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mtreacy13 2010-02-15 15:32

Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

What are all your hopes/fears for the future of the n900 and Meego?

From what I've read/seen so far I'm pretty optimistic.


Ali_rshojakhani 2010-02-15 15:36

MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?
With not much more than mearly a few months of the release of n900 and maemo 5, the maemo team are already going towards MeeGo... how do you hink it would effect the consumers and the the whole maemo 5 project...
IMO nokia has done a Bad job supporting the maemo 5 os [although it being somewhat open source]... nokia maemo-select's wallpapers and themes are still saying coming soon, prisimic wallpaper maker is still not done... the n900 still has a whole lot of bugs to be fixed...
what would become of this community trying so hard too achieve a great tablet/phone experience???

I am a proud owner of an n900 and i love my phone.... i just want to know if purchasing an n900 at such a high price was a mistake... or a decission made too soon??

Bratag 2010-02-15 15:39

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Ali_rshojakhani (Post 527533)
With not much more than mearly a few months of the release of n900 and maemo 5, the maemo team are already going towards MeeGo... how do you hink it would effect the consumers and the the whole maemo 5 project...
IMO nokia has done a Bad job supporting the maemo 5 os [although it being somewhat open source]... nokia maemo-select's wallpapers and themes are still saying coming soon, prisimic wallpaper maker is still not done... the n900 still has a whole lot of bugs to be fixed...
what would become of this community trying so hard too achieve a great tablet/phone experience???

I am a proud owner of an n900 and i love my phone.... i just want to know if purchasing an n900 at such a high price was a mistake... or a decission made too soon??

Well I will tell you one thing for sure. Creating a new damn thread for this question when there is a perfectly good and active thread, currently in the process of trying to answer this question, is a bloody stupid idea.

Rob1n 2010-02-15 15:42

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Ali_rshojakhani (Post 527533)
With not much more than mearly a few months of the release of n900 and maemo 5, the maemo team are already going towards MeeGo... how do you hink it would effect the consumers and the the whole maemo 5 project...
IMO nokia has done a Bad job supporting the maemo 5 os [although it being somewhat open source]... nokia maemo-select's wallpapers and themes are still saying coming soon, prisimic wallpaper maker is still not done... the n900 still has a whole lot of bugs to be fixed...
what would become of this community trying so hard too achieve a great tablet/phone experience???

I am a proud owner of an n900 and i love my phone.... i just want to know if purchasing an n900 at such a high price was a mistake... or a decission made too soon??

I don't see how it makes any difference - the issues with MeeGo are pretty much the same as those with Maemo 6. There may be one or two added issues with changes to packaging formats, and possibly to things like init scripts, but these are issues that the vast majority of current Linux software already faces and deals with.

Pretoriano 2010-02-15 16:37

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.
I'm optimistic too. I think this can be a very good thing

Bingley Joe 2010-02-15 16:39

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 527539)
Well I will tell you one thing for sure. Creating a new damn thread for this question when there is a perfectly good and active thread, currently in the process of trying to answer this question, is a bloody stupid idea.

Since you're feeling helpful, how about posting a bloody link to that perfectly good goddamnbastard thread? :p

Like, say.. this one:

chrisp7 2010-02-15 16:47

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.
Its showing the N900 as a reference to Maemo. I dont think you can take anything whatsoever from that.

personally Im very concerened for the N900's future. Yes it will get QT apps and some slight improvements but not enough imo. Maemo 5 seems more and more like an ugly ducking.

bret hart 2010-02-15 16:49

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?
Why cant people realise that companys dont simply work on one platfrom at a time. Microsoft would have been working on Windows 8 before 7 even hit the shelves, did that mean Microsoft are abandoning 7? Of course not.

TA-t3 2010-02-15 16:51

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.
A third thread.. at least.
I posted about the content in the other thread, so here I'll just mention that I think the name is pretty bad.

Matan 2010-02-15 16:55

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?
But Nokia have never released an update to an older Maemo based system after a new version was released, so what Microsoft does is irrelevant, and what Nokia does (and will do) is relevant.

According to Maemo history, once a device with Maemo 6 is out, Maemo 5 will be ignored. If N900 does not get Maemo 6, it means that it will be ignored.

mullf 2010-02-15 16:55

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 527539)
Well I will tell you one thing for sure. Creating a new damn thread for this question when there is a perfectly good and active thread, currently in the process of trying to answer this question, is a bloody stupid idea.

stayloa 2010-02-15 16:56

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.,2817,2359259,00.asp

Ali_rshojakhani 2010-02-15 16:59

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by bret hart (Post 527671)
Why cant people realise that companys dont simply work on one platfrom at a time. Microsoft would have been working on Windows 8 before 7 even hit the shelves, did that mean Microsoft are abandoning 7? Of course not.

but did they announce it so soon?? did they say theres goingto be a new windows release in less than a year??

lets just hope they think about the people [ like me ] who have high hopes on the n900 that has so muc raw power and potential. being an open source and depending only on the "Consumers and hackers" is not enough for a device to rise and shine.

bret hart 2010-02-15 17:02

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 527685)
But Nokia have never released an update to an older Maemo based system after a new version was released, so what Microsoft does is irrelevant, and what Nokia does (and will do) is relevant.

According to Maemo history, once a device with Maemo 6 is out, Maemo 5 will be ignored. If N900 does not get Maemo 6, it means that it will be ignored.

Your are right. I cant remember nokia updating the OS on a phone ever through firmware releases, so if you are realisitic you shouldnt expect anything extra from the N900 except for bug fixes. I dont think Nokia have ever said otherwise and you have to accept their business revolves around people replacing theire devices every so often.

bret hart 2010-02-15 17:05

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Ali_rshojakhani (Post 527695)
but did they announce it so soon?? did they say theres goingto be a new windows release in less than a year??

lets just hope they think about the people [ like me ] who have high hopes on the n900 that has so muc raw power and potential. being an open source and depending only on the "Consumers and hackers" is not enough for a device to rise and shine.

Oh boy, I dont mean to be a killjoy but all your hopes are wasted. Nokia will not be adding much on the way of new features to the N900. What you see is pretty much all you will get.

leetut 2010-02-15 17:15

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 527539)
Well I will tell you one thing for sure. Creating a new damn thread for this question when there is a perfectly good and active thread, currently in the process of trying to answer this question, is a bloody stupid idea.

its an even stupider idea to try and talk down to someone like you did there mate, i actually find some of the comments said to other members on this forum as totally disgusting, and absolutely disrespectful, why does everyone here have such a terrible attitude to eachother?

jobber99 2010-02-15 17:20

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.
from my understanding, this is a good thing--it's an open OS that can be shoehorned into as many devices as possible (like android). ARM, x86, you name it.
so this can only be good for the n900--this means (unlike the MAEMO 4 -> MAEMO 5 compatibility break we got with the N800/810) that we can enjoy future OS upgrades to the current device

oskarmat 2010-02-15 17:20

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?
Do you guys actually use the n900? or you're just waiting,... waiting for Godot?

daperl 2010-02-15 17:28

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 527727)
why does everyone here have such a terrible attitude to eachother?

They smell funny? Well, that's my reason.

noneof 2010-02-15 17:30

▲【MeeGo bore 丨and丨N900 died】★
I believe everyone has known moblin and maemo are merging. As a user of N900, I was sad and sorrowful. From the, and, we've already known that N900 is the last device (and first:(:(:() which runs Maemo 5 OS. In other words, Maemo 5 is a transitional step walking by NOKIA :mad: However, because of the design of hardware of N900 and Nokia's benefit, this device can probably NOT be updated to Meego (note: Maemo 6 doesn't exist any longer). All of these mean WE ARE ORPHANS. Nobody is gonna take of us...:(:(
Let's cry...There are less and less softwares we could use; there are more and more bugs we will find. What a tragedy!
Let me use this word "囧" to describe my current feeling!!!

sjgadsby 2010-02-15 17:33

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?
The thread "▲【MeeGo bore 丨and丨N900 died】★" with one post has been merged into this thread.

ColonelKilkenny 2010-02-15 17:35

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 527750)
They smell funny? Well, that's my reason.

I don't know about the smell, but when for an example the whole N900 area of this forum is full of total *something* it's quite easy to get irritated with POSTS THAT USE CAPSLOCK OR BOLD THE WHOLE TEXT. And usually the content of those posts is a bit irritating as well... :mad:

bonerp 2010-02-15 17:44

Re: MeeGo... a Cold Bullet to the maemo 5 Community?
I find it so annoying that we have yet another post which has been repeated several times elsewhere.

What is even more annoying is simply that so many of you can't see beyond the end of your own noses! Why would Nokia drop its flagship device?? Its proactively promoting it in shops, theres rumour of a couple of extra updates soon, and now they have tied up with Moblin to combine efforts and create meego.

Seems the right thing to do to me, create a challenger to other phone OS's, pool resource and cut their own costs. In this present day, meeting cost saving targets whilst delivery of state of the art device and future devs is hardly something to be so negative about is it? I'm quite excited at this change and to me proves that Nokia is being proactive about the future.

luca 2010-02-15 18:40

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.

Originally Posted by mtreacy13 (Post 527522)
From what I've read/seen so far I'm pretty optimistic.

You must be new here :p

luca 2010-02-15 18:41

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.

Originally Posted by jobber99 (Post 527731)
we can enjoy future OS upgrades to the current device

You too must be new here :D

pagesix1536 2010-02-15 18:54

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.
With a dumb name like that...this OS better rock this s@*t out of everything else on the market, or else!

Quindor 2010-02-15 19:05

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.

Originally Posted by luca (Post 527877)
You too must be new here :D

Well actually, that used to be the case, because you could not get the source or other components to build it for your own hardware.

From what I understand this system will be fully open-source and so porting it back to the N900 should be a more possible task then ever before...

Still wondering if it will happen, agree with that, but at least possibilities are open, instead of fully closed, like it used to be. :)

gobuki 2010-02-15 22:09

Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Just to resolve all doubt. According to this webpage Nokia said that we will get MeeGo on our N900s.


During a press event at the Mobile World Congress, Nokia and Intel announced the MeeGo platform, a merge of Maemo and Moblin. MeeGo will be rolled out on Media phones, Netbooks, Pocketables/Handhelds, In-car entertainment systems as well as Connected TVs. The MeeGo Technical Steering Group talks about the new platform in a video here.

The first version of MeeGo will be available in the second half of 2010, and Nokia promises a product that builds on the Nokia N900 to begin with. By using the Qt framework, MeeGo will ensure that third-party developers will be available to reach the wide range of product types mentioned above.

Very interesting development.
I'm sitting back to see what's coming. :D

Edit: At a second thought you might also read it like Nokia will buid an N9xx. :eek:

fatalsaint 2010-02-15 22:11

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo
I saw this coming. When I read that the VP said the N900 will not get "Maemo 6" it seemed to me he said it in such a way that implied it will get something.. just not that.

Then when I read this announcement I figured it was a matter of time before that came out.

However, strangely enough, that quote says MeeGo first will be available second half 2010 which is the same time the M6 device is due - so are they doing both at the same time? What's the logic in that?

mrojas 2010-02-15 22:14

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo

Originally Posted by gobuki (Post 528315)
Just to resolve all doubt. According to this webpage Nokia said that we will get MeeGo on our N900s.

Very interesting development.
I'm sitting back to see what's coming. :D

Edit: At a second thought you might also read it like Nokia will buid an N9xx. :eek:

That "builds on" can very well mean that they will just use the experience acquired in the N900 for the next lineup of the software and hardware, not that the N900 will have MG.

From the gossip I have read, Maemo 6 betas run on the N900, but with no multi-touch, that being the biggest hurdle on Nokia deciding if they will work to finds ways to support it without multitouch, or leave that to the community.

lfcobra 2010-02-15 22:15

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 528322)
However, strangely enough, that quote says MeeGo first will be available second half 2010 which is the same time the M6 device is due - so are they doing both at the same time? What's the logic in that?

Thats exactly what I was wondering. I mean if MeeGo is suppose to be Maemo+Moblin why would you try to continue developing the individual product instead of the combined whole? Very odd if you ask me.

Matan 2010-02-15 22:18

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo
No. Nokia does not promise that. It is easy to tell by the fact that there is no quote from a Nokia person that includes the words "Meego will work on N900". What you really have is some writer's interpretation of some weasel words from some Nokia PR guy.

jobber99 2010-02-15 22:21

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.

Originally Posted by luca (Post 527877)
You too must be new here :D

i am HOPING anyway...wasn't it the case that the Nokia N770s weren't going to be getting tablet OS2008, but eventually did? hope that's the same deal here.

tkm 2010-02-15 22:45

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo
I think it doesn't really matter. Nowadays a phone lives 1 year before it is outdated...maybe 2. In a year from now the telecom provider will make you a deal with a new phone that won't be a N900 but its successor. I will buy the MeeGo phone.
I think...if you can make Qt apps for the N900 then you can for its successor.
Although...there is a slight feeling of betrayal the overall feeling is that this will be interesting times.
If you can make great Qt mobile apps on the N900 you will be king of the hill on MeeGo.
Until MeeGo is out that is what I will trying.



benny1967 2010-02-15 22:50

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo

Originally Posted by lfcobra (Post 528330)
Thats exactly what I was wondering. I mean if MeeGo is suppose to be Maemo+Moblin why would you try to continue developing the individual product instead of the combined whole? Very odd if you ask me.

Maemo 6 is MeeGo, they said so several times.

gerbick 2010-02-15 22:52

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo
Gotta agree with Matan here.

Until it's said, in those words from Nokia; I'd not believe it.

Matan 2010-02-15 23:09

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo
BTW, the OP should change the title of the thread, so that people who "research" before buying will not be bitterly surprised when the supposed promise is not fulfilled.

HumanPenguin 2010-02-15 23:17

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo

that builds on the Nokia N900 to begin with.
Yeah to a developer that sounds like it will be built for the N900

But it is much more likely to be marketing speech for a product that is built on from the N900

The quote I saw is Nokia doesn't know if they will develop for the N900 but is sure the community will back port it if they do not.

Much as they said for Maemo5 on the N8xx

It might be worth us posting this to as many Nokia PR agents as possible with the question dose that mean we will defiantly get MeeGo on our N900s.

Nokia should still be responsive to customers desires. They do after all wand to sell new phones and keeping there current customers happy is the best way to get more sales in 2 years or so.

A fact they seem to forget with their Warranty department.

johnel 2010-02-15 23:40

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo

Originally Posted by HumanPenguin (Post 528422)
Yeah to a developer that sounds like it will be built for the N900

But it is much more likely to be marketing speech for a product that is built on from the N900

The quote I saw is Nokia doesn't know if they will develop for the N900 but is sure the community will back port it if they do not.

Much as they said for Maemo5 on the N8xx

It might be worth us posting this to as many Nokia PR agents as possible with the question dose that mean we will defiantly get MeeGo on our N900s.

Nokia should still be responsive to customers desires. They do after all wand to sell new phones and keeping there current customers happy is the best way to get more sales in 2 years or so.

A fact they seem to forget with their Warranty department.

The great thing about the MeeGo announcement is that other hardware manufacturers will build devices for the platform.

This means an alternative to Nokia.

You can switch from Nokia-made devices to someone else and the software should hopefully be compatible.

patstew 2010-02-16 00:02

Re: n900 shown on MeeGo homepage.
Why is everyone being so negative about this? Firstly all the promises of openness are good, because it might mean the community can get it working on the N900 even if nokia don't. Secondly, this will almost certainly delay maemo 6 if there's to be any significant code merge, which will in turn delay the end of support of maemo 5 which is feared around here.

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