extras Testing now that will probably end up in the Extras repository soon (as more people vote for it). :-)

REMFwhoopitydo 2010-03-08 17:27

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by Lord Raiden (Post 559765)
Guys, honestly. Maemo Mapper, or Mapper, or whatever it's called now, is OPEN SOURCE, which means that all you need to do is grab the tarball with the source code in it and have at it. Which then brings up a new question. What are you guys waiting for? Someone should pick up development on the project if the original creator has quit, rather than just whimper and complain.

cheers for the pep talk, i'll stick to *****ing thanks. ;)

francisco_barahona 2010-03-09 01:13

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by v13 (Post 559169)
It is available in extras-testing. It is now named "mapper" because there are trademark issues with the word "maemo".

Thanks, I managed to install it.

YoDude 2010-03-09 03:55

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mardy (Post 560217)
I'm actively developing it. There's a version in Extras Testing now that will probably end up in the Extras repository soon (as more people vote for it). :-)

I can't vote for it because it will not allow me to add other map repositories and layers.

VE Hybrid to name one that I use...

>> http://h0.ortho.tiles.virtualearth.n...h%0s.jpeg?g=50

...and the NexRad layer is another.


Apparently you have to add them first in "Manage Tiles/Layers" and I can do that.
Then you have to "Manage Repositories" and create a new one selecting the tile source created in the first step. This goes well too.
However, as soon as that last dialog is dismissed the program crashes and all is lost.

I might not be doing something correctly but this much I figured out myself as selecting "Help" does nothing.

Any help here would be 'preciated. Because right now only Google Vector and Open Streets seem to work. Google Satellite doesn't work, but I think Google changed that addy. I also tried to edit that addy to a newer one in "Manage Tiles/Layers" but it reverts to your old one even after hitting "save".

Good effort though, perhaps this thread can help iron out some of the kinks and squash a few bugs. :)

mardy 2010-03-09 06:11

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by YoDude (Post 560771)
Good effort though, perhaps this thread can help iron out some of the kinks and squash a few bugs. :)

Hi! Could you please file a bug about this? I don't follow the forums constantly and my todo list for Mapper is so huge that this is probably going to be forgotten, as I don't use the VirtualEarth maps myself.
Thanks :-)

YoDude 2010-03-09 14:24

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mardy (Post 560816)
Hi! Could you please file a bug about this? I don't follow the forums constantly and my todo list for Mapper is so huge that this is probably going to be forgotten, as I don't use the VirtualEarth maps myself.
Thanks :-)

The problem may not be with the repositories as they work fine in MaemoMapper running on the N8**'s. Have you used the app itself to add repositories on the N900?

I reported it here since you were soliciting votes on this forum. I don't venture to far off the forum myself. Could you provide a link to your bug report mechanism that you speak of please. :)

mardy 2010-03-09 15:30

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by YoDude (Post 561231)
The problem may not be with the repositories as they work fine in MaemoMapper running on the N8**'s. Have you used the app itself to add repositories on the N900?

Not completely: I always used the preset repositories, and I tried those repository setup dialogs just briefly.


I reported it here since you were soliciting votes on this forum. I don't venture to far off the forum myself. Could you provide a link to your bug report mechanism that you speak of please. :)
I was not soliciting votes :)
Here is the link to the bug tracker:


YoDude 2010-03-10 03:52

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mardy (Post 561320)

...I was not soliciting votes :)



Originally Posted by mardy (Post 560217)
..that will probably end up in the Extras repository soon (as more people vote for it). :-)

I didn't mean it as a bad thing. In fact a forum as large as this one is the best place to get active, near real time feedback for a program in development, IMHO.

For instance: I would like to see someone else try to set up a different repository from within the application to calibrate my efforts... maybe I'm doing something wrong. :)

I don't understand the "UniqID" required. It was not part of the N8** set-up. On the N900 I just used the same name as the "Cache dir".
I also don't know if that cache directory needs to be set up first before creating a new tile source.
I vaguely remember something about this from a few versions back using gnuite's original Maemo Mapper program. However, that was later cleared up in subsequent versions.

What version of Maemo Mapper is this program based or sourced from? It doesn't seem to use the newer SQLite map databases and APRS found in Maemo Mapper v2.6.

whats_up_skip 2010-03-10 04:43

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mardy (Post 560816)
I don't follow the forums constantly and my todo list for Mapper is so huge

Hi Mardy,

I am so glad to hear that someone is continuing the development of the Mapper program (PS Need a better name than this).

Can you give us an idea of what you are planning to work on?

Is there a change log of differences between the "developer" and the current "extras" version?

mardy 2010-03-10 19:22

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by YoDude (Post 562066)
I don't understand the "UniqID" required. It was not part of the N8** set-up. On the N900 I just used the same name as the "Cache dir".

You did right. This is just an internal ID for the map, it could be anything (as long as it's unique).


I also don't know if that cache directory needs to be set up first before creating a new tile source.
No, it's not necessary.


What version of Maemo Mapper is this program based or sourced from? It doesn't seem to use the newer SQLite map databases and APRS found in Maemo Mapper v2.6.
It is based on v2.6, but to ease the porting I removed all the APRS stuff.
The SQLite databases were removed so that we can share the maps with Maep, eCoach and other map applications.

mardy 2010-03-10 19:48

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by whats_up_skip (Post 562080)
I am so glad to hear that someone is continuing the development of the Mapper program (PS Need a better name than this).

Suggestions are welcome, but I'm afraid to lose the current popularity. If you search for maemo+mapper in google, we are quite popular.


Can you give us an idea of what you are planning to work on?

Is there a change log of differences between the "developer" and the current "extras" version?
Yes, but this is a low-level changelog and wouldn't tell much to the end user:;a=summary
(see the HEADs at the bottom of the page)

Now I'm planning to improve the routing interface a bit, after which I'll start working on the user interface, making some dialogs usable again.

Then I plan to add portrait mode support, plugin support (for example, flickr and google latitude), and many other things :-)

whats_up_skip 2010-03-10 22:18

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Do you know of any good forum post or other documentation on the following:

How to define the areas downloaded for off line maps.

Tracking frequency - time or distance traveled.

tsm1mt 2010-03-10 22:31

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mardy (Post 562874)
It is based on v2.6, but to ease the porting I removed all the APRS stuff.
The SQLite databases were removed so that we can share the maps with Maep, eCoach and other map applications.

Well that would explain why I haven't seen any updated APRS features.. ;)

YoDude 2010-03-11 00:42

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by tsm1mt (Post 563095)
Well that would explain why I haven't seen any updated APRS features.. ;)

...and there may now be a 2GB limit to a maps cache directory size.
Baby steps I suppose but hopefully mardy will keep plugging away. :)

I need a decent source for satellite imagery. Google's addy is just not reliable and Yandex doesn't drill down far enough, at least here in the States. Images of Mother Russia though are quite detailed.

Being able to reliably add repositories like Virtual Earth from the device is on my wish list.

BTW mardy, a source of frequent encouragement is another useful benefit of maintaining a forum thread...

mardy 2010-03-11 05:25

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
@YoDude: it should be quite easy to add VirtualEarth maps support, just a matter of using the right URL for the tiles. I'll add it soon, and let you know.

buxz777 2010-03-11 07:56

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
hi mardy love your efforts mate

is there any chance of voice navigation on this application being added or is that a no go for some reason :-)

thanks buddy and keep up the good work

TA-t3 2010-03-11 15:22

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I hope the APRS stuff could get re-added at some point. It was nice having it on my N800.

mardy 2010-03-11 15:36

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
@buxz777: voice navigation could already work, but the flite binary is missing. It should be quite easy to write a shell script that wraps the eSpeak package, instead.
I'll work on that, but not very soon.

@TA-t3: it's not in my TODO list, but if someone wants to contribute code, I won't stop him. :-)

@YoDude: I just added VirtualEarth maps. To get them:
- click on the title bar
- Maps
- Manage repositories...
- Sync
- click on the title bar
- Maps
- Virtual Earth

There are also satellite and hybrid tile sources, but I didn't enabled them or the map menu would become just too huge. But the tile sources are there, in case you want to create a new repository which uses them.

YoDude 2010-03-12 02:21

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mardy (Post 563872)
@buxz777: voice navigation could already work, but the flite binary is missing. It should be quite easy to write a shell script that wraps the eSpeak package, instead.
I'll work on that, but not very soon.

@TA-t3: it's not in my TODO list, but if someone wants to contribute code, I won't stop him. :-)

@YoDude: I just added VirtualEarth maps. To get them:
- click on the title bar
- Maps
- Manage repositories...
- Sync
- click on the title bar
- Maps
- Virtual Earth

There are also satellite and hybrid tile sources, but I didn't enabled them or the map menu would become just too huge. But the tile sources are there, in case you want to create a new repository which uses them.

You're the best Dude!

Hybrid works fine and dandy. VE Hybrid zooms down to 2 in most areas in the states and is reliable. Thanks...

A very useful tool now. I'll start reporting bugs on the tracker now as I will use more often... but please stay active in this thread. :)

Thanks again!

BTW, there is a way to disconnect the volume control when the zoom functions are mapped to the volume keys. I'll try to find where I read it for you. It is pro'ly not something you would want to mess with until voice navigation is ironed out, if that is a priority..

vonbraun66 2010-03-13 15:40

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Where can you get this 'flite' to get voice guidance on the N900 ?

whats_up_skip 2010-03-14 04:53

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I just did the update to "Mapper" and all the tracking function has disappear. Help!

"Mapper" was the only reasonable software on the N900 for doing off line GPS tracking.

mardy 2010-03-14 06:13

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by whats_up_skip (Post 566598)
I just did the update to "Mapper" and all the tracking function has disappear. Help!

"Mapper" was the only reasonable software on the N900 for doing off line GPS tracking.

Tap on the screen and choose the second button on the left :-)

d-iivil 2010-03-14 07:56

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Guestion / feature request:
is there an easier way to start navigating than do the following:
- tap on the go to icon
- select "address" on the pop up menu
- type in the address and hit the button
- search result is now shown on the map: double tap in the middle of the screen and hope you're hitting on the correct spot (there's no marker on the screen where the address you just searced is)
- select routing from the menu that pops up
- hit the button to start routing
- tap on the gear icon on the screen to open a dialog to set the map to follow you
- set the map to follow you and hit ok
- start navigating

Is there an easier way to do this all? At least the map should always follow you when navigating, that would drop the last two actions from the list above? And it would also be good to have some spot on the map at the address search result location.

buxz777 2010-03-14 08:35

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
mardy -- this is great news mate and iam glad you are working on the project :-)

maybe we could setup a donation page via paypal or something for a vocie guidance fund :-)

iam sure many users here would be willing to contribute towards the efforts of voice guidance on mapper

it would give many n900 users at least an option for something alot of users require untill nokia or someone else an sort there efforts out

i myself would be willing to contribute towards your efforts i understnad it is time consuming and can be frustrating but think of all the appreciation it would gain voice guidance on the n900 :-)

i had to use nokia maps the other day properley on a 100 mile journey where i didnt know the roads etc and it was a nightmare

also does mapper offer re route when a wrong direction is taken

again i appreciate your efforts mardy as iam sure many do here its allready very nice to use and a good app to have with some good tweaking it could easily be one of the best and must have apps :-)

thanks again mate keep up the good work

i persume this downloads maps as it goes anyway of it using nokia maps data on my memory card :-) or another downloadable map source to save data :-) thanks again

mardy 2010-03-14 19:59

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 566632)
Guestion / feature request:
is there an easier way to start navigating than do the following:
- tap on the go to icon
- select "address" on the pop up menu
- type in the address and hit the button
- search result is now shown on the map: double tap in the middle of the screen and hope you're hitting on the correct spot (there's no marker on the screen where the address you just searced is)
- select routing from the menu that pops up
- hit the button to start routing

This can be done more quickly:
- Tap on the route icon (third from top, on the left)
- download route to


- tap on the gear icon on the screen to open a dialog to set the map to follow you
- set the map to follow you and hit ok
- start navigating

Is there an easier way to do this all? At least the map should always follow you when navigating, that would drop the last two actions from the list above? And it would also be good to have some spot on the map at the address search result location.
Maybe. It could be that if the starting point of the route is set to the GPS position, then the "follow mode" is activated.

mardy 2010-03-14 20:06

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by buxz777 (Post 566658)
mardy -- this is great news mate and iam glad you are working on the project :-)

maybe we could setup a donation page via paypal or something for a vocie guidance fund :-)

Version 3.0+beta2, which is in testing, adds a "Donate" button in the "About" dialog. :)


iam sure many users here would be willing to contribute towards the efforts of voice guidance on mapper

it would give many n900 users at least an option for something alot of users require untill nokia or someone else an sort there efforts out

i myself would be willing to contribute towards your efforts i understnad it is time consuming and can be frustrating but think of all the appreciation it would gain voice guidance on the n900 :-)

i had to use nokia maps the other day properley on a 100 mile journey where i didnt know the roads etc and it was a nightmare

also does mapper offer re route when a wrong direction is taken

again i appreciate your efforts mardy as iam sure many do here its allready very nice to use and a good app to have with some good tweaking it could easily be one of the best and must have apps :-)

thanks again mate keep up the good work
Thanks! I plan to fix the voice navigation, but it's not my top priority now (besides, I don't have a car, so I wouldn't use it much :) ).


i persume this downloads maps as it goes anyway of it using nokia maps data on my memory card :-) or another downloadable map source to save data :-) thanks again
You can download maps in Mapper itself, it is handy if you have a WLAN at home.

Laughing Man 2010-03-14 20:12

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
To answer the re-routing question, Mapper does not automatically re-route when you take a wrong direction.

d-iivil 2010-03-14 20:15

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 567107)
To answer the re-routing question, Mapper does not automatically re-route when you take a wrong direction.

Yes it does, at least for me.

Laughing Man 2010-03-14 20:23

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Huh? o.O

I guess I'll have to re-test it.

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